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be classed, will not be paid any higher rate of Salary than the amount awarded to them as Assistant Teachers, or Teachers of Needle-work, until promoted to the rank of principal Teacher, with the sanction of the Commissioners.

The Commissioners have determined upon a course of study for each Class, in which the Teachers are to be examined as a test of their fitness for promotion; but their general conduct, the condition of their respective Schools, their method of conducting them, and the daily average attendance of pupils, will also be taken into consideration.

Every National Teacher will be furnished with a copy of the programme of the Course of Study above referred to.

The Commissioners require that a further income to the Teachers be secured either by Local Subscriptions or School Fees. This Rule will be strictly enforced.

PROGRAMME of EXAMINATION and Course of Study for Teachers of National Schools.


The Candidates will be required :

1. To read with correctness, ease, and intelligence, any passage selected in the first four Lesson Books.

2. To write a bold, free hand, and exhibit a knowledge of the principles of penmanship, and of the rules for teaching writing.

3. To write from dictation, with correct spelling, any passage read slowly from the Third Lesson Book.

4. To be familiar with the principles of the elementary rules, and with Proportion, and be able to work, with facility, neatness, and accuracy, sums in these rules, and in Commercial Arithmetic.

5. To parse any short, easy sentence in prose, and to exhibit an acquaintance with the Elements of Grammar.

6. To be acquainted with the general outline of the great divisions of the Globe.

The Female Candidates will not be required to know Commercial Arithmetic.


The Candidates for promotion to this Class will be required :

1.--To read with ease and expression; and be familiar with the principles of Reading, and with the principles and difficulties of Pronunciation.

2. To write from dictation, in a neat, free hand, with correct spelling and punctuation, any passage read from the National Lesson Books.

3.--To know, in addition to the rules mentioned in the course for Probationers, Fractions, Involution, Evolution, and to be acquainted with the rules of Mental Arithmetic.

Female Teachers will not be required to proceed beyond Practice to qualify for this Class. 4.--To parse any sentence submitted to them, and to analyse the words giving the roots, prefixes, and affixes.

Female Teachers will not be examined to the same extent in the latter exercise. 5. To know the elements of Mathematical and Physical Geography, the Geography of Ireland, and the general Geography of Europe.

6. To be acquainted with the principles of Book-keeping, and the mode of keeping Farming Accounts.

7.-To be acquainted with the Measurement of Plane Surfaces. 8. To be familiar with the improved modes of Teaching, and with the Rules and Regulations of the Commissioners.

9.-To be prepared for Examination on the subjects treated of in:The National Lesson Books, to the Fourth inclusive;

Easy Lessons on Money Matters;

Introduction to the Art of Reading, 1st Part;

Spelling-book Superseded;

Geography Generalized, first eight Chapters ;

* Board's Treatise on Book-keeping;

* Board's Mensuration, Sections 2 and 7;

Outline of the Methods of Teaching;

* Whatever Agricultural Class Book may be hereafter published or sanctioned by the Board for the use of their Schools.


They will be required :

1.-To write grammatically, and with correct spelling and punctuation, the substance of an easy lesson read twice over.

2.-To know the general Geography of the remaining great divisions of the Globe, the Geography of the British Empire, and of Palestine. 3. To be acquainted with the outlines of general History. The Female Teachers will be examined on Mental Arithmetic.

4. To possess some knowledge of the elementary principles of Mechanics,

Hydrostatics, Pneumatics, Optics, and Physiology.

5. To know the First and Second Books.

6.--To be familiar with the rules for the Measurement of Solids, the principles on which these rules depend, and with the elements of Land Surveying. 7.-To know the elementary rules, and be able to solve Simple Equations. 8.--To be prepared for examination on the subjects treated of in:

Fifth Book of Lessons, Sections 2, 3*, 4*;

Introduction to the Art of Reading, Part II.;

* Geography Generalized;

* Epitome of Geographical Knowledge, Book III., and Period VII. of Book IV.;

* Board's or Thomson's Treatise on Arithmetic;

* Thomson's Euclid, Books I. and II., with the Exercises thereon;

* Thomson's Algebra, Chapters 1, 2, 4, and 8;

* Board's Mensuration, Sections 4, 5, 6, and 11;

* Lessons on Reasoning, Parts I. and II.

