Imágenes de páginas

The missionaries feel the importance of raising the qualifications of the schoolmasters. Schools have been instituted for them in various places, under the immediate instruction of the missionaries, their wives, or the single females connected with the mission. Here are taught reading, writing, and arithmetic. Soon geography will be added, and the first principles of astronomy; and, in process of time, other fields of science will be opened upon the astonished minds of the islanders.

Printing. The mission press at the Sandwich Islands commenced its operations on the first Monday in January 1822. From that time, when the language was just beginning to assume a written form, until March 20, 1830, scarcely ten years after the mission was commenced, 22 distinct books had been printed in the native language, averaging 37 small pages, and amounting to 387,000 copies, and 10,287,800 pages. This printing was executed at Honolulu, where there are two presses. But besides this, 3,345,000 pages in the Hawaiian language have been printed in the United States, (viz. a large edition of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and John,) which swells the whole amount of printing in this time, for the use of the islanders, to 13,632,800 pages. Reckoning the 22 distinct works in a continuous series, the number of pages in the series is 832. Of these, 40 are elementary, and the rest are portions of scripture, or else strictly evangelical and most important matter, the best adapted to the condition and wants of the people that could be selected under existing circum


Perhaps never, since the invention of printing, was a printing press employed so extensively as that has been at the Sandwich Islands, with so little expense, and so great a certainty that every page of its productions would be read with attention and profit.

Improvement of the People in Knowledge, Morals, Religion, etc. Nothing more will be attempted, than to present the more remarkable facts.

The language of the islands has been reduced to writing, and in a form so precise, that five vowels and seven consonants, or twelve letters in the whole, represent all the sounds which have yet been discovered in the native tongue. And as each of these letters has a fixed and certain sound, the art of reading, spelling, and writing the language, is made far easier than it is with us. About one-third part of the people in the islands have been brought into schools, and one half of these have been taught to read. Many are able to write, and some are versed in the elementary principles of arithmetic.-Nine handred of the natives are employed as schoolmasters. The historical parts of the New Testament, and selections from the Old, and summaries of Christian doctrines and duties, have been printed in the native language, and placed in the hands of some thousands of the natives.-The government of the islands has adopted the moral law of God, with a knowledge of its purport, as the basis of its own future administration; and the Christian religion is professedly the religion of

the nation. Indeed most of the chief rulers are members of the visible church of Christ.-Special laws have been enacted, and are enforced, against murder, theft, licentiousness, retailing ardent spirits, Sabbath breaking, and gamblingThe Christian law of marriage is the law of the land.-Commodious houses for public worship have been erected by the principal chiefs, with the cheerful aid of the people, in the places of

their residence; and when there is preaching, these chiefs regularly and seriously attend, and their example is followed by great numbers of their subjects.-Churches are gathered, as with us, wherever there are pastors to take the care of them, and accessions are made to them, from time to time, of such as we may reasonably hope will be saved.—In one small district, which, but a few years since, rung through all the length and breadth of it with the cries of savage drunkenness, a thousand people have associated on the principle of entire abstinence from the use of intoxicating liquors. Moreover, in that same district and in two others, with a united population of perhaps 40,000, where the morals were as degraded, a few years ago, as anywhere on earth, a fourth part of the inhabitants have formed themselves into societies for the better understanding and keeping of God's holy law, and require unimpeachable morals as a condition of membership in their several fraternities.

All these are believed to be facts. And they are traceable wholly to the blessing of God on the establishment of a Christian mission on those islands, a little more than eleven years ago.

