Imágenes de páginas

state of the religion of the world in subjection to this Whore. Kings have committed spiritual fornication with her; and even their very subjects have drunk deep, dreadfully deep, into the doctrine of her abominable errors.

"So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness." This wilderness which St. John had a view of was the desolate state of the church; and it was a truly awful sight, a terrible desart; a waste howling wilderness; for when he came thither he "saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns." No doubt can now be entertained that this Woman is the Latin church; for she sits upon the Beast with seven heads and ten horns, which has been already proved to be the Latin empire, because this empire alone contains the number 666. This is a representation of the Latin church in her greatest splendour; for she sits upon the scarlet-coloured beast, a striking emblem of her complete domination over the Latin empire. Her posture of sitting adds to her security; she is under no apprehension of being thrown from her seat; but has under her complete and easy subjection, the whole Latin world. The state of the


*As the phrases Latin church, Latin empire, &c. are not very generally understood at present, it will not be improper here to explain them. During the period from the division of the Roman empire into those of the East and West till the final dissolution of the western empire, the subjects of both empires were equally known by the name of Romans. Soon after this event,

Latin church in the beginning of the fourteenth century may be considered that which corresponds

the people of the West lost entirely the name of Romans, and were denominated after their respective kingdoms which were established upon the ruins of the western empire. But as the eastern empire escaped the ruin which fell upon the western, the subjects of the former still retained the name of Romans, and called their dominion the Roman empire; by which name this empire was known among them till its final dissolution in A. D. 1453, by Mohammed II. the Turkish sultan. But the subjects of the eastern emperor, ever since the time of Charlemagne, or before, called the western people, or those under the influence of the Romish church, Latins, and their church the Latin church. And the western people, in return, denominated the eastern church, the Greek church, and the members of it Greeks. Hence the division of the Christian church into those of the Greek and Latin, For a confirmation of what has been here said, the reader may consult the Byzantine writers, where he will find the appellations of Roman and Latin used in the senses I have just mentioned in very numerous instances. He may also consult every writer of Constantinopolitan and ecclesiastical history; where he will also find these names frequently ́used. In Gibbon's Decline of the Roman empire, and Mosheim's ecclesiastical history, the following expressions are met with, when speaking of the western church, and its members, &c. The Latin world, The Latin church, The French or Latin kingdom, The Latin clergy, The Latin princes, The Latin allies, The Latin kingdom of Cyprus, The Latin subjects, The Latin pilgrims, The Latin powers, The Latin Christians, The Latin empire, The Latin emperors, The Latin throne, The Latin patriarch, The Latin monarchies, The Latin arms, The Latin priests, The Latin monks, The Latin synod, The Latin archbishop, The Latin camp, The Latin principality of Edessa, &c. &c. &c. In the public instruments drawn up by the general Popish councils, the Roman Catholics are sometimes denominated Latins, as may be

to this prophetic description in the most literal and extensive sense of the words: for at this time she

instanced in the following words which form a part of a decrec of the council of Basil, dated Sept. 26, 1437, "copiosissimam subventionem pro unione Græcorum cúm Latinis," * a very great convention for the union of the Greeks with the Latins. Even in the very Papal bulls this appellation has been acknowledged, as may be seen in the edict of Pope Eugenius IV. dated Sept. 17, 1437, where in one place mention is made of "Ecclesiæ Latinorum quæsita unio," + the desired union of the church of the Latins; and in another place we read, "Nec superesse modum alium prosequendi operis tam pii, et servandi Latinæ Ecclesiæ honoris ;" that no means might be left untried of prosecuting so pious a work, and of preserving the honour of the Latin church. By the Latin empire is meant the whole of the powers which support the Latin church. In this sense Mos heim evidently uses it, when speaking of the Christian sects of the ninth century. "The sects, that had sprung up in the carlier ages of the church, subsisted still, without almost any change in their situations or circumstances that is worthy of mention. Such of them as were considerably numerous fixed their settlements beyond the limits both of the Greek and Latin empires, and thus out of the reach of their enemies." The following are a few of the very numerous instances to be met with in Greek writers, in which the members of the Roman Catholic church are named Latins: Ἡ γὰρ πριγκίπισσα αυτη δὴ ἀπόγονος οὖσα Βαλδεΐνε, ὃς Βυζαντίς ἐβασίλευσε ἐπὶ καιρὸν καθ ̓ ἄν ὑπὸ Λατίνοις Edλw xpóvov. For this princess was a relation of Baldwin, who reigned at Byzantium for some time after it was taken by the Latins. Joannis Cantacuzeni, Hist. Lib. ii. c. 34.-AIR TOY ἐπενεχθέντα τότε παρὰ Λατίνων Ρωμαίοις πόλεμον. On account of the war which was carried on by the Latins against the Ro

