Imágenes de páginas
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The following legacies have also been received during the year :

£ s. d.

£ s. d.

Caddick, Thomas, Esq., late of Tewkes

50 0 0

Mitchell, Mrs. Ann, late of North Brix-
ton, by Mr. H. Woodall

90 0 0


50 0 0


10 0 0

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bury, additional.. Davis, Miss Ann, late of Linton, by...... 19 19 0 M Pherson, Mr., late of Perth, by his Fenlon, Mr. S., late of Corkfield, by Rev. W. J. Wasted.................... Hunter, W., Esq., late of Dundee, by. Kidd, Mrs. Jane, late of Hull, part of residue, by T. Sykes, Esq.

18 0
25 0 0

75 0 5

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Madgwick, Rev. W., late of Bethnal
Green, by Rev. J. W. Morren
Murton, Mrs. Mary, late of Hawkidon,
by Mr.J.Rowley and Mr.Thomas Webb 89 11 6
Poole, Mrs. Isabella, late of Islington,
by Mr. W. M. Nicholson...........
Reynolds, Mrs., late of Isleham, by Mr.
J. Brown....

112 0 0

9 16 6

The grateful thanks of the Committee are due to the many friends who have contributed towards the liquidation of the Society's debt. Upwards of £4000 has been contributed in this form during a year of severe commercial distress. The total receipts of the Society have amounted to £23,836 16s. 9d., and the total expenditure to £23,549 9s. 2d.


The following account of various stations connected with the Society is taken from the letters of the brethren, and will be found to support the statements of the previous part of the Report.




Number of members, 97.

ordinances of the gospel among us. We are happy to state that during the past year we have not been called to exercise discipline in any case of special aggravation. Four have

This church defrays its expenditure from been called away by death, and some other its own resources.

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The church in South Kolinga writes to the Auxiliary Society; the Parent Society
Through the merciful pays the salaries of the missionaries and assist-
ant pastors, also those of six native preachers.

the Association: 66
visitation of the Lord we have, during the
past year, received a larger increase than
heretofore. At present we are forty-one in
communion. May the Lord yet add to our
number, and to that of other churches. We
desire, however, to grow not in number only,
but also in knowledge and holiness.

"In the month of October we were greatly refreshed by the return, from Monghir, of our brother and pastor Shujaat Ali.

"Our brother, Mr. Manuel, encouraged by the approbation of the church, preaches the gospel almost daily to Hindu and Muhammadan, and other sinners. And he is very useful to the church by occasionally preaching to us as well as by his conversation.

"The two sisters who were removed from among us by death, departed in the Lord, having, through faith in him, borne a joyful testimony to his grace. May he enable us all, like them, to await his coming with joy."

Pastor .. G. PEARCE.
Native Preachers Three.

Present number of members, 46.
"We have not been altogether without
encouragement at this station," says Mr.
Pearce, "during the past year. The at-
tendance on the means of grace, both on
the Lord's day and at the service on the
Thursday evening, has been been gener-
ally good. Within the church there has been
peace. Seven persons have been added by
baptism, and two by restoration. One, alas,
however, has been excluded for careless con-
duct. During the year one Hindoo and
three Mussulmans have attended as inquirers.
With a view to a more intimate attention to
the interests of the members individually, at
the recommendation of the pastor, and with
the concurrence of the church, our native
brother, Ram Krishna Kabiraj, was chosen
to the office of assistant pastor."


About sixteen miles south of Calcutta. The current expenses of this and the three following stations, together with the salaries of eight native assistants, are mainly paid by


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Native Preachers


Present number, 48.

"The congregations have been good, and the conduct of the members, on the whole, satisfactory. None have forsaken us. A general good feeling towards each other appears to exist among the members. The new place for worship at Debipore is very well attended.

In the year seven persons, formerly excluded, have been restored to membership with us.

Of the three men who were last month baptized, one is advanced in life, and according to the testimony of his neighbours, his present conduct affords good evidence that he has been brought under the power of the Spirit of grace."

About twenty miles south of Calcutta.
Native Preacher KASHINATH BAR.
Present number, 5.

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This church has been weakened by the exclusion of one member, and now numbers only six persons.

About thirty-five miles south of Calcutta.


Joint Pastors

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Native Preachers Two.
Present number, 61.

