35. Are they satisfactory to the Parents of the Children, and publicly notified? 36. What is the Population of the Parish, and what proportion of them are of the poorer class? State any thing you can ascertain respecting that portion of the Population of the neighbourhood, whose Children are likely to attend a National School. 37. How many Children were present at the time of Inspection? How many on the Books for the last six months? What was the average daily attendance for the last six months? Is any increase expected, and to what extent? 38. Is the School under the direction of a Committee, and by whom chosen ? 39. How many days in each week, and how many hours in each day, are employed, in instructing the Children in the ordinary branches of Secular Education? State particularly at what hour the School commences, and when it closes. 40. Has this application been got up by the Teacher or his Friends, or for his benefit exclusively? 41. Have you communicated with the Clergymen of the different denominations in the neighbourhood, with respect to this application; and have they made any, and what objections thereto? 42. If this School be taken into connexion, is there a reasonable prospect that adequate local aid, in addition to what the Commissioners contribute, will be provided for its permanent support? 43. State any other circumstances connected with this application you may consider material for the information of the Commissioners, and the grounds upon which you recommend it to be entertained or otherwise. 44. Have you had an interview with the Patron or Correspondent of the School? State the religious denomination to which he belongs. 45. Have you communicated personally with any other individuals in the neighbourhood on the subject, and what has been the result of your interview? 46. State the date of your visit. District Inspector of National Schools. MAURICE CROSS, } Secretaries. JAMES KELLY, XIII. Report upon Application for an Additional Salary to the Teacher, and for Supply of Books, &c. Evening School, County of, Patron or Corres pondent 1. Visited on the Post-town, 2. When was the Evening School established? 3. During what portions of the year is it in operation? 4. Is it conducted in the National School-room? 5. If not, where is it held? convenient? Is the room suitable? adequately supplied with proper School furniture? Is the locality 6. Is the Evening School attended by males and females? 7. Number present at the time of inspection?-Males, Females, Total, Is it 8. Average attendance each evening for the last three months? -Males, Females, Total, 9. Number on the books for the last three months? Males, Females, Total, 10. Of this number on the books, how many are pupils of the National Day School?-Males, Females, Females, Total, State their average age. - Males, 11. Of the number on the books, how many are adults? : State their average 12. Are they employed in various daily occupations in the neighbourhood? State the nature of these occupations. 13. What are the weekly rates of payment? 14. State the average amount received per week for the last three months. 15. State the amount of local contributions, if any, towards the support of the Evening School. 16. Upon what days of the week is the Evening School held? 17. What are the hours of attendance? 18. What branches are taught? If 19. Is the instruction given exclusively secular? not, state the nature of the other instruction, and the arrangements for communicating it. 20. State the titles of the books used in the Evening School. 21. State the name and age of the Teacher. 22. State your opinion as to his literary acquirements. 23. As to his character. 24. As to his method of conducting the School. 25. Will he be able to conduct this Evening School in a credit able and satisfactory manner? 26. Is he Master of the National Day School? 27. If so, will his attendance at the Evening School interfere in any way with his duties, or impair his efficiency as Teacher of the Day School? 28. Has this application been got up by the Teacher or his friends, or for his benefit exclusively? 29. Has the application for assistance been made with the concurrence of therecognised Manager of the School, and will he promise to visit it occasionally, to see how it is conducted? 30. State any other circumstances connected with this application you may consider material for the information of the Comissioners, and the grounds upon which you recommend it to be entertained or otherwise. XIV. QUERIES to be answered on Application to the ComMISSIONERS OF EDUCATION for Aid towards the Salary of the Teacher or Teachers of (a Vested) NATIONAL SCHOOL, in the Parish of, County of 1. State the Christian and Surname of the Teacher or Teachers on whose behalf you now apply. State also the age of each. 2. Have they been educated at any, and what Model School? 3. Did they ever conduct a National School? and if so, state the name of it; during what period, and date of leaving it. 4. What testimonials can they produce of fitness for their office? 5. When did this School open for business under his or their su perintendence ? 6. What is the annual amount of Local Funds towards payment of their salary? 7. Do the Scholars pay any thing, and what? 8. How many School-rooms are there? 9. What are the dimensions of each in the clear? 