A moment's reflection, however, is sufficient to show, that after all the work of evangelizing and civilizing those islands is but just commenced. The nation is yet in its infancy. It is just beginning to understand the advantages of the social state. The elements of individual improvement, and domestic happiness, and national order and prosperity, have been introduced, and the contrast between the former and present condition and character of the nation, as such, is great in almost every respect. Yet very few have done more than merely to cross the threshold of knowledge. Three-fourths of those, who are capable of learning to read, have yet to acquire the art. A collection of all the books in the language would not contain as much matter, as there is in one volume of the Missionary Herald. Salvation through the Lamb that was slain, is brought within the reach of thousands, and many have fled and are fleeing to lay hold on the hope set before them; but how few are their helps, compared with those which we have, and with what they ought to possess. The regular preaching of the gospel is enjoyed by not more than one-fourth of the inhabitants. The rest see only a few rays of heavenly light.

North American Endians.

The Board have missions among the Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Arkansas Cherokees, Osages, Stockbridge Indians near Green Bay, at Mackinaw, among the Ojibeways southwest of Lake Superior, the Indians in Ohio, and Indians in the State of New York.


Begun in 1816: eight stations, five missionaries, eight male and twenty female assistants, and one native preacher.

BRAINERD. John C. Elsworth, Teacher and Superintendent of Secular Concerns; John Vail, Farmer: Ainsworth E. Blount, Farmer and Mechanic; Henry Parker, Miller; with their wives: Miss Delight Sargent, Teacher.

CARMEL. Daniel Butrick, Missionary: Isaac Proctor, Teacher and Catechist; with their wives. CREEKPATH. William Potter, Missionary; Mrs Potter: Miss Erminia Nash, Teacher.

HIGHTOWER. John Thompson, Missionary; Mrs. Thompson: Miss Catherine Fuller, Teacher.

WILLSTOWN. William Chamberlin, Missionary7 Sylvester Ellis, Farmer; with their wives: Mr

Hoyt, Widow of Rev. Ard Hoyt; John Huss, Native

HAWEIS. Elizur Butler, Physician and Catechist;
Mrs. Butler; Miss Nancy Thompson and Miss Flora
Post, Assistants and Teachers.

CANDY'S CREEK. William Holland, Teacher and Catechist; Mrs. Holland.

NEW ECHOTA. Samuel Austin Worcester, Missionary; Mrs. Worcester: Miss Sophia Sawyer, Assistant.

Preaching, Churches, &c. Public religious meetings are held at each of the stations on the Sabbath, and occasionally during the week; and Mr. Butrick and Mr. Chamberlin have itinerated and preached extensively in the Cherokee villages. Unusual seriousness has prevailed at Brainerd, Carmel, Creekpath, and Haweis; and it is hoped that twenty or twenty-five have been renewed by the Spirit of God, some of whom were distinguished opposers. A number of the inquirers were formerly members of the mission schools. A new meeting house has been erected at Haweis, and another at Willstown, the labor and expense of which were almost entirely borne by the Indians.

creased from 33 to 58. This edition is also nearly copies have been printed, and a second edition exhausted. Of the gospel of Matthew 1,000 is needed, and is ready for the press. Three thousand copies of a tract of twelve pages, consisting principally of historical extracts from the Old and New Testaments, has been printed, and another of a similar character and the same size is ready for the press. These have been prepared by Mr. Worcester and Mr. Boudinot, and have been extensively circulated in all parts of the nation. Societies have been formed by the Cherokees themselves to purchase them for gratuitous distribution.

State of the people. The mission among the Cherokees has now been established more than fourteen years; during which period the progress ble, has been steady, and considering all the cirof improvement, which had then been consideracumstances, rapid. The mass of the people, in their dress, houses, furniture, agricultural implestock, providing for their families, and in their ments, manner of cultivating the soil, raising estimate of the value of an education, will not suffer greatly by comparison with the whites in the surrounding settlements. In their present condition and character they certainly much more nearly resemble man in his civilized state, than they do the savages which they were thirty years ago. The mass of the people have externally embraced the Christian religion. They have a regular system of civil government, founded on liberal principles and administered with a good degree of decorum and energy. Intemperance, the bane of the Indian as well as the white man, has been checked. The laws of the nation rigorously exclude intoxicating liquors from all public assemblies, and otherwise restrict its introduction and use. Numerous associations for the promotion of temperance have been ormis-ganized, and joined by large numbers. Some formed, and others have been arrested in their notoriously intemperate persons have been re

