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" You strike at the root of the matter, and seek to devise ways and means by which many of the causes of suffering may be removed, and thus practically illustrate the old proverb, " An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. "
The Social Welfare Forum: Official Proceedings [of The] Annual Meeting - Página 4
por National Conference on Social Welfare - 1878
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New Guide to Health Or Botanic Family Physician: Containing a ..., Volumen1

Samuel Thomson - 1835 - 428 páginas
...forgetting to keep up the inward heat, by giving occasionally, No. 2. 9. Keep always in mind, that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure; and give medicine on the first appearance of disorder, bifore it becomes seated; for it may be then easily...
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Fall of Poland: Containing an Analytical and a Philosophical ..., Volumen1

Luther Calvin Saxton - 1851 - 586 páginas
...principles thus taught by the divine art. Natural and moral philosophy both agree in the doctrine, that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. And if we would preserve the morals of youth, they must be brought habitually in contact with moral principles,...
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The R.I. Schoolmaster, Volumen8

1862 - 410 páginas
...prevent their little wrongs by his unerring and positive magnet of goodness. It is a true saying, " that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure,' and no where is it more applicable than in the government of children. The teacher should foresee the evil...
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Christian Pamphlets, Volumen5

1864 - 558 páginas
...lessens the draft they make on our purses. For it is ever repressing and preventing human suffering. If an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure ; and if he does well who builds a hospital in which men's bodies may be healed ; how much nobler is his...
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Journal of the ... Annual Convention of the Protestant ..., Volúmenes7-9

1874 - 492 páginas
...unconditionally, flippant and frivolous teaching. Rooted and grounded in the faith, should be the motto. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure; and when we see schism and disaffection and disloyalty to the Church, it does not arise from malicious or evil...
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Cincinnati Medical Advance, Volúmenes7-8

1880 - 706 páginas
...proverb—and it is as true to-day as ever, and as applicable in connection with our theme as any other, "that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure," and hence the doctor who does most to impart knowledge concerning the laws of health in the sanitary and...
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The people's guide to the new botanic treatment of disease

George Stevens (medical botanist.) - 1881 - 262 páginas
...maintain the better condition, and prevent the return of the paroxysm. This is of great importance. The old proverb, "An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure," stands most conspicuously in the treatment of disease ; for successfully preventing the return of a...
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Cincinnati Medical Advance, Volúmenes11-12

1882 - 730 páginas
...proverb—and it is as true to-day as ever, and as applicable in connection with our theme as any other, "that an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure," and hence the doctor who does most to impart knowledge concerning the laws of health in the sanitary and...
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The Publishers Weekly, Volumen30

1886 - 1008 páginas
...books from booksellers, and they and those whom they employ suffer in turn. Now, in all these matters, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, and any experiments toward settling difficulties in advance, by arbitration or by co-operation, is worth...
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The Publishers Weekly, Volumen30

1886 - 1090 páginas
...books from booksellers, and they and those whom they employ suffer in turn. Now, in all these matters, an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure, and any experiments toward settling difficulties in advance, by arbitration or by co-operation, is worth...
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