At this station there have been three persons baptized during the year, who continue to run well. The examination they underwent prior to their baptism afforded much pleasure to two missionaries by whom it was conducted. In July last two of the native preachers at this station were set apart to the office of joint pastors over the church, which arrangement has hitherto continued to work well for the benefit of the congregation. The Lord has rewarded the labours of the native brethren at this station by the conversion of a respectable native youth of the writer caste,

who has given up all, and cast in his lot with cause for gratitude, and much to encourage

the people of God. He is doing well, and us."

gives much hope of godly perseverance.

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The members in communion in this church are fifty-three, of whom six were baptized on the 31st of December. There have been

three deaths, but the vacancies have been


Acting Pastor . C. B. LEWIS.

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Number of members, 22.

(From the letter to the Association.) "The ordinary means of grace have been continued to us through the kindness of our Calcutta missionary brethren, and we rejoice to say with evident tokens of the Lord's blessing.

"During the stay of a wing of H. M. 18th Royal Irish in Dum Dum, a spirit of inquiry prevailed; both our public services and our daily meetings for social prayer were regularly well attended, and we rejoice to believe that some were brought into fellowship with God.

"Our brother Subhru has laboured among the native members of the church, and preached regularly to the heathen in the bazars, and occasionally at Baraset, Chitpore, and other places in the vicinity.

supplied by the restoration of persons that had been excluded. The state of the church is encouraging. Discipline is well maintained, and a spirit of godly fear seems to rest upon the people. At a recent visit made by Mr. Pearce, 140 persons were present at the morning service, and more would have been there, but they were absent at a neighbouring station assisting in getting in the harvest. The congregation have established a granary, to which yearly contributions are made for the benefit of the poor. From this depôt the exigencies of many were supplied during a late trying season. By the recent pentance. Early in the year we were comvisitation of Providence in which so many ships were lost or dismasted in the Bay of Bengal, the sea-water overflowed the bunds (embankments) about Khari, and greatly damaged the rice-fields, which has occasioned the people a good deal of present and prospective suffering.

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"We have been permitted, during the past year, to baptize and receive into our number five persoas on a profession of faith and re

pelled to exclude two of our native members on account of unruly conduct. One, however, having given good evidence of repentance, has since been restored to our fellowship.

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The native preacher attends to the spiritual wants of the members, and is also frequently engaged in preaching the gospel to the heathen."

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(From the letter to the Association.)

'It affords us unspeakable pleasure to be able to say, after so long a period, that goodness and mercy have followed us, and that the past year has been a year of special and undiminished mindfulness and goodness.

"The usual stated services, English and

We have been enabled to collect money on native, have been prosecuted without interthe spot to carry on all our operations.

Upon a review of the whole, I must say that, though there are many things among us of a humbling nature, yet, we have much

ruption, while the numerous itinerations to the villages and bazars, and at the melas as they occurred, have been regularly followed up, and the good seed very widely sown.


For help, health, and strength, we are grate- | persons were added to us by baptism, since ful to God, and we fell assured you will which time we have not been favoured with unite with us in fervent prayer to Him, for any further additions. On the contrary, our his continued and most enlarged blessing." church has sustained a proportionate decrease, so that our present number is still thirty-two, being the same as reported last year. Of "We now possess," says Mr. Denham, those received, one, who has since died, was a "spacious and suitable accommodation for the young woman of heathen extraction. She Christian and native students. Five young was a quiet, industrious woman, and though men are beneath our own roof, two more are too deaf to reap much benefit from her attend. about to join the class as probationary stu-ance on the means of grace, she nevertheless dents. A large number of Hindoo youths possessed a considerable degree of Christian and young men are receiving in the College knowledge, and appeared to be a subject of school a Christianized education. Five other genuine piety. Another is a youth of Chrisyouths of European parents will be entered tian parentage, a teacher in our Bengalee, and next month. We have spacious grounds, and a learner in our English school. He goes rooms for teaching and examinations-a with us to the bazar, and speaks occasionally large but not very select library. So that we with considerable fluency and propriety. The may be said fairly to have overcome our last admitted is a Mr. W., a well educated early difficulties, and things are now in a and very promising young man. He also proper train for working. We ask you, regularly accompanies us to the bazar, speaks therefore, to unite in prayer with us, that both Hindustani and Bengali well, and freGod will put into the hearts of the youthful quently gives a very good address.

converts in India a desire to devote themselves to this sacred service."