There are now eight churches at the several stations occupied by this mission, embracing in the whole, last December, 219 members; of whom 167 were Cherokees, and the remainder were of African descent, or white persons residing in the nation. During the past year three were added to the Church at Carmel, and one that had been cut off has been restored, three have been added at Haweis, and two or three other persons propounded; and six have been added at Creekpath. The church at this last place has been more sig nally blessed with the influences of divine grace, than during any previous year.

Education. The school at Brainerd has not yet been resumed since the burning of the buildings in 1829; though the preparations for ing it again are nearly completed. This sion had under its care, on the first of June last, when they were interrupted by the enforcement of the law of Georgia excluding white residents, seven schools containing about 150 pupils; about 80 of whom were boarded in the mission families.

fatal course.

During the last year the Cherokees have been greatly agitated by their political troubles. Their government has been hindered in its operations, jurisdiction of the state of Georgia over their their laws counteracted by the extension of the territory, many of their citizens have been imprisoned, and their nation has been threatened with banishment from their country. The missionaries of the Board have been forbidden to of them have been arrested for not removing, reside among them by the laws of Georgia, four and two, Mr. Worcester and Dr. Butler, have

By an estimate made early last winter, it appeared that there were more than 200 Cherokees, excluding females, and all of the other sex who could barely read and write, who had obtained an English education sufficient for the transaction of ordinary business; of whom more than 130 had been instructed wholly within the nation, and about 44 had received their education chiefly abroad. Most of those who were educated in the nation were instructed in the schools support-been, for the same cause, tried and sentenced to ed by the Board. Including those who have emigrated to the Arkansas, or have deceased, the whole number of males and females, who have received an English education adequate to the transaction of the ordinary business of life, is probably not less than 300; besides nearly as many more, most of whom can read and write in English. Others have been in various ways and degrees benefited by their connection with the mission schools. An increasing desire among the people to have their children educated is very apparent.

A Cherokee Sunday School Union has been organized, embracing six schools, eight teachers, ard 113 scholars.

Printing and Distribution of Tracts. During the year a second edition of the Cherokee Hymn book has been called for and 1400 copies have been printed; making, with the first edition, 2,200 copies. The number of hymns was in

the Georgia penitentiary for the term of four years, where they are now confined. All the members of the mission families have been com

pelled to leave Carmel and Hightower for the



Begun in 1821: three stations, two missionaries, one licensed preacher, and two male and five female assistants.

TOKSHISH. Thomas C. Stuart, Missionary; and Mrs. Stuart.

MARTYN. James Holmes, Licensed Preacher; Mrs. Holmes: Mr. Mosby, and Miss Emeline H. Richmond, Teachers.

CANEY CREEK. Hugh Wilson, Missionary; Mrs. Wilson: Mr. Knight, Teacher; Miss Prudence Wil


Preaching and churches. There has been preaching at the stations on the Sabbath, and to

some extent in the Chickasaw villages. About 200 persons usually attend meeting at Tokshish. At Martyn the audience has increased during the year from forty or fifty to seventy-five, and is still increasing. Much pains has been taken to instruct the people by means of Scripture lessons and expositions. Most of the congregation understand the English language. At Caney Creek few attend meeting, except the members of the school and some white families in the neighborhood.

The church at Tokshish consists of about ninety members; and that at Martyn of twelve, one having been admitted during the year. Though the minds of the members of the church have been much diverted from religious things, and much spiritual coldness has prevailed, yet all are believed to maintain, in other respects, a fair Christian character, and to be firm in their adherence to the gospel.

