Imágenes de páginas
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2367 ditto, South

Kildare, ditto,


3662 Athy,

George Carmichael.



Naas, Nil.


Elmina Power,

Catherine Reality.

Margaret Perry. Longford,



3446 Tullamore

Thomas Mahon.



18 3382 Ardee,

Matthew Johnston.


3280 Trim,

James M'Cann.


3143 Dunshaughlin

John Dwyer.


19 3280 Trim

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Francis M'Donald.


19 3143 Dunshaughlin


Bridget Dwyer.










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John Connor,



Nil. John Lynch.



Mary M'Cormack. Cath. Moran.

John Moore.

[blocks in formation]


Margaret Padden.


XXIV. 1. ARRANGEMENT for the CLASSIFICATION of the TEACHERS of NATIONAL SCHOOLS, and INCREASING the SALARIES of those who may be considered deserving. To come into Operation from the 1st April, 1848.:::

Teachers of National Schools are divided into three Classes, to which the following Salaries are attached :

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Masters of Agricultural Model Schools, with farms of eight or ten acres annexed, who are competent to conduct both the Literary and Agricultural departments, are to receive £10 per annum in addition to the Salary of the Class in which they may be placed.

Masters of National Schools, with a small portion of land annexed, consisting of from two to three acres, for the purpose of affording Agricultural instruction, will receive £5 per annum, in addition to the Salary of their Class, provided they are competent to conduct both the Literary and Agricultural departments, and that the Commissioners shall have previously approved of Agriculture being taught in the School.

All newly-appointed Teachers, who have not previously conducted National Schools, are considered as Probationers, and must remain as such for at least one year, at the expiration of which time they will be eligible for classification, and may be promoted, even before being trained, to any Class, except the first: if placed in a higher Class, they will receive the full amount of Salary to which they may become entitled, from the commencement of the second year of their service under the Board.

All Teachers must remain at least one year in a lower division of any Class, before they are eligible for promotion to a higher division; and they must remain two years in a lower Class before they are eligible for promotion to a higher Class.

This Regulation does not apply to Probationary Teachers, nor to Teachers who may be promoted on the recommendation of the Professors at the termination of the course of training.

None but Teachers trained at the Normal School of the Commissioners are eligible for promotion to any division of the First Class, and only upon the recommendation of the Professors, at the termination of the course of training, or of a Board of Inspectors. Examinations are to be held at specified times, by the Inspectors, with the view of promoting meritorious Teachers; while those who may have conducted themselves improperly, or in whose Schools the attendance has considerably decreased, will be liable to be depressed. The Commissioners will not grant Salary to an Assistant Teacher or to a Teacher of Needle-work, unless they are satisfied that the appointment is necessary; and such Teachers, even though they may be classed, will not be paid any higher rate of Salary than the amount awarded to them as Assistant Teachers, or Teachers of Needle-work, until promoted to the rank of principal Teacher, with the sanction of the Commissioners.

The Commissioners have determined upon a course of study for each Class, in which the Teachers are to be examined as a test for their fitness for promotion; but their general conduct, the condition of their respective Schools, their method of conducting them, and the daily average attendance of pupils, will also be taken into consideration.

Every National Teacher will be furnished with a copy of the programme of the Course of Study above referred to.

The Commissioners require that a further income to the Teachers be secured either by Local Subscriptions or School Fees. This Rule will be strictly enforced.



For the first year, £4. For the second year, £5. For the third year, £6. For the fourth year, £7.

For the present the number of Paid Monitors is limited to four males and two females in each District, selected from among the best Pupils in the National Schools, and appointed upon the recommendation of the District Inspectors.

When the District Model Schools are established, Candidates for the office of Paid Monitor must undergo a public examination by the Inspectors, in a prescribed course, to be held in those Schools.


The Managers of National Schools are particularly requested to attend to the following Instructions respecting the payment of Salaries to Teachers, as the Commissioners for Auditing the Public Accounts will not in future allow any documents to pass as Vouchers from this Office, which are not in compliance with these Rules :

1. Every Receipt should be signed by the Manager and by the Teacher entitled to receive the amount of Salary therein specified. 2. Whenever a Manager pays Money in advance to a Teacher, he should always take a Receipt for the same, distinguishing the portion granted by the Commissioners of National Education from that which is due from other sources, in order to have a proper Voucher to produce to this Office in case the Teacher die, or leave the School before the expiration of the regular half year.

3. If a Teacher die leaving a balance of Salary due to him or her, the amount must be paid to the representatives or next of kin of such Teacher, and the Receipt of these parties must be taken when payment is made.

4. If a Teacher leave a National School, and authorize the Manager or some other person to receive the Salary due from this Board, such authority must be given in writing, or the amount will not be paid. A Manager can always protect himself by attending to Rule No. 2.

5. In cases where it may be necessary for a Manager to retain the Receipt given by a Teacher for Money advanced, a duplicate Receipt should be taken to send to this Office; and if a duplicate cannot be obtained, the original Receipt must be sent to this Office; where a copy of it will be made for the Audit Office in London. The Receipt will then be returned to the Manager.

6. As the Commissioners of Audit do not consider a Certificate coming from the person who makes a payment a proper Document upon which to allow such payment, no Manager's Certificate can in future be taken as a Voucher.

7. If Receipts which are sent from this Office for Signature, be not returned within a Month (unless a satisfactory reason be given for delay), the amount of Salary to which they refer will be Cancelled, and remain over until the next half-yearly payment becomes due.

8. The Commissioners of National Education do not pay Salary for a broken period of a Month, and Managers should be careful not to allow Teachers to leave their Schools except at the beginning or end of a Month.

9. Receipts for £5 and upwards, must be taken on proper stamps.

4.-SCALE OF PREMIUMS to the Masters and Mistresses of National Schools who are most distinguished by the Order, Neatness, and Cleanliness observable in themselves, their Pupils, and in the School-houses.

The sum of £10 to be allocated to each of the School Districts, to be divided into Six Premiums

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