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IN early life's unclouded scene,
The brilliant morning of eighteen,
With health and fprightly joy elate,
We gaz'd on youth's enchanting spring,
Nor thought how quickly time would bring
The mournful period-Thirty-eight!
Then the ftarch maid, or matron fage,
Already of that fober age,

We view'd with mingled fcorn and hate;
In whofe fharp words, or sharper face,
With thoughtless mirth, we lov'd to trace
The la
fad effects of--Thirty-eight!

Till, fadd'ning-fick'ning at the view,
We learn'd to dread what time might do;
And then preferr'd a pray'r to Fate,
To end our days ere that arriv'd,
When (pow'r and pleasure long furviv'd)
We meet neglect, and-Thirty-eight!
But time, in fpite of wishes, flies;
And Fate our fimple pray'r denies,
And bids us death's own hour await!
The auburn locks are mixt with grey,
The tranfient roses fade away,
But reafon comes at-Thirty-eight!
Her voice the anguish contradicts,
That dying vanity inflicts;
Her hand new pleasures can create:
For us the opens to the view
Profpects lefs bright, but far more true,
And bids us fmile at-Thirty-eight;
No more fhall fcandal's breath destroy
'The focial converfe we enjoy,
With bard or critic, tête-à-tête.-

O'er youth's bright blooms her blight shall


But fpare th' improving friendly hour Which fcience gives to-Thirty-eight!

Stript of their gaudy hues by truth,
We view the glitt'ring toys of youth,
And blufh to think how poor the bait
For which to public fcenes we ran,
And fcorn'd of fober fenfe the plan
Which gives content at-Thirty-eight!
O may her bleffings now arife,
Like stars that mildly light the skies,
When the fun's ardent rays abate!
And, in the luxuries of mind-
In friendship, fcience-may we find
Increafing joys at-Thirty-eight!
Tho' time's inexorable fway
Has torn the myrtle bands away,-
For other wreaths 'tis not too late:
The am'ranth's purple glow furvives,
And ftill Minerva's olive thrives
On the calm brow of Thirty-eight!
With eye more fteady, we engage
To contemplate approaching age,
And life more juftly eftimate.
With firmer fouls and ftronger pow'rs,
With reason, faith, and friendship, ours,
We'll not regret the stealing hours
That lead from Thirty c'en to Forty-eight!


COME, Sportsmen, away-the morning how fair!

To the wolds, to the wolds, let us quickly repair;

Bold Thunder and Lightning are mad for the game,

And Death and the Devilt are both in a flame.

See Backers, a Kite!-a mere fpeck in the fky

Zounds! out with the owl-lo, he catches his eye

Down he comes with a fweep-be unhooded each hawk;

Very foon will they both to the Gentleman talk. They're at him-he's off-now they'r o'er him again:

Ah! that was a ftroke---fee! he drops to the plain

They rake him-they tear him---he flutters, he cries,

He ftruggles, he turns up his talons, and dies! See, a Magpie! let fly---how he flutters and fhambles!

How he chatters, poor rogue! now he darts to the brambles:

Out again---overtaken---his fpirits now flag--Flip he gives up the ghoft--good night, Mifter Mag..

*Names of two hawks.

Names of Hawks.

The Head Falconer.

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The COPPIE of a PRAIER which her

MATIE made Her felf, and faid yt, when fhe was at the Sermon at St Paules Croffe the 24 of November 1588.

LOOKE and bowe downe thyne ear, oh Lord;

From thy bryght fhryne behould, and fee Thy handmayde and thy handy worke Emongst thy preefts, ofering to thee, Have for incenfe reaching the fkyes Myfelfe and Septer facrifice.

My foule afcend his holie hill,

Afcribe his ftrength, and fing him praife, For he refrayneth Princes priths, And hath done wonders in my days;

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COUNCIL OF FIVE HUNDRED. Dec. 22. The Council refolved itself a general fecret committee; and the fitting being refumed, it was declared, that their Council had adopted the following refolutions:

First, All the objects of trade and commerce, as well as all the chattels of the republic, are placed at the difpofal of the executive directory; which is authorised either to fell or pledge the fame, as it fhall think moft conducive to the interefts of the republic; and the proceeds thereof are to be immediately paid into the national treasury.