Schools. The school at Martyn contains 32 pupils, 21 of whom are girls; 26 read, and all speak the English language. The school at Caney Creek has had 39 pupils, all of whom can read and nearly all can write. The expenses of these schools have been principally defrayed by the Chickasaws themselves.

chaya, has received on examination, since it was organized in May, 1821, 284 members; of whom eight were of African descent, twenty whites, and 256 Choctaws; 27 of whom have been either excommunicated, or are now under suspension for misconduct. The church at Goshen has received about fifty, and that at Emmaus about forty; only four or five of whom have apostatized. The remainder stand firm, and most of them give very encouraging evidence of genuine piety. All the young and middle aged in these two churches can read in the Choctaw books, or are learning to read, and many write. The whole number of persons belonging to the churches in the Choctaw nation, under the care of the Board, exclusive of the mission families, and those who are under censure, is about 360. The number of children baptised is 244.

Schools. At Elliot the whole number of scholars is 44; at Mayhew 64; at Hebron 37; at Hik-a-shub-a-ha 10; at Yok-nok-cha-ya 28; at Goshen 29; at Emmaus 23: amounting to 235 in all. If the school at Juzon's were added, from which no report has been received, the whole number would probably be about 250. Of the scholars 144 were boys, and 91 girls; 112 were full blood Choctaws, and 109 were mixed; 154 State of the people. Intemperance has much were boarded at the expense of the mission; 39 increased during the year, on account of the were new scholars; 86 read in the New Testabreaking up of the Chickasaw government by ment, 75 others in any English book; 37 use only the extension of the laws of the state of Missis-Choctaw books, 165 both Choctaw and English; sippi over their country, and their fear of being removed across the Mississippi river.


Begun in 1818: eight stations, four missionaries, nine male and eighteen female assistants.

ELLIOT. John Smith, Farmer and Superintendent of Secular Concerns; Mrs. Smith: Zechariah Howes, Farmer: Mrs. Howes: Mrs. Eliza Hooper, and Mrs. Allen, Teachers.

MAYHEW. Rev. Cyrus Kingsbury, Missionary and Superintendent of the Choctaw Mission; Mrs. Kingsbury: Elijah S. Town, Farmer; Mrs. Town: Matthias Joslin and Miss Eunice Clough, Teachers. EMMAUS. David Gage, Teacher and Catechist; Mrs. Gage: Miss Pamela Skinner, Assistant.

GOSHEN. Rev. Alfred Wright, Missionary: Mrs. Wright: Elijah Bardwell, Farmer; Mrs. Bardwell: Samuel Moulton, Teacher; Mrs. Moulton: Ebenezer Hotchkin, Catechist; Mrs. Hotchkin.

A1-1K-HUN-NA. Rev. Loring S. Williams, Missionary; Mrs. Williams.

HEBRON. Calvin Cushman, Farmer and Catechist; Mrs. Cushman.

YOK-NOK-CHA-YA. Rev. Cyrus Byington, Missionary; Mrs. Byington: Miss Anna Burnham and Miss Nancy Foster, Teachers.

SCHOOL AT JUZON's. No mission family resides
here. The school is taught by a hired teacher.
HIK-A-SHUB-A-HA. No missionary resides here.
Miss Burnham teaches the school.

Preaching and Churches. Meetings have been maintained at all the stations; and more or less regularly in a number of Indian villages, besides tours occasionally made into those parts of the nation where there has been the least religious instruction. Owing to the peculiarly trying and distracted state of the people, the interest manifested in preaching, and the numbers attending meetings have been less than they were during the two preceding years: yet, in some instances, the audiences have been large, and the interest manifested very encouraging.

74 studied geography, 63 arithmetic, 148 wrote, 16 composed in Choctaw, 49 in English, and 24 in both languages. Both the proficiency and the conduct of the scholars have been good.

Besides these, schools have been taught to some extent among the adult Choctaws, consider. able numbers of whom have learned to read the Choctaw books with ease, and not a few have learned to write. Some of them have been taught by the missionaries, and others by Choc taws previously instructed. No report of them has been received.

