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The Commissioners furnish to each School, when taken into connexion, a Gratuitous Stock of School Books, which will be renewed at the end of every four years; they are to be kept as a School Stock, for which the Master or Mistress will be held responsible, and they are on no account to be taken out of the School. The following is the list of Books granted in proportion to the average attendance :

First Book.

Second Book.

Sequel to Second Book.

Third Book.

Girls' Reading Book.

English Grammar.

Key to English Grammar.


Key to Arithmetic.

Set of Spelling Tablets.
Set of Arithmetical Tablets.

Copy Lines.

Report Book, Register, and a
supply of Class Rolls.


The Art of Reading, Fourth Book of Lessons, and Supplement, Fifth Book of Lessons, Epitome of Geographical Knowledge, A Compendium of ditto, Geography Generalized, Introduction to Geography and History, Spellingbook Superseded, Dictionary of the English Language, Arithmetic in Theory and Practice, Easy Lessons on Reasoning, Easy Lessons on Money Matters, Four Parts Scripture Lessons, Lessons on the Truth of Christianity, Easy Lessons on Christian Evidences, Sacred Poetry.

These Books are not to be sold, exchanged, or on any account to be taken out of the School-room, being a Gratuitous Stock, for the use of the Children during School hours only.

NOTE. The "Scripture Lessons," "Lessons on the Truth of Christianity," and "Sacred Poetry," may be obtained, gratuitously, in addition to the above, if required by the Managers.

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XXVII.-Twelve Practical Rules for the Teachers of

National Schools.

1. The Teachers of National Schools are required-To keep at least one copy of the GENERAL LESSON suspended conspicuously in the School-room, and to inculcate the principles contained in it on the minds of their Pupils.

2. To exclude from the School, except at the hours set apart for Religious Instruction, all Catechisms and Books inculcating peculiar religious opinions.

3. To avoid fairs, markets, and meetings-but above all POLITICAL meetings, of every kind; to abstain from controversy; and to do nothing either in or out of School which might have a tendency to confine it to any one denomination of Children.

4. To keep the Register, Report Book, and Class Lists accurately and neatly, and according to the precise form prescribed by the Board.

5. To classify the Children according to the National School Books; to study those Books themselves; and to teach according to the improved method, as pointed out in their several prefaces.

6. To observe themselves, and to impress upon the minds of their Pupils, the great rule of regularity and order-A TIME AND A


7. To promote both by preceptand example, CLEANLINESS, NEATNESS, and DECENCY. To effect this, the Teachers should set an example of cleanliness and neatness in their own person, and in the state and general appearance of their Schools. They should also satisfy themselves, by personal inspection every morning, that the Children have had their hands and faces washed, their hair combed, and clothes cleaned, and, when necessary, mended. The School apartments, too, should be swept and dusted every evening; and white-washed at least once a year.

8. To pay the strictest attention to the morals and general conduct of their pupils, and to omit no opportunity of inculcating the principles of TRUTH and HONESTY: the duties of respect to superiors, and obedience to all persons placed in authority over them.

9. To evince a regard for the improvement and general welfare of their Pupils, to treat them with kindness, combined with firmness, and to aim at governing them by their affections and reason, rather than by harshness and severity.

10. To cultivate kindly and affectionate feelings among their Pupils; to discountenance quarrelling, cruelty to animals, and every approach to vice.

11. To record in the School Report Book the amount of all grants made by the Board, and the purposes for which they were made.

12. To take strict care of the FREE STOCK of Books granted by the Board; and to endeavour to keep the School constantly supplied with National School Books and requisites, for sale to the Children, at the reduced prices charged by the Commissioners.

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XXVIII.-LISTS (Nos. 1 and 2) of TEACHERS recommended in the years 1846 and 1847 for the LORD MORPETH PREMIUM (the interest of £1,000).

List 1.-Names of Teachers recommended by Professors, and selected by the Commissioners, for Lord Morpeth's Premium (the interest of £1,000), for the Year 1846.

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List 2.-Names of Teachers recommended by Professors, and selected by the Commissioners, for Lord Morpeth's Premium, (the interest of £1,000), for the Year 1847.

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Edward Butler, Esq., A.M., T.C.D.; William M'Creedy, Esq.; James

W. Kavanagh, Esq.; James Patten, Esq., A.M., M.D., M.R.I.A.


District No. 1.-- Michael Lawler, Esq., Letterkenny.

Co. Donegal-Baronies of Boylagh, Kilmacrenan, and Raphoe.
Co. Tyrone-Barony of Omagh (part of).

District No. 2.-R. Nesbitt, Esq., Derry.

Co. Londonderry-Baronies of Keenaght, Liberties of Derry, and Tirkeeran..

Co. Donegal--Barony of Inishowen.

Co. Tyrone-Barony of Strabane (part of).

District No. 3. - James M'Lochlin, Esq., Coleraine.

Co. Derry-Baronies of Coleraine, Liberties of Coleraine, and Loughinsholin (part of).

Co. Antrim-Baronies of Cary, Dunluce Lower, Dunluce Upper, and Kil.


