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"I cannot leave this topic without pausing for a moment to pay the tribute of our Association to one of its Life Members, lately deceased, who was also for years connected, in many ways, with the public and private charities of the great State of New York and its metropolitan city. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, who took so active a part in our last two meetings at Saratoga, and who was then one of the most energetic members of the New York State Board of Charities, died in February last, in the midst of his labors for the good of mankind, and especially of those less favored than himself with the gifts of fortune and the opportunities of culture. He was borne to his grave amid the tears of companions and kindred, and followed from far and near by the mourning and the blessing of thousands whose hard lot in life he had sought to cheer and console. 'The Incas of Peru,' said Dryden, above all their other titles, esteemed that the highest which called them Lovers of the Poor, a name more glorious than the Felix, Pius, and Augustus of the Roman emperors.' For an intrepid courage, he adds, though a princely quality, 'is at best but a holiday kind of virtue, to be seldom exercised, and never but in cases of necessity; but affability, mildness, tenderness, and a word which I would fain bring back to its original signification of virtue, I mean good-nature, are of daily use; they are the bread of mankind, and the staff of life.' Courage and good-nature were both conspicuous in THEODORE ROOSEVELT, and along with them another excellent quality, rare good sense. 'He seems to me,' says George William Curtis, 'to have had the convictions of a reformer, with the courtesy, courage, and omnipresent tact of the gentleman. He was neither spoiled by good fortune, nor soured by zeal, and his death therefore diminishes the actual moral force of the community. Mr. ROOSEVELT was one of those men who are always in the minds of statesmen when great public trusts are created, to be administered by the best citizens upon the highest principles.' May his example inspire us to lives as unselfish as his own!

"Another member of this Association, among those who have died since our last Meeting, deserves a passing tribute,— Mr. PRUYN of Albany, who was with us at Saratoga in 1877. Mr. PRUYN's memory will be recalled in the Conference of Charities over which he last year presided, in the absence of the governor of New York. He had been for years the president of the New York State Board of Charities, and in that capacity presided at the opening session of the first Conference, in May, 1874. His interest in such work was sincere; his prudence and his experience were great."

The Conference voted that notice of the death of these gentlemen should be entered on its records. It also passed, on May 21, the following vote in regard to an absent member of the Conference:

"Whereas, The Reverend Fred. H. Wines, secretary of the State Commissioners of Public Charities of the State of Illinois, has been appointed by the Governor, under a joint resolution of the General Assembly, a Commissioner to represent the State at the International Prison Congress to be held at Stockholm in August next; and

"Whereas, He desires to make the construction, organization, and management of hospitals for the insane a special study while abroad; therefore

"Resolved, That the Conference of Charities of the United States cordially recommend Mr. Wines to the favorable consideration of superintendents of hospitals in Europe (and others interested), and respectfully ask that every facility be afforded him for a thorough examination and inspection of the European hospitals, and of their organization and management."

After the withdrawal of Gov. BISHOP on the first day of the Conference, Hon. MOSES KIMBALL of the Massachusetts Board of Charities was called to the chair, and presided during the afternoon of Tuesday, May 21. Dr. HOYT of the New York Board presided on Tuesday evening, and Dr. KENYON of Rhode Island on Wednesday, until Mr. G. S. ROBINSON of the Illinois Board was made permanent chairman.

The papers and reports prepared for the Cincinnati Conference, are here printed in full, with the exception of Mr. Lord's report already mentioned. The order of printing is not the same as that of reading, in all cases, and of the discussion on some subjects, only abstracts could be given. The reports and debates on "Tramp Legislation," and on Co-operation between Public and Private Charity," having taken place after the adjournment of the Conference, are not here reported.

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Copies of these Conference Proceedings may be ordered of any member of the Publication Committee, and particularly of F. B. Sanborn, at the office of the American Social Science Association, No. 5 Pemberton Square, Boston. A copy will be sent to each member of that Association, and will take the place of a number of the "Journal of Social Science," the publication of which is unavoidably delayed. No copies remain of the Proceedings of the Conference of 1876 or 1877. The price of the Proceedings of the Conference of 1878 is, for single copies, $1; ten copies, $7.50; 25 copies, $12; 50 copies, $20; and any greater number at that


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2. The Medical Charities of Cincinnati, by Dr. W. H. Taylor.
3. Out-Door Relief Administration in New York City, by Henry

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