Imágenes de páginas

Christians is in calling the name differently, || comparing all parts with each other. I was but I told him it is not so; when we com- told by the brahmin that about fourteen of pare the character of Mooroogumooty with them have determined to examine the bible that of our divine Savior, it appears that he as a committee and to write arguments is not a God. While we were conversing against it. thus, one of his neighbors came and scolded the man, and said, are you going to become a Christian? Why do you hear what that man says, &c. After a little while I left the house of this man and went to another place. A poor old man was very attentive to what I said, and told me that he would attend the church on the ensuing Sabbath.

4. As Mr. Meigs is not able to attend the appointed meeting to-morrow, at Panditeripo, for the children from the native free schools, he gave me his subject, viz. "That youth is the most favorable time for receiving the truth."

Meeting with the School.

May 5. We had a pleasant meeting at Panditeripo, with about three hundred and fifty children. When Dr. Scudder requested, that those among the children who not only pray morning and evening but also have earnest desires for the salvation of their souls, should stand up, about a hundred of them stood up. The number of girls is greater now than formerly. About ten years ago, when Mr. Poor said that the custom of Tamul girls learning, will gradually prevail in this country, we did not then much believe him.

13. In my conversation with Pariatamby, a rank heathen, I told him that God forbids worshipping idols. He said they worship idols because they do not see God with their naked eyes. Furthermore he said, as Christians commemorate the Lord's supper according to the commandments of their Savior, so they worship idols because it is commanded by their god Siven. At last I told the man we shall be guiltless in the judgment day of his blood, because we have plainly told him the danger in which

he now is.

19. As the brahmin Sinnayar and the old maniagar came and requested me to get for them the whole bible in Tamul, I went and got for them from Mr. Poor, the pentateuch and the gospels. Besides this, a pandaram, of Sittemberem, whom they call Tampyran, came to the seminary for the purpose of getting a government paper, to be translated, I took the opportunity for conversing with the man, and gave him the tracts on eclipses and instructions to Christian teachers.

Committee for Examining the Bible.

May 30. The brahmin Sinneyar came this forenoon to the station and called me and said, though he had got the pentateuch and the gospels, that is not enough, he wants the whole bible, for examining and

June 5. Sabbath. In my conversation with a man from Sulipoorem, a village be longing to Changany district, I endeavored to prove to him that there is no transmigration of souls, as Tamulians think, but he would not consent to it. I repeated a verse to him in Tamul, which shows the absurdity of transmigration, but he gave another meaning to it.

6. In the morning we had our monthly prayer-meeting. In the meeting, N. Perkins read a translation on the nature and the duty of prayer; afterwards I read to the seminarists Ezra's prayer and made a few remarks.

7. This forenoon the schoolmaster Changarapully, one of the church members, came and told me the people are despising him for bringing his wife and sister to the church. Another schoolmaster, who is also a church member, is greatly troubled in his mind whether he should bring his wife or not. He saw the other church member's wife come to the church and knows he should bring his wife also, but he cannot prevail on her to come.

9. Went to east Araly with Mrs. Poor: advised our schoolmaster's sister to attend the church on the Sabbath, but her reply was, as she is a woman of high caste, she cannot come to church. I told her that the wife and the sister of Changany schoolmaster came to the church, but she said "As they are people of lower caste they may come but I will not."

12. Sabbath. Preached in the chapel from the text "Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."

22. In the evening, in our church members' meeting, they have recommended twenty-two boys as candidates for the ad

mission of the church.

26. Sabbath. As this is the last Sabbath of the term, and the seminarists are soon to go to their houses, I thought to rein spiritual affairs, and preached to them mind them how they had spent the term

on the text "Now advise and see what answer I shall return to him that sent me."



AN account of the licensure and public designation of this young man, as a preacher of the gospel, was given in the number for April, p. 105.

Reasoning about Image Worship.