The Choctaw Sunday School Union embraces six schools, twenty teachers, 180 scholars, seven of whom have been received into the church during the past year.

Translations and Printing. The gospels of Luke and John have been translated by Mr. Wright and 1500 copies of a selection from them, giving a history of our Savior and his instruc. tions, containing 154 pages, has been printed. Another book consisting of Scripture history and characters, principally from the Old Testament, containing 156 pages, has been prepared by Mr. Williams and 1500 printed; making the whole num. ber of pages printed for the Choctaws 1,214,000. Other books are in a state of forwardness.

Removal of the nation. The Choctaws entered into a treaty with the United States in Sep. tember, 1830, by which they ceded their present country and agreed to remove to lands owned by them west of the Arkansas territory. Considersable progress has already been made in the removal, and it is expected that the schools and all missionary operations among them in their present residence will be discontinued after next spring. A portion of the people have requested that missionaries may accompany them to their new country, and Mr. Wright and Mr. Williams have received instruction to proceed thither and commence a mission. They will probably be Ten persons were added to the church at El-joined by others, as Providence shall open the liot, during the year 1830, since which no ac- way. counts respecting it have been received. The During the past year the Choctaws have been Mayhew church, embracing the converts resid- in a state of great agitation and distress, and the ing near Mayhew, Aiikhunna, aud Yoknok-operation of the mission has been much impeded.


Begun in 1820: three stations, two missionaries, and four male and nine female assistants.

This mission, since its removal with the Indians, according to a treaty entered into with the United States in 1828, embraces one principal station, at which are the male and female boarding schools; and two smaller stations with schools for their respective neighborhoods, supported chiefly by the Cherokees themselves.

DWIGHT, on the west side of the Salisa, a northern branch of the Arkansas, twelve miles from its mouth, and thirty miles east of Fort Gibson; commenced in March 1829.

Cephas Washburn, Missionary: James Orr, Farmer and Superintendent of Secular Concerns; Jacob Hitchcock, Steward; Asa Hitchcock, Teacher; with their wives: Miss Ellen Stetson and Miss Cynthia Thrall, Teachers; Mrs. Finney,

FAIRFIELD, about twenty miles northwest from Dwight. Marcus Palmer, Alissionary and Phy sician, Mrs. Palmer.

FORKS OF ILLINOIS, twenty miles north of Dwight. Samuel Newton, Teacher and Catechist; Mrs. Newton.

The buildings at the new stations are about completed, and the schools and all the other departments of missionary labor are in successful operation.

Preaching and Church. Public worship is statedly held at each station on the Sabbath, with occasional meetings at other times, and Mr. Washburn spends much of his time in visiting and preaching to the Indians in their villages. The congregations have been respectable and steadily increasing. Much seriousness has vailed, a considerable number have been hopefully converted, including four or five girls in the school, and 12 or 14 have been propounded for admission to the church.


Schools. The boarding schools at Dwight contain 64 pupils, half girls, and many applicants have been refused. The school at Fairfield contains 16 or 18; and that at the Forks of the Illinois about 30. Sabbath schools are taught at each station.

Male and female temperance societies have been organized and joined by considerable numbers, and do much good.


tion. At Union four, two Creeks, members of the school, and two African laborers have been admitted to the church. Mr. Dodge preaches to the people of a large Osage town near him, on the Sabbath and at other times. Last spring the missionaries visited all the Osage villages and heard it before. Some manifested a deep interpreached the gospel to hundreds who never est in the subject.

miles from Union, who are statedly visited and Creeks. About 2,500 or 2,800 are settled 20 instructed by the missionaries. A church was organized among them in September of last year, embracing thirty members, twenty-five of whom were baptized. Since that time sixteen have been added, fifteen of them at one time, in April; making forty-six in all. Their religious experience seems to be of a remarkably decided character, and their conduct exemplary.