* See Dumont's Corps Diplomatique, Tom. III. p. 35, + Ib. p. 32. Ib. p. 33.

had ascended to her highest pitch of worldly grandeur and temporal authority. And Butler, speak

mans. Ib. c. 36.-Τοῖς ἐν Γαλατᾷ Λατίνοις, The Latins in Ga lata. Ib. Lib. iv. c. 25.-Τοῖς ἐκ Βενετίας Λατίνοις, The Latins of Venice. Ib.—Βασιλεὺς ὁ πρῶτος Μιχαὴλ, ἐπεὶ Βυζάντιον άνε σώσατο Ῥωμαίοις, καὶ Θράκην, καὶ Μακεδονίαν, καὶ τὴν ἄλλην ἅπασαν ἑσπέραν ἑξήκοντα ὀλίγῳ πλείω ἔτη δελεύσαντο Λατίνοις, πεζὴν μὲν καὶ ἱππικὴν δύναμιν, μεγάλην είχε. Michael (the first emperor, after that Byzantium was recovered by the Romans, together with Thrace, Macedonia, and the other western provinces, when they had been somewhat more than sixty years under the tyranny of the Latins,) had a great force of infantry and cavalry. Ib.--Λατῖνοι γὰρ ὀλίγοι τινὲς ἐκ Γερμανῶν ἐν Βυζαντίῳ διατρίβοντες. For there were a few German Latins still remaining in Byzantium. Ib. Lib. iii. c. 91.—Βασιλέα μὲν Ιμπεράτορα καλεῖν ἔθος Λατίνοις ἐςὶ. It is a custom with the Latins to call the king Imperator. Annæ Comnenæ Alexiados, Lib. ii. c. 12.


Ἐν ᾧ δὲ ταῦτα ἐγένετο, πρέσβεις πρὸς τοῦ Ῥώμης ̓Αρχιερέως ἐπὶ τοὺς Ῥωμαίων ἦλθον Στρατηγοὺς, ὃν Πάπαν Λατίνοις ὀνομάζειν ἔθος sì. In the mean time the Legates from the Roman pontiff (a name which it is usual with the Latins to give the pope) came to the generals of the Romans. Ib. Lib. iii. c. 5. ̓Απὸ κτίσεως κόσμο ἕως τῆς βασιλείας Δούκα, ἐν ᾗ καὶ ἑάλω ἡ Κωνσαντίνεπολις παρὰ τῶν Λατίνων, ἔτη σψιζ'. From the creation of the world to the reign of Ducas, in which time Constantinople was taken by the Latins, were 6712 years. Duca Michaëlis Nepotis, Hist Byzant. c. 1.Τοῖς Φωκαεῦσι Λατίνοις, The Latins of Phocea, Niceph. Greg. Lib. ii. c. 1. Ἡ δὲ τοῦ Μαρκεσίς τάξις, οὐ τῶν ἐπισήμων ἐπὶ παρὰ Λατίνοις· ἀλλ' ὅπερ ἐν τοῖς Ῥωμαίων τρατεύ μασιν ὁ τὴν βασιλικὴν κατέχων σημαίαν, τοῦτο παρὰ Λατίνοις Μαρτ κέσιος. The dignity of marquis is not very eminent among the Latins; for he that carries the imperial standard in the Roman armies is by the Latins styled marquis. Ib. Lib. vii. c. 5, § 4.Οἱ ἐν Γεννούᾳ τῇ πόλει Λατίνοι, The Latins in the city of Genoa. Ip. Lib. xiii. c. 17. § 2.—Η Λατίνων ἐκκλησία, Τῆς τῶν Λατίνων

