XIV.-39. We adverted, in our last Report, to the establishment in Dublin of Subsidiary Model Schools, similar in their general character to our Model Schools in Marlborough-street. By the great liberality of the Trustees and Committee of the School-street schools, who have transferred the premises to us, we shall be enabled, during this year, to carry our intentions partly into effect. The buildings were erected in the year 1798, by voluntary subscription, at a cost exceeding £2,000, and capable of accommodating 1,000 children. They were the first schools founded in Dublin, upon an extensive scale, for the education of the poor of different religious persuasions, and have been the means of instructing several thousands of children. They are situated in one of the poorest and most populous localities in the city, at a considerable distance from our Central Institution, and where it is most desirable that large and efficient National Schools should be established. These schools will be re-opened for the reception of pupils, when the necessary alterations now in progress shall have been completed. XV.-40. In the death of the Right Honorable Anthony Richard Blake, which took place during the year, we have to deplore the loss of one of our earliest and most indefatigable members. To his energy and talent, much of our success, in the establishment of the National system of Education in Ireland, is to be justly attributed; and his earnestness in the cause to the last, has been evinced by a munificent legacy of £1,000, to this Board for the purposes of National Education. We shall state in our next Report the mode in which we propose to carry out his patriotic and benevolent intentions. XVI.-41. In conformity with our usual practice, the financial account of the year's receipts and expenditure is made up to the 31st of March of this year, and the statistics of schools to the 31st December, 1848. 42. We submit this as our Report for the last year to your Excellency, and in testimony thereof, have caused our Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed, this First day of May, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-nine. (Signed) MAURICE CROSS, }Secretaries. Education Office, Marlborough-street. SEAL. Value of Stock, &c., at the Model Farm Establishment, on 31st March, 1849, 1942 2 6 65 7 3 41,007 9 9 II.-TABLE showing the progressive Increase in the NATIONAL SCHOOLS, and the NUMBER OF CHILDREN in attendance upon them, from the date of the First Report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, to the 31st December, 1848. III.-TABLE showing the INCREASE in the NATIONAL SCHOOLS, and the NUMBER OF CHILDREN in attendance upon them, during the Year 1848, as compared with the preceding Year. 4,440 Total Number of Schools, 104,837 30,461 507,469 Nil. 537,930 : 426 Total attendance, actual and expected, * Total Number of Schools taken into connexion during the year 1848, IV.-TABLE Showing in what Provinces the 426 New Schools, taken into connexion during the year 1848, are situated, and the nature of the Grants awarded to them. V-TABLE showing the Number of National Schools in each Province, whether in Operation, in progress of Building, or Suspended, with their actual and expected Attendances. * There was, in addition to this number, an attendance of 6,928 Children in Schools to which Salaries have been granted during the three months, from the 30th September to the 31st December, 1848, making the total attendance on the rolls 507,469. VI.-TABLE showing the Number of Workhouse Schools in connexion with the Board, on the 31st December, 1848, and the Provinces in which they are situated, included in Table V. of Schools in Operation. |