Imágenes de páginas
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March 5, 1831. I have for some days past been more than ever impressed with the responsibility of my present situation. The peculiar relation in which I, as a missionary, now stand to the church in America, to the heathen in India, and to the Lord of missions, throws on me a weight of responsibility which sometimes seems too heavy for me to bear. It is at the ex

pense of the church that I have been brought

hither. The "widow's mite" must still afford me bread. Would to God that I may never wound a pious heart by proving myself unworthy the confidence which the contributors to the missionary treasury have reposed in me.

Though we cannot reasonably expect the whole of the boundless desert before us to blossom as the rose, still we may see some portion of it made as the garden of the Lord; and our blessed Lord may, through our example, bring others into his vineyard

who shall finish the work. Where we see nothing but Hindoo pagodas and Mohammedan mosques, they may see the sanctuaries of the living God. Oh that the God of all grace would give me faith and patience to live and labor in his vineyard for many


7. Came to anchor in Bombay harbor at 11 o'clock. Our missionary brethren came on board immediately and gave us a cordial welcome. In the afternoon we went in company to the house of God which has been erected in this land of darkness. pagan Here we united our supplications with the prayers of multitudes in all Christendom who pray in concert on this first Monday in the month. You will here observe the coincidence of our leaving America on the day of the monthly concert for prayer and arriving in Bombay on the same day, seven months after.

Idolatrous Rites.

March 11. Walked to the beach with Mr. G. on business. On our return we took a circuitous route to view some of the

horrid rites of paganism. We passed the ground where the Hindoos burn their dead. VOL. XXVIII.

The usual place where this rite is performed by those who live in and about Bombay, is on the beach near the English burying ground. Though we went at the usual hour of burning we saw none on fire. The ground was almost covered with human bones, and some were still warm in the beds of embers which remained of the funeral pile. I counted no less than twelve spots where there had recently been a burning. But, blessed be God, the living no longer burn with the dead. The widow no more prostrates herself on the pile and consumes with the corpse of her deceased husband.

The next object worthy of attention which we passed was a collection of Hindoo temples. It was about sunset, when the temples are crowded with worshippers. The temples consisted of three parts: the first a broad virandah, over which were hung several bells. As the votaries entered they rung one of the bells, apparently to give warning of their approach. They then passed on into the third or back apartment, where were the idols which they worshipped. Not wishing to offend their prejudices look in upon their gods. No European is we did no more than pass by and cast a allowed to enter. As I stood contemplating the scene of paganism now before me, my attention was arrested by the approach of a Hindoo with a little boy in his arms. solemn mien bespoke his business to be of a religious nature. My eyes followed him. He stopped before the temple and began to teach his little son, before he had reached his second year, the indecent rites of idolatry: So early are children initiated into the religion of their fathers! We need not wonder, then, that they should in their maturer years so tenaciously cling to the practices of their fathers.


I had walked but a few steps, when my attention was again drawn to a miserable squalid object in human shape, which sat under a small shed by the way side doing penance. His countenance was horribly disfigured by being daubed with white paint. His left arm was extended, and on the palm of his hand sat a vessel somewhat resembling a flower-pot hung around with a dozen and a half or two dozen of small brass bells. This he told me, through an interpreter, that he had held in that posture for twelve years. His hand has withered, his finger nails, or as it appeared rather the ends of his fingers have grown in the shape and appearance of ram's horns, to the enor mous length of four inches. He was seem. ingly proud to show us what he was doing for the sake of his religion. Great merit is attached to such mortification in the estimation of the Hindoos. The vessel which he held in his hand contained what is called "The sacred tree." This is held in great veneration by the Hindoos. No house can safely be without it. It is supposed to keep off the devil.


Remarks on Caste and the Habits of the || They are bigoted, ignorant, and idolatrous.


The following remarks were called forth by the event of Mr. Read's removal to Mahim, on the northern part of the island of Bombay, the station formerly occupied by Mr. Graves.

