"without doing violence to conscience, those, of whatever "religious creed, who may wish for education." 59. This is the true meaning of our united education plan. It is not a necessary part of it, that there should be, in every school, an actual mixture of persons of different religious persuasions; but that every school, supported by the common funds of the nation, should be open to all, by keeping the secular part of education distinct from the religious. XIV.-60. In conformity with our usual practice, the financial account of the year's receipts and expenditure is made up to the 31st of March of this year, and the statistics of schools to the 31st of December, 1846. 61. We submit this as our Report for the last year to your Excellency; and, in testimony thereof, have caused our Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed, this fifth day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-seven. (Signed,) MAURICE CROSS, Secretaries. Education Office, Marlborough-street. SEAL. 7,269 8 3 Do. Do. Do. AGRICULTURAL SCHOOLS, 4,786 5 0 476 INSPECTION: Salaries, : SALARIES TO TEACHERS, Extra Travelling, &c., Her Majesty's Stationery Office, for Paper, Printing and Binding 4,790 12 47,477 3 62 7,379 20 366 16 5 7,745 18 5 523 10 174 6 0 7,311 13 6 3,385 2 7 I.--An Account of the RECEIPTS and DISBURSEMENTS of the COMMISSIONERS OF NATIONAL EDUCATION, from the 1st April, 1846, to 31st March, 1847. BUILDING, FITTING-UP, AND FURNISHING SCHOOL-HOUSES, BOOK DEPARTMENT: Salaries and Wages, Compilation, Library, &c., the National School Books, Books, Maps, and School Requisites, : OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENT: Salaries and Wages, Office Stationery, Printing, &c., Repairs and Works, MISCELLANEOUS: Rates, Taxes, and Insurance, 95 95 Coals, Candles, and Gas, 384 6 6 Postage, 390 7 1 Payments from Private Contribution Fund, to assist Local Subscriptions towards Schools in poor districts, 27 10 0 Gratuities to Monitors, from Model School Fund, 117 8 8 APPENDIX. General Expenditure, MALE TEACHERS' DEPARTMENT, NORTH GREAT GEORGE'S-STREET Salaries and Wages, Maintenance and Travelling, General Expenditure, Salaries and Wages, FEMALE TEACHERS' DEPARTMENT: Maintenance and Travelling, General Expenditure, MODEL SCHOOL DEPARTMENT, MODEL FARM DEPARTMENT, GLASNEVIN NATIONAL SCHOOL: Building and Fitting-up, 122 12 8 948 10 8 209 2 7 158 5 1,039 0 294 16 6 845 17 0 006042 871 14 38 9 405 10 8 VOL. II. £92,398 2 1 II.-TABLE showing the progressive Increase in the NATIONAL SCHOOLS and the NUMBER OF CHILDREN in attendance upon them, from the date of the First Report of the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, to the 31st December, 1846. III.--TABLE showing the Increase in the NATIONAL SCHOOLS and the NUMBER OF CHILDREN in attendance upon them, during the year 1846, as compared with the preceding year. Expected attendance in the Total Number of Schools, Deduct the returned attendance Increase during the year 1846, 335 Building cases, 3,986 Total attendance, actual and expected, * Total Number of Schools taken into connexion during the year 1846, Deduct Schools struck off during the year 1846, Net increase during the year, as above 23,566 IV.--TABLE showing in what Provinces the 353 New Schools, taken into connexion during the Year 1846, are situated, and the nature of the Grants awarded to them. V. TABLE showing the number of National Schools in each Province, whether in Operation, in progress of Building, or Suspended, with their actual and expected Attendances. In operation, with their on the Rolls for the Suspended. Total Number of Schools in connexion, 31st Dec., 1846. with their expected * There is, in addition to this number, an attendance of 4,634 Children upon Schools to which Salaries have been granted since September, 1846, making the total attendance of 456,410. See Table No. III. VI. TABLE showing the number of WORKHOUSE SCHOOLS in connexion with the Board, on the 31st December, 1846, and the Provinces in which they are situated (included in Table V. of Schools in Operation). VII. TABLE showing the number of TEACHERS trained during the year 1846, for National Schools, and for Schools not National, distinguishing the Religious Denominations of each. VIII.-TABLE showing the Amount and Nature of GRANTS paid and GRANTs awarded to National Schools during the year 1846. 5,174 7 6 5,675 6,129 16 4 942 3,142 16 10 4,172 44,177 11 6 |