Imágenes de páginas

ters, I am thankful to God that I know I have a soul; the word of God has taught me this, and I wish to be more grateful to the society which sent it. The society has been very powerful to send the gospel so far: I hope God will help, and it shall yet be more powerful. What do we see to-day? I never thought of seeing a chairman from a far country sitting here amongst us; but God is almighty, and Jesus the son of Mary shall yet do greater things. I love him, I love Jesus: yes, as sure as I am standing here, I know I love him. Jesus loved us; he died for us on the cross; he shed his blood for us; he helps us in all our difficulties; he has helped me. We see great things to-day. Who amongst us ever thought of seeing such a church as this on Lily Fountain? Who ever thought of seeing our old teacher again? Here he is, now sitting amongst us. Who ever thought of seeing so many teachers here? Yet all our teachers preach the same gospel: yes, though there are many teachers, the word is the same-the prayer is the same-the school is the same.

Mr. Shaw proceeds


There were so many persons to speak in the morning, that the meeting was adjourned till the afternoon. In the evening, brother Edwards was engaged in receiving subscriptions: the little children were running with their pence, while their parents and others offered sheep, goats, grain, &c. Having known this people in their heathenish state more than fourteen years ago, have had a fair opportunity of seeing the mighty change produced amongst them by the preaching of the everlasting gospel. Their beautiful fields of corn, which are now ripening for the harvest, speak a language which all may understand. They say, "Godliness is profitable for all things. Behold, here he maketh the hungry to dwell, that they may prepare a city for habitation, and sow the fields, and plant vineyards," &c. The trees of several years' growth, which are now adorned in their summer dress, and many of them laden with the choicest fruit, point to the words of the prophet: "The wilderness and solitary place || shall be glad for them." The new chapel lately finished by brother Edwards, which I doubt not will stand when this generation shall have passed away, reminds the observer of that promise,— "They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abideth for ever." The different groups of Namacquas bending their course towards the house of praver on the morning of the Sabbath, and frequently singing the praises of God, while they ascend the holy hill, reminds one of the following delightful prophetic description: "And many people shall go and say, Come and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths; therefore, they shall come and sing in the height of Zion." The peace and good will which prevail at this institution, and reign among all classes of people, is to me an evident accomplishment of the highly fig-|| urative prophecy of Isaiah,-"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid," &c. The support which several have experienced on quitting this vale of tears, and the confidence which they have manifested in the promises of the gospel, are an excitement to pray-"Let me die the death of the righteous." &c. A poor widow, with whose husband I was formerly well acquainted, informed"


me that shortly before her partner died, he got up, and by the help of his staff he walked into the midst of his hut; he then called his children around him, and most affectionately warned and exhorted them. Before he concluded, he said, "The staff of Christ is in my hand, on this I rest: no man can ever take it from me." Soon after this he breathed his last, leaving a blessed testimony behind of the power of the gospel.

And now you will join with me in the beautiful language of the sweet singer of Israel, and say,

Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things. And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and amen!"

United Brethren.


Extracts from the Diary kept at Fredericks-

THESE extracts are taken from the United
Brethren's Intelligencer.

July 10, 1829. Four heathen men arrived here from the eastern coast. They reported, that six boats full of heathen were on their way to us, to trade with our people. They were, as usual, extremely ignorant; and though our Greenland brethren endeavored to make them attentive to the concerns of their souls, their answers showed that they were quite indifferent on the subject. They, however, expressed their wish to go to heaven, which gave our people an opportunity of explaining, upon what conditions their eternal happiness depended.

27. We celebrated our arrival here, five years ago, with thanks and praise. Oh! what has the Lord done for us since that time! On our arrival, we saw nothing but naked rocks, and no living creature but a solitary raven. We now see two European houses, and a congregation of upward of three hundred dwelling around us.

