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Haweis. On reviewing the dealings of our Heavenly Father towards us on our journey, we find ourselves under renewed obligations of gratitude. The weather was in the highest degree favorable. We every where found kind treatment, and the health of Mrs. Worcester and Mrs. Chamberlin is evidently improved.


you; but I can do nothing for you but pray. I pray for you, and I pray for the people that put you in prison; I do not hate them because they treated you so; I think it may be that the Savior will give them new hearts.

My dear brother, when I think of your suffering, I think you will remember that Christians have to suffer a great deal in this world, before they go to heaven. And I think you will remember too, how much was upon

Interest felt in behalf of the Imprisoned the Savior suffered when he


earth. I remember your instructions and thank you for them all. I will try to keep up the meetings the same as if you were here.

You know how my health was when you

RESPECTING the company of Cherokees mentioned in the letter of Mr. Chamberlin, on a preceding page, it should be remarked that they were from the Valley Towns, the most unin-left. I am now better. My arm is much better. Almost all your neighbors have structed and uncivilized part of the nation. been sick, but I come to your house and They had probably never seen Mr. Worcester find your family and the Cherokee children or Dr. Butler, and knew little more concerning in your family all well. I wish to have this them, than that they were teachers who had read to Mr. Worcester, and tell him, I feel during a series of years been laboring gratuitous-that he is my brother too, and that I hope ly for the good of Cherokees.

A similar feeling of interest in the case of their teachers, who are suffering imprisonment for their attachment to them, and a readiness to afford assistance as far as they are able, prevail extensively among the Cherokees. Mrs. Butler, in a letter dated October 27th mentions a number of instances.

Mr. Ross, the principal chief of the nation, in a letter sent her soon after Dr. Butler's arrest, says, "Any service within the range of my power to render you will afford me pleasure at all times to perform. I therefore must entreat you not to feel any delicacy or hesitancy in commanding it on any occasion." One or two other gentlemen sent a similar message to Mrs. Butler.

Indians who have visited her have manifested the same feelings.

One said, after Mr. Butler's cruel treatment, in his last arrest, "If I could do any thing for him I would; I would go and walk for him, if it would do him any good. After I heard he was taken I could not sleep, I could do nothing but pray for him all night." When my husband related to me his treatment, the imminent danger his life was in, and the support and comfort he received from his Heavenly Father in the midst of his afflictions, it was truly pleasant to call to mind, that, at the same hour of midnight, a Christian Cherokee brother in the church, was engaged in prayer for him. In my last letter to him, at the request of a number of Cherokees, I inserted letters from them. I will copy one as a speci


"Doctor Butler, my brother, I have come to your house to have a letter written from me to you. I think a great deal about you, and wish I could do something to comfort

you will both put your trust in the Savior.
This is all I can say to you now.

Your brother who loves you,

The writer of the foregoing letter is a full Cherokee, and was among the first fruits of missionary labor at Brainerd. He has for a number of years been an exemplary elder of the church at Haweis, and highly useful in conducting meetings among his own people and in his own language.

While attending the council which was held last fall at Chatooga, within the chartered limits of Alabama, instead of New Echota, in order to avoid any conflict with the Georgia guard, Mr. Boudinot, the editor of the Cherokee Phoenix wrote as follows to Mrs. Worcester, under date of November 1st.

"I inclose $15 which a few individuals have contributed for your benefit. Perhaps you will now have enough to bear your expenses to Milledgeville and back, and purchase for Mr. Worcester a couple of blankets. I could collect as much more, if it were necessary. I shall not probably see you before you start. I wish you a pleasant journey and a pleasant interview with your beloved husband; give my best and kindest regards to him. Tell him that the Cherokees sympathise with him. He lives and he will live in their affections and rememPermit me to assure you, also, brance. that you share in their affection and remembrance."