Schools. Fifty-seven children and youth are assembled in the school at Union, all of whom are boarded in the mission family; twenty-five Creeks, sixteen Cherokees, and thirteen Osages. Thirty-one are boys, and twenty-three girls. Three are young men well advanced in their studies, and promising fair for usefulness. A Sabbath school, long kept up at this station, and an infant school, are productive of good. The whole number of learners received into the school at Union, since its establishment, is 134. Some leave it, from year to year, much improvIndian children of both sexes. Most of the boys ed. The school at Harmony contains thirty-nine are quite young. The pupils have never made former year. Here is a Sabbath school also. so good progress, or appeared so well in any During the year ending last December the girls in the mission family. manufactured 155 yards of cloth, which was used

State of the people. The mass of the Osages appear to be making no advancement; but the their habits and character, and are providing for settlers at Hopefield are steadily improving in themselves a comfortable subsistence.


Begun in 1827: one station, one missionary, and one male and one female assistant.

Cutting Marsh, Missionary; Jedediah D. Stevens, Teacher; Mrs. Stevens.

in two villages. They are agriculturalists, genThere are about 300 of these Indians, settled

Begun in 1820: four stations, four missionaries, and eight male and eleven female assistants. UNION. William F. Vaill, Missionary and Super-erally industrious, and live comfortably. The

intendent; William B. Montgomery, Missionary; George L. Weed, Physician and Steward; Abraham Redfield, Teacher and Mechanic; with their wives. Stephen Van Rensselear, formerly a member of the Foreign Mission School, resides at this station. He sustains a good character and is highly useful as an interpreter.

Menominies belonging in that vicinity are estimated at about 4,000; who are debased and miserable. The missionaries have little access to them.

Preaching and pastoral labor. Besides regular public worship twice on the Sabbath, which is attended by nearly all the people who are able to attend, there are two or three other meetings each week, which are also well attended and Nathan-highly interesting.

HOPEFIELD, thirty miles north of Union. William C. Requa, Catechist and Farmer; George Requa, Farmer; with their wives.

BOUDINOT, ninety miles north of Union. iel B. Dodge, Missionary; Mrs. Dodge.

HARMONY. Amasa Jones, Missionary and Teacher; Daniel H. Austin, Mechanic and Steward; Samuel B. Bright, Farmer; with their wives: Richard Colby, Mechanic; John Austin, Teacher; Miss Mary Etris.

Preaching. Religious meetings are held at each of the stations on the Sabbath, and at Harmony and Union the children of the school and the mission families assemble once or twice during each week for prayer and religious instruc-l VOL. XXVIII.

In December the church embraced forty-three members, of whom fifteen were men. Ten persons, mostly young, were proposed as candidates for the church in July. The members of the church are thought to give as satisfactory evidence of piety, as the members of evangelical churches generally in the white settlements.

Schools. There are in the settlement sixtyeight children between the ages of five and twenty; fifty-two of whom were last winter enrolled in the school under Mr. Stevens. The


common attendance was thirty-five or forty. Thirty of them could read in the New Testament; and some of the higher classes were considerably advanced in writing, and in a knowledge of geography and arithmetic. In the summer the school was taught by a native, and contained about twenty-five pupils. Nearly all are full blooded Indians.

About sixty children and youth, with some adults, attend the Sabbath school and bible class, where much good appears to be effected.

A school was taught in the upper settlement three evenings in a week, last winter, by a native.

Various notices. The temperance society now embraces about eighty members, including all the men and women of influence. The rules of this society are very rigorously enforced by a committee of vigilance.

Another society for missionary and other benevolent purposes has been formed, and many have joined it, and are much interested in its ob jects.


Begun in 1823: one station, two missionaries, three male and eleven female assistants.