Secondly, All the houfes, which either belong to the civil lift, or were the property of the ci-devant emigrated Princes, are to be immediately fold, with the exception of Versailles, Compaigne, and Fountainbleau.

Thirdly, The fabrication of affignats

shall not exceed a fum total of 40,000 millions of livres; the plates for the fabrication of affignats fhall be destroyed as foon as two thirds of the forced loan are paid, although the above 40,000 millions fhall not be complete.

Fourthly, All fuch forefts belonging to national domains, as do not contain more than 500 acres fhall be fold.

Fifthly, The executive directory is to receive the proposals which may be made to it by companies and affociations of merchants.

Sixthly, All the national goods, not comprised in the above refolutions, or are referved for the payment of 1000 millions of livres, deftined as a reward for the defenders of the country, fhall ferve as a fecurity for the affignats.

24. The council came to a refolution that all the affignats, which return to the national treasury by means of the forced loan, fhall be burnt.

26. The council refolved, that 50 millions

lions in fpecie, or a fum equal thereto in afignato, fhould be put at the difpofal of the war minifter.

thefe Belgic Chouans, as they are called, have moftly been taken prifoners or dispersed. They were accustomed to come out from their receffes, and intercept grain and other provifions, when conveyingthrough the country.


Jan. 2. Camus, Quinette, Bancal, Lamarck, fo long detained in Auftrian dungeons, entered in the midst of the loudeft plaudits. They received the fraternal embrace from a great number of members, The poition of the respective armies, and the prefident. Camus, in the name of his companions in captivity, teftified difputing with the moft obftinate valour their gratitude and expreffed their at every poft, being very nearly oppoftachment to the conflitution. Thirty-ed to one another, and the great importhree months of captivity have not, faid he, abated our patriotifim. He ftated that they had been exchanged at Bafle on the 5th Nivofe (Dec. 26.)


Jan. 2. The Council, after having heard the report of its commiflion, approved the resolution, importing that there fhould be a feventh minifter, charged with the general police of the republic.


The fuccefs of the French in Italy against the Auftrian armies, under Generals Argenteau, and De Vins, are not attempted to be contradicted by the official reports, publifhed both at Vienna and the Auftrian head quarters. The French General having received very confiderable reinforcements on the 23d November, commenced an attack on the yhole front of the Imperial army, who, after repelling them, at fome of their pofts, five fucceffive affaults, were obliged to give way. Thefe fevere engagemeats were renewed and continued every day till the 29th, with great valour, and alfo with confiderable flaughter, on both fides. The Auftrians were every where compelled to retreat, by the fuperior number of the enemy. Finale, and Vado, with other fortrefies, from which they were driven, fell into the hands of the republicans, with very confiderable quantities of ordnance, ammunition, and provifions, which could not be removed with fufficient difpatch over the fteep mountains. Thus the French are mafters of the Genoefe territory, and the threatened attempt of the Auftrians to winter in Nice, completely defeated.

General Songes, Commandant of the Belgic divifion, tates in a letter to the reprefentatives of the people, that the expedition in the foreft of Scigney, hath been attended with the defired fuccefs;

tance to the Imperial army, of fecuring winter quarters in the Palatinate, ftrongly led to the expectation of fome decifive blow being truck; although the iffue of a general battle, was an event almoft to be dreaded by both combatants. Severe and continued actions were main

tained by both fides, fucceeding one another, with an unexampled rapidity, till the 20th December. Thefe mutual attacks chiefly took place betwixt the armies of Generals Clairfayt and Jour dan, in which the former loft fome ground. At this crifis, when it was expected that the fate of the whole campaign would be determined by one battle, it was announced that an armiftice, for a limited period, had been agreed upon between the chiefs of the contending armies, mutually fatigued, exhausted, and harraffed. The roads, by the great fall of rains, were rendered impaffible for horfes and artillery. This fufpenfion of arms, appears to have been dictated by a defire for that repofe, which was become fo neceffary to both armies, rather than its being a bafis for a negociation for peace between their refpective nations. We fubjoin, for the fake of our readers, the fituation of the armies, and what apeared the probable statement of affairs at the time.