The sums mentioned above and in the note were made up by contributions from the following persons, all except two of whom are Chero

* Mrs. Worcester had previously received $23 from the same source.-Ed.

kees. Lewis Ross $5, Joseph Vann 5, James Daniel 5, Capt. David M'Nair 5, John Ridge 5, Richard Fields 5, John Martyn 4, George M. Lavender 2, Elias Boudinot 1, John G. Ross 1; making in all $38.

of the Georgia escort, savor more of the lawless barbarities of an Algerine banditti, than of the customary decencies and civilities of an American guard.

2. That the severity of the sentence which, according to the laws of the state, Not only do the Cherokees manifest an interest has consigned to imprisonment and hard in behalf of the missionaries who have been forced labor for the term of four years, some of from them and thrust into prison, but intelligent the missionaries in question, can find no and candid men in all parts of the country feel apology either in the moral turpitude of for them, and express similar views respecting their general character, or in the heinousness of the offences which they have comthe outrage on their religious and civil rights initted, but must be ascribed to the violence which they have been made to endure. The of party politics and imbittered feelings disSynod of North Carolina, at its session ia Octo-playing themselves in the arbitrary enactments of a high-handed domination.

ber last, adopted the following preamble and resolutions.

The Synod of North Carolina in the exercise of a right which they possess in common with their fellow citizens, of freely and fearlessly expressing their views in relation to public measures and events which affect the honor, the dignity, and Christian character of their beloved country, feel it to be a duty which they owe to themselves and to that part of the community which they represent, to notice with expressions of deep regret and unqualified remonstrance, the treatment to which certain Christian missionaries of different religious denominations have, under form of legal process, recently been subjected in the state of Georgia.

Having examined the subject as presented to them through the medium of the press, and presuming that the details which have been given to the public are substantially correct, they are constrained to say that in the case alluded to there has been a spectacle exhibited more shameful and shocking than any within their recollection, which has hitherto disgraced the annals of our free institutions.

To the honorable and high-minded authorities of their sister state, they would say, respectfully in the words of the eloquent Deseze, 'one of the learned counsel who defended Lewis the Sixteenth on his last trial

"Recollect, that history will judge your judgment."

And when the political agitations of the day shall have subsided, and when reason and humanity shall have resumed their ascendency over the baser passions of the human mind, the Synod cannot but believe that the transactions of the summer of 1831 will be remembered only to be associated with the fell deeds of dark ages, when tyranny and oppression were deemed no crimes, and when the principles of toleration and the rights of conscience were but imperfectly understood and scarcely recognized: Therefore,

Resolved, 1. That the unrestrained insults, wanton indignities, and brutal cruelties to which some of the missionaries were subjected after their arrest, by individuals

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3. That the following assertion found in a letter bearing the signature of the Executive of the state: namely,

The missionaries of the different religious societies stationed among the Indians, had found their situation too lucrative to give them up willingly"-contains an insinuation altogether gratuitous, and unworthy the high station whence it proceeds: and until the contrary is made to appear, must be regarded as ungenerous and unfounded.

4. That the Synod recommend to their churches and to Christians generally to unite (especially at the monthly concert) in fervent prayer to God that he would direct and sustain by his almighty power and grace the missionaries of the cross of Christ in the state of Georgia, who have been traduced and persecuted for righteousness sake That He would pardon the guilt of all concerned in the transactions alluded to, and that He would not lay their sins to the charge of our beloved country.

A similar course has been pursued by the Union Presbytery of East Tennessee. A copy of their preamble and resolution is here given.

Whereas the Rev. Samuel A. Worcester, a member of this Presbytery, and a missionary in that part of the Cherokee nation included within the chartered limits of Georgia, has been arrested and sentenced to four years hard labor in the penitentiary, for remaining within the aforesaid chartered limits, without taking the oath of allegiance to the state of Georgia, Therefore,

Resolved, That we as a presbytery sympathise with our brother and his family in all their afflictions, and will unite our ardent prayers that God's grace may sustain and comfort them under all their trials; that they may exhibit the spirit of the gospel; and that our dear brother may soon be liberated, and again permitted to labor in the vineyard of Christ.

