Imágenes de páginas

been approved of by the said Commissioners. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH that the said in order to promote the said object, granted and demised, and by these presents grant and demise unto the said Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, all that lot of ground described in the map thereof on the margin of these presents delineated, situate in the

townland of

county of

parish of containing

barony of

and bounded


to hold the same to the said Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, from the day of the date of these presents, for and during

yielding therefor during the said term, the rent of One Penny on the Feast of St. Michael in every year, if same shall be demanded. And it is hereby expressed and declared, and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents, and of the several and respective parties hereto, that each and every School to be kept and established on the premises hereby demised, shall be kept open for a competent number of hours in each day, at the discretion of the said Commissioners, and shall, during said hours, be used for moral and literary education only; and that one day in each week, or part of a day in the week, independently of Sunday, shall be set apart for the religious instruction of the Children, on which day or part of a day, such pastors or other persons as may be approved of by the Parents or Guardians of the Children respectively shall have access to them in the School-room for that purpose, whether those Pastors or persons shall have signed the original application or not. And also, that convenient opportunity be afforded to them for the same purpose on other days of the week, and that where any course of religious instruction is to be pursued in any such School as aforesaid, during School-hours, to which the Parents or Guardians of any of the Children attending such School shall object, an arrangement shall be made for having such instruction given to those who are to receive it at a stated time, or in a separate place, so that no Children whose Parents or Guardians object to their being so, be compelled to receive or to be present at it. And further, that no books shall be used in the ordinary School business, save and except those which shall be reported to, and sanctioned by, the said Commissioners. And further, that if any other books than the Holy Scriptures, or the standard books of the Church to which the Children using them belong, be employed in communicating religious instruction, then, and in such case, the title of each such book or books shall be made known to the said Commissioners. And further, that all the Master or Masters, Teacher or Teachers, of each and every such School for the time being, shall not only in the first instance, if the said Commissioners shall see fit, before he, she, or they, shall be so appointed, have received previous instruction in the General Normal Establishment in Dublin, or at one of the District Model Schools of the said Commissioners, and shall also have obtained from the said Commissioners, if the said Commissioners shall so think fit, testimonials of good conduct and general fitness, but shall be liable to be fined and removed, or suspended from time to time, and at all times when and as often as the said Commissioners shall deem it necessary, in such way and manner as they shall deem expedient, or see fit, upon good and sufficient cause being shown. And further, that the public of all denominations, whether clergy or laity, shall have access to each and every such School, in the manner and under the restrictions particularly set forth in the Rules and Regulations of the said Commissioners, under the head and title of "Inspection of Schools," to observe how such School may be conducted. And that no meetings of any kind whatever be summoned, held, or convened, or permitted so to be in any such School-house, or in any part or room thereof, or on the premises hereby conveyed, or intended so to be, save such as may relate exclusively to the business thereof; and that no petition or document of any kind whatsoever, save such as may relate exclusively to the business of the said School, be brought or carried into any such School-house or premises, or any part thereof, for signature or otherwise; and that such School-house and premises, or any part thereof, shall not be converted into a place of public worship, or used for any purpose save that of such School; and that from and after the day of the date of these presents, every such School-house shall be kept in full and sufficient repair by the said Commissioners, and that local contributions shall be raised towards payment of the Teachers' salary of such School, after the manner set forth in the Rules and Regulations of the said Commissioners. PROVIDED ALWAYS, and it is hereby further expressed and declared to be the true intent and meaning of these presents, and of the several parties hereto, that in case any of them, the said or any Patron hereafter to be appointed, shall die, or be desirous of being discharged from the management of said School, or shall go or reside out of Ireland, or shall neglect or refuse, or become incapable to act as such Patron, it shall and may be lawful to and for the surviving or continuing Patron or Patrons to nominate and appoint a new Patron or Patrons in the room of any such Patron or Patrons, such new Patron or Patrons to be first approved of by the said Commissioners; and in case such surviving or continuing Patron or Patrons shall decline, neglect, or refuse to exercise the powers of appointment hereby given as aforesaid, within six calendar months after all or any of the events hereinbefore mentioned shall arise, happen, or take place; that then, and in all or any of such case or cases, it shall and may be lawful to and for the said Commissioners to nominate and appoint such new Patron or Patrons in the room of any such Patron or Patrons as aforesaid, for the management of said School. And the said hereby for and heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, covenant and agree to and with the said Commissioners, that he and they, their and his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, shall and will, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, upon the request of the said Commissioners, and



own proper cost and charges, do perform and execute all and every such further and other act and acts, deed and deeds, assignment, conveyance, release, and assurance in the law whatsoever, for corroborating and confirming these presents, as by the said Commissioners or their Council learned in the law, shall, in that behalf, be reasonably advised, devised, required, demanded, directed. And the said


covenant with the said Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, that the said Commissioners, paying the said rent, if demanded, shall and may peaceably and quietly possess and enjoy the said premises for the said term, with

heirs, executors, admi

out any disturbance from the said
ninistrators, and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said
hereunto put

hand and seal, and the said Commissioners have caused their Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto, the day and year first above written.

