These Premiums are to be awarded annually on the recommendation of the District Inspector, and paid at the end of the year. No distinction to be made between Vested and Non-Vested Schools. No Teacher eligible for these Premiums for more than two years in succession. These Premiums will be awarded without reference to the Class in which the Teachers may be ranked; but none will be deemed eligible to receive such premiums against whom there may be any well-founded charge of neglect in the performance of their duties, of impropriety in their conduct, or whose Schools are not conducted in a satisfactory manner. 5.-SCALE OF GRATUITIES to Masters and Mistresses of Workhouse Schools in connexion with the Board of National Education. The Commissioners of National Education have resolved, with the concurrence of the Poor Law Commissioners, to award annual gratuities to a certain number (Twenty Males and Twenty Females) of the Teachers of the Workhouse Schools, in connexion with the National Board, who shall be recommended by the District Inspectors. The gratuities are divided into two classes : The payment will be made Half-yearly, with the usual issue of Salary to Teachers of National Schools, after the 31st March, and 30th September, in each Year. It is to be distinctly understood that such gratuities are given in addition to the Salaries paid to the Teachers of Workhouse Schools under the provision of the Poor Law Act. No Teacher is precluded from receiving the gratuity two or more years in succession, if recommended by the District Inspector as deserving of it; but a Teacher having once received it, is not thereby entitled to a continuance of it. XXV.-1. LIST of the WORKS published by the COMMISSIONERS of EDUCATION, with the Reduced Prices at which they are sold to National Schools. Copy Lines, Lessons on the Truth of Christianity, Christianity, Directions for Needle-work, with Specimens, Set Tablet Lessons, Arithmetic, Map of the World, 6 feet 8 inches, by 3 feet 6 inches, Map of the Ancient World, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, England, Scotland, Ireland, Palestine, each, 4 feet 4 inches, 02 53 07 04 06 60 by 5 feet 8 inches, 46 Clock, 60 BOOKS NOT PUBLISHED, BUT SANCTIONED BY THE COMMISSIONERS OF EDUCATION, AND SUPPLIED TO NATIONAL SCHOOLS ONLY AT THE REDUCED PRICES AFFIXED. Lectures on Natural Philosophy, by Prof. M'GAULEY, Geography Generalized, by Professor SULLIVAN, Introduction to Geography, &c., by do., The Spelling-book Superseded, by An Attempt to Simplify English Grammar, with Obser vations on the Method of Teaching it, by do., English Dictionary, by do., Dower's Atlas, 12 Maps, coloured, half bound,. s. d. 36 09 03 do., 03 06 10 16 06 09 02 03 10 10 Easy Lessons on Reasoning, Easy Lessons on Christian Evidences, Easy Lessons on Money Matters, Zoology, Parts I. and II. each, Dr. THOMSON'S Treatise on Arithmetic, Arithmetical Table Books, per 100, In cases where Hullah's System of Vocal Music has been introduced into a National School, with the sanction of the Commissioners, the following books and requisites may be obtained at the reduced prices affixed. The Large Sheets are numbered 1 to 100, and sold only in sets of 10 each. The Managers of National Schools are particularly requested not to transmit Cash or Money Orders for the purchase of Books and Requisites, through the Inspector of the District, as in such case the Commissioners of National Education will not hold themselves responsible for the correct delivery of Books or Requisites. All moneys (whether cash or otherwise) are to be forwarded to the Secretaries, and the Orders drawn in the name of one or both. VOL. II. MAURICE CROSS, 2 Secretaries, K 2. LIST of the Works published by the COMMISSIONERS of EDUCATION, with the Reduced Prices at which they are sold to Poor Schools not in connexion with the Board.* Map of the World, rica, England, Scotland, Ireland, Palestine, each, 08 10 12 0 Map of the Ancient World, Europe, Asia, Africa, Ame Books not published, but sanctioned by the Commissioners of Education, and sold to Poor Schools, not "National," with the consent of the Author. 90 No other Books or Requisites than those in this list, are sold to Schools not "National;" they can be obtained at the Office in Dublin only, and not through the District Inspectors of Irish National Schools, nor at these prices of the Commissioners' Agents. Not less than One Pound's worth sold. 3. LIST of the Works published by the COMMISSIONERS Of EDUCATION, with the prices at which they are sold to the Public by their Agents, WM. CURRY, JUN., & Co., Dublin; RICHARD GROOMBRIDGE & SONS, London; FRASER & Co., Edinburgh; and GEORGE PHILIP, Liverpool. Large Maps of Europe, Asia, Africa, America, England, Scotland, Ireland, Ancient World, and Palestine, each, 16 0 |