28. We had a visit from Mr. Mathieson, a merchant, and Mr. Wahl, a botanist, on their return from the eastern coast. They related many singular circumstances regarding their dangerous voyage, and left us, on the following day, for Julianenhaab. Of their report we will mention the following During their four months' passage, they encountered great danger among the ice, and proceeded no farther than Ice-bay, eight days' voyage from hence. This bay, or fiords, is in the 62d degree of north latitude, equal to that of Frederickshaab, and near the so-called Frobisher's straits. The travellers assured us, that, farther east, there was nothing to be seen but the most frightful ice-blinks, high pointed rocks cased with ice, along which the eastern heathen pass with their boats, but never before they have made an offering of skins, beads, and pearls, &c., with a view to obtain the favor of the Torngarsuk. Here the two gentlemen parted with their conductor, lieutenant Graah, who even sent his European servant back with them, and proceeded alone on the expedition, with one Greenland boat; the heathen earnestly advising him to make the aforesaid offerings. The servant related, that the whole coast was a continued range of steep rocks, with only here and there a point of land stretch

Nov. 6. About this time, many of our Greenlanders were afflicted with painful boils. We did all in our power to relieve them. One of them, called Maurice, was in a most dangerous state from inflammation, and in great pain. His children sat beside his bed weeping, as his departure seemed near at hand. On visiting him, brother Kleinschmidt found the house filled with brethren and sisters, taking a silent, sympathis

ing out to the sea, but so steep, that they were obliged to row whole days together, before they could approach it with a boat. The floating ice never leaves it, not even in summer, on account of the prevalence of the east winds, and there being no currents in that part of the ocean, nor any islands to defend the coast. None but Greenlanders can work their way through the masses of ice. The heathen say that the land farther north is more and more barren, and laughing share in the sufferings of the poor patient, if you speak to them of the ruins of European houses, as no Europeans could possibly exist in the country; they add, that the only ruins to be seen are those in our neighborhood. The travellers assured us, that few seals were seen on the eastern coast: but they found a cannon, (probably cast on shore by some shipwreck,) which they contrived to fire. It is used by the natives for the purpose of fastening their boats. The poor people had suffered much from hunger, and, to preserve life, had been obliged to devour the skins covering their boats, kayaks, and tents. They therefore expressed a wish to leave their wretched country, and to remove to Nennortelik, and to our neighborhood.

Nathaniel assured us, that though the heathen reported that a great number of Greenlanders lived farther north, there could not be more than 100 or 200 living upon all that inhospitable coast. Famine may be the means of bringing them within the sound of the gospel, and they themselves say, that they mean to be converted; but one of our old brethren, who lived long amongst them, declared that they had no desire to hear the word of God. Meanwhile, we hope that Nathaniel's earnest and powerful exhortations may not have been without effect.

Aug. 5. We collected and dried the grass obtained from our land. Our live stock consists of five goats, and seven fowls, which seem to thrive well.

Sept. 1. A sick heathen widow was visited by brother Kleinschmidt. She earnestly requested baptism, and appeared truly awakened, and desirous of experiencing the grace of our Savior. She declared, that she ought long ago to have yielded to conviction, having, while still among the heathen, had a dream that she had seen three Europeans enter her tent, and exhort her to turn to God; but she had neglected it from year to year, and now repented continuing so long in her heathen state. Her tent was so low, that we had to creep into it, and during the service, the congregation stood without; but, even in this miserable hut, the presence of the Lord was most sensibly felt; when, after a suitable discourse and prayer, the poor inmate was baptised, and called Christina.

7. Three boats full of heathen arrived; and the next day, twenty of these people came and begged us to take down their names, declaring

their intention to forsake all their heathenish customs, and to seek to know our Savior. To all that we said to them, they returned answers which raised our compassion. "We are ignorant," they said, "and understand nothing; but desire to live here, and to learn the way of salvation." They were informed of the rules to be observed by the inhabitants of this place, and all promised to obey them.

15. Brother De Fries arrived here in safety, with 976 pieces of timber, sent from Copenhagen,|| toward the building of our church; which we consider a proof of the mercy and protection of our heavenly Father.

who lay with clasped hands, expecting to depart, and in broken accents expressed his confidence in the mercy and atonement of our Savior. Brother Kleinschmidt, after a suitable address, sang some verses treating of the love of Jesus. The poor patient was so much strengthened, that he declared, his spirit had, as it were, returned to him. In the morning his children came, and with joy announced that their father had slept, and was recovering.