ing of the temporal power of the popes, observes, that “ the beginning of the fourteenth century,

ἐκκλησίας, Τῇ τῶν Λατίνων ἐκκλησία, The church of the Latius. Nicolai Cabasila Liturgiz Expositio, c. 29, 30. Διαφομογενών Λατίνων, Latins of different nations. Niceta Choniatæ, Annales, Alexii Comneni, § 10.—"Ην γὰρ Λατίνος Ισπανὸς τῷ γένει, He was a Latin, a Spaniard by nation. Ducæ Michalis Nepotis, Hist. Byzant. c. 44.Ὁρῶντες δὲ δι Χρισιανοὶ Λατίνοι τε, καὶ Ῥως μαῖοι τὸν ὄχλον, πάντες εἰς τοὺς Τούρκος ἐπεπήδησαν, καὶ τοὺς μὲν ξίφει, τοὺς δὲ ξύλοις ἔπαιον. The Christians, both Latins and Romans, seeing the multitude, fell all upon the Turks; and beat them some with the sword, and some with clubs. Ib. c. 43.Τὸ δὲ μέσον ὁ Κορμάδος Καίσαρ μετὰ τῶν ἐπὶ μισθῷ ἀγηγερμένων Λατίνων ἱππέων τὲ καὶ πεζῶν. Conrad Casar, with the Latin horse and foot in his pay, occupied the centre. Niceta Choniatæ, Annales de Isaacio Angelo, Lib. i. p. 202. Edit. Venet. p. 246, Edit. Par.—Καὶ πρῶτος ὁ Κοῤῥάδος διακινεῖται φοινικοα φὲς μετὰ τῶν αὐτῷ συνόντων Λατίνων τὸ τῶν ὅπλων ἔχων ἐπίσημον. And Conrad, with his Latins, whose armour had a remarkably purple hue, made the first attack. Ib. p. 247, Edit. Par. Αλλας πλείσας Συριακὰς ὑπηγάγετο πόλεις, Λατίνοις μὲν ὑπηκόος πρότερον, τότε δὲ προσκεχωρηκυίας Σαρακηνοίς. He reduced many other Syrian cities, which first had been in subjection to the Latins, and had afterwards revolted to the Saracens. Ib. Lib. ii. p. 219, Edit. Venet. p. 266, Edit. Par.-Οι μὲν οὖν ἐν τῇ Κων σαντινεπόλει Λατίνοι, καὶ ὁ ἐν αὐτοῖς τάχα βασιλεύων Βαλδεΐνος πρεσβείαν ἔσειλαν πρὸς τὸν Βασιλέα. The Latins in Constantinople, and Baldwin who reigned over them, sent an embassy to the emperor. Georgii Acropolitæ Historia, p. 70, Edit. Venet.—Οὕτω μὲν ἡ Κωνσαντινούπολις προνοίᾳ Θεοῦ ὑπὸ Ῥωμαίων ἐγένετο, Ιελία ἄγοντος κέ· οὔσης Επινεμήσεως δ'. καὶ ἀπὸ γενέσεως κόσμο ἔτες ὄντος σψέθ'· ὑπὸ Λατίνων κρατήθεισα χρόνες πεντή κοντα ὀκτώ. Thus Constantinople, by the providence of God, came again under the Romans, on the 25th of July, the Indiction being 4, and the year from the creation of the world 6769,

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