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dead, I cannot relinquish the hope that the testimony he has given for God, and his truth, and which he has in effect sealed with his blood, will yet be heard and believed by many in this country, and be the means of turning many to righteousness. This hope is greatly strengthened by the fact, that prayer has been made, almost without ceasing, by many Christians in America and elsewhere for this very object, ever since his sufferings began. God is faithful, and how can we doubt that he will remember the prayers of his people, though they be mixed with unbelief and sin. We may have to wait with long patience, before we see the answers to our prayers and the fruit of our labors. Nevertheless the gracious promise cannot fail. In due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Openings for Missionaries at Sidon and

On this subject Mr. Whiting, under date of
November 9th, remarks-

It is less numerous than the population of
Sidon; but the people would probably be
more favorable to our schools and books.
Tripoli has some natural advantages. It
is pleasanter as a summer residence, more
abundant in good water, and nearer to the
mountains, than Sidon. Mr. Farren, the
British consul, has had thoughts of taking
up his residence there, in case he should not
be able to establish himself at Damascus-
a thing which, to say the least, would be
very hazardous at present.

If Providence permit, it is expected that at least two missionaries will embark for Syria sometime during the next four or five months, who may probably occupy one or both of these promising fields.



Reasons for opening Schools first among

the Greeks.

WHEN Mr. Goodell removed to Constantinople There is no reason, so far as we know, to it was with a view to devoting his attention prinprevent the establishment of a mission at Sidon, with prospects as hopeful as at Beyroot; cipally to the Armenian part of the population, with the exception, that, perhaps, we should for which he had qualified himself by the acquinot be able immediately to establish a school || sition of a knowledge of their language. He there. The people are principally Catholics, also carried with him the New Testament and and they probably would not be allowed to religious tracts which he had translated with the send their children to our schools; also, it is aid of Carabet and Wortabet, and which had very likely that we should meet more op- been printed during his temporary residence at position than we do at Beyroot: but even opposition might do a great deal of good, as Malta. Under date of November 21, he gives it evidently has done in this country before, the following though of course we should not court it. Still we cannot but think there are some encouraging circumstances at Sidon. Wortabet's influence and example have certainly done something, we trust not a little, You may perhaps wonder that I have towards removing the prejudices of the done so much comparatively for the Greeks, more observing and sensible people against and so little for the Armenians. The reathe way which is called heresy. His sons are, first, That, in the various plagues prayers, too, we cannot but think, have in with which the country has been afflicted, 1 some instances been answered and his ef- have by the overruling providence of God forts blessed to the conversion of souls. been brought into much more contact with The establishment of a mission family or the Greeks than with the Armenians: and two there would greatly strengthen his secondly, That, as regards Lancasterian hands, and give respectability to the cause schools, I had absolutely nothing to begin he advocates. Were it not for his poverty, with among the Armenians-no lessons, no he tells me, he might even now have a great suitable books, no master; nor could I well deal of respectable company, which he can- give them an idea of the system without a not at present invite to his house. He living model, such a model as these Greek thinks, though we must make some allow-schools do actually present. In an interance for the sanguineness of his disposition, that an evangelical church would soon be gathered at Sidon, if a missionary were established there.

I regret exceedingly that W.'s blindness (for he is almost blind) prevents his keeping à journal. I have no doubt he might have written much during the past year or two that would have been interesting to the reader of missionary intelligence.

Tripoli, also, might be occupied. The population consists principally of Greeks.

view, which I had with the Armenian patriarch, soon after my arrival at Constantinople, he spoke favorably of such schools, and wished us to take some Armenian priests or schoolmasters, and instruct them in the system. Those terrible dispensations of heaven, which soon followed, interrupted the plans we were maturing for their good, and for a season cut off, in a great measure, all intercourse with them. Indeed since the burning of Pera, and the consequent dispersion of its inhabitants, I have not seen

There are two things in regard to the schools which call for our especial gratitude.

one of the Armenians with whom I had || there, can be obtained at a reasonable compreviously formed an acquaintance. And pensation for this good work. it was not till very recently, that I found among them a teacher in whom I felt sufficient confidence to employ him, and whom I wished to instruct in and appoint over this business. This individual was no other than Boghus, of whom Mr. Smith has at different times made mention, as being the intelligent master of a large school at Smyrna. He has since instructed at Brusa; and he is now here for the recovery of his health, which from his over exertion, and his want of suitable support, was seriously impaired. He seems to be "of a ready mind," and should it please God strengthen his body, he will, I trust, be a valuable coadjutor in this good work.


