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here till October, then removed with his family to Lahaina, to wait the further indications of Providence respecting his location. Mr. Baldwin remained with us till the fourth instant, when he sailed with Mrs. Baldwin, and have taken their post at Waimea in Hawaii. These three brethren while they were with us, besides attending successfully to the study of the language of the country, preached in English pretty uniformly twice a week; that is, once at the chapel on Sabbath morning, and once in the evening at a private house, with special reference to the benefit of foreign residents and seamen, mostly at the house of Mr. Johnson, who has also devoted special attention to that class of men.

Mr. Shepard, on account of declining health, has been induced to leave the care of the printing office, and without any very apparent change, has gone with his family to Lahaina; and Mr. Goodrich, agreeably to the arrangements of our last meeting, takes his place for the present, but not with sound health, and superintends native journeymen and apprentices in printing and book-binding.

Miss Ward, who from June till the close of the year gave more uninterrupted attention, perhaps, than any of the other females at this station, to the instruction of females and the superintendance of female teachers and their classes of children, has gone to Kaawaloa, where Mr. and Mrs. Ruggles would otherwise have been more alone than usual, in consequence of an arrangement for. Mr. Bishop and family to spend some months with Mr. Baldwin at Waimea.

It will give you pleasure to know that the general and ordinary labors of the station have, by the aid of Providence, been continued in the different departments here to the present time with the same encouragement to prosecute them with courage, as has been given in former periods; for which, we doubt not, the patrons of the mission feel bound to give thanks to the great Dispenser of all good. While, by the undiminished labors of the press and pulpit, by school instruction, and daily personal interviews with the natives who throng around us for some cause or other, we have been endeavoring to sow the seed of the divine word,--we have reason to think that the Holy Spirit has been watering it, and in some instances making it effectual to salvation.

Numbers have appeared to hear with good attention. Hundreds have sought to have their names enrolled with those who profess to be seeking in earnest the kingdom of heaven, and hundreds more have expressed a desire to be baptised. We labor with them long, and are slow to hear their applications. But during the year past there have been successive classes of propounded candidates for church-membership, who, excepting a class of twelve that still remain, have, at the successive communion

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seasons, been baptised and received to fellowship; viz. 13 in March, 30 in June, 25 in September, and eight in December; making 75 added to the church the last year, and whole number admitted at this station 166.

Removal of the Jesuits from the Islands.

Allow us here to mention some particulars of a providential character not immediately connected with our labors, but not less interesting to the nation on that ac

count. You have heard of the disastrous barked, soon after the visit of the U. S. ship enterprise in which Boki and Manuia emVincennes, and the loss of Manuia and most of his crew, and the almost certain loss of Boki and his crew and vessel, and the consequent change of the government of this island. You are aware also of the fact that, subsequently to those changes, the government ordered the Jesuits to leave the islands within three months, or be liable to be treated as strangers in other countries who refuse to comply with the laws, or who render themselves obnoxious to govern


During the three months alluded to, Captain Hill, a member of the church of England, from Liverpool, made a visit to this part of the world as a philanthropist, and exerted a direct influence to second the orders of the chiefs, both in respect to the removal of the Jesuits, and the suppression of the injurious traffic in ardent spirits, carried on chiefly by foreigners against the wishes of Kaahumanu and nearly all the principal chiefs in the islands.

He labored with the Jesuits themselves to persuade them, as they desired the good of the country, as they hoped to be useful to their fellow men, to remove without delay to some other part of the world where their labors would be more acceptable, and to leave the natives in quiet possession of the Scriptures and of the Protestant faith; assuring them that the doctrines of the Romish church are so different from those of the Reformation, that they can never coalesce, and that the islanders were not able to digest them both at once. He labored also with other foreigners to produce the same impression.

During the same period, General Miller, an English gentleman distinguished in the revolutionary struggles of Peru, in a voyage for his health, arrived as a passenger in a Prussian ship, the Princess Louisa. Kaahumanu said, "This ship will perhaps help to accomplish our wishes by carrying away the Frenchmen." General Miller seemed during a stay of four months, to take a lively interest, not in the case of the Jesuits, but in the general state and prospects of the country. He encouraged the king and chiefs to endeavor to improve the form and character of their government; to look well to the future interests of their country;

to encourage industry and commerce; to establish reasonable and equitable laws for the security of property, the promotion of good order, and the regulation of intercourse with strangers, and to enforce them without the fear of interference.