March 26. For every species of labor there is in India a particular class of men. This division of labor is regulated according

to caste. The divisions of the former, however, are so much more extensive than the nominal grades of the latter, that different individuals of the same caste are engaged in different occupations. Still, whatever be a man's capacities, he can neither rise above or fall beneath the calling of his father. He will perform only that kind of labor to which his own subdivision of his caste are accustomed to. One man of low

caste may be a dobee, that is a washerman, and another of the same caste a coolie, or carrier of burdens, and a third a pamool, or palanquin bearer. But a dobee would scorn to act as a coolie. Even the foot-pedlar will not carry his own pack of goods; nor will the Hindoo servant who provides for his master's table bring from the market a piece of meat or a basket of vegetables. He must employ his coolie. The coolie in his turn can do nothing that does not come within the sphere of his business.

When it became known this morning that I was about moving, the house was in a little time thronged with coolies begging for employment. More than half were females. As the last load was taken and many found that they were not to be employed, they went away much grieved, exclaiming, "Sahib does not want us, what shall we do for our bread to day?"

You would be quite astonished at the burdens which they carry. Two women will take up a large chest of clothes and walk off five or six miles apparently with as little fatigue as horses or oxen. Indeed here, as in most heathen countries, females are made a substitute for these animals.

Every coolie has a round bottomed basket, in which he carries whatever may be committed to him. This basket, which is so ill-shaped that it will scarcely stand upright on the floor, sits on the coolie's head with such exactness, that he will carry crockery, glass-ware, and the like, with perfect safety without touching the basket with so much as a finger. Water, milk, and liquids of all sorts are carried on the head.

Roman Catholic Superstitions.

March 31. I have been reminded all this day that to-morrow is Good Friday, or the anniversary of the crucifixion of our Savior; that is according to the computation of the Romanists. There are on the island of Bombay about 20,000 Roman Catholics.

The policy which they have pursued in India of accommodating their religion to the superstitions of the Hindoos has brought them scarcely a grade above the heathen themselves. Indeed, from what I can learn, they are less accessible and less promising of success to the missionary than the pagan Hindoos themselves. They are generally quite hostile to Protestant misand generally so bad examples of it, they sionaries. Being professors of Christianity, are a great obstacle to its propagation. You may not be aware, and indeed I know not that it is practised in all parts of the world by that church, that the Romish church go through the ceremony of the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Christ. On Thursday evening is a representation of the Lord's Supper, as it occurred the evening before the crucifixion. This scene was exhibited in one of their churches. Every street and lane was filled with crowds of people, whom curiosity or superstition had drawn to the place. They were passing and repassing in multitudes the whole afternoon, and I know not but the whole day. Thousands of Hindoos, Mussulmans, Parsees, as well as those of the Romish communion, went to worship or gaze. Last of all I went, and from the gallery looked down upon the scene below. It struck me with awe, and was an affectfigures as large as life Jesus Christ and his ing scene. There were represented in Christ at the head and six on either side. twelve disciples. They sat around a table, The table was spread with fruits, flowers, sweetmeats, bread, and wine. The beloved disciple lay upon Jesus' breast. The house was crowded with spectators; some kneeling and apparently paying their adoration to images; others talking, laughing, or pressing through the crowd in confusion. There was no more appearance of solemnity in the scene than we see at the exhibition of a caravan of animals, or of puppets at a public show. Alas! how few are they who worship God in spirit and in truth.

April 9. Have had several applications to establish a school at Worlee. Scarcely a day for a week past but some one has come to renew the request. To-day a man brought me a list of several scholars' names and a written petition from the inhabitants of the village, praying that we would have pity on their ignorant children and give them an opportunity of learning to read. Such applications are affecting. Could the friends of missions witness the anxiety that is here manifested for schools, I am confident they would not sit down and philosophise many years before they would come to the conclusion that something more ought to be done than has yet been done for enlightening and evangelizing the heathen.