May 1, 1831. Sabbath. In the forenoon I attended preaching at the station. In the

afternoon the catechist and I went to a || invented the Christian religion. Then 1 school at Chunnagam, a village nearly a answered, the religion of which I now tell mile and a half distant from the station and you is given neither by ignorant men nor saw many people waiting our arrival, of wise men, but by Christ, who is greater whom several were head men of the vil- and more wise than all wise men. In this lage. When we were sufficiently near to way I exhorted him for a long time and he hear their loud talking, they seemed to be seemed to understand the truth of the Chrisarguing and disputing with one another, tian religion. some in favor of the Christian religion, and others in favor of the Tamul religion. As I did not hear all they said, I can mention only one question, put by a man who spoke in favor of the Christian religion, and the answer to it. Your religion, said he, teaches you to worship one God, why then do you worship Pulleyar and so many other inferior gods? Then those who defended the Tamul religion, answered, if we want to go and see a king we should first see his minister or servant, so we should worship Pulleyar and others to obtain favor from the supreme God. The other then replied, as God is every where, we can have access directly to him and see him whenever we wish with our own minds. When they were thus arguing, we went and exhorted them, saying many things about the subject of their dispute, and urging them to seek salvation by Christ, to which the majority of them assented because they saw that what we said was rational.

2. In the afternoon I went to Conterody, a village nearly a mile distant from the station, in order to visit a sick man who is very friendly with me; and seeing many people were assembled I was excited to exhort them. Having said some things about the mortal body and told them that those who believe on Christ as a Savior and walk according to his law, will hereafter possess an immortal body and dwell with God. Some of them opposed me and the truth, saying, "who has been to heaven to see these things and come again to the earth, the missionaries or you?" Then I said, neither the missionaries nor I have been to see these things and make them known, but the Lord Jesus Christ who came down from heaven. I also seriously exhorted the sick man, and he expressed by sighs his grief for not having sought salvation.

Interview with Pagans-A Reviler.

May 3. Afternoon, went to North Oodooville and found a man who used to bear false witness in favor of any who would pay him, and began my exhortation by saying that all men are sinners, but among them some are very great sinners and that they will suffer much in hell unless they are saved by Christ. Then he asked, as if he did not know any thing about Christ, who is Christ? Upon which I spoke of the person and character of Christ and the way to receive him as our Savior. After hearing me, he asked, how can I believe this, while our religion is all given by wise men. asked this, thinking that the missionaries


5. Went to Conterody, in order to see the sick man mentioned above; there were many persons, men and women, and among them was a brahmin who came to make poorja to Siven, in the name of the sick man; which they say serves to drive out the devils which cause the sickness. He seeing me exhort the attendants, spoke angrily with me, and blasphemed Christ by saying that he was a spurious child. Then I said no, do not add to your torments in hell by saying so, because he is a divine being, he has a heavenly Father. After saying many things about Christ's birth, I began to show to the people the deceptions which the brahmins practice, and the ruin which they bring upon the people and closed my remarks with an exhortation. Many of them seemed surprised, some murmured and others expressed their approbation of what was said.

6. Friday afternoon, after the usual meeting at the station, Mr. Winslow, the catechist and I went to hold a meeting at a school at Kallakattuvan, nearly a mile distant from the station, and found about fifty men, five or six women, and a number of boys waiting our arrival; beside which, many were still coming to the meeting from the village. I opened the meeting with a native song-the catechist read a tract and explained it. Mr. Winslow then rose and exhorted them respecting what they had heard read. The majority of the attendants, with silence, heard what was said. Two or three of them put many questions which were answered to their


Pretended Miracles.


May 10. Afternoon, went to a village near and met with a man, his wife, and his grand daughter, and exhorted them, saying that there is no profit in worshipping Šiva, Ammal, &c., and proved that they are not gods and goddesses. They used to go Vattapally, a place three days journey from Jaffna, every year, to make offerings at the temple of Ammal, in which they say many miracles are performed. One is, that the priest makes a lamp burn with water from a pool instead of oil, and another is, a pot made of clay is wound round with thread and filled with rice to be boiled. When boiling the fire does not consume the thread. They tell also of many other miracles. These three heard my exhortation attentively and expressed their approbation of it.