One of the Papal Armenian youth, mentioned in my journal, attends our Greek school in this village, every day, in order to make himself master of the system; after which he will open a school among his own sect, if their bigotry do not throw insuperable obstacles in the way. He is also assisting in preparing school books in ArmenoTurkish.

In another letter of the same date Mr. Goodell makes the following very encouraging remarks respecting the

Number and Prospects of the Schools.

In order to lose as little time as possible in regard to schools, I commenced by searching out and securing schoolmasters, at an early period, and by having them properly instructed in the Lancasterian system, and thus ready for active service, as soon as the health and tranquillity of the city and villages should justify it. The schools now established among the Greeks on the Lancasterian system are four, at the following places, viz. Constantinople, Tavola, Yeni-Keni, and Buyuk-Dere; and there is a prospect, that several others will immediately go into operation. To the school at Tavola I have not been under the necessity of affording any pecuniary_assistance, and it is only small sums that I have given to those at Yeni-Keni and Constantinople. In this village the Greeks are comparatively poor and few in number, and they declared themselves able to do no more for a school than simply to provide the house. The master is a very meek and worthy man, and is disposed to teach the best things; and with his school he connects also a Sabbath school. I trust that we shall soon have Sabbath schools in other places; and who knows, but that at no distant period we shall have them also among the Turks.

Some of the people are desirous of female schools, and I have already written to Athens and other places to ascertain whether suitable female teachers or assistants, instructed in the missionary schools

First, Some evil minded persons having carried an unfriendly report of them to the seraskiar pasha, he sent immediately to the Greek patriarch for information as to their nature and tendency; fearing, as we supposed, that some revolutionary measure might be connected with them. The patriarch, who knew scarcely more of the subject than the seraskiar pasha himself, referred him to one of the principal agents I have employed; or rather called for him, and despatched him to the seraskiar to give the necessary explanations. The seraskiar received him kindly, and proposed that forty boys should, after having been perfected in the system, be brought to his palace, where he would have a room fitted up for them in a manner suited to their exercises, and he and the other officers of government would then be able to form some judgment of the new system. Some of the schools were suspended, while the teachers assembled at Constantinople were preparing the boys selected for the purpose of this exhibition; and were also translating some portions of the Lancasterian system into Turkish, to be read on the occasion, in order to assist in giving an idea of the philosophy and excellency of the system. When all was ready, him to appoint a day for the examination, and the agent waited on his excellency for he said it had become unnecessary. He then gave the agent full permission to go on and establish as many schools among the Christians, as he pleased; and said, that he would some day call and see one or more of them in the houses appropriated to them. The impression which the agent received, was, that the seraskiar even wished to introduce

the system among the Moslems, but that some of the more bigoted were not yet prepared for it. We had much anxiety for the result of this notice from government, but we are now saved from all our fears; and indeed we are confident that the whole has been overruled for good.

The other thing, for which we are specially bound to be thankful, is, that the Greek patriarch has now, in a written instrument under his own hand and seal, appointed this agent of mine, knowing him to be such, and to be entirely in my views, sole director and superintendent of all the Lancasterian schools, which have already been, or may hereafter be, established. In this way, I have ready access to all such schools, as well as to those under my own more immediate direction; and I hope I shall have grace to exert the influence thus given me in the wisest and best manner.

More or less of the books, the prayers, and the catechisms used in all these schools, are from our own and the other missionary presses at Malta.




[Continued from p. 18.]

