| Minnesota. State Board of Corrections and Charities - 1803 - 268 páginas
...penal, reformatory or charitable institution of the state; and said board, or committee, in making any such investigation, shall have power to send for persons...affirmations; and the report of such investigation, with the testimony,jshall be made to the governor, and shall be submitted by him, with his suggestions, to the... | |
 | 1894 - 568 páginas
...majority of them, may, in their discretion, proceed to the place where such controversies exist, and they shall have power to send for persons and papers and to administer oaths to witnesses, and they shall have such other powers as are possessed by United States commissioners... | |
 | United States. Dept. of the Interior - 1900 - 820 páginas
...institution in the District of Columbia; and said board, or any authorized committee of its members, when making such investigation, shall have power to send...investigation, with the testimony, shall be made to the commissioners. * * * The said board shall make an annual report to Congress, through the Commissioners... | |
 | Ohio - 1880 - 490 páginas
...penal, reformatory, or charitable institution of the state; and said board or committee, in making any such investigation, shall have power to send for persons...him, with his suggestions, to the general assembly. SEC. 2. Said original sections 655 and 656 be and the same are hereby repealed. SEC. 3. This act shall... | |
 | Minnesota. State Board of Corrections and Charities - 1887 - 692 páginas
...penal, reformatory or charitabel institution of the State; and said board, or committee, in making any such investigation, shall have power to send for persons...governor, and shall be submitted by him, with his suggestion, to the legislature. SEC. 3. The said board may appoint a secretary and a clerk, whose salaries... | |
 | Minnesota. State Board of Corrections and Charities - 1891 - 294 páginas
...penal, reformatory or charitable institution of the state; and said board, or committee, in making any such investigation, shall have power .-. to send for...governor, and shall be submitted by him, with his suggestion, to the legislature. SEC. 3. The said board may appoint a secretary and a clerk, whose salaries... | |
 | National Conference of Charities and Correction (U.S.). Annual Session - 1899 - 620 páginas
...institution in the District of Columbia : and said board, or any authorized committee of its members, when making such investigation, shall have power to send...investigation, with the testimony, shall be made to the commissioners. All accounts and expenditures of such board shall be certified as may be required by... | |
 | New Century Club (Philadelphia, Pa.) - 1900 - 390 páginas
...reformatory, or charitable institution of the State; and said board or committee, in making anysuch investigation, shall have power to send for persons...him, with his suggestions, to the General Assembly. INDIANA STATUTES, 1894. ASYLUMS FOR THE POOR—POOR CHILDREN TO BOUND OUT. SEC. 8168. It shall be the... | |
 | United States. Dept. of the Interior - 1900 - 232 páginas
...institution in the District of Columbia; and said board, or any authorized committee of its members, when making such investigation, shall have power to send...investigation, with the testimony, shall be made to the commissioners. * * * The said board shall make an annual report to Congress, through the Commissioners... | |
 | National Conference of Charities and Correction (U.S.). Session - 1901 - 520 páginas
...said board or committee, in making any such investigation, shall have power to send for persons or papers, and to administer oaths and affirmations....the governor, and shall be submitted by him with his suggestion to the legislature." A young clergyman of good heart and excellent brain was chosen as the... | |
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