In these days our usual winter regulations took place, and we began our daily worship and schools with prayer. Nathaniel addressed the congregation in the morning, in a short but very impressive discourse, to the following effect "My dear countrymen, whenever I am called upon to speak to you, I am ready to tremble with a sense of my unworthiness; but I remember the mercy our Savior showed to me, and that he has commanded us to make known to each other, what he has done and suffered for us. I know that he became man for me; that for me he went to the garden of Gethsemane, wept and prayed, and his sweat was, as it were, great drops of blood falling down to the ground; for me he died. Why did he suffer thus? Oh! forget not that it was to deliver us all from the power and curse of sin; therefore do not sin against his mercy, for he calls you to eternal happiness," &c.

In the course of the year 1829, 14 children have been born at Fredericksthal, two of whom departed before baptism; 19 adult heathen were baptised, and seventeen persons admitted to the holy communion; two couples were married; seven baptised, and five unbaptised adults, departed this life. The congregation of Greenlanders at this place consisted, at the close of the year, of 271 baptised adults and children; of whom 119 are communicants. To these, if added, the whole number of souls under our seventy-nine heathen who reside with us, be

care will amount to 350; 36 more than at the close of 1828.

Jan. 19. We celebrated the anniversary of the Greenland mission, and had the pleasure to munion, and to confirm 10 others for the first receive 10 persons as candidates for the comparticipation, which is the largest number since the formation of this settlement. Among the latter were three young women, who, ever since their baptism, have shown remarkable diligence and devout attention to the word of God. They have likewise learned to read well, and are useful in the congregation as readers.

Feb. 7. Six heathen were baptised, and six admitted among the candidates. The Greenlanders were about this time particularly successful in their fishery.

13. In speaking with the baptised, we had cause to thank the Lord for the proofs of his grace, manifested amongst them. Among the four persons confirmed on the 18th, was a young woman, who, as a heathen, had been remarkably wild and profligate, but, ever since her baptism, she has been very quiet and attentive to every

kind of Christian instruction. After her confirmation, she exclaimed, "Oh, how could I be so blind and so wicked? I am truly ashamed before the Lord; and notwithstanding I deserved to be cut off, he has had mercy upon a wretch like me!" She truly rejoices in her Savior. One of the brethren had been rowing the whole night in his kayak, with a seal in tow. He said, "How could I stay where I was? My soul hungers and thirsts after the Lord and his communion."

27. In the morning service, the assistant, Nathaniel, spoke to the following effect:-"My brethren, I am not worthy to speak to you; but it is as if the Lord said to me, 'As you have so long served sin, you shall now not sit idle, but serve me; for I have forgiven your innumerable offences, and you shall tell others that they may receive forgiveness of their sins, if they will come to me, and believe in my words.' I therefore am glad to speak to you of your Savior, though I know that I am a sinful mortal; but he has borne all my sins on the tree, and his blood can cleanse from all sin and unrighteousness. Therefore, come to him, and consider what he has done and suffered for you. He is continually reminding you of what it cost him to redeem your souls; and if we still remain indifferent about it, and neglect to obey him, we commit new sins, crucify him afresh, and do despite to the Spirit of grace. Therefore, avoid giving way to sin, and fly to him for preservation against it," &c.

the proclamation of his gospel, and the administration of the holy sacraments, according to the institution of our Lord Jesus Christ; and we lay its foundation in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, on the 5th April, 1830.'

[Here follows a doxology from the Litany of the Brethren's church, with a particular reference to the mercy of God, displayed toward the inhabitants of Greenland.]

'Whereas, according to the gracious counsel of God, Hans Egede was the first Danish missionary to Greenland in 1721; he was followed, in 1733, by the brethren Christian David, Matthew Stach, and Christian Stach, who began to establish a mission in this country at New Herrnhut. In 1753 the brethren Matthew Stach, Jens Haven, and Peter Haven, formed a second settlement at Lichtenfels; and, in 1771, the brethren John Soerensen and John Gottfried | Grillich, a third at Lichtenau. Fifty years after, viz. in 1824, the brethren John Conrad Kleinschmidt, his wife, Christina, and the single brethren John Frederick Baus and Arnold de Fries, established the mission at Fredericksthal, by permission of Frederick VI., king of Denmark. On the first of September, the firstling of this flock, Samuel Ivenak, was baptised into the death of Jesus.'