* Professor M'Gauley's Lectures on Natural Philosophy, Part I., Chapters

6, 7, 8, 9, and the first 28 paragraphs of Chapter 10.


They will be required :

1.-To write a short essay on a given subject connected with the organization

and management of Schools, and the general principles of Education.

The Female Teachers will be examined on the 3rd Section of the Fifth Book, the Geography Generalized, and Third Book of the Epitome of Geographical Knowledge.

2. To know the Third and Fourth Books.

3. To be acquainted with the resolution of Plane Triangles, and with the use of Logarithms.

4. To know Quadratic Equations.

5. To have a popular acquaintance with the Laws of Heat, and the structure

of the Steam Engine, and the Elements of Chemistry.

6. To be prepared for Examination on the subjects treated of in:

Fifth Lesson Book, Sections 1 and 5*;

* Lessons on Reasoning, Parts III., IV., and V.;

* Thomson's Euclid, Books III. and IV., with Exercises thereon;

* Thomson's Algebra, Chapters 3, 5, 6, and 9;

* M'Gauley's Lectures on Natural Philosophy, Part II., Chapters 6, 7,

8,9, and 10;

* Johnston's Catechism of Agricultural Chemistry, or any other Treatise

on the same subject which the Commissioners may publish or sanction.

The Female Teachers will not be required to be prepared on the subjeets marked with an asterisk.

Candidates for promotion must be prepared for examination in any of the subjects prescribed for the Class or Classes below that to which they desire to be raised.


The minimum of proficiency required of the Teachers of each Class is stated in the preceding programme.

All newly appointed Teachers, who have not previously conducted National Schools, are considered as Probationers, and must remain as such for at least one year, at the expiration of which time, they will be eligible for classification, and may be promoted, even before being trained, to any Class except the First: if promoted they will receive the full amount of Salary to which they may become entitled from the commencement of the second year of their service under the Board.

All Teachers must remain at least one year in a lower division of any Class, before they are eligible for promotion to a higher division of the same; and they must remain two years in a lower Class before they are eligible for promotion to a higher Class.

This Regulation does not apply to Probationary Teachers, nor to Teachers who may be promoted on the recommendation of the Professors at the termination of the course of training.

None but Teachers trained at the Normal School of the Commissioners are eligible for promotion to any division of the First Class, and only upon the recommendation of the Professors, or of a Board of Inspectors.

Examinations are to be held, at specified times, by the Inspectors, with the view of promoting meritorious Teachers; while those who may have conducted themselves improperly, or in whose Schools the attendance has considerably decreased, will be liable to be depressed.

No Teacher will be admitted to examination with a view to promotion, on whose School a decidedly unfavorable report has been made by the District Inspector within the previous year.

Teachers will not be eligible for promotion unless, in addition to satisfactory answering in the course prescribed for the Class to which they aspire, it appears from the reports of their respective District Inspectors that their Schools are properly organized and well conducted, that adequate exertions have been made by them to keep up a sufficient average attendance; that their junior classes are carefully taught, and that a fair proportion of the pupils of the higher Classes, besides being proficients in the ordinary branches of Reading, Spelling, and Writing, are possessed of a respectable amount of knowledge in, at least, Grammar, Geography, and Arithmetic. In female Schools it will be further requisite that instruction in plain Needle-work, including sewing, knitting, and cutting-out, be given to all girls capable of receiving it, and that they exhibit a due proficiency in this department.

It must also appear from the reports of their Inspectors, that their School Accounts have been regularly and correctly kept, that their Schools and School premises have been preserved with neatness and order, and that cleanliness in person and habits has been enforced on the children attending them.

None can be appointed as Assistant Teachers whose qualifications are not equal to those required of Probationers.

Satisfactory Certificates of character and conduct will be required of all Candidates.