The French and Imperial armies at prefent cover all the country between the Mofelle and the Rhine. They are exactly opposed and ballanced in their forces and their means. They are on equal terms with respect to their principal fupports-they have each the famę fecurity for their retreat, and each finds the fame difficulty to act on the offenfive.-On the one fide the Imperialis have Mentz, and the courfe of the Rhine. On the other fide, the French have Landau, the chain of fortified places on the Sarre, Luxembourg and the courfe of the Mofelle. The armies being thus fituated, it is not probable that any thing


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confiderable will be attempted by either, until the opening of the next campaign -a circumftance which may poffibly produce a new aspect of affairs.

The duration of the armistice is faid to be fixed for two months, but it may be extended throughout the winter. If either party chufe to recede from the conditions of the truce, they are to give ten days notice. The river of the Mofelle is fixed upon as the line of demarcation, from which troops of both parties are removing. Jourdan is to confine himself to the diftrict of Aix la Chappelle. General Clairfayt's army is to be cantoned near Mentz.

A fimilar agreement for a ceffation of arms has been fettled between General Pichegru and General Wurmfer.

The panic excited in the Austrian Italian ftates, an account of the great and rapid fuccefs of the French, hath almoft altogether fubfided. The Imperialifts rendezvoused in the environs of Acqui, and the Piedmontefe under General Colli, took up their quarters at Ceva. The French are accufed of not following up their fuccefs with their ufual ardour.

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The minister of the French republic has the honour to folicit you to inform their High Might ineffes of the real fatisfaction with which the executive directory of the French Republic have learn ed the refolution taken by the States General, on the 24th of November, for the formation of a national convention.

A refolution of fuch importance certainly demanded to be taken into the moft mature deliberation, and to be difcuffed with wifdom; and delay is not to be held a matter of reproach, when the question to be determined upon relates to the faithful re-union of equal rights and interefts, and to the placing upon these foundations the glory and happiness of a nation.

But there is a term, beyond which

flownefs is no longer wifdom; where occafion is given to the injurious views of malevolence; where the hopes of parties revive, and the joy of the difcontented is excited.

The executive directory, therefore, in exprefsiy directing the underfigned to congratulate officially their High Mightineffes upon the important refolution which they have taken, and in exhorting the Batavians to re-unite themselves, defire to convince themselves that all difficulties will be removed, and that the harmony which will return amongst all the Provinces, will promise the most happy confequences, and more and more ftrengthen the good harmony and mutual efteem which ought henceforth to reign between the two republics. (Signed)


20. At the Hague, in a permanent affembly of their High Mightinefies, the regulations for forming a National Affembly were finally adopted, and it was afterwards decided, that it fhould meet at the Hague the 18th of February. This delay was mutually accorded by each province, to give the neceffary time for the arrangement of affairs. The province of Overyffel had been gained over to this measure. The provinces in favour of the National Affembly were

Gueldres, Holland, Utrecht, and Overyffel; against it, Zealand, Friefland, and Groningen.


