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Popish notions, and openly professed Protestantism with others here: some Protestant children in a neighbouring house taught him the alphabet, he has read since to me a chapter of the New Testament, and he makes an attempt to write also, to which he was induced by my shewing him that the letters are the same, only turned at tops and bottoms for convenience of writing without lifting the pen. His wife and six or seven children are all Protestants now. He has been often insulted by his neighbours as a turncoat, and his children by their former playfellows, who often throw the pitcher off their heads at the well.

"It is through their children that the parents feel the name turncoat most acutely. I knew an instance in which a woman of violent temper whose husband, but not herself, had recanted, on meeting her child crying because it had been called turncoat, tore the coat off its back and threw it behind the fire, and snatching up a Testament out of a box in the room swore that she would drown herself unless the husband went back to mass, which he did. A woman told one of the readers that a certain man named Hhad got a fever by listening to him reading, and that if he came again, she would brain him."


"About three weeks ago a man and his wife near Hazelwood heard L reader, and invited him to return and read again; the Carmelite-spy of the village told the priest, and the woman offending was obliged to ask, publicly in chapel, pardon for the crime.

"A woman named B. lately recanted in this parish; she was a widow with three children, who lived by a kind of huxter's shop in the country: all customers have since forsaken her, and she is not acknowledged by any Popish acquaintance. It was necessary to employ police to escort a woman from Dromahair to Sligo to read her recantation, to protect her from the violence of her own relations, and in like manner when she left the church, the mob was dispersed by a magistrate at Calry church door on that day the priest gave out in chapel that he understood she was forced to church by police, thus taking advantage of their own wrong. Those who have recanted are often hooted along the road in the country, and one was knocked down (without a word) in the streets of Sligo in mid-day, and while the Judges were in town, last summer.

"The priests in all the neighbouring chapels have denounced by name the Reformers and Bible readers. So close a watch was kept up, that a man's name

was published by the priest as about to "turn," because he was at Calry church one Sunday, for the purpose of presenting a petition to a lady. I have known several instances of Protestant clergymen fearing to employ Reformers as schoolmasters or servants, for fear of injuring a school in the opinion of the Papist parents, or losing property by malice. I have known several instances of persons deterred by fear from becoming Protestants. In many instances the reign of the priests is a reign of terror by secular power as well as spiritual. There is not the least question that their power among the lower classes is mainly sustained by the belief, almost universally prevailing, that they can visit offenders with disease and deformity, and work miracles of any kind. Often have I known arguments against Popery met by such an answer as, "What minister could do what Father Tom did at Squire such a one's, on a Friday in Lent, when there was no fish, viz. to turn a beefsteak, by a prayer, into two large trouts." There is no corner of the country or parish in which they will not tell you the name of some Protestant cured of epilepsy by a priest, and relapsing on going to Church. If the priest fails in any notorious case, the patient wants faith or has fallen into fire or water in a paroxysm. Many persons had recanted privately in Sligo long before the recantations in Cavan, by the instrumentality of schools, and of the Hibernian Society.

At present the priests have succeeded in preventing the people of this district almost entirely from hearing Scripture readers. By Carmelites, and Trinitarians, and the Scapularian body, a complete system of espionage is kept up.It is not easy therefore to have evidence now of a growing desire to know the truth. In those districts least closely watched it shows itself in various ways, and there is much discussion between lay Protestants and Papists through all parts of the country. I often lend books to Protestants to read for the purpose. I think the discussions lately going on have so circulated among Protestants a knowledge of their own principles, that they are acting through them on their Popish neighbours; hence the tide of proselytism to Popery by intermarriage, hitherto so rapidly destructive to the Protestant religion over all the island, is now turning the opposite way."