16. Forenoon, I went to a bazar, at Chunagam, and spoke with a poet about

the Christian religion. He was offended at my speaking, and said, you need not speak with me for you are a Christian. Knowing him to be a grandson of a native minister in the Dutch time, I asked him, has there been no Christian among your relations. He was surprised at my question, and spoke with me in a friendly manner. I then said to him, there is no disgrace to me in your calling me a Christian. No one can be saved without Christianity. That religion shows the way to obtain the pardon of sin and eternal life, but yours the way to hell. In this manner we conversed with

one another but he seemed careless.

20. In the afternoon, after the usual meeting at the station, the catechist and 1 went to Inneville north, and found about thirty men and a number of boys of the school, whom we exhorted, and also read to them a tract called the true way. Among the people was one called Moothalee, who|| spoke very foolishly and abused us, but though he abused us yet we continued our exhortation. Many heard attentively but there was no sign of their receiving Christianity.

June 2. In going to a neighboring village, I met a native police officer, and exhorted him seriously, saying, though you have heard the way to heaven for many years, yet you seek it not. What is the reason, do you think that you can live so forever? No, do not be careless. Seek Christ, he will redeem you; but if you neglect him he will neglect you in the day of judgment. On hearing this, he went away alarmed without speaking much with me.

3. The catechist and I went to preach at Poottoor, a village at a distance of nearly ten miles from the station. We found a few men and a number of boys of the school. Before sermon we heard the boys read, and explained to them what they read. Afterwards I preached a sermon about leaving the sin of idolatry, and showed to them that idolatry is a sin like others; to which though many present assented, yet some of them said, we do not worship images, but we worship God, looking at the idol as a remembrancer. Then I said, no need of looking at an idol while you may see him with your mind and worship him in your heart. A man, who is somewhat learned, asked me what is the difference between thinking that there is a being at a certain place, and worshipping God by looking at an image. Then I said it is not right for any one to worship God thinking that he is at a certain place as creatures are. In this way we argued, and afterwards returned home. In the afternoon I preached at the station.

The preceding extracts from the journals of these native preachers may be considered as specimens of their knowledge of English, and the manner of spending their time.

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IN November last, the members of the Bombay mission, after much consideration, resolved to form a new station on the high lands of the adjoining continent. One important reason for this measure, was the feeble health of Mr. Graves, who had been obliged to reside for nearly a year and a half on the Neilgherry hills, where the climate is comparatively cold. As these hills are not in the Mahratta country, it was thought highly desirable, that some elevated situation should be sought out, where the Mahratta language is spoken, so that Mr. Graves might employ his knowledge of that language to the best purpose, in a climate suited to his infirm state of health. Another reason, which induced the mission to this measure, is the importance of a more extended field of operation. There is now no obstacle existing on the part of the Bom

bay government, to missionaries residing in any part of the presidency. The health of the missionaries, at this new station, is tolerably good.

We have just heard, by our friends in Bombay, of an opportunity of sending directly to Boston, and we judge it proper not. to let it pass without writing you a few words, to inform you of our circumstances and labors here. Before this comes to hand, you will doubtless have heard, by communications from Bombay, that the mission, in November last, decided on the expediency of occupying a station on the continent, and fixed upon this as the most eligible place.

We left Bombay on the 9th, and arrived here on the 20th of December 1831. We had an opportunity of giving Christian instruction and distributing Christian books in many villages, by the way. Nothing occurred during the journey, worthy of particular mention.

Situation of the Station.

The city of Ahmednuggur is situated on what may be called the table land of the Ghauts, in a plain 12 or 15 miles in extent, each way, and is about 175 miles, a little north of east, from Bombay. It is estimated to contain a population of 50,000; and since it has become a military station, it is increasing in population. It was once the seat of the Mussulman power, in this part of India, and appears from its palaces, mosques, acqueducts and numerous ruins, to have been a place of much splendor. It

is four or five miles in circuit, and entirely surrounded by a high wall of stone and clay. Many people however live just without the walls. A mile farther east of the city, is a strong fort, about a mile and a half in circumference. A mile farther east, is a cantonment of about 1,000 English soldiers, chiefly artillery. There are many villages in the vicinity easy of access, containing each, from one hundred to several thousands of people.