Ordered that the stated clerk be directed to forward a copy of this preamble and resolution to Mrs. Worcester and family. Knoxville, Oct. 5. 1831.

Mr. Hoyt, the gentleman who forwarded the resolution, adds

The foregoing preamble and resolution are in unison with the feelings of thousands, in this as well as in other parts of the country. Could the voice of the majority, even in Tennessee, be heard, I verily believe that the Cherokees and their missionaries would soon receive that protection which they ask. I am more than ever encouraged in the belief that there is a redeeming spirit in this Christian republic.

Endians in New York.


Revival of Religion and its Effects.

THE progress of the religious attention which prevailed during the past year among the Tus- || caroras was noticed repeatedly in the last volume. In the letter which follows, Mr. Elliot has given some further particulars respecting it and its results.

hope that all the rising generation will be saved from the iron grasp of intemperance. Thirty-one have joined the temperance society within a few months past.

The revival has had an important bearing upon the industry of the people. The fact that they have erected and finished a school-house at their own expense is proof of this statement. A year since no man could have persuaded them to do this.

Again, this work of God nas effected much in relation to the Sabbath. Formerly great ignorance and stupidity prevailed in reference to the sanctity of the Lord's day. Some members of the church could converse upon worldly subjects, and haul in hay and grain, if there were an appearance of rain. This they have acknowledged to me and said that they had been encouraged in this work of supposed necessity. All persons in this village now rest from labor on the Sabbath; no trifling conversation is allowed by members of the church, and no visiting. The young men used to meet on Saturday to play ball; but this diversion has been entirely abandoned for more than eight months past. The same season is now consecrated to prayer, as a preparation for the duties of the Sabbath.

These are the legitimate effects of the gospel upon the minds of an unenlightened and wicked people. It is the power of God to salvation. The change in the character and habits of these Tuscaroras is just what might be expected. If it should be enduring, they may be said to be new creatures. It it should not be enduring, still the change from intemperance to sobriety, from a disregard of the Sabbath to its religious observance, from unfaithfulness to the marriage covenant to strict fidelity, from idleness to industry, is all gain while it lasts. It is seen to extend, also, not merely to those who are hopefully con

The revival commenced with power on Feb. 15th. The church then consisted of fifteen members, who, with a few exceptions, slumbered and slept. But the Lord did rend the heavens and came down, the mountains did flow down at his presence. The church now numbers 56 members, in good standing, 41 having been added since the 15th of May last; 38 of whom were members of the temperance society. Our church is now a temperance society in the strict sense of the term. Since the commencement of the revival there have been fourteen marriages. All efforts to effect an acknowledgment of plighted faith in matrimonial engagements were useless, previous to the awakening. The reformation has had a powerful tendency to bring order out of confusion in this particular. Within the last six months 21 children have been baptised, and it is believed the parents of these children feel their obliga-venient. It was erected without the use of ardent tions in relation to their offspring to a degree hitherto unknown. They can now find time to meet and pray for their conversion to God.

This work of grace has greatly checked and retarded the progress of intemperance out of the church as well as in it. There are now in this village but three or four habitual drunkards. We have by divine assistance given this hydra serpent, Intemperance, a serious blow. But he yet lives, and has recently troubled the church. None of the 41 who have joined by recent profession have been poisoned by this monster; but two who had been suspended and cut off for years fell into this beastly sin a few weeks after they were restored. We

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verted; but the public sentiment is improved, and a restraining influence is exerted on the whole population.

The school-house built by the Indians is 24 feet by 20, well made, comfortable and con

spirits, and entirely at their expense, except the value of ten or eleven dollars furnished by the mission.