After the singing of a few verses, and pronouncing the blessing, brother Kleinschmidt delivered the box to brother de Fries, who placed it within the foundation-stone. Brother Kleinsch

Foundation of a New Church-Origin of the midt, then, kneeling upon the stone, offered up


Scarcely any thing can exceed the warmth, cheerfulness, and simplicity of the following description by the Brethren of the ceremony of laying the corner stone of their new church, on the 5th of April. The beauty of the description is greatly enhanced by a thought of the cold and lonely regions where the scene occurred.

The Greenland congregation had been previously informed, that, on the first fine day, we purposed, God willing, to perform the above ceremony, which should be made known to them by the blowing of some hymn tunes on wind instruments very early in the morning. The 5th of April being ushered in with a beautiful sunrise, all arose at the sound of the instruments, and in a short time, small and great appeared, dressed in their neatest apparel, in devout expectation of the blessing of the Lord upon this festival.

The old meeting-place could hardly contain the number of hearers. The service commenced with a hymn of praise, and that well known verse,

"The Lord has ever to his flock,

Kept without separation,' &c.

after which, in a short address, the aim of our meeting was explained, and the congregation exhorted to praise the Lord for the mercies he had bestowed upon them. We then went in procession to the place appointed for building, where part of the litany was prayed, and a short discourse delivered; after which, the following document was read aloud, previous to its being deposited in the foundation-stone; 'As the house of God is to be a house of prayer for all nations, we dedicate this building to the glory of God, for

prayer and supplication, dedicating this house to the service of the Lord. The ceremony was closed by singing a short hymn, and the chant, "Praise the Lord all ye heathen! Praise him all ye nations!"

after which the congregation was dismissed with the blessing.

We were glad to have our whole congregation with us on this solemn occasion, except two brethren, who could not arrive in time. The service was attended with a remarkable percep tion of the presence of our God and Savior, and left a sensible impression upon the minds of the Greenlanders present.

Letter from Brother De Fries.

The letter from which the extract is taken is dated April 18th, 1830. It exhibits much of the spirit of a missionary.

Oh how thankful ought we to be to our gracious Lord, for having led us by his good providence to the place where we at present reside. What a comfort it is to know that we have in heaven a counsellor and friend, as wise as he is merciful! To be guided with his eye, to lean upon his arm, and to depend steadfastly upon his divine word and promise; truly this is the highest wisdom to which we can attain, the only unerring polar star by which we can steer our course through this world. Many are the experiences which we make of this truth during our service in this distant and desolate region. A servant of Christ must here learn to walk softly, and to live humbly with his God. If he would aim at any thing higher, he becomes an object of scorn and ridicule. Is he anxious to have justice done him, where can he find a judge? Does he appear in fine clothing, it is admired at his expense. Is he


tempted to make account of his good works, who cares for them? Is he disposed to treat the natives with imperiousness or impatience, they run away from him, and he must sooner or later resort to friendly words, or else he will find himself alone. If he says to one, go away'-he comes directly; and to another, 'come hither'he walks off. It is therefore best, that he sues his appointed course with patience, exerts himself to the utmost of his ability without ever forgetting that he is a poor sinner and an unprofitable servant. The district in which our hermitage is situated has much that is pleasant and attractive, were it not exposed so frequently to violent storms. There are indeed several circumstances which are productive of inconvenience to us, and may sooner or later induce some Greenland families to remove hence. Of these, the principal are, the want of good and wholesome fish, particularly herrings, (with which we have been latterly supplied from Lichtenau,) the scarcity of eggs, found in such abundance at the other settlements, and last, though not least in importance, the failure of brushwood, which we cannot now obtain without a journey of two days. Of grass we have hitherto had no lack, but the supply not sufficiently large to admit of our increasing very considerably our present stock of cattle. Thus far, however, the Lord has helped us, and he will continue to supply our need, according to his gracious promise.