Stated Services.

|| tour of eight or ten days, to some of the neighboring villages. Sixteen villages were visited, and about 500 tracts distributed during the tour. We have given to readers in this place about 300 portions of the scriptures, and two or three thousand tracts. Our books were much demanded when we first came here, but as their contents became known, they are less sought for, and of course, as we have reason to fear, less read, if not, in some cases, destroyed.

We have had one girls' school in opera. tion about two months; it is generously supported by the benevolent ladies in this is thirteen. Considerable opposition and difficulty were encountered in establishing We think of commencing another school for girls soon, and one or two for boys.


Since we came here, we have had stated-place. At present, the number of scholars ly three services in Mahratta, on the Sabbath. One early in the morning, with from 150 to 200, blind, lame, leprous, aged and otherwise infirm and disabled persons, who assemble to receive grain, furnished for their support, by the benevolence of the English residents. Previously to our coming here, these persons had, for some time, been accustomed to assemble for grain, in the same way, and had received religious instruction from Dr. A. Graham, to whose kindness, we are indebted for many favors. We have one service, for natives, at our house, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at which we have commonly had from ten to thirty persons present, most of them, in some way, engaged in our employment. The other Mahratta service, on the Sabbath, is held in the afternoon, in a house, or shed, built for travellers, near the bazar. The number of attendants varies from fifteen to forty.

On Sabbath evening, we have a service in English, at our house, attended by a few families, besides those pertaining to the mission; and there being no chaplain here, at present, we hold another meeting, at the same time, with the soldiers, the number attending which is from fifty to one hundred.

We have a meeting for prayer, reading and explaining the scriptures, in Mahratta, every morning, at our own house. Here we sometimes have the pleasure of seeing a few persons present, not in our employment. We are also in the practice of going into the streets to converse with, and preach to as many, as will hear us, every day, when health and other circumstances will admit. Two of us have not yet acquired the language, so as to use it with much ease; and it often appears to us, that our attempts at preaching are little more than the name.

Services of Babjee-Distribution of Tracts.

In the last number, p. 309, an account is given of the marriage of this brahmin, in the mission

Of the fruits of our three months labor here, we cannot say much. One or two persons, who have heard something of the gospel nearly every day, since we came here, express their conviction of its truth, and of the folly and sin of idolatry, but they give no evidence of being born again. It is encouraging, however, amidst all the indifference and scorn that we meet with from multitudes, to see any who give respectful, and apparently interested attention. May they be taught of God!

We were rejoiced to hear, a few days since, that some new missionaries were appointed to this field. May they be brought speedily and safely here. The harvest is immense, and the burden and heat of the day, to be borne in gathering it, great; but the laborers-alas! where are they?

We sympathise with the church, with the Board, with the cause of missions, and with the cause of humanity, in the loss, which all have sustained, in the removal of our friend and father, Mr. Evarts. O for a life as useful, a death as peaceful, and an eternity as blessed as his!

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THIS communication, though of previous date to those contained in the last number of the Herald, has but recently been received. Nothing of special interest has occurred in the misOpportunities for distributing the scriptures are sion. Usual health is enjoyed by its members.

chapel at Bombay. He is represented by the becoming more numerous. missionaries, as giving promise of much useful