MR. Wright arrived at the station and commenced his missionary labors on the 9th of November. Special attention has prevailed among the church and people at this station during the past year. After being among the Indians about a fortnight and taking a survey of the field, he writes

The Christian Indians manifested quite attend. Only six came forward to be exas much joy at the arrival of their mission-amined. The meeting on the Sabbath was ary as any one could have expected; but solemn and interesting. After the second the state of religious feeling has evidently sermon, the sacrament was administered, declined within the last two or three months. and the six natives, five men and one I have seen but few of the recent converts, woman, were received into the church, and but am told there is cause to fear in respect one brother who had been excommunicated to some of them, though most appear quite for intemperance was restored. He has apwell. We have a church meeting appoint- neared well since the three days' meeting ed for ascertaining the expediency of re- in May. In the evening Mr. Elliot preachceiving some of them into the church. ed a third sermon, after which he invited all the impenitent, who were willing to submit their hearts immediately to God, to come forward that special prayer might be || offered for them. Eighteen came and knelt down while four prayers were offered in their behalf.

Two of the young men who united with the church last Sabbath, Gardiner Spring and Joseph Sandford, have been scholars. They are very intelligent, active young men. There are several others of the same class who hope they love the Savior, and will probably come forward before long. It is peculiarly interesting to see those who have attended the school come out and take

a decided stand on the Lord's side.

The congregation was quite small on the first Sabbath after my arrival, but was much larger last Sabbath. In the afternoon, just before sermon, George Turkey and Lydia Moore were united in marriage, and as this was the first marriage ever solemnised in the meeting-house, or, I believe, in any public manner, it was thought best to improve the opportunity for teaching the people the nature and design of the institution, and the duties resulting from the conjugal relation. This seemed the more necessary as the Indians are said to be very frequently guilty of conjugal infidelity, and there is, perhaps, reason to fear that this charge does not rest exclusively against the pagan party. The people here say that the Indians not unfrequently make the marriage contract for two or three years only, and when the time has elapsed, separate and marry others. But Lydia Moore, one of EXTRACTS the persons mentioned above, has rejected several suitors because she said when she was married she "meant to stick to it," and she was sure she should not wish to, if she married those persons. She has now a very promising young man for a husband; but the sisters here mourn about it, for he will take her to Cattaraugus, and thus they will lose her as an interpreter in their female meetings. The wife of Twenty Canoes came here last Saturday to know if it would be right for her to leave her husband. Her plea was, that he had been drunk, and when he married her he promised that he would not drink to excess. Accordingly I preached from Matthew xix. 6. Contrary to my expectations the meeting was quite solemn.





A notice of the departure of Mr. Hall from Mackinaw, to proceed to his field of labor, was inserted at p. 334 of the last volume. Under date of Sept. 17th, he gives the following ac count of his

Journey from Mackinaw to La Pointe.

We left Mackinaw on the 5th of August, and arrived at this place on the 30th. We were very much favored on our passage with good weather, and made the journey in

less time than is usual. The manner of

travelling in this part of the country, as you know, is in open boats, when it is performed by water. Though we were out above three weeks, and exposed to a hot sun by

DATED AT CATTARAUGUS, OCT. 31ST, day, and the cold dews by night, none of


Admissions to the Church.

As there is no ordained missionary at Cattaraugus Mr. Elliot, of the Tuscarora station was invited to go there and administer the Lord's supper, and aid in receiving members to the church. After his arrival Mr. Thayer remarks

I immediately notified the Indians of his arrival, and that there would be a meeting on Saturday preparatory to the sacrament, and an opportunity for any to offer as candidates for admission to the church. As the notice was short many were unable to VOL. XXVIII.

us suffered by exposure. We had nothing to shield us from the direct rays of a very hot sun, but an unbrella. And a tent was the best protection we had from the storm, and from the damps of night. Our food was such as we took along with us, and was prepared by ourselves as we found an opportunity, after we stopped at night, or at other times. Of course there could be but little variety, and often what we had was but indifferently prepared. But through the kindness of Providence we experienced no bad effects from it; not even the women took a serious cold while on the way. We had scarcely any wet weather on our passage, except a day or two while we were at the Sault Ste. Marie, at which time we were