Voyage from Athens to Samos.

I have been very anxious to have a large || tions, we rejoice that we came when we normal school among the numerous Greeks did. The churches will surely pray much at Galata a place very central and public,|| for us. and in other respects very important; and where also many of the children are begging for a school. But on account of the conflagrations at Pera and Constantinople, and the consequent great influx of families into Galata, a suitable house cannot be obtained, except at an extravagant price. I at first thought it would be best to wait, till the people there should be willing to do more, or till the rent of houses should be less; but it is so very desirable to have a school there, that I have just given direc-immediately preceding Mr. King's embarkation tions to my agent to engage a suitable house for it, if one can be found. To this school, when properly organized, I shall devote my principal attention, with the view of making it the model for all others, and with the view also of having all the masters instructed there in the system, and thus prepared to extend, under our direction, its advantages.

For the establishment of Lancasterian schools among the Armenians, I have recently made partial arrangements, which I hope soon to complete.

For at least some of these schools, but especially for the one to be established at Galata, we wish much for globes, maps, an orrery, &c.; and we trust, that some friends of the cause in different parts of the country, to whom God has given the means, will have a heart to aid us in this respect. It would be very pleasant also to have some trifling rewards to give the children of all the schools, both boys and girls, on occasions of public annual or semi-annual examinations; and if such rewards should come directly from associations of children and youth at school in America, they would be doubly interesting.

THE following extracts commence with a date

the latest communications from him, when he for Smyrna, where he remained till the date of

was on the eve of returning to Athens. The boat was bound to Samos.

Sept. 11, 1831. Sabbath. In the morning, at Mr. Hill's request, I addressed the scholars in his female school, on the subject of the young man who came to Christ and inquired what he should do to inherit eternal life. There were sixty or eighty present, who appeared quite attentive. I then went to my own school, and expounded a part of the 7th chapter of Matthew. This was to me truly a day of rejoicing.

12. I was busily occupied nearly the whole day in getting ready for my voyage to Smyrna. At about sunset I left Athens, and arrived at the Pyreus at eight or nine o'clock, where we found Mr. Hill, who had arrived about an hour before us, and had taken a passage in the same boat with us to go to Smyrna. It had been our intention to set sail immediately on our arrival at the Pyreus; but as the wind was ahead and very strong, we did not sail till the next morning.

13. At seven or eight o'clock, we sailed from the Pyreus in a small vessel, or rather

In another communication, one week later, boat, called a sacoleva, manned with five or Mr. Goodell proceeds

I am happy to say that we have now obtained a house at Galata for a school of the kind mentioned in my former letter. The chief man at Therapia, [the next village below Buyuk-Dere] has made application for a school there, and has given orders that a house be appropriated for it. Every thing in regard to schools seems to be going


better and better, and my influence seems to be widening and strengthening every day. The schools, as might be expected, are exciting a desire and creating a market for the Holy Scriptures and relig. ious tracts. These angels have "troubled the waters of the pool;" and I hope that all the first ones who step in will be healed. I am glad that I am here to help some of the poor "impotent folk" in, who would otherwise, I fear, lie "a long time" in their diseased state. Indeed we evidently came to Constantinople in the very right time; and notwithstanding our losses and priva


six men, including the captain. The wind was fair for Samos, but as the boat's papers were at Egina, we were obliged to go thither, and to beat against the wind nearly the whole day.

15. In the morning we were close by Syra. During the day we had but little wind, and at night we were close by Tenos. In the evening, a little boy, a nephew of the captain was called upon to amuse us by relating a tale something like the Arabian nights entertainments.