One of our number, in company with Babjee, a native convert, has made a short

The benefits of our schools in former years, has not been lost. Not a few, both parents and children, who reaped advantage from them, acknowledge this. The school at Beyroot, which two young lads

had privately began, some weeks previously, was about four months ago re-opened, under the same teacher as formerly, and has ever since been proceeding on a respectable footing We have still a small school near Sidon, under the inspection of our esteemed coadjutor, Wortabet. Still another was for a time in operation not far from the convent of Belmont, near Tripoli. It did well till the priest, after repeated conversations and disputes with the teacher, acknowledged the prevailing superstitions of the country, and began in open church to preach against them. Both he and the teacher were then accused to the bishop, and such a persecution was brought upon them in the village, that it was thought prudent that the teacher should retire. The school was nevertheless continued, under the immediate instruction of the priest, with about ten children of those who took part with the truth. Other schools in different places have been desired, but, for various reasons, we have not thought best to comply with the solicitations. The congregation of poor, to the number of sixty or seventy, assemble as formerly, to listen to the word of God, and receive their pittance of alms. Preaching on the Sabbath at the English consulate is continued with an increased number of hearers. The Arabic meeting for prayer, reading, and conversation, is not fully attended; ten or twelve natives being all that are usually present. Those who call upon us for friendly visits, and with whom we can freely converse on the great concerns of the soul, are more than formerly, and we have the pleasure to say, that, of these, one, who has been heretofore remarkable for dissoluteness of life, has been apparently brought to a true knowledge of the Savior.

We rejoice to see our Armenian brother and fellow laborer at Sidon, continuing to adorn the doctrine of God our Savior, by a pious life. He is remarkably zealous and sanguine, and withal, generally prudent, and so far as we know, has a good report of them which are without." He sells scriptures and recommends the religion of Jesus to Druzes, Armenians, Roman Catholics, and Jews; and even Moslems sometimes listen to him with attention. The two or three cases of seriousness and re

The nation of the Druzes, near whom we dwell, exhibits at the present moment, some interesting features. Some time since a Druze woman was in the habit of coming daily to the house of our school teacher, to listen to scripture reading and religious conversation. Her face was often bathed in tears while she repeated, "that's the truth." Her coming was afterwards prevented by the plague, and we hear she is. since dead. A man, far advanced in years, and one of the Aakils (initiated into the mysteries) came also often to the house of the teacher, and after hearing and opposing the truth for some time, at length professed to receive it; and as a proof of his sincerity, offered to bring us one of the secret books of his religion, which offer he has since fulfilled. During the heat of summer one of us resided two or three months at a Druze village on the mountains, where he had many opportunities of declaring the gospel to the people. Once, by invitation, he attended their weekly meeting for worship, and after their service was over, at their earnest request, read and expounded a portion of the word of God. A considerable part of the noble Druze families, have, within a few years, become nominally Christian. The two or three families that remain, will very likely find it expedient to follow their example. But the common people, whatever they may be inclined to do hereafter, if they shall see their princes continue Christians, seem as yet, in few or no cases, to have renounced the religion of their fathers. Should our mission be continued, the experiment will probably ere long be tried, whether a purer gospel may not produce, on this despised and ignorant sect, effects which the deformed Christianity of the country has never yet been able to do. The Ansarias, of the parts beyond Tripoli, said by some to be a race of Druzes, but more ignorant and erratic than they, have been furnished by us with a few copies of the word of life, which, as the agent assured us, they had begun to read with great satisfaction. A missionary station at Tripoli, or Latikeea, seems desira ble, not merely for the benefit of Christians, but in special reference to this half pagan


formation in the neighborhood of Sidon, of Cheering Intercourse with English Miswhich we have already made some report, continue in the same hopeful state.

State of the Druzes-Prospects of ness among them.


In the failure of all missionary reinforceUseful-ments from home, it has been with peculiar pleasure that we have enjoyed the correspondence and assistance of a company of English missionary brethren at Aleppo, who, though originally destined to a station further on, have hitherto been providentially detained on our coast. Two of them are at present with us at Beyroot, imparting to us that strength and comfort, which are the natural result of familiar Christian intercourse. For ourselves, we should be glad

The Druzes are a most singular people. Their religion seems to be a compound of Paganism, Mahometanism, and Christianity. Their whole number is about 70,000. They are divided into two classes, the Aakils, or intelligent, the Djahils, or ignorant. The number of the former is about 10,000, of the latter 60,000. VOL. XXVIII


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