It is due moreover to both these gentlemen to say, what we are happy to acknowledge, that they treated your missionaries with kindness and respect, and as we believe exerted an influence favorable to the interests of the nation.

The Princess Louisa brought presents from the king of Prussia, and a letter from his majesty to the king of the Sandwich Islands, acknowledging the reception of a letter and war-cloak from him, recommending to his protection any of his subjects who might visit the islands, and wishing him all prosperity, peace, and happiness. Among the presents were a portrait of his majesty, Frederick William, and another of his field marshall, Prince Blucher. The friendly letter of the king of Prussia, and the account which the pious author of the two interesting portraits give of the subjects of them, afford new and happy evidence to the king and chiefs of the Sandwich Islands, that it is not beneath the dignity of kings and princes, the enlightened nobles of the earth, to encourage earning and religion, or to promote by their personal example and influence, the diffusion of the inspired oracles, both at home and abroad.

Kauikeaouli returned a friendly answer in his own hand, which for style, matter, and execution, was highly creditable to himself; and the autograph, with a translation into English, was forwarded to Berlin by Capt. Wednt, of the Princess Louisa.

The three months expired, and the chiefs waited till the fall ships arrived and sailed again, some to England, some to the United States, and some to other coasts. They then fitted out the brig Waverly, one of their own vessels, and on the 24th of December sent her with the two Jesuits on board, to the coast of California, at an expense of about a thousand dollars. The king, Kaahumanu, and Kuakini, jointly signed the commission to William Sumner for that purpose, which was as follows:

"I, Kauikeaouli, king of the Sandwich Islands, and Kaahumanu, and Kabua [one of the names of Kuakiai] governor of Oahu, do hereby commission William Sumner, commander of the brig Waverly, now laying at Oahu, to receive on board two French gentlemen and their goods, or whatever they may have to bring on board, and to proceed on to California, and land them safe on shore, with every thing belonging to them, where they may subsist; and then to return back to the Sandwich


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Two Jesuit mechanics, a carpenter and mason, still remain as a part of that company which visited the islands, at the suggestion of Rives, to teach his people religion, and cultivate his lands.

The removal of these Jesuits in the manner in which it was performed, was the violation of none of their natural or acquired rights, and therefore cannot properly be regarded as persecution. No permission was ever given them to remain on the islands: it was expressly refused, and they were repeatedly requested, and even ordered to go away. The advice and authority of the government being equally disregarded, that government exercised the right claimed by all civilized nations, of determining whether foreigners at all events shall remain within its limits; and, in a manner the most considerate and humane, sent them to another country professing the same religion with themselves.

While endeavoring to estimate the merits of this case, we should endeavor to place ourselves in the circumstances of the chiefs of the Sand

wich Islands.

Christian chiefs in the Sandwich Islands -say their missionary friends—have an argument against Romanism, which is to them conclusive, on the supposition that their former system of worship was wrong. Their religion, formerly, consisted much in the worship of bones, and other relics of their predecessors and of various living creatures, of numerous tabus [inhibitions] in respect to flesh and other kinds of food, and rehearsing prayers and making gestures before images of the various objects of their adoration-not that they supposed the image itself to be the real god in all cases, but either the place of residence of the spirit, or the mere representation of the god in whom they trusted. Now if all this was without exception wrong, how can the same thing, or what appears to them to be the same thing in Romanism, be right? And if it was right for them to prohibit the idolatry of their former worship, it is in their view right to prohibit idolatry or the worship of pictures, or images, or the relics of men, in whatever shape it is attempted to be revived; unless it can be shown that the infinite God has commanded it. This, so far as we know, the Jesuits have never attempted to prove from the holy Scrip