THE Society met in the capitol at Washington,
with a large audience, January 16th. In the ab-
sence of Charles Carroll, Esq. the president of
the society, Gen. C. F. Mercer, of Virginia, one
of the vice presidents took the chair. Delegates
were present from numerous state and branch so-
cieties. Letters were read from Mr. Madison,
Judge Marshall, and La Fayette, expressing
their favorable views of the society and deep
interest in its success. The annual report was
read by the secretary, Rev. R. R. Gurley.
Resolutions were offered by Gen. Vance of Ohio,
Mr. Archer of Virginia, and Mr. Bates and Mr.
Everett of Massachusetts, all members of Con-
gress; and by Mr. Lear, Gen. Jones of the dis-
trict of Columbia, Rev. Mr. Bacon, and Prof.
Fitch of New Haven, Ct. and Rev. W. Colton,
of the navy. Messrs. Bacon, Everett, and Ar-
cher addressed the meeting at considerable
length; the last of whom declared that he had
recently changed his views, and from being an
opposer, had become a friend of the society.
An abstract of the report will be given here-


Special Meeting for promoting its objects. WHILE the fields of usefulness opened before this society have been extending, and solicitaVOL. XXVIII.

tions made to it for aid becoming more pressing, and the evidence of the divine blessing following the labors of the society more abundant, its pecuniary resources have not increased in a corresponding manner. From the first of May, to the first of December, the society expended $31,283, while its receipts from all scources except loans, amounted to only $23,271; leaving a deficiency of $8,011.

A meeting was called in the city of New York lieving the society from its embarrassment, at on the 6th of December, to devise means for rewhich addresses were made and a subscription commenced, which was raised to about $4,000; $1,340 of which was for circulating tracts in foreign lands. At this meeting it was resolved, that, in view of the fields of labor opened before the society, it was exceedingly desirable that, at least, $10,000 should be raised immediately to supply our own country, and $10,000 more for the destitute in other lands.

Facilities and Fields of Usefulness.

Tract Magazine.
The following paragraphs are taken from the

The society has great facilities for extensive usefulness. Five hundred and seventy evangelical publications, in six languages, from the small child's tract to the Rise and Progress, Pilgrim's Progress, the Call to the Unconverted, and the Saint's Rest, are stereotyped; of which more than 20,000,000 have already been circulated, version of sinners to God. In all our principal and blessed, in an eminent degree, in the contowns auxiliaries are formed, and depositories commenced; missionaries are penetrating heathen countries, and opening the way of access of God, but one united movement from the to them; and nothing is wanting, by the blessing friends of evangelical truth, to send these messages of grace, without delay, to every family of our nation, and to millions in other lands who are perishing for lack of knowledge.

These facilities of usefulness the committee cannot but regard as a most sacred and responthe Church; especially when they consider sible trust, received from the great Head of that it is a first principle of his gospel that it is to be sent to those who have it not, who never will seek to obtain it, and will die unblest with its saving influences, unless their spiritual wants are "sought out," and it is carried and tendered to them by the hand of Christian benevolence.

After noticing the extensive fields open in this country, the society proceeds to notice those which solicit its aid in foreign lands.

But wide and interesting as are the openings for usefulness in our own country, they can scarcely lands. The committee have, from the pen of the be deemed more attractive than those in foreign late lamented Mr. Evarts, an estimate made on a careful examination, and connected with a statement of the facts on which it is based, that $1,500 annually is needed for tract operations at the missionary station in Bombay, among not far from 12,000,000 who speak the Mahratta language; $1,000 at Ceylon, among 11,000,000


