It is again objected that separate confinement is "unhealthy." Mr. Clark, the veteran keeper of the Boston jail, where separation is systematically enforced, and with more experience than any other jailer in the United States, writes on this objection: "I consider this jail to be a sort of moral as well as physical hospital; and I do not know of a single instance of any prisoner, who came in sound and well, injured in mental or bodily health by reason of detention here. I have known prisoners of the criminal class attributing their restoration to health to their long confinement in jail,-good air, simple food, and compelled regularity of life. Occasionally a prisoner is committed in feeble health, to whom such diet is given as may be necessary; and such a prisoner is taken out into the large yard of the jail, accompanied by an officer, for change and exercise. The opportunity for reflection by separation, the regular visits of friends or relatives, always under observation of an officer, the keeping from evil associates while in jail, the obligation to keep good order and have cleanly habits, would seem to be a means to improve body and mind of all, or of such great number as to justify separation of persons held as criminals or charged with crimes." The right of prisoners simply accused of crime, to separation from adjudged and experienced criminals, would seem self-evident. And so the economy to the State of the enforced separation of all criminals confined in jail idleness, when thereby prolific schools of vice are broken up, is not less plain. Still, with an amazing adherence to the worst relic of the dark ages in our judicial system, the old system of "herding" is continued, undisturbed and unnoticed, almost universally. If, now, the best method of removing the first and great difficulty in the way of an enlightened separation of jail prisoners is brought to a wider notice of the public, one object of a reference to this important subject will be accomplished. The central-corridor plan of jail building is claimed, and apparently justly so, to be the only plan of jail arrangement which will permit a complete separation in county jails, and, so far as it is possible, prevent acquaintance and mutual recognition. We feel justified in pressing the importance of the adoption of this plan upon the advocates of prison reform as the first step toward jail separation. II. - PRISON DISCIPLINE IN GENERAL. A LETTER FROM Z. R. BROCKWAY OF ELMIRA, N.Y., TO F. B. SANBORN OF CONCORD, MASS. There has not been a time during my interest in the subject when a report upon prison discipline was more demanded or could be made more useful than now. Therefore I have increased regrets that none of a general character is to come from our committee. Yet the paper of Mr. Perkins, and Mr. Milligan's paper will no doubt prove valuable as relates to the special topics they treat. The spirit of investigation that has possessed the legislatures of New Jersey, Connecticut, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and perhaps some other States, during the past winter, pointing inquiries as to the disciplinary treatment of prisons, seems to indicate an unusual interest in the matter, out of which great changes and perhaps important reforms may be wrought. There seems to be a peculiar condition of the public mind as relates to this subject, obtaining in several of the States at the same time; one of dissatisfaction with a severely-punitive system of prison discipline, and a groping after one more surely reformative in its effect upon prisoners, and more in accord with the enlightened humanity of the times. And although nothing of interest or improvement has resulted, or is likely to result, from the investigations immediately, it is reasonable to assume that the activity of inquiry noted will bring on a crisis in the disciplinary management of prisons, developing an efficient reformative system, or, giving over that idea as chimerical, will carry us back to the damaging system from which we now seek deliverance. The impossibility of testing the comparative value of different systems of prison administration, growing out of our political system, by which inexperienced and sometimes incompetent officers were placed in charge, and uniformity of administration was prevented, seems to be gradually giving way. The centralization of the governing authority in New York, and the tendency that way in other States and in England, gives promise that ere long it may be practicable to fairly demonstrate what system, if any, is the superior one. Already in New York, after only one year of independent centralized control, the four thousand prisoners have been brought under a salutary discipline, being firmly governed and held. All the prisons, taken together, are more self-sustaining, and, unless interfered with by private or class interests, will be put on a permanently sound financial basis in the very near future. This insured, no doubt the question of a reformative discipline, including as it does a gradation of the prisons of the State, the proper classification of the prisoners in each establishment respectively, the introduction of a system of rewards in place of severe punishment, and an efficient educational system, embracing all the pris oners, will be taken up by the Superintendent of Prisons, who, from the almost unlimited control he exercises, can successfully carry out whatever he may conclude to adopt. It is not impossible that the State of New York may be foremost in determining the present possibility of really reforming the criminals committed to our prisons. The adult Reformatory at Elmira, organized under the Act of 1877, not included in the centralized system of control recently adopted for other prisons (of whose board of managers, however, Mr. Pillsbury, the Superintendent of Prisons, is chairman), is an advanced experiment for reformative ends. Felons, first offenders, between sixteen and thirty years of age, are, in the discretion of the courts, committed to this reformatory until discharged by the manager thereof; but not to be detained longer than the maximum term fixed by law for punishment of the offence for which they are convicted. Thus one convicted of grand larceny or burglary in the third degree, ordinarily sentenced for one or two years, may be detained in the reformatory for five years at most, or, if his improvement warrants