The facts, concisely stated, appear to be these. The Jesuits were four years in Oahu, so that the intelligent chiefs had an opportunity to gain some correct notions of their religious opinions and rites. The chiefs also satisfied their minds, by conference with their Protestant teachers, by reading a translation of Mr. King's simple and excellent letter to his Maronite Ro

man Catholic friends in Syria, and by examin- || able to read; to which they replied in the ing the portions of the word of God which exist|| negative, as the two women had before. I in their language that all sorts of idol worship were utterly at variance with the letter and spirit of Christianity, and that the opinions and ceremonies of the Romish church were in general contrary to the Scriptures: and they regarded the introduction of the papal religion among the people as little better than a revival of the baleful superstitions, from which they had been so recently disenthralled.

asked again, if they did not wish to learn. Nearly all maintained a suspicious silence: it. "Why," continued I, "do you not wish One man signified that they did not wish to learn?" All were silent. "On what are your thoughts placed?" They deigned me no answer. The man who had answered one or two questions and who had returned my salutation, rose and went to the hut I had left. A woman, who I suppose to be the sister of one of the members of our

The following reasons were assigned by Kua-church, came up from towards the sea kini in writing for sending away the Jesuits.

"This is our reason for sending away the Frenchmen. In the first place, the chiefs never assented to their dwelling at Oahu, and when they turned some of our own people to stand opposed to us, then we said to them, 'Return to the country whence ye came.' At seven different times we gave them that order; and again in speaking to them, we said, 'Go away, ye Frenchmen: we allow you three months to get ready.' But they did not go during the three months: they remained eight months, saying, We have no vessel to return in.' Therefore we have put them on board our own vessel to carry them to a place where the service is like their own. Because their doings are different from ours, and because we cannot agree, therefore we send them away."


shore. I bade her aloha, which she returned; but not recognising her distinctly, I asked her her naine, which most natives are pleased with the opportunity of making known to us. She declined an answer. repeated my question, and made several inquiries, but she appeared speechless, and soon disappeared, and those who remained in and about the hut would not speak to


I left in the hands of a friendly native, who had daily intercourse with them, a number of copies of a tract containing the ten commandments, as we teach and explain them, directing him, if he found any of them who would read it, or who would take it, to give it to them. He thought they would be averse to reading the Scriptures, and not desirous to learn to read at all. O dreadful delusion! to be willing slaves of ignorance, without the desire or means of knowing the truth! How dreadful to have the offended Author of eternal truth send upon us strong delusions that we may believe a lie, that we might be damned, because we receive not the love of the truth. Influence of the Jesuits upon the Natives. I rode home with some feelings, I hope, of Dec. 3, 1831. After spending several compassion for these thrice deluded children of pagans, who had now been led, apdays with my family at Punahou Spring, just at the opening of the valley of Manoa,parently, to hate the only light that shines in this dark world to give the knowledge of I called, as I was returning, at a little clusthe glory of God. ter of huts, where a number of the followers of the Jesuits sojourn; being engaged, with many others, in building a wall for the king to protect his plantations from the herds of cattle on the plain. At the door of the first hut I met two women of about middle age, and, after the cominon salutations had passed, I asked, "Do you know the palapala?" "Aole," no, was their reply. "Do you not desire the palapala?" I asked again. "Aole," was readily returned. if you could obtain a teacher who would instruct you in the palapala, would you not like to learn, that you may know what is right? "Aule," was again promptly and emphatically pronounced. I had taken a handful of tracts with a design to give them to them, if they wished to read them, and asked again, "Have not any of you learned to read." "None," was their reply, though it was not strictly correct. I passed on to the next house, or hut, where a larger number were together. I saluted the house, and very soon inquired if any of them were



Various Labors and Occurrences.

Dec. 4. Preached Sabbath morning to a full congregation from the interesting interrogatory and injunction of Moses when Israel had turned aside and made and worshipped a golden calf-"Who is on the Lord's side? Let him come unto me. Shewed the occasion on which Moses made this inquiry, and the fitness of our attempting to answer for ourselves-shewed the character of those who are on the Lord's side, and the reasons why we should be on the Lord's side, and show ourselves, by word and deed, to be there.

5. In the evening addressed a company of seamen from the ship Fanny. I read the 49th of Isaiah, and remarked on the character and condition of all the true church of God, as obedient, happy, and safe, while all others were disobedient, unhappy, and in danger of endless ruin.


