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E HAVE been wont to consider the organ in the head as the only brain of conscious mind; and, furthermore, we stand accused. of making most indifferent use of that one organ. Scientists have arrayed for our information and co-incident mortification of proud intellect multiplied proofs that many of the cells of the brain of the average person are idle, dormant, atrophied. As all development comes from use, surely the conviction is of mental sloth.


What! oh, what defense will we put up when confronted with the real inventory of twelve brains? Twelve brains to each and every individual, and each and every brain endowed with the God-power of thought? One brain, little used, and eleven others unrecognized-this is a staggering disclosure! In this day and age of high efficiency, what excuse for the idleness of the eleven and onehalf brains have We-of-the-Twelve-Brains to make? complain of failure and dire distresses-with all this volume of power, unnoted, running to waste, haphazard, into obstructive or destructive channels, with no conscious direction on our part. What manufacturer could count upon success, employing such slack and ignorant methods? What general could lead his army to victory, who overlooked eleventwelfths of his forces, left them untrained to obedience, undisciplined, idle? We whine of lack, and we have gone into "a far country," seeking fulfillment. We have looked without ourselves, when within-in the Father's domainare twelve principalities over which we may rule-over

which we were made to rule; they are ours by inheritance— the inheritance of the Son, and it is given us to rule this kingdom under Divine Law.

This is not fanciful. It is as old as Truth. Jesus knew and symbolized these twelve brains as his disciples. When we understand that the twelve brains are the twelve thinking, working, building centers in the body of man, the twelve faculties in mind expressing through twelve centers of consciousness, the meaning of much that mystifies in the Scriptures is made clear.

It has amused many to learn that any there be so credulous as to ascribe to numbers a fuller meaning than to register the count. Most of us would promptly assert that numbers are characters but characterless. How pauperized are we when content with the shell, refusing to believe there is a rich and meaty kernel within! If it has even been observed that the number twelve appears frequently in the Scriptures, no deeper meaning has been assigned than the happening of chance, or the literal count. It is not merely arbitrary enumeration; within the shell is the kernel: it has an illuminating spiritual significance. Every sign carries its revelation and nothing is too small or inconsiderable to hold the God mystery. Everything has a meaning; to know this amplifies life and living. It is this understanding of the Spirit of things that brings us face to face with God in everything, everywhere.

"O Earth, thou hast not any wind which blows,

That is not music.

Every weed, rightly pressed, flows in aromatic wine.
Every humble hedgerow flower that grows,

And every little bird that doth sing,

Hath in it something greater than itself,

And has a living word for every living thing,

Although it hold the message unaware.

All shapes and sounds have something which is not of them,

A spirit broods amid the grass.

Vague outlines of the Everlasting Thought,
Lie in the melting shadows as they pass.
The touch of an Eternal Presence thrills,
The fringes of the sunsets and the hills."

The significance of the number twelve in the Scriptures is spiritual. The reference is in symbol to the twelve faculties in mind which find expression through the twelve centers of consciousness in man-in the temple of the Living God-the body of each individual. It is not through any chance, convenience or arbitrary designation that the number twelve recurs again and again in the Scriptures-the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve pillars, the twelve foundationstones, the twelve gates, the twelve sons of Jacob, the twelve disciples of Jesus-are twelve because they symbolize the faculties in mind, which are twelve. These tribes, pillars, stones, gates, sons, apostles, signify the faculties in Divine Mind in their spiritual, mental or physical expression.

How intimate and inviting is the teaching that is placed before us in picture words! The conscious mind so much more readily grasps any meaning through the vision or picture. There is a lure in allegory, in mysticism, never to be found in the story unveiled. To consider the faculties of mind as faculties, seems abstrust, intangible, illusory, but, as "tribes" there is the immediate understanding of a leader, loyalty to clan, concerted work for one cause; "foundationstones," a place to build, strong, permanent; "gates," to open to welcome, to receive; and so on through the whole imagery is the Divine revelation and assurance of brotherhood, support, oneness of purpose.

This is the equipment, generous to prodigality; twelve brains. This is the promise: "The overcomer shall sit upon thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." Who is the overcomer? Where is the throne? What of the Twelve Tribes of Israel? The overcomer is the I Am, the Christ within, the real of you, of me; with thought lifted above appearances, above material manifestations into the realm of the real, into the Christ consciousness of Sonship-here is the throne. That he "shall judge the twelve tribes of Israel," tells again in allegory the exalted power of the one so lifted up. The twelve tribes are the twelve thoughtcenters. The overcomer is not using half a brain, but the whole twelve and directing them according to Divine Law to

the fullest Divine Expression. In the Christ consciousness the overcomer has mastery and dominion over the twelve faculties of mind, directs their workings, and judges if they measure up to the standard of Truth.

Surely the one who awakens to the responsibilities of twelve brains, instead of the portion of one, to do his thinking and bidding and building—for brains build as well as think-in the likeness and image of the thought, that one who awakens to this heritage of the Son, begins to develop a new state of consciousness. The old errors of birth, training, environment, belief, dissipate into nothingness. He thinks new thoughts--potential thoughts; broader thoughts, encompassing worlds seen and unseen; deeper thoughts, reaching down into the unexplored subconscious; higher thoughts, reaching up into the superconscious realm. Dwelling in the realm of Ideas, limitless, formless, develops a new understanding of his real dominion and power. By the power of the Word, he lifts body as well as mind into the kingdom of the Spirit where he knows himself to be the Son of God. When man recognizes, acknowledges himself to be the Son of God, he is unhindered, unfettered by the projections of mortal mind, and from this Thought-Matrix he is born a New Creature, mind, soul and body. He makes new his thoughts and the twelve brains build for his transformation, after the Divine Law, in beauty and harmony.

Thought is the One Power. It makes us, makes our environments. It may unmake us; it is for us to choose. If we have not half developed, directed, the cells of the one brain which we have recognized, there is some work for us to do to govern and control the twelve and rise to the plane of the overcomer. It is strange how little acquainted we are with our own thoughts and those we have acquired from other sources. It takes real courage and more persistency to summon to judgment our thoughts; those which have become habitual and those which flit about as disturbers of the peace. We scarcely recognize the motley array. We deny them and they, in turn, betray us. We hate their hideousness and feel shame for the pettiness of others. To be

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