Sligo Scripture Reader's Society.Extracts from the Report presented to the General Meeting of the Sligo Scripture Reader's Society, on May 5, 1828: "The unrelenting system of persecution

against those who have renounced the doctrines of the Church of Rome, or who have even shown a disposition to read the Holy Scriptures, is of itself quite a sufficient cause to prevent the frequency of open conformity to the truth, or of a very strong desire being manifested to examine the grounds of commonly received religious opinions.

"This persecution, in many instances, has commenced in a public proclamation by the Romish Priest at the altar, and before his congregation, of the offending individual's name; hence have followed bootings on the highways, every description of malicious slander in private, the withdrawing of custom in the way of trade, and of employment from labourers or mechanics, insults on all hands, desertion of friends, and not unfrequently gross personal injury from secret or nightly violence: tales are fabricated against them suitable to the taste and prejudices of an ignorant and most superstitious population, every illness is asscribed to demoniacal possession, and every calamity incident to human nature to the blighting effects of the Priest's


"In the present unfortunate state of this country, it is apparent to all who are acquainted with it, that efficient protection is not afforded to the injured, and that the magistrates have it not in their power to defend them. Even when the aggressors are known, bribery, the most unrestrained perjury, the corruption and abstraction of witnesses, make it extremely difficult to prosecute to conviction in a court of justice. Two occurrences out of many may be referred to, which can be substantiated on oath.


"An elderly couple, named G, the Union of Killoran, conformed some time since to the Church of Ireland, and being persons of previous good character, continued to conduct themselves in a quiet inoffensive manner. Their house was, however, broken into at night by several persons, and they were beaten, without any reason alleged by their persecutors, but that they had "changed their note for blanket," a phrase in use amongst the lower classes of Romanists in their neighbourhood, intended to convey the opinion that they were bribed into conformity. The poor aged couple fled, as soon as an opportunity offered, into the house of a neighbour, the widow D-, where, however, they were followed by their cruel assailants, and again severely beaten. No force being at hand sufficient to protect them from a repetition of the outrage, they left their house and employments

and without any visible means of support, took refuge in the parish of Drumcliffe for some time.

"They gave information against one of the offenders who was known, on which he was apprehended and sent to prison, with the fairest prospects of conviction on his trial. A large reward was also offered for the discovery of the other accomplices. On the approach of the Assizes, G- and his wife were privately carried off by the party of the prisoner, brought into the town of Sligo, compelled by threats, accompanied by a bribe of £12, to take an oath that they would not prosecute, to which also they were bound in something of a legal form, by an article, or deed, drawn by a person evidently experienced as a clerk. In the mode of administering the oath caution was used to avoid prosecution for that offence, the book on which he was sworn being thrown on a table, with an intimation that he might swear if he wished it. The principal actor in this part of the proceeding keeps a shop in Sligo. An individual to whom these facts were known having communicated them to the High Sheriff, he promptly took measures to have G -'s retreat discovered, and to bring him into the town; the person who gave the information, being suspected by the offending party, was compelled to conceal himself during the Assizes, even in the town of Sligo, to avoid their fury. G-being brought forward, with his wife, they both stated, in the Crown Office, the above facts relative to the oath and the bribe, and she, on her knees and in tears, entreated the gentlemen not to make her perjure herself, or cause her husband and herself to be murdered. The gentleman who had taken such laudable pains to bring on the prosecution, being desirous to bring. publicly before the Court this instance of the state of the country, the violence by which it is convulsed, and the jesuitical arts by which the people are enslaved or terrified, took measures to have the case called on, and recommended to the Crown Lawyers, if

G- persisted in his refusal to prosecute, that they should put such questions to him as would elicit all the leading facts of the case, which G had shewn no unwillingness to mention. However, when G- was called forward and stated his unwillingness to prosecute, no further questions were put to him, the case was dismissed, and Gwas committed to gaol for contempt of court, from which he was enlarged when the Judge left the country.

"Thus ended a case sufficient of itself

to shew the difficulties with which the reformation in Ireland has to struggle, and to justify the general remarks preceding it in this report.