6. Attended the monthly meeting of the native church, and urged them to live and act as children of the same blessed Father-to encourage, to reclaim, to strengthen one another-to labor together-to act in concert and unison-to show clearly, by lives of holy obedience and zealous activity, that we are on the Lord's side, and that we use no weapon, in assailing or opposing the enemies of truth, but the word of Godthat as church members we have no sword but the word of God, though rulers had, in a different capacity, a sword put into their hands by God himself, for the punishment of evil-doers.

8. Held a church-meeting for the examination of candidates: examined four, and selected eight to be examined to-morrow. Made some remarks to them to show that not those who were simply regular in their lives, but those who were renewed in heart, and engaged in God's service, were suitable candidates.

The native members, who were well acquainted with the candidates whose names we announced, were allowed to express their opinion in favor or against their being brought forward; which would, we thought, tend on the whole to promote union and fellowship among the members; though we take the principal responsibility and direction of their examination and admission. The ninth whom we announced, had been recommended by several of the members, and was distinctly approved by a considerable number present who appeared to be acquainted with her; but John li said, "If we know any reason why she should be deferred, it is not right to conceal it. I do not censure her as evil, but it is my opinion she ought to be deferred." She was accordingly deferred.

10. The eight above mentioned were to-day examined, all of whom gave evidence of loving the truth, and of desiring to follow Christ and to trust in him for salvation.

11. Sabbath. I preached in the morning, with reference to the solemn transactions anticipated for the afternoon--the admission of members, baptism, and the Lord's supper. My theme was the declaration of the good king Hezekiah, who said, "Now it is in my heart to make a covenant with the Lord God of Israel, that his fierce wrath may turn away from us." 2 Chron. xxix. 10. Illustrated the nature of the transaction of making a covenant with God, and the advantages of such a transaction.

13. Phelps has been taking the census of the village of Honolulu. He makes 5,522 inhabitants, including 180 foreigners. The inhabitants living on the plantations of Honolulu are not included. These, when added, will probably make from 7,500 to 8,000.

14. I preached the Wednesday lecture -an exposition and application of Matthew

iv. 12-17; the bible class-lesson for this week. Insisted on immediate repentance, obeying and imitating Christ in diffusing light, and preparing for the coming of his kingdom. To-day one of the members of the church was called away from his labors to his last account.

15. Attended the bible class this afternoon-reviewed the discourse of yesterday; or rather, by questions on Matt. iv. 12-17, brought out what they were able to answer as to the prominent points, on which they manifested a good degree of readiness.

16. The funeral of Amos Kupo, who died on the 14th, was attended at the church this afternoon. Probably 2,000 persons were present, chiefly belonging to the Friday prayer-meetings. I preached from Gal. i. 23, 24. Described the character of Paul before and after his conversion, shewed the cause of his conversion, and gave some account of the character of Kupo, a former sorcerer, who appears to resemble Paul in many respects.

18. Preached in the morning from Ephesians, vi. 14, on the duties of parents and children: baptised eleven children.



[Continued from p. 328.]

Dec. 20, 1831. P. informed me that most of the Greeks in the village visited the school yesterday. They came in a body, and were much gratified: but when, at the close of the prayer, they saw no one make the sign of the cross, they exclaimed against the omission of it, and ordered the children to cross themselves. P. simply remarked that the church was the place for religion, and that the priests were specially set apart to give instruction on that subject; but that the school was for science and literature, and that he had been employed to teach them solely these latter things. As however, a great deal of relig ious instruction is given in the school daily, as well as from Sabbath to Sabbath, the answer was not altogether satisfactory; and the children in obedience to the order of their fathers and guardians made the sign of the cross in the Greek orthodox manner. I told P. I thought he had better say nothing to the children on the subject, but leave them to do every one according to his own pleasure; or otherwise, an importance might in their view, be given to the subject, to which it was by no means entitled. It was sufficient for our purpose not to enjoin it on them, nor teach them, the orthodox way of making it. P. said, a few days since one of the boys brought a complaint to him against some of the others that they were eating cheese, and that he

told them, they might eat whatever they chose, or their parents chose to have them: he would be no judge in such matters. For the teachers of the schools not to enjoin it upon the scholars on pain of corporal punishment to keep the fast, go to church, kiss the pictures, pray to the saints, &c., is something entirely new. Heretofore, they have always been perfect tools of the priests, and the schools the very gate of the church.