11. Had three more applications from Hindoo boys to instruct them in English.

persons were in circumstances similar to our own, and the demand for almost every thing being, of course, much greater than could be immediately supplied. There were, also, at the same time frequent and not unfounded reports of cholera morbus, plague, and such dreadful conflagrations, as Constantinople and its suburbs, it is said, never saw the like of before. Indeed, both life and property seemed so insecure, and such precautions and efforts were necessary to preserve both, that we had little opportunity or disposition to attend to any thing else.

They are of high caste, two of them bram- || the more difficult, as so many thousands of hins, and appear as intelligent and active as any boys I ever saw in America. The father of one of them with four other Hindoos of high caste has just gone. They came apparently to pay their salam, and to say they wished me to take the boys. One could speak and read English. He read in the New Testament both in English and Mahratta, and said it was good. He asked his companions if it was not good. They said it was. I learnt from them that a Hindoo festival takes place to-morrow in honor of the god Siva. I asked them what they were going to do at the festival. They said they were going to pray to the god. But what kind of a god is it? said I, What is it made of? "Stone," they replied. What pray to a stone god! and what good can that do? Can a stone god hear and pity and forgive? No, said I, I do not believe a god of stone can do any good. I asked the one who spoke English if he believed it could do any good. He said "No." I asked him if he worshipped idols. He again, in rather a confused way, replied "No." He is ashamed to confess the truth. He is, I am told, a worshipper of idols. He repeated the conversation respecting the folly of idol worship to his fellows. They laughed and assented that it was folly, but said it was their custom. This, as far as I can judge, is the most any of the Hindoos pretend to say. They acknowledge that the Christian religion is the best for Europeans, but theirs the best for the Hindoos.

I hesitate not to say that the poor Hindoos about me expend tenfold more in support of a false, hurtful religion, than men in a Christian land, of the same rank as to property, do for that true and blessed religion which makes men happy in proportion as it is received.

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Aug. 21, 1831. Sabbath. Preached at commodore Porter's. He has just arrived as American Charge d'affairs, and has kindly opened his doors for public worship on the Sabbath. All the American travellers, and visitors who happened to be in the village attended; among whom were, a Jew, a Quaker, an Episcopalian, Socinians and Congregationalists. The subject of the discourse was, Searching the Scriptures. Whatever offices we or our countrymen may fill, where or for whatever purpose we may travel by land or by sea, in all places, and among all people, of whatever language, religion, or customs, may we feel and say, "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path," and may our conduct ever be in accordance with such a sentiment!

Promising Armenian Young Men.

lately accosted me several times in the Aug. 22. A papal Armenian youth has street, and expressed a wish to converse with me on religion, and to become a Probrother and several other young men of his testant. He also informed me that his acquaintance were of the same way of thinking with himself. This evening he and his brother called, and we had a long and interesting conversation. They appear to be intelligent and well educated youth, with minds awake to inquiry and open to conviction. They had been destined by their friends for the priesthood, and had been sent to the papal Armenian convent of St. Lazarus, in Venice, to receive the necessary preparation. But after pursuing their studies there for some time, they betant, by whose means their former faith was came acquainted with an English Protesso shaken, and their religious views so changed, that they could no longer think of remaining in the convent. They accordingly returned home, to the no small grief of their friends, and with a disgust to the superstitions they had formerly cherished. They are now very desirous of prosecuting their theological studies in England or America, and of becoming Protestant clergymen.

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I have also seen recently a young man from Constantinople, who likewise thirsts for knowledge, and is very anxious to go to

England or America to acquire it. He belongs to the old Armenian church; is of a modest appearance, and great promise; and, in addition to the Turkish and Armenian languages, he already understands English, French, and Italian. No literary institution suitable for these and such like youth is to be found here. A school of a high order is much needed; and, judging from what little experience we have had in former years, such a school here would be far preferable to sending the young men abroad for an education, unless they were able and willing to support themselves.