The gospel is preached almost daily, and is apparently listened to with approbation and interest. Even on the Lord's day many Hindus attend Christian worship. There has been a small addition to the church, but from the number of nominal Christians, not from the heathen. A few days since I (J. W.) went to Cutwa, and stopped a few hours there. Among other Christians, some of whom I had previously seen at Calcutta, I also saw the widow of Kangali, the sweet singer of Israel in Bengal. The aged sister is, according to her own testimony, ninetyeight years old. There can be no doubt that she is above ninety, and I believe her own statement is correct. She is bent with age, but otherwise in the full possession of her senses and her intellect, and from all I could learn, given to prayer. She longs for the time when she shall be permitted to lay aside her frail tabernacle.


Our annual report this year, like that of the past, is not altogether of an encouraging character. In the early part of the year three

Although we cannot, after making the necessary deductions, reckon more members of our church this year, yet we trust that, through the blessing of God on a pretty regular attendance on the means of grace, our spiritual improvement has been generally promoted. The peace of the church has not been disturbed as last year, and we hope, by the help of divine grace, will not be so again, though our past experience may teach us how much we need watchfulness and prayer lest we enter into temptation.

Our schools, which are still maintained by local contributions, continue to impart the blessings of secular and religious education to the youth who attend them, and whose num. ber has increased since last year.


This year two have been added to us by baptism, and one by restoration. With the church it has been a year of peace.

Several very long journeys have been performed. In all the natives paid much attention to the word, and some could give a very fair account of what they had read.

At times many of the boys have been withdrawn from the school, but they have generally speaking returned again. Very much

more could be done were the means at hand, but in every way we are much straitened.

of the town, and in the afternoon in a chapel erected in the principal thoroughfare, where we have many hearers. Two persons, who No report from this station. Forty-five there, and sometimes in our houses, to conappear to be inquirers, sometimes visit us were baptized during the year.



(From Mr. Page.)

verse about the bible and the comparative merits of Hinduism and Christianity.”


There are at present one hundred and Missionaries and Co-pastors W. SMITH, and thirty-nine members in the different churches in Burisal and the district. Of these there are seven under suspension.

"There is one candidate for baptism, whom I shall baptize (D. v.) whenever I can go to Digalia. There are seven other candidates with whom I am not yet satisfied. Several families from among the heathen are coming in one after another. And latterly we have had scarcely any leaving us.

"Of the general state of the little churches I cannot speak very favourably. There are dissensions among the people, and of those suspended six have paid a great disregard to the sabbath, the observance of which we strictly insist on. The people at Digalia and Suagaon are at present the most stable.

"The native preachers are getting their houses up, and becoming settled; when so I shall be able to give a better account of them and their labours. We have only one little school. I might add that we do not allow a day to pass without, if possible, preaching somewhere to the heathen and Muhammadans."


(From the Bengali letter to the Association.)

Although during the past year we have not had many things to gladden us, yet we are bound to rejoice, for there is joy in heaven when one sinner repents. Among us two married women have repented, and been added to the church.


Nalive Preacher

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large portion of his time and attention to the Mr. Small has felt it his duty to devote a superintendence of the schools, and to itinerating in the suburbs and native villages. On these occasions tracts or portions of the and in other instances offered for sale or lent. scriptures have been occasionally distributed,

There are three day schools for native about 300 children, who are instructed in boys, in so many distinct localities, containing English, and also in Persian and Hindi, and

the scriptures are read and committed to memory. There is also a native day school for girls, in which there are generally about children of widows. There is unhappily a twenty-two present, many of whom are the education of girls, and attempts have been great indisposition among the people to the made to create alarm in the minds of the off when taught, but on an occasion of this parents by reports that they were to be carried

sort one of the mothers who understood the true interest of her children, said, "When my daughters are at school I look upon Mem Sahib as their mother and father."

9.-SAUGOR (Central India).


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This is the new quarters of a military division, European and native, the civil administration of which is vested in the resident at During the past year a woman left her Gwalior, who assumes the title of "Comthree sons, and came to us. At first the missioner of the Saugor and Mobudda Terrisons would not even hear her name pro- tories." The total area of the district is nounced, but now one of them frequently estimated at 30,000 square miles. The popucomes to us, and says he will become a lation appears to consist of nearly two milChristian. The remaining two also show lions, of whom about seventy thousand are respect to their mother, and allow her to Mussulmans, and the remainder Hindoos. visit them in their houses. The temperature, it is stated, is extremely "We preach every morning in some part moderate, the hot season lasting scarcely two

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