District No. 4. — William A. Hunter, Esq., Ballymena.

Co. Antrim-Baronies of Antrim Lower, Antrim Upper, Glenarm Lower, Glenarm Upper, Toome Lower, and Toome Upper.

District No. 5.-D. L. Blakely, Esq., Belfast.

Co. Antrim-Baronies of Belfast Lower, Belfast Upper, Carrickfergus, Mas

sareene Lower, and Massareene Upper.

Co. Armagh-Barony of Oneiland East.

Co. Down-Barony of Castlereagh Upper (part of).

District No. 6.-J. G. Fleming, Esq., Newry.

Co. Down-Baronies of Iveagh Lower, Iveagh Upper, Mourne, and Newry. Co. Armagh-Barony of Orior Upper (part of).

District No. 7. - Thomas S. Shaw, Esq., Downpatrick.

Co. Down-Baronies of Ards, Castlereagh Lower, Castlereagh Upper (part of), Dufferin, Kinelarty, and Lecale.

District No. 8. - Edward Lyons, Esq., Dungannon.

Co. Tyrone-Barony of Dungannon.

Co. Armagh-Baronies of Oneiland West, and Orior Lower.
Co. Derry-Barony of Loughinsholin (part of).

Co. Monaghan-Barony of Trough.

District No. 9. - Alexander J. Simpson, Esq., Omagh.

Co. Tyrone-Baronies of Clogher, Omagh, and Strabane (part of).

District No. 10.-А. Т. Osborne, Esq., Monaghan.

Co. Armagh-Baronies of Armagh, Fews Lower, Fews Upper, Orier Upper (part of), and Tiranny.

Co. Monaghan-Baronies of Cremorne, Dartree, and Monaghan.

District No. 11. - George Field, Esq., Lisnaskea.

Co. Fermanagh-Baronies of Clanawley, Clankelly, Coole, Knockninny, Magherastephana, and Tirkennedy.

Co. Cavan-Baronies of Loughtee Lower, and Tullyhaw.

Co. Leitrim-Barony of Carrigallen.

District No. 12. - James Doheny, Esq., Ballyshannon.

Co. Donegal-Baronies of Bannagh, and Tyrhugh.

Co. Fermanagh-Baronies of Lurg, and Magheraboy.

Co. Leitrim-Barony of Rossclogher.

Co. Sligo-Barony of Carberry.

District No. 13.-W. H. Newell, Esq., Cavan.

Co. Cavan-Baronies of Castlerahan, Clankee, Clanmahon, Loughtee Upper, Tullygarvey, and Tullyhunco.

Co. Meath-Barony of Fore.

District No. 14. - Edward S. Clarke, Esq., Swineford.

Co. Mayo-Baronies of Clanmorris, Costello, and Gallen.
Co. Sligo-Baronies of Coolavin, Corran, Leyny, and Tireragh.

District No. 15. William Hamill, Esq., Westport.

Co. Mayo-Baronies of Burrishoole, Carra, Erris, Kilmaine, Murrisk, and Tirawley.

District No. 16. - William Robinson, Esq., Carrick-on-Shannon. Co. Leitrim-Baronies of Dromahaire, Leitrim, and Mohill.

Co. Roscommon-Baronies of Ballymoe, Ballintober North, Boyle, Castlerea, Frenchpark, and Roscommon.

Co. Sligo-Barony of Tirerrill.

District No. 17. - John Bradford, Esq., Mullingar. Co. Westmeath-Baronies of Brawney, Clonlonan, Corkaree, Farbill, Fartullagh, Fore, Kilkenny West, Moyashell and Magheradernon, Moycashel, Moygoish, and Rathconrath.

King's Co.-Baronies of Ballycowan, Geashill, Kilcoursey, Philipstown Lower, and Warrenstown.

Co. Longford-Baronies of Ardagh, Granard, Longford, Moydow, Rathcline, and Shrule.

District No. 18. James R. Butler, Esq., Drogheda.

Co. Louth-Baronies of Ardee, Drogheda, Dundalk Lower, Dundalk Upper, Ferrard, and Louth.

Co. Meath-Baronies of Duleek Lower, Duleek Upper, Slane Lower, and Slane Upper.

Co. Monaghan-Barony of Farney.

Co. Armagh-Barony of Orior Upper (part of).

District No. 19. - Henry P. Clarke, Esq., Trim.

Co. Meath-Baronies of Deece Lower, Deece Upper, Dunboyne, Kells Lower, Kells Upper, Lune, Morgallion, Moyfenrath Lower, Moyfenrath Upper, Navan Lower, Navan Upper, Ratoath, and Skreene.

Co. Westmeath-Barony of Delvin.

Co. Kildare-Baronies of Carbery, Ikeathy and Oughterany, and Salt North.

District No. 20.-W. M'Dermott, Esq., Dublin.

Co. Dublin-Baronies of Balrothery East, Balrothery West, Castleknock, Coolock, Dublin, Nethercross, Newcastle East, Newcastle West, Rathdown, and Uppercross.

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