William M. Ferry, Missionary and Superintend· ent; Mrs. Ferry: William T. Boutwell, Missionary; Elisha Loomis, Teacher; Mrs. Loomis: Martin Heydenburk, Mechanic; Mrs. Heydenburk: Abel D. Newton. Mechanic; Miss Eunice Osmar, Miss Elizabeth M'Farland, Miss Delia Cook, Miss Hannah Goodale, Miss Matilda Hotchkiss, Miss Betsy Taylor, Miss Sabrina Stevens, and Miss Percis Skinner, Teachers and Assistants.

Preaching, Church, &c. There has been, during the past year, public worship with preaching two or three times on the Sabbath, with the regular exercises of the Sabbath school, and one or two meetings for prayer and conference, or preaching, during the week. A part of the time a meeting has been held on the Sabbath in the Fort. Six were received into the church in January, which now contains about 60 members. Much serious attention to the means of grace has prevailed through the year.

A course of lectures was delivered by Mr. Ferry, last winter, on the doctrines and practices of the papel church, which were listened to by a fuli and solemn congregation.

School. The number of pupils in the schools during the year has not been mentioned; but it is supposed to be about 130 of both sexes. The several classes were lately examined in reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, and ancient and modern history, in the presence of many citizens and traders, and acquitted themselves honorably.

Other notices. A juvenile benevolent society, formed among the youth of the school and village, contributed, during the year ending in January, $125; which is appropriated to missionary

[blocks in formation]

It was thought expedient that Mr. Boutwell, who is destined to this mission, should remain a year at Mackinaw. Mr. Ayer commenced this mission, and opened a small school in the autumn of 1830. The other members of the mission family entered on their labors the last fall.


Begun in 1822: one station, one missionary, and one male and three female assistants.

MAUMEE. Isaac Van Tassel, Missionary: Mrs. Van Tassel: Sidney E. Brewster, Farmer; Mrs. Brewster: Miss Hannah Riggs, Teacher.

During the last year, Mr. Van Tassel has spent more of his time than usual among the Indians, and has found, in the attention of the Indians to his instructions, considerable encouragement.

The school has contained about 20 pupils who were boarded at the station.

These Indians have recently been induced to sell their lands, and are expected to remove west of the Mississippi river.


Begun at Tuscarora în 1803, at Seneca 1821, and at Cattaraugus 123: three stations, two missionaries, and three male and nine female assistants. TUSCARORA. John Elliot, Missionary; Mrs. Elliot: Miss Emily Parker, Teacher.


SENECA. Asher Wright, Missionary; Wright: Hanover Bradley, Farmer and Catechist; Mrs. Bradley: Samuel Sessions, Teacher; Miss Asenath Bishop, Miss Phebe Selden, Miss Rebecca Newhall, and Miss Emily Root, Assistants.

CATTARAUGUS. William A. Thayer, Teacker and Catechist; Mrs. Thayer.

ALLEGHANY. No station has been formed on this reservation, but the missionaries and teachers from the other stations frequently visit it, for the purpose of holding religious meetings, and giving counsel and aid to the people in their efforts to gain instruc


Preaching, Churches, &c. Religious meetings have been regularly maintained at all the stations on the Sabbath, together with meetings for prayer and conference, two or three times each week. Some of these are separate meetings for males and females, and are often conducted wholly by the Indians. Much has been done, with obvious good effect, in the way of visiting the families, both of the Christian and heathen portions of the people.

Three were added to the church at Tuscarora, last autumn, and one under censure was restored. In February a special attention to religion commenced, which greatly altered the appearance and character of the whole settlement. Fortytwo have since been added to the church, who all appear well; making the whole number now belonging to the church, fifty-nine; more than three times its number a year ago. Among those added were nine of the most enterprising young men, heads of families.

Special seriousness commenced at Seneca in May last, when many became deeply interested in religious things, and it is believed that twenty or thirty were born again. The church consists of about fifty.

Many instances of hopeful conversion occurred at Cattaraugus during the last winter and spring. In May, eleven were received into the church, and six in October; making the whole number of members about forty-one.

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