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"Another case is that of John Bconvert and an active reader of the Scriptures, in the district called Geevah in this county. A large party broke into his house by night, beat him and his wife, cut his hat into pieces, broke his furniture, and so terrified his daughter of four or five years old, that she fell into fits likely to continue during life, alleging as their reason his having induced the sister of one of the party to go to hell, meaning to become a Protestant. Seven of the party were known to Band the magistrates were willing to bring them to justice, but as some of the assailants were relatives of his own, and as he could not live in the country if be provoked them further by a prosecution, he was obliged to relinquish all intention of it.

"Two cases lately occurred which may serve to show the sincerity of the converts, in refutation of the slanderous assertions so loudly uttered to the contrary. A man named R -- of Ballina, became a convert in that town, with his whole family, who were consequently much slandered and otherwise persecuted. In particular on Christmas-day, on their return home from attending divine worship at Church, they (the man, his wife and children) were violently pelted with stones, and made a narrow escape.R became dropsical, and it was immediately reported that he had a devil in him. Coming to Sligo in much distress, he applied to one of the Secretaries of your Society, who, after some time, found means to have him admitted into the fever hospital, where he remained but a short time until he died a sincere, steady, and zealous Protestant to the end.

Your Secretary continued to visit R- until his death, and in his visits occasionally entered into conversation with a man named Joseph Lawrence, the only patient in the same room with R Lawrence was by birth a Frenchman, and a Roman Catholic by education, but had been for some time in the habit of reading the Scriptures, especially St. John's gospel, He at length professed himself determined to be a Protestant on his recovery and discharge from the hospital, being fully convinced of the errors of Popery. It pleased God, however, to summon him away by the illness under which he then laboured, and though beset by his wife's relations residing in Sligo, and strongly urged to send for a Roman Catholic

Priest, he refused peremptorily. He sent a messenger for your Secretary, who was not aware of the unfavourrble change in his health, and after receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at his hands, died as a Protestant, rejoicing in the hope of salvation through Christ.

"Here are cases putting the question of sincerity beyond all doubt, and affording a rare instance of the first profession of the true religion on a death bed.

"Be it permitted to add here, as a further illustration of the arts used to prevent enquiry among the ignorant Roman Catholics, the fact related by a countrymunin comfortable circumstances, to two members of your Managing Committee, viz. that having made up his mind to renounce Popery, his wife, the relative of a Priest of that Church, brought the Priest to him, who made him take an oath not to read the Bible, or hear it read, or attend to the instruction of any Protestant clergyman, or layman, for twelve months. What an awful responsibility to shut up the wells of salvation under an unballowed bond, by an appeal to heaven, and leave the sinner twelve months out of the reach of the word of God, whose soul might be required of him the next moment.”

Co. Cavan-Fintona.-Extract of a letter from Fintona, county of Cavan:"It has been intimated to me, that an account of our proceedings, from the time we commenced to this period, would be useful. Our Society originated among the lower orders, and was to be carried on by laymen. On the first day we established a branch of the Reformation Society, without any opposition: we commenced by answering the two objections to controversial meetings, viz.: that they were the cause of riot and confusion, and that they were the means of making people more firm in their own persuasion. In answer to the first, it was shewn that it had the contrary effect in Fintona and its neighbourhood; that no place was more disturbed than it has been, previous to the controversial sermons and meetings that took place. In answer to the second, it was stated, that if the Apostles had refused to go at the command of our Saviour, there would not have been any Christian religion. If Gregory had said, when he saw and admired the beauty of our countrymen, 'I will not send my monks, lest I make them more firm in their own persuasion,' he would not at the end of two years have been able to tell the Patriarch of Constantinople, that he had baptized the King of Kent and 10,000 of his Angelian Saxons; and that if St. Patrick when he