10. How many Children have been present on an average each week, since the opening of the School? Males, 11. Do you expect any increase, and to what extent? Females. Signed for and on behalf of the Applicants and Committee, and by their Authority, day of Post-town. XV.-QUERIES to be answered on Application to the COM MISSIONERS of EDUCATION for Aid towards the Salary of an Assistant Teacher in in the Parish of NATIONAL SCHOOL, County of 1. How many apartments are there in this house used as School-rooms? 2. What are the internal dimensions of each? 3. State the Number and Names of Teachers employed in each School-room. 4. State the Christian and Surname of the Assistant Teacher or Teachers on whose behalf you now apply. 5. State also the age of each. 6. Did they ever conduct a National or any other School? 7. If so, state the name of such National School, and during what period. 8. State the date of appointment to the School in which they are now employed. 9. What testimonials of fitness for their office can they produce? 10. What are the internal dimensions of the School-room in which the Assistant is employed? 11. How many Children are at present on the roll? Males, Females. 12. What has been the average of the daily attendance for the 13. State the names of the other Teachers in the School-room last six months?: Males, Females. in which the Assistant is employed. Females. 14. Is the Assistant employed in teaching every day, and during the whole of the ordinary School hours? XVI.-QUERIES to be answered on Application to the Cом MISSIONERS OF EDUCATION for Aid towards the Salary of a Work-mistress in -NATIONAL SCHOOL, County of 1. State the Christian and Surname of the Teacher on whose behalf you now apply. 2. State also her age. 3. What testimonials can she produce of fitness for her office as Work-mistress? 4. Is she to be employed exclusively in teaching Needle-work? 5. When did she commence giving instruction in Needle-work in this School? 6. Specify the different kinds of Needle-work, &c., which it is proposed she shall teach. 7. Upon what days of the week, and for how many hours each day, does she give such instruction? 8. Is instruction in Needle-work to be given in the ordinary School-room, or in a separate apartment? 9. If in the School-room, what are the dimensions of it in the clear? 10. Is there any other Female Teacher in this School, and how is she employed? 11. What is the average daily attendance of Children for the past six months? Males, Females. 12. What number of Female Children are receiving instruction in Needle-work? 13. Has a convenient Work table been provided? 14. Has a Press for holding work been also provided? XVII. QUERIES to be answered on Application to the Com MISSIONERS Of EDUCATION for an additional Salary to the Teacher, and for supply of Books, &c., for Evening School, County of 1. Is this School held in the same room in which the Daily National School is conducted? 2. What number of Pupils was in actual attendance at the date of this application? 3. What has been the average attendance each evening for the last three months? 4. How many of the Pupils attend the Day School? 5. Are any of them Adults, and what is the average age? 6. Are they employed in various daily occupations in the im mediate neighbourhood ? 7 What branches are taught? 8. What are the hours of attendance? 9. What are the Weekly Payments of Pupils, and the average amount received per week? 10. Do Females, as well as Males, attend, and how many Fe males (if any)? 11. When was School (Evening) established? 12. What is the name of Teacher? 13. Is he Master of the Day School? 1.-Form of Lease to the Commissioners of National Education, in , BETWEEN their Corporate capacity. day of THIS INDENTURE made the 18 in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and of the first part; of the second part; and THE COMMISSIONERS OF NATIONAL EDUCATION IN IRELAND, of the third part. WHEREAS the said Commissioners, by Her Majesty's Royal Charter, bearing date the 26th day of August, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty-five, have been incorporated, and are by said Charter empowered to take and hold lands as therein mentioned. AND WHEREAS the Education of the Poor of Ireland has been heretofore, and is now, carried on by the said Commissioners on the principle of avoiding all interference whatsoever with conscientious scruples on the score of religion, and accordingly, the schools under their control are open alike to Children of all religious denominations; and no Child is required to be present at any religious instruction or exercise of which his Parents or Guardians may disapprove, and opportunities are afforded to all Children to receive separately at particular periods, to be specified in the rules of each School, such religious instruction as their Parents or Guardians approve of. AND WHEREAS the management of such Schools belongs to the respective local Patrons thereof, who have the power of appointing and of re moving the Teachers, subject to the approbation of the said Commissioners. AND WHEREAS the said School, to be called desirous that a National National School, should be and established on the principles aforesaid, on the lot of ground hereinafter demised; and the said have been nominated as Patrons of the said intended National School, and have |