who speak in Tamul; $1,500 at the Sandwich
Islands; and $1,500 on the Mediterranean. The
missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal
Church, through Rev. Messrs. Robertson and
Hill, have applied for an appropriation to aid
their tract operations in Greece. The Moravian
Brethren have expressed the satisfaction with
which they will embrace the co-operation of this
society in their labors. The secretary of the Paris
Tract Society has earnestly applied for aid in
their endeavors to diffuse a knowledge of the
gospel among 32,000,000 of France. The tract
society at Hamburgh has made an earnest ap-
peal. The Rev. Mr. Knill, of St. Petersburgh,
has expressed the need of assistance in their
tract operations in Russia. The circulation of
tracts has been commenced among the uncount-
ed millions of China, where a great veneration
is entertained for every thing printed; all, even
those speaking different dialects, read one lan-
guage; and where it seems the gospel must, for
the present at least, be diffused almost solely by
means of the press. And in Burmah, where the
attention of the first Christian inquirer was ar-
rested by a tract, and where tens of thousands
seem now inquiring the way of salvation, we
hear the respected and beloved, self-sacrificing
missionary, Dr. Judson saying, "During the
great annual festival which is just past I have
given away nearly 10,000 Tracts, giving to none
but those who ask. I presume that there have
been 6,000 applicants at the house! Some come
two or three month's journey, from the borders
of Siam and China. Sir, we hear there is an
eternal hell. We are afraid of it. Doctor, give
us a writing that will tell us how to escape it.'
Others come from the borders of Cassay, a hun-
dred miles north of Ava. 'Sir, we have seen a
writing that tells us about an eternal God. Are
you the man that gives away such writings? If
so, pray give us one, for we want to know the
truth before we die.' Others come from the in-
terior of the country, where the name of Christ
is a little known. Are you Jesus Christ's man?"


Give us a

writing that tells about Jesus

All these applications, demanding, as the committee believe, the speedy appropriation of at least $10,000, they are pained to say yet remain unanswered; for, inviting and urgent as they are, what can the committee do? They cannot deny these calls and if they should make appropriations to meet them, it is only taking the same from the personal funds of members of the committee, who are now more than $6,000 in advance of an exhausted treasury!

There is one consideration of thrilling interest, connected both with the calls from our own country and abroad, to which the committee cannot refrain from inviting the most serious attention: The rapidity with which hundreds of thousands and millions may be reached by this means of grace, who otherwise, to human view, must perish without the gospel. Within two or three years, by suitable contributions and efforts, some portion of the gospel may be conveyed, by ineans of this society, to the entire 13,000,000 of our population, while all the other benevolent operations of our land shall be moving on without hindrance. Or look at Dr. Judson, when penning the above extract, accompanied by one solitary laborer who could speak and write the language, and with 6,000 applicants for tracts at his own house, during a single festival, some of them having come two or three months' journey. Is there a Christian in our land who would consent to withhold from any missionary sacrificing his short life among the heathen, as many tracts as he can circulate? Is there a pleasure we can procure with money, which would not be imbittered, if it were the price of a tract which any missionary might give to a dying heathen? Can the churches withhold $10,000, now wanted for distributing 1,000,000 tracts in foreign and pagan lands? Or can they withhold the still larger sum necessary to plant and sustain 30 laborious agents in appropriate fields extending over all the more destitute portions of our own country?


The religious mendicants and common beggars of India form a much larger portion of the population than those of other countries. To account for this, we have only to look at the numerous ceremonies and superstitions of this peo

In no respect, perhaps, do heathen countries differ more strikingly from those where Christianity prevails, than in the extreme poverty and wretch-ple. Has a man to take a journey to any sacred edness which they every where exhibit. Not only der to receive the benefits of that pilgrimage, place "for the good of his soul?" he will, in ordo we not look to them for any of the higher efforts call together the beggars, and most liberally supof mind, but we find the people almost destitute ply all their wants. Has he to engage in any of industry, energy of character, skill, foresight, its results? he will do the same thing; and when mercantile transaction, which is uncertain as to good husbandry, and mutual confidence. The offerings are made to the gods, it is a most famass of the people in every heathen country are vorable time for the beggars; as on those occanot only servile and debased in their morals, but sions large quantities of food are always to be obtained. On the birth of a child, the Brahmiserably poor and destitute of the comforts of mins and beggars go to the house of the happy life. In the district of Jaffna, in the island of father, and have their wants relieved; especially Ceylon, it is estimated that one third of the popuif the little stranger is a boy. On the twelfth or lation are beggars. The statement here given ofed for the first time, whole troops of the lame, the thirty-second day, when the child's head is shavtheir character, and of the arts with which they blind, the deaf, the dumb, and the fatherless, may make their solicitations for aid, are taken from be seen moving towards the place. In the sixth the Wesleyan-Methodist Magazine, for which month, when rice is first given to the child, these importunate visiters again occupy the same they were furnished by Mr. Roberts, a mission-place. Many are the blessings pronounced, and ary at Point Pedro, in Ceylon.

right wonderful are the predictions of the future

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