16. We had a calm most of the day. About five P. M. we spoke an Italian brig, from Alexandria, bound to Constantinople. By her we were informed that the cholera morbus was raging dreadfully in Egypt, and that Alexandria was almost deserted of its Frank inhabitants. Near sunset, we saw the isle of Patmos. In the evening we had a little breeze, which carried us along near the island called Nicaria. The evening was pleasant, and the moon shone beautifully upon us. So I proposed to the


captain, that, instead of listening to his nephew, who was called upon to relate to us another wonderful tale, I would endeavor to amuse the company by relating a story. So he called his men together, and I sat down with them and related to them the history of Abraham, his call to leave his country, his faith, his offering up his only son Isaac, and then gave them the history of Isaac and Jacob till the arrival of the latter in Egypt. All seemed interested in the relation, and said that my story was better than the one they had heard the night


17. Early in the morning a little boat came along side of us, and informed us that there were pirates out near that place, and that they had taken several boats. I was asleep when the boat came, but my wife, on hearing of pirates, awoke me, and I saw the little boat, which had just left us, pulling for the shore. It contained but two men, and belonged to a sacoleva, which lay at a little distance from us, further out at sea. My wife told me that they said they had taken all the money they had on board the sacoleva, and were going on shore, for fear of the pirates. After having rowed a little distance towards the land, they turned about and rowed towards us; and as I observed, that the sacoleva, on the other side, was also rowing towards us, I began to think that possibly they might be pirates, and that the little beat had been sent out to reconnoitre us. They, however, met not far from us, and then rowed on together towards the land, and it was evident that they were afraid.

In the afternoon we arrived safely at Carlovasi, in the island of Samos, where we were informed that a long boat, called a tratta, with two other small boats, manned by Maniots, were off Nicaria, to the south of it, and had taken six or seven Samian boats. At Carlovasi the captain furnished us with a magazine, where we stowed all our baggage; and not finding any boat to sail that afternoon for Scala Nuova, to which place we wished to proceed, we were obliged to remain at Carlovasi during the night.


After having placed our baggage in the magazine and made arrangements preparing some food for dinner, we walked up to the village of Carlovasi, about a mile from the shore. The place appeared to me beautiful, and I almost regretted that I had not gone there to reside two years ago, instead of going to Tenos. The streets were clean, the houses very good, and the people seemed inclined to show us attention as strangers. While there we visited the teacher of the Hellenic school, who informed us that he had one hundred and fifty scholars, almost entirely destitute of books. There is no school of mutual instruction in the place. In the vicinity are several villages, as near as I could learn, almost destitute of instruction.

Returning to the sea-shore, we sat down by the side of the magazine and eat our dinner, and in the same place we spread our couch, and reposed for the night in the open air. Mr. Hill, however, preferred to lodge in the boat, in which we came, and which was now hauled up on the beach. The magazine smelt so badly of pitch and tar and fish, and was so full of musquitoes, that we could not well spend the night in it.

18. Sabbath. We arose at an early hour, and after breakfast I opened a little box of New Testaments and tracts and schoolbooks, which I had brought with me, and began to distribute among those who came to see us. In a little time many came, and I continued distributing till some time in the afternoon. When I had distributed nearly all the books and tracts I had with me, there came such crowds of men, women, and children, that I could scarcely stand before them. Several asked for the

New Testament, of which I had only one copy remaining, and that I wished to keep for the governor of the island. At length I announced to the multitude that I had no more books to give. Some of them, however, seemed loth to believe me, and when at last we went on board a boat, which we found going to Scala Nuova, nine boys followed us to the shore, and at length one of them plunged into the water and swam off to us, three or four rods distant, and clinging to the side of the boat, begged for books. After remaining some time, and repeatedly asking us for books, he swam back to his companions, who had been standing and calling to him to encourage him, and telling him that we had still more books.

The company proceeded to Bathee, [Badi,] and called on Mr. Stammatiades, the father of a Greek young man of that name, now in this country.

Sept. 19. We arose at an early hour and set sail, and having a fine breeze, we were wafted to Scala Nuova by two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Scala Nuova is called by the inhabitants Kous disi. It is about thirty miles distant from Bathee, and Bathee is about twelve miles from Carlovasi. The view, on entering or leaving the harbor of Bathee is very fine. The houses in the town are excellent, and every where So far as I is an appearance of neatness. ain able to judge from what I saw, I should say that Sainos is by far the finest island I have seen in this region.