at their gardens, a dozen or fifteen miles from this place. We thought best not to do any thing of the kind till we had called the Indians together in council. They came together this week to celebrate their yearly "medicine dance." After they finished their feasting we succeeded in collecting them for a "talk." I told them the object of the Board in sending us here, and explained to them the benefits they would derive from having schools and in receiving the gospel, and told them the advantages of their cultivating the land. They said that what I had told them was all true and very good. They knew the English and Americans had missionaries in different places among the Indians, and they were pleased that it was so. They were pleased that we had come here. The second chief said he had been to Penetanguishine, (which is on the Canada side of Lake Huron.) where the Methodists have a mission, and was pleased with what he saw there. He said the children might attend school, but the adults must

kindly entertained by Christian friends. || We have not attempted a school so soon as We passed the Sabbath there and were hos- we should have done, if the Indians had all pitably entertained by the Rev. Mr. Bing-been here who belong to the place. A conham, [Baptist missionary] at his house dur-siderable number of them have been absent ing the time we remained there. We were very cordially received by him and his family, who gave us several little articles for our comfort on the way. I preached twice for him. Dr. James, also, [of the United States army] and his family were very kind to us. He furnished us with several manuscripts which will be of use to me in acquiring the Chippewa language. I shall feel myself very much indebted to him. Mr. Warren has been very kind, and dene|| every thing for us which we could have asked. We are indebted to Mr. Aitkin and Mr. Oakes also for favors. They assisted us in getting on here by taking a part of our goods on board their boats, and bringing them a part of the way. The Lord appears to be inclining the hearts of all the principal traders to favor missions to these Indians. There has undoubtedly been a great change in their feelings with regard to the gospel, within a few years. None of them, I believe, were disposed to travel on the Sabbath, on their return this year, or to permit their clerks to do so. We had public relig-hunt. They told us that they should not ious exercises in our tent every Sabbath,|| while on the journey, at which the principal traders and others were present. As a large part of the boatmen understood no language but the French, we had one service on the Sabbath expressly for them, at which prayers were offered and the Scriptures and tracts read in French. Sometimes thirty or forty attended these exercises. The French are mostly Catholics and some refused to attend a Protestant meeting.

The men employed by the gentlemen engaged in the fur-trade to hunt and collect the furs, manage the boats, and perform other labor, are principally Canadian French. They are very much under the influence of the Catholic priests, as are the Indians also. There is, however, no Catholic mission in the interior. nor are any regular efforts made to bring the Indians over to their faith.

Prospects of the New Mission.

With regard to our prospects for immediately benefitting the Indians, I hardly know what to say. We have not yet made an attempt to collect a school. We shall open one next week. It will probably be small at first. It will be difficult to keep children long at school among these Indians, unless they are fed, on account of their migratory habits and the difficulty of obtaining provision. Many of them reside at several different places during the year.

We have visited the Indian lodges frequently since our arrival, and the Indians are frequently at our house. They always converse pleasantly and freely with us.

compel their children to attend school, but if any of them were disposed to attend, they should not hinder them. Every thing appears as favorable as could be expected with regard to them. We have made some attempts to collect the Indians a few times for religious instruction. The number who attended our meetings was small. We shall probably need much faith and perse


I felt myself compelled to promise the Indians that the school should be continued, if they would send their children. They say, if the school is to be kept only one year, it will not do much good to send their children, as they will soon forget all they will learn in that time. Our success at present depends much on the impression we give relative to our continuance in the country. If they think we are to stay with them but a year or two, they will not be disposed to listen to us. I therefore told them that we had come to spend our lives with them, to do them good, and that the school would be continued from year to


I suppose we may calculate, with some degree of certainty on meeting with opposition more or less from the Catholics. How much influence they will have to retard our work. is doubtful. The French are nearly all Catholics.

This mission is designed to exert an influence upon the bands of Indians occupying the territory that lies between lake Superior and the head waters of the Mississippi. The route by lake Superior presents the best way of access to all the tribes north and west of it, from Hudson's Bay to the Rocky Mountains.

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