21. In return for some specimens of our Greek school books which Commodore Porter sent to the Russian ambassador, he received to-day a very polite note, thanking him for the favor, and saying, that the American institution was a noble and benevolent one, deserving of patronage, and that he and the Spanish minister would have great pleasure in visiting the school in this village on any day it might be agreeable to us.

On the report of a friend, that the papal priests were greatly alarmed and offended, because the New Testament was read in the Greek school, Mr. Goodell replied

That the school was for Greeks and not papists; and that so long as the former were satisfied, it was no concern of the latter what books were used: moreover, that the Greeks did not consider the New Testament as heretical, but had always been accustomed to make more or less use of it as a school book; and that, instead of its being now forced upon them against their wishes, they had themselves purchased for their children every copy which was found

in the school.

There are not less than five Latin priests in this village, and I think there are more. Several of them are chaplains to the different embassies, and one of them is found in the palace of a minister, who represents a Protestant government. The Russian minister has also his chaplain, a man of a most cheerful and animated countenance, and much apparent friendliness. In the Greek church are three priests and one deacon. The papal Armenians and Greeks are not deficient in this particular, and there are besides a Syrian bishop and a Georgian priest, both papists.

28. As yet I have seen neither ice nor frost in this country, nor till this morning have I seen snow. The surrounding hills are now partly covered with it, and it is also falling here, though it melts as fast as it comes.

Jan. 14, 1832. Went to Galata, and thence down nearly to the seven towers to make a visit to the Armenian patriarch in his palace. He appeared to be about fifty years of age, of deliberate habits, his beard long, black, and thick, befitting his exalted station, and his deportment in all respects marked with dignity. Both he and his vicar received me very graciously, and con

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versed with much apparent interest about America, schools, &c. The patriarch was very inquisitive respecting our religion, and wished to know whether we followed Calvin or Luther. The vicar having previously laid it down as an incontrovertible proposition, that all protestants were followers either of one or of the other. I replied that in America there was the most perfect freedom in regard to religious sentiments and worship; and that of course there were various denominations of Christians, and that though some of these, it was true, were called Calvinists, and some Lutherans, and others by still different names; yet I knew the fact to be, that they did not generally inquire what Luther, Calvin, or any other man believed in order to know what to believe themselves, but were remarkably free from all shackles of this kind, and inquired simply what God had said in his holy Word. To this they at once bowed assent. The patriarch then inquired about missionary operations in China, which led me to speak of the missions recently established there; of those also in India and Burmah; and of the wonderful change that had been produced in the moral condition of the inhabitants at the Sandwich Islands. He was very anxious to know what kind of Christians our missionaries made them; what sect they were made to follow; what name they took, &c. I told himn, that they were not baptised in the name of Calvin, Luther, the pope, or any one else, but simply "in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost;" that they embraced Christianity in its primitive purity without any thing foreign being mixed with it, and that they were formed into churches that "knew no man after the flesh," but received the pure unadulterated word of God as the sufficient and only rule of faith and practice. To this he with his vicar gave the fullest assent, but seemed at the same time to be filled with wonder at so extraordinary and yet so reasonable a He expressed for me and for America much of the oriental kind of love, of which every man here seems to keep always a large stock on hand, and said, if he had not seen me, he must have gone there; but in being favored with a sight of me, he had seen America, and was glad.


In regard to Lancasterian schools among his nation he expressed himself favorably, and called up Boghos, (the very man we wanted) and said he might come to be instructed in the new system, and then commence a school according to it, as an experiment. On rising to depart I him gave my blessing, which he received with a smile, remembering, I suppose, that "without all contradiction the less is blessed of the greater."

Returned to Galata, and spent the night with a pleasant Greek family-the aunt of I. C. He also was with us, having invited Commodore Porter and myself to accom

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