25. Was visited again last evening, as well as the evening before, by the two papal Armenian youth, mentioned under date of the 22d. After answering their queries respecting various passages of scripture, and conversing with them on the nature of the gospel, I lent them some of our Armeno-Turkish tracts to read.

It would be very easy indeed to provoke disputation, and make a great deal of noise here, but wisdom seems to dictate a more quiet way. Schools are much wanted for the rising generation, and the great mass of the people are in darkness and need enlightening, rather than to be drawn into controversy. And, in an unostentatious, quiet way, much good may, with the divine blessing, be done; whereas, by a contrary course, there would be danger that all our operations, and also those of the Bible Society would be entirely obstructed. "He shall not strive nor cry; neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory." May He who "hath abounded towards us, in all wisdom and prudence" grant that we also may abound in the same towards our fellow-men!

Giant's Tomb.

Aug. 26. Yesterday, in company with a number of American gentlemen, crossed over to the Asiatic side, and climbed the mountain to the Giant's Tomb on the summit. This tomb is fifty-four feet long, and perhaps six or eight feet wide, and yet only the head and shoulders of the giant are said to be buried there. The dervishes, who have a religious establishment at the place, told us that his name was "Yoosha" i. e. what we call Joshua, from the Hebrew, and Jesus from the Greek; that he was nephew to Moses, or the son of Moses' brother; and that he was a Mussulman. Some say that he was accustomed to sit on the summit of the mountain, and bathe his feet in the waters of the Bosphorus, that flowed a full mile below at its base; and that he could step over from the mountain on the Asiatic to that on the European side of the channel (say three or four miles) with as much ease as an ordinary man would pass a ditch three or four feet wide. Many shreds of cloth were tied round the branches of the

trees, which are planted at the extremities of the grave. These, the dervishes informed us, were votive offerings to the prophet, (as they call the giant,) in order to influence him to act as their intercessor, and entreat God to bestow blessings upon them.

What the place originally was it is difficult to say; but a mortise in the marble stone at one extremity seems to indicate that a cross was once fixed in it; and the opinion, expressed by some, is by no means an improbable one, that it was anciently a graveyard, or a large tomb, belonging to a Christian church. But "by this craft," Mussulman dervishes here, as popish priests elsewhere, "have their wealth."

From this spot, called also the Cradle of Hercules, we could see both the Black Sea and the Sea of Marmora, with high Olympus covered with eternal snow; though I think not so much of either of the two former as from the opposite mountain on the European side, at Buyuk-Dere, which we ascended the day previous, and from which we could see also the Balkan mountains, rising far beyond and towering above the hills of Thrace. At and near the foot of Giant's Mountain were large excavations for limestone and furnaces for line. Up the sides we found a plenty of ripe blackberries; and in one place we found what particularly struck my attention, because they seemed like old friends, whom I had not seen for many years, viz. a haystack and a Lombardy poplar. Oh the power of early associations! and the numberless lively and tender recollections awakened by it!

Progress of Knowledge and Improvement in Turkey.

Aug. 27. Went with an American gentleman to a village in Asia, opposite Therapia, called Hunkiar Iscalasy. A stream of water comes down through an extensive vale, and a sufficient quantity of it, being diverted from its natural channel at a considerable distance above, is brought down in an artificial one directly to this place. Passing on to the meadow, and crossing the rivulet about two hundred yards from its communication with the clear waters of the Bosphorus, we found ourselves in a delightful spot. The favorite resort of Turkish opulence and indolence. Here the sultan has a paper manufactory, and a carding machine. Here an aqueduct being brought from the stream at no small distance above, is conveyed to the top of a column, and thence distributed by smaller ducts in different directions for the convenient supply of the inhabitants, or for the various purposes of irrigation &c. to which it is applied. Here are large plane trees, full of shade, and everywhere the most noble among the trees of this country. Here are extended walks, neatly laid out, with young trees thickly planted on each side. And here select parties or

whole families, all with the yellow-slipper,* and some also with the yashmack, may be seen on foot, on horseback, or drawn by white oxen in the araba, coming to recline under the trees, and enjoy the fresh air; a coffee-shop, which is always one of the most indispensable appendages in Turkey, being also in a conspicuous place and near at hand.