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered by the said

presence of

in the

2.-Form of Assignment or Conveyance of National School Premises, by Trustees, to the Commissioners of National Educa

tion, in their Corporate capacity.


of the first part;

[blocks in formation]

Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and


of the second part; and the CoMMISSIONERS OF NATIONAL

One Thousand

EDUCATION IN IRELAND, of the third part. WHEREAS by Indenture of Lease, bearing date the Eight Hundred and

day of

made between

of the first part,

the several persons therein named and described as the Commissioners appointed for administering the Funds placed at the disposal of HIS EXCELLENCY THE LORD LIEUTENANT OF IRELAND, for the Education of the Poor of Ireland, of the second part, and the said therein described as Trustees named and approved of by and on behalf of the said Commissioners, of the third part, after reciting among other things, that it was the wish and intention of the said and of the said Trustees, parties thereto, that a School, with the approbation and under the control of the said Commissioners, parties thereto, should be established in the Parish of and the County of and that the therein named Commissioners had, in order to promote the establishment of said school, directed that a sum of

sterling should be paid to the said Trustees out of the fund so placed at the disposal of His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the said in order to effectuate the purposes aforesaid, and for the considerations therein mentioned, demised unto the said as Trustees aforesaid, ALL THAT LOT or Piece of Ground, situate, lying, and being in the Townland of Parish of Barony of and County of whereon there had been erected and built a School-house for the Education of the Poor Children in the Parish aforesaid, containing in front feet or thereabouts, and in breadth in the rere feet or thereabouts, and in depth from front to rere thereabouts, meared and bounded

feet or together with all Buildings and Improvements erected and made thereon, and all and singular the Rights, Members, Privileges, Passages, Appendencies, and Appurtenances, to the said Lot of Ground and Premises belonging, or in anywise appertaining, which said Lot of Ground is more particularly described by the map thereof on said Indenture of Demise inserted то HOLD the same to the said Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, for and during upon the Trusts, and for the uses and purposes thereinafter mentioned and declared concerning the same, they the said Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, yielding and paying unto the said Heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, during the continuation of the said demise, the sum of on the in each and every year. AND WHEREAS by Royal Letters Patent, duly enrolled in the Court of Chancery in Ireland, and bearing date the 26th day of August, in the ninth year of the reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria, the then Commissioners appointed for administering the Funds placed as aforesaid at the disposal of His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, for the Education of the Poor of Ireland, and all and every other person who from time to time for ever thereafter shall be appointed, as therein is particularly mentioned, COMMISSIONERS OF NATIONAL Education in IRELAND, were erected and constituted a Body Corporate and Politic by the Style of THE COMMISSIONERS OF NATIONAL EDUCATION IN IRELAND, with perpetual succession, and with power to purchase and hold Lands and Hereditaments, Goods and Chattels, as therein particularly mentioned: AND WHEREAS the said are desirous of being discharged from the Trusts by said Indenture of Demise of the created. AND WHEREAS in order the better to effect and carry into Execution the Trusts of said Indenture, it is deemed expedient that the said Premises thereby demised should (with the consent of the said ) be conveyed unto the said Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, in their Corporate capacity. NoW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, that in consideration of the Premises, and also in consideration of the sum of Ten Shillings paid to the said by the said Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, immediately before the execution of these Presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged do by these presents with the consent and by the direction of the said testified by his being a party to and signing and sealing these Presents, grant and assign unto the said Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, ALL THAT Lor or Piece of Ground hereinbefore and in said Indenture of Demise of the day of particularly mentioned and described, and all the Estate, Right, Title, Trust, Possession, Claim, and Demand, both at Law and in Equity, of them, the said of, in, and to the said premises, with their appurtenances, together with the said Indenture of Demise, and all benefit and advantage thereof, TO HOLD the same with the appurtenances, unto the said Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, henceforth for and during the residue now unexpired of the said term of years subject nevertheless to the payment of the Rent and the performance of the Trusts and Covenants in said Indenture reserved, declared and contained. And the said each for himself, his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, and not the one for the other of them, or for the Heirs, Executors, or Administrators of the other, do hereby covenant with the said Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, their successors and Assigns, that notwithstanding any act done or suffered by them, the said lease is valid and subsisting, and that they now have power to assign the same, and the premises thereby demised in manner aforesaid, and that they and every person lawfully claiming through or under them, or any of them, will at any time hereafter, on the request, and at the cost of the said Commissioners of National Educa

they the said

tion in Ireland, do any further act to assign and confirm the said hereinbefore recited Lease and the Premises thereby demised, as the said Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, their Successors and Assigns shall direct or require. IN WITNESS whereof the said parties of the first and second parts have hereunto affixed their Hands and Seals, and the said Commissioners of National Education in Ireland, have caused their Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto, the day and year first above written.

[blocks in formation]



1. The Teachers of National Schools are required-To keep at least one copy of the GENERAL LESSON Suspended conspicuously in the School-room, and to inculcate the principles contained in it on the minds of their Pupils.

2. To exclude from the School, except at the hours set apart for Religious Instruction, all Catechisms and Books inculcating peculiar religious opinions.

3. To avoid fairs, markets, and meetings-but above all POLITICAL meetings, of every kind; to abstain from controversy; and to do nothing either in or out of School which might have a tendency to confine it to any one denomination of Children.

4. To keep the Register, Report Book, and Class Lists accurately and neatly, and according to the precise form prescribed by the Board.

5. To classify the Children according to the National School Books; to study those Books themselves; and to teach according to the improved method, as pointed out in their several prefaces.

6. To observe themselves, and to impress upon the minds of their Pupils, the great rule of regularity and order-A TIME AND A PLACE FOR EVERY THING, AND EVERY THING IN ITS PROPER TIME AND


7. To promote both by precept and example, CLEANLINESS, NEATNESS, and DECENCY. To effect this, the Teachers should set an example of cleanliness and neatness in their own person, and in the state and general appearance of their Schools. They should also satisfy themselves, by personal inspection every morning, that the Children have had their hands and faces washed, their hair combed, and clothes cleaned, and, when necessary, mended. The School apartments, too, should be swept and dusted every evening; and white-washed at least once a year.

8. To pay the strictest attention to the morals and general conduct of their pupils, and to omit no opportunity of inculcating the principles of TRUTH and HONESTY: the duties of respect to superiors, and obedience to all persons placed in authority over them.

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