Exchange of the French Princefs. and The exchange of the French Depu ties, and other prifoners who accompanied them, for the coufin of the Emperor, took place on the night betwixt the 26th and 27th December. The Princefs arrived at Huninguen, on the 25th in the evening; and the French prisoners who were at Frieburgh, did not arrive at Riechen, a village in the territory of Bafle, until the 26th, at five o'clock in the evening. They were attended by Auftrian commiffioners and officers, who according to an agreement entered into with Mr Bacher, the fecretary to the French embaffy, delivered them, on their word of honour, to Citizen Legrand, counfellor of State to the repubing, of Bafle, and high bailiff of Riechen. The reprefentative Camus gave his word of honour for himfelf and his colleagues, whercupon the above fecretary of legation, attended by several Austrian nobiiity and attendants, went to a country feat


near Bafle, where the Princefs MarieTherefe Charlotte had, in the mean time, arrived; and he delivered her to the Prince de Gavry, who had been waiting for her a whole month and upwards, A detachment of foot, and and another of dragoons of the republic of Bafle had been ordered out, to maintain good order. The Auftrian carriages paffed merely through the town; and although it was nine o'clock at night, yet the ftreets were crowded with people, who obferved the ftricteft, neutrality. The moment the young lady got into her carriage, the French prifoners were fet at liberty. They dined the next day at the French minifter's.


The unfortunate King of Poland's renunciation of his throne was very far from being voluntary, though the poffeffion of it had been lately rendered too painful. The eve of the day, which would have completed the thirtieth an niversary of his reign, was cruelly chofen for the conclufion of his royal func. tions. A letter was then delivered to him by Prince Repain, from the Emprefs of Ruffia, the fubftance of which was, "that the ceffation of his Royal authority was the natural effect of the arrange, ments made with respect to Poland; it was, therefore referred to bis judgment, whether a formal abdication would not be fuitable."

This crifis, though it had been forefeen, did not give the king the lefs emotion, and he was for fome hours much agitated. At length he figned the act.


The ravages which the plague for fome months hath made in the military departments, have fo interfered with the warlike arrangements, which are ftill continued without intermiffion, that the government attempted to confiitute the cuftom of obliging veffels to perform quarantine. But the clamours of the religious, who exclaimed against this innovation of Mahometanifm, has compelled the Porte, for the prefent, to abandon this defign. It is, however, to be hoped, that the project will not be totally relinquifhed.

The departure of the British minifter, Mr Lifton, continues to excite many conjectures in this quarter. He has taken no leave whatever of the Grand Vizier, and on his departure made but a fhort and private vifit to the Reis Effendi, to

whom he prefented his fecretary as Charge de Affairs till his fucceffor is appointed. Notwithstanding all thefe circumftances, it has been remarked, that Mr Liston on his departure received some magnificent prefents, among which was a fnuff-box fet with brilliants, of the value of 300 piaftres, and fome Indian stuffs to the amount of 3000 more.


The Inland of Barbadoes hath fuffered much from a molt extraordinary fall of rain, on the 8th November laft. It feemed, fays the account, as if the heavens ! had burft, and was pouring down their waters, it fell in one continued torrent till feven the next morning, being twenty-four hours; and all that time, both day and night, there were not two fe- 1 conds intermiflion between the most vivid flashes of lightning, and most tre- ; mendous peals of thunder ever heard. It might juftly be faid, in the language "the clouds poured out the Pfalmift, water, the air thundered." The Gully ran higher than ever was known, and meeting with a flowing and fpring tide water, after breaking down both bridges, flowed over into the town, and was in many streets and houfes five feet high. The inhabitants efcaped to other parts of the town, fome swimming, and others on horfeback, the horfes too being obliged to swim.


Admiralty-Office, “Jan. 2.

Extract of a letter from Admiral Sir Jəhn Laforey, Bart. Commander in Chie of his Majefty's fhips and veffels at the Leeward Islands, to Mr Nepean, dated Martinico, October 22. 1795.

On the 20th inftant the Bellona arrived, having joined Vice-Admiral Thomfon on the 7th of Sept. in the latitude of 43 deg. 20 min. N. and longitude 38 deg. 9. min. W.

In my laft I informed you, Sir, with the capture of the Superb French frigate, of 22 guns, off Defeada, by the Vanguard; fince which I have received an account from Capt. Warre, of his Majefty's fhip Mermaid, dated the 12th inftant, that, cruising toward Grenada, he difcovered, on the 10th, off La Baye, a fhip and a brig at anchor, which, upon feeing him, got under weigh and made

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