came to this country did not preach Christ, what would have been the consequence? The greater number of these persons would have been idolaters. In answer to the objection, what good have you done? It was shewn that in the town of Fintona and its neighbourhood, there was a number of individuals who were Deists, that went, to use their own language, to hear J- -, and Cimpressed with the idea that Jmad, and C a fool, they came away impressed with the same idea, and went to one of their own houses, when they determined upon attempting a similar controversy; they soon found that they could not carry it on without reading. Read they did, and mark the glorious con sequence-eight out of nine individuals renounced Tom Paine, and other Deistical books they were in the habit of reading. I have been led to understand, that the owner of Tom Paine could not rest in his bed, but got up in the middle of the night, cut it in pieces, and burned it in the grate of his bed-room, lest it should do harm before morning."

Newcastle.-Extract of a letter from another correspondent:-"I employed H- at first in reading from house to house; but when his efforts promised some fruit, several well educated and respectable Roman Catholics challenged him to discussion, according to a previous combination and full preparation amongst themselves. He accepted their invitations with my permission, and in the several discussions since held, has invariably silenced his opponents, both on the Popish and Socinian questions. The consequence has been, that the most powerful sensation of inquiry has been produced in Newcastle, which contains about 3,800 Roman Catholic inhabitants, and 150 Protestants. Had he refused their invitations or been defeated, even the very lowest order had refused to listen to him; for in a large town where there are so many well-educated Roman Catholics, there exists, I believe, invariably a popular prejudice against persons who do not know the languages, to use their own expression.

"This of course is not so much the case, when there are few or none among the Roman Catholic population well educated. It frequently happens that persons intended for the Roman Catholic priesthood and others disturb Sunday Schools, &c. and do much mischief, while there are none of their own rank equal to oppose them, in this almost exclusively popish country. I humbly suggest to the Reformation Society that a few persons of H -'s attainments VOL. VII.

would prove eminently useful in combating these champions, if stationed at some central town in a popish neighbourhood like Newcastle. A case of this kind happened at Charleville some days ago, when two persons intended for the Roman Catholic priesthood attacked the Ladies' Sunday school, and called for a Greek Testament, which, when one of them had got to point out our mistranslations, he could not translate it himself. H- - has conducted himself with much prudence in Newcastle, and good temper in discussions; and no disagreeable event, even of the most trivial nature, has arisen from them. In the last discussion which took place, the press was so great, that the sash of the window was taken out; a gentleman was in the chair, and the most perfect order and regularity was kept: the speeches regularly minuted to 20 minutes each; many shop-keepers and respectable persons were present. It may be said that controversy produces bad feeling, and should be in a degree suppressed; but it would be, in my opinion, imprudent in the extreme to damp the intense interest and anxiety for hearing discussions which exists in some places; and I am inclined to think it would be better to encourage discussion, when conducted properly. If His seen entering any house with some well known popish advocates, the shoemaker throws down his last, the shop-keeper deserts bis counter, and there is a general rush to the scene of discussion, though many are far outside the sphere of hearing. Indeed there is not, I venture to affirm, a more anxious feeling of inquiry existing in any part of this country than in Newcastle, which is such an immense field for exertion; and without such a person as Hickey, it would probably subside."


Arianism; Knowehead, near Muff, Co. Donegal-On the evening of Sunday, June the 15th, after the usual services of the day were finished, a petition against Arianism, to be presented at the ensuing meeting of the Synod, drawn up by the Session and Congregation of Knowehead, was read before a very large assembly, and the minds of the people taken upon this most important question. After the reading of the petition, the Rev. Richard Dill, senior, pastor of the congregation, requested all who opposed or were even averse to the petition to hold up their hands. A solemn pause ensued, all was breathless silence, whilst the eye of every individual in the house was in an instant turned to all quarters, to see if there were any who seemed to countenance the man of sin by their disappro

bation of the petition. But neither voice nor hand was raised against it. Mr. Dill then proceeded to reverse the question-let those who approve of this petition hold up their right hands. Quick as the lightning's flash along the sky, many hundred hands were raised towards heaven, the eyes of every member of the congregation brightened up with delight, and a silent prayer seemed to burst from each lip for the triumph of Evangelical religion.