Journey to Ephesus.

At Kousadisi, or Scala Nuova, we were invited to take lodgings at the French consul's, where we were very kindly and politely entertained during the night. Through this gentleman we made arrange ments for pursuing our journey the next

day, and engaged horses to go to Smyrna by way of Ephesus, for thirty piastres each. We were also to have a Turkish soldier with two servants to accompany us as a guard. The horses were to be ready at daylight, so that we might go to Ephesus, remain a little time there to see the ruins, and proceed from thence a part of the way to Smyrna the same day.

20. Our horses were not brought till late in the morning, and at about half past nine o'clock we were ready to set out on our journey. We proceeded in a northerly direction over a hilly region near the seashore, occasionally travelling upon the beach, and in two hours and a quarter, we came to the mouth of the river Cayster; then turned east, and in one hour and three quarters came to Ephesus, now called Ayeasoolook, where we stopped at a miserable coffee-house, near which are two or three miserable dwellings, which may be called modern Ephesus.

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furniture. Their beds are a mat and tapa; and in the place where they sit, and eat, and lounge by day, there they repose at night. In order to excite the desire of improvement among such a people, a proper example must be placed before them, and when the desire is excited, they must be taught how to work. Many of them have learned the use of tools by seeing foreigners use them; and their own native ingenuity has enabled them to make many useful articles, when the pattern is before them. In this manner, doors, chairs, chests, tables, bedsteads, and cupboards have been made by them to some extent. The braiding and sewing of hats and bonnets from the cocoanut and palm-leaf, and the cutting and making of garments have been more extensively taught by our female helpers, and have already come into general use. Those employed in our families have been taught to work, to wash and iron clothes, and to perform all the branches of domestic labor, according to the usages of civilized life. Nor has the knowledge of the means of improvement been confined to these taught by us, for these have in their turn taught others; so that in many families there is now an air of neatness and comfort to which they were once entire strangers. Whatever they see about our persons, or in our houses, that it is in their power to imitate, they endeavor to make for themselves; and though the first attempt at imitation is commonly a rude one, they usually persevere till they accomplish it, with that good sense which is not too proud to acknowledge the superiority of civilization over rude barbarism. This people need only the example, the motive, and the means properly before them, and they will rapidly overcome their idle and sluggish halits, and become a virtuous and industrious people.

of Religious Truth.

The peculiar situation of a mission family in the midst of an uncultivated people has always rendered it necessary to devote a large portion of time to procure the daily Difficulty of giving the People clear Views necessaries conducive to their comfort; and we have always justified ourselves in so doing, by setting it as an example of industry, and a motive to improvement in the people whom we came to teach. It is not easy to describe the extreme simplicity exhibited by this people in their manner of living, or their total ignorance concerning the arts of domestic life in use among civilized nations. With the mass of the inhabitants it is literally a round of indolence, with barely sufficient labor to keep them from starvation, or to collect and eat the spontaneous productions of the earth, when the fruits of cultivation fail. Their houses are mere hovels, without apartments, and with only one low door for entrance. Their furniture consists of a few calabashes for food and water. In the middle of the house is a hole dug in the ground in which they bake their provisions with hot stones, alter which they pound their food with a smooth stone upon a board scooped out for the purpose. These constitute the whole of their

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In the department of missionary labor we have little that is new to communicate. A highly gratifying attention to our preaching and instructions still continues, and inspires the confidence that our labors for the cause of Christ are not in vain. We continue to receive daily a number of inquirers into our houses, hear them talk of their sins, their fears, their sorrows and joys. If they appear penitent and desirous of seeking in earnest after mercy, we encourage them to persevere unto the end as they have begun, and point out to them the dangers and temptations to which they are most exposed and how to guard against them. If they do not appear to f el as deeply as they ought their sinfulness, we endeavor to deepen their convictions, press upon them the necessity of repentance, and impart to them, and to all who visit us for religious instruc tion, such advice and directions as are suited to their several cases. There are, proba

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