This way of distributing water in various directions from an artificial height is also seen in other places in the neighborhood of Constantinople; and it shows that the Turks, though generally considered barbarians, have at least had some knowledge of the science of hydraulics. But having proverbially indolent habits, and being averse to any change in their established usages, they must heretofore have had but a very limited knowledge of the sciences generally. The changes now introduced into almost every thing by sultan Mahmood cannot fail to have an important bearing on their system of education. Indeed an academy already exists at Kass Keni, near the city of Constantinople, where, among other studies, the French language and the higher branches of the mathematics receive attention. A library, consisting of an Encyclopedia in French, and many other works in French, or Turkish, or both, is connected with the school, and also two large globes. In the recitation room is a dissected cone, and on one of the two occasions on which I visited the school, a large class of young men, many of whom were from the most respectable families in Constantinople, were engaged with the professor in demonstrating a problem in conic sections. The professor Ishac Effendi, is an apostate from Judaism; and, being able to speak most of the European as well as the oriental languages, he was for some time dragoman to the porte. He showed me several volumes in Turkish, which he had recently published, and which were printed at Constantinople. These were the textbooks of the students. They are principally on mathematics, but seem to embrace also the whole round of science; for some of the students told me that to understand them all was to obtain a finished education, and required three years' study.

30. In the midst of cholera, plague, and conflagration, the Lord has hitherto been our preserver. Other families around us have been "minished and brought low;" but ours has in great mercy been built up, and has this day been increased by a son, an event, however, in no way deserving special notice, except as he is the first American child ever born in Constantinople or its suburbs. May he be "born again" and "seek a better country even an heavenly."

Worn only by Mussulmans and privileged per

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Lamentable Ignorance of Christianity.

Sept. 4. Sabbath. An Italian, a petty merchant, called upon us, in order, as he himself expressed it, to be made a Protestant. We were just then going to the commodore's for public worship, and invited him to accompany us. I afterwards read to him various passages from the Italian New Testament, and conversed with him on the infinitely greater importance of having a new heart, than of belonging to a new sect. About a fortnight ago, a Frenchman called on the same errand. Both of them seemed to think, that, in turning from the Roman to the Protestant faith, they must undergo some process, or pass through some ordeal or transformation, such as partaking of the sacrament in another form, learning a new catechism, assenting to a new creed, or saying a new set of prayers, with either or all of which, they expressed the greatest readiness to comply; and they were anxious to be told what it was, that they might set about it immediately. Anything but repentance for sin and a life of humility and holiness. These and such like men are greatly to be pitied. They need instruction. Though they are Christians in name, they know scarcely any thing of the nature of Christianity; and their desire to become Protestants is in most cases more likely to proceed from a spite they owe their priests, or from a hope of improving their worldly prospects, than from any rational conviction of the truth. To receive such persons into the bosom of a church, would be like planting a garden with briars and thorns. But whatever brings them within the influence of our example, our conversation, or our religious books, is to be considered providential, and should be improved for their good.

Public Appearance of the Sultan.

Sept. 9. Went with some American gentlemen to a village on the Bosphorus, called Beshik Tash, to see the sultan, as he went to the mosque. We obtained a good situation, and had a near and good view of him. He went with much less pomp and ceremony, than on a former occasion, when I saw him in Constantinople. He had then just returned to the capital after an absence of several weeks, in visiting Gallipoli, Adrianople, and other places; and the crowds that assembled to see him were immense.

Sand was brought and strewed upon the pavement the whole way from the seraglio to the mosque, called sultan Bajazet, in the centre of the city, for his horses, which were most richly caparisoned, to prance upon; his pages attended him; the troops were reviewed by him; the batteries saluted him; and the whole beauty, fashion, wealth, and magnificence of the imperial city seemed to be poured forth to do him honor. We stood on a stall at the angle of

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