The Session & Congregation of Knowehead, feel it their bounden duty to come forward in this public manner and avow their principles, and also to exhort and entreat the other Sessions and Congregations in communion with them, to maintain, by an equally decisive step, the faith of their fathers for the defence of which they cheerfully met the flames of martyrdom.

The Presbyterian Session and Congregation of Donoughmore, (county Donegal) have publicly notified their intention of presenting a memorial to the General Synod of Ulster, praying that they may separate themselves, with all expedient promptitude and decision, from ministerial fellowship with the Arian members of their body. It is devoutly to be wished, that the example of this highly respectable congregation would be followed by the Presbyterian population throughout Ulster.

Rev. Michael Murphy.-Extract from the Evening Post of Tuesday, June 17. "Mr. Murphy, who had some time ago conformed to the Protestant religion, at Christ's Church Cathedral, on June 15 made a public profession of the Catholic faith in John's-street Chapel, and in presence of a numerous and respectable congregation, was received into that communion. The Rev. Mr. Spratt, of French-street Chapel, introduced the penitent into the sanctuary. After the prescribed form had been gone through, the following declaration was, at the solicitation of Mr. Murphy, read aloud by the Rev. Dr. Yore:

"The fact of my recantation from the faith of the Roman Catholic Church, which lately occurred, having been widely circulated, and scandal consequent on the same proceeding having become proportionably heightened, I deem it a duty I owe to the Catholic body, of all classes and denominations, to inform them that I, on cool and serious deliberation, heartily regret the irreligious deed I committed, and wish in the face of the nation to retrace my steps. I beg my Catholic brethren will know and believe that my abjuration of Catholic doctrine

has been the result of human passion, and that conviction, conscientious impulse, or religious considerations have in no way sanctioned or contributed to the lamentable change brought about or rather externally effected, in my creed-and which some people have wrongly ascribed to the influence of exalted motives. It 'will, I trust, be further borne in mind, that thus and merely thus disposed I, in the name of Sacred things renounced all things Sacred and of God. This testimony of my conduct I afford the public, and I hope it will by Catholics be received as forcible; to me it appears strong, because it is made in favour of truth, and springs from the centre of my soul. Sincerely contrite for my offence against religion and reason, I return to the communion of that Church, a particle of whose doctrine I have not for a moment doubted-to that Church whose unworthy Minister I am, and whose God unfolds the arms of commiseration to all who repent of sin and error.


"A most eloquent sermon, appropriate to the occasion, was preached by the Rev. Mr. Dowling, of John-street Chapel."

Concerning this wretched man who has made himself so notorious, we are authorised by a correspondent, on whom we can rely, to state, that during the fourteen months Mr. Michael Murphy continued a Protestant, he repeatedly expressed his abhorrence of the doctrines and practices of the Church of Rome; that no later than the 12th ult., three days before he appeared in John'sstreet Chapel, he declared in the presence of two witnesses, that he was no Papist, and that let him declare what he would publicly, he was, and ever would remain a Protestant in his heart. We desire not to increase the future sufferings of this enthralled man, by entering into a detail of his conduct and disappointed prospects while a professing Protestant. We cannot, however, avoid observing, that whoever drew up for the passive dementated Murphy, the foregoing detestable declaration, has evinced a ferocious intolerance, worthy of a Spanish inquisitor, or of the author of the doleful fall of Andrew Sall, when in the bitterness of his bigotry he makes his victim say, that when he became a Protestant," he renounced all things sacred and of God."

If, however, it be indeed true, that Michael Murphy was instigated" by every base, and had no exalted motive" in his renunciation of Romanism, the Protestant Church making no pretensions to infallibility, however it may

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