it, may be released at any time before that. The managers have authority also to parole prisoners, upon such conditions as they may affix in each case, and to re-arrest and re-commit if the parole is violated. They may appoint agents in different parts of the State, to supervise paroled prisoners; and prisoners, when convicted, are removed to the reformatory by an officer thereof, instead of by the sheriffs, as in the case of prisoners sentenced to the other prisons. Having authority on the one hand to transfer incorrigible prisoners to the State Prison, and on the other to release them at pleasure, the managers have adopted a system of marks of merit and demerit, and of social grades, that may be briefly described as follows: Every man received into the reformatory is charged with nine marks for every month of time for which the court (under the old law) might have sentenced him, less the possible abatement for good conduct he might gain under such sentence. Thus, if he had been sentenced for five years, the possible abatement (seventeen months) would leave him three years and seven months, or fortythree months, to serve. Such a man would be charged, under this mark-system, therefore, with 43 X 9387 marks; so that, by maintaining perfect conduct (earning thus nine marks per month), he would be released at the same time as though sentenced for the longest term possible under the old law. But the government of the reformatory may release him at any time, or grant a parole instead of release; and, for this purpose, the record of each man is reviewed by the managers every six months, when the prisoner may be encouraged by a gratuitous credit of any number of marks; or, in case of misconduct or bad development, any amount of previous credit may be cancelled. Each prisoner has a memorandumbook containing a printed explanation of the mark-system, and of the grades; also showing the standing of his account on the first of every month, or oftener if he desires it. There are three grades of men, having different privileges according to their grade. They are separated at night, but the necessities of the school and of the industries bring them together during these exercises. Meagrely-furnished rooms, coarse gray clothing, the plainest prison-fare served in the cells, a strict prison-discipline, no correspondence with relations or friends, and liability to confinement in seclusion or in the State Prison, are accompaniments of the third grade. Better rooms, better clothing, better food served at tables, with privilege of free communication with relations, privilege of the school, the lecture-course, &c., are features of the second grade. - The first grade occupy the "north-wing extension," a special apartment for them alone, have a separate dining-hall, and still better dietary, freer correspondence with approved friends and with each other, admission to reading-rooms, &c., and special opportunities for oral instruction. These men are employed in responsible, sometimes semi-official, service about the institution, and from this grade alone are men paroled or released. The standard of conduct, entitling prisoners to promotion from one grade to another, is designed to be not only satisfactory as relates to good order and the discipline of the Reformatory generally, but also to induce habits opposed to those of the criminal cast of character: therefore it is made to embrace the general demeanor, the moral, social, and economic features of it; the industrious habit, whether forced, assisted, or voluntarily diligent, and what degree of effective results; and also the interest in books and study, together with the progress in education actually made. In finally determining the date of release, the impressions of those brought constantly in contact with the prisoner are sought, in addition to any systematic records and to the personal examination by the managers. There are indubitable indications that the system is well based, one of the most satisfactory of which is found in the hearty accord of the prisoners with the administration, as to the plans and purposes relating to them and to their welfare. There is an evening-school, maintained for recitations only, on two evenings each week; a normal class for the prisoner-teachers, and a writing-class for those unable to write legibly, on another evening. The reading-room is open two evenings each week, and two evenings are devoted to quiet study in the separate rooms, in each of which gas is supplied. A regular course of Saturday lectures is maintained, and both Protestant and RomanCatholic religious services are regularly conducted. Thus, it will be observed, the whole time of every man is occupied, either with labor or study, or rational intellectual recreation. The hope of reformation is founded upon education or cultivation forming the necessary basis for lodgment of religious impressions and a better moral state. I have been thus particular to outline the reformatory experiment, feeling assured you will be interested to know about it. I do not believe the progress of prison reform is in any great danger from the opposition of the so-called "National Party" to the employment of prisoners at mechanical work. If prisoners are employed at all, the products of their labor must come into competition with the labor of citizens, and it cannot be a matter of much moment whether with one class or another. The great mass of criminals were laborers or idlers: if laborers, then 'tis well to remove their competing labor to the departments of mechanics or agriculture, two classes better able to bear it than the common laborer; or, if idlers, then is it not a public benefit to make them earn their own subsistence at whatever work? The people will not yet submit to maintain in idleness those who prey upon society, both because of the cost of it, and the damage of it. To imprison a man, and make him work, does not add to the population that must be supported by the products of industry; and what class have a right to say they alone shall be exempt from the effects of such labor? If the discussion of this topic by the labor-reformers shall lead to a modification of the prison contract-system, so that the employment of prisoners shall be made more reformatory and productive, good will come of it; and I have no fear that any legislature will abrogate the contract-system until something surely better is supplied |