2. SALARIES to PAID MONITORS. Salaries to Paid Monitors, from 1st April, 1849.


For the first year, £4. For the second year, £5. For the third year, £6. For the fourth year, £7.

The number of Paid Monitors is to be six males and three females in each District, selected from among the best Pupils in the National Schools, and appointed upon the recommendation of the_District Inspectors.

When the District Model Schools are established, Candidates for the office of Paid Monitor must undergo a public examination by the Inspectors, in a prescribed course, to be held in those Schools.



I. The selection should be made, as far as possible, from those who have shown a taste for teaching.

II. The Candidates should not be under fourteen, nor over sixteen years of age. They must be of a sound and healthy constitution, and free from any physical defect likely to impair their efficiency as Teachers.

III. The School to which the Candidate belongs should exhibit a tolerable degree of efficiency, should have a sufficient average attendance to require a Paid Monitor, and the Teacher should be qualified to give instruction in the prescribed course.

IV. The Candidates will be required:

1st. To read the Third Book fluently, and to answer, with readiness, the explanatory questions arising from Lessons selected in this and the earlier Books.

2nd. To spell correctly the words occurring in any portion of these Lesson Books.

3rd. To write small hand neatly and legibly.

4th. To refer to their respective parts of speech the words in the Lessons selected for examination.

5th. To have a knowledge of the elements of Geography, and to be acquainted with the outlines of the Map of the World.

6th. To work with readiness and accuracy, easy sums in the Simple and Compound Rules, in Reduction and Proportion.

7th. To teach a junior class to the satisfaction of the District Inspector. 8th. In addition to the above qualifications, females must be able to sew neatly, and to knit.


At the end of the First Year they will be required :

1. To read the Fourth Lesson Book with ease and correctness, and exhibit some knowledge of the subjects treated of therein.

2. To be familiar with the prefixes, affixes, and the principal or most productive roots, and with the mode of applying them.

3. To spell correctly from dictation any ordinary sentence.

4. To solve questions in compound Proportion and Fractions, and be familiar with the principles on which these and the preceding rules depend. The Girls will not be required to know Fractions.

5. To have a knowledge of the elementary principles of Parsing.

6. To know the Geography of Ireland.

7. To teach and examine the Second Class.

8. Girls to be able to instruct the younger scholars in sewing and knitting.

At the end of the Second Year they will be required :

1. To have some knowledge of the principles of reading, as explained in the First Part of the Introduction to the Art of Reading, and to be prepared for examination on the subjects of the Fourth Book, and on the Easy Lessons on Money Matters.

2. To write, in a neat hand and with correct spelling, more difficult sentences from dictation, and be prepared for examination on the rules for spelling as given in the Spelling Book Superseded, and on the previous portions of the same book.

3. To solve questions in Practice and Interest, and to have some knowledge of Mental Arithmetic. This year's course for the Girls will, in this branch,

be limited to Practice.

4. To parse an easy sentence according to the rules of Syntax. 5. To know the general Geography of Europe, and the rudiments of Mathematical Geography, as explained in the first four chapters of the Geography Generalized.

6. To teach and examine a class in the Sequelto the Second Book of Lessons. 7. Girls must exhibit increased skill in the teaching of plain Needlework. At the end of the Third Year they will be required :

1. To read with ease and expression, and be acquainted with the principles of Orthoepy, and the difficulties of Pronunciation.

2. To be acquainted with all the historical sketches contained in the Lesson Books, and in the Introduction to Geography and History.

3. To be competent to superintend the writing of the junior classes, and to write in a good current hand, and with correct spelling, the substance of a short lesson read slowly to them twice over.

4. To be acquainted with Mental and Commercial Arithmetic, and with Involution and Evolution, as contained in the Board's Treatise.

5. To parse and analyse any passage in prose, selected from the National Lesson Books.

6. To know the General Geography of the remaining great divisions of the Globe, and be familiar with the principles of Physical Geography, as given in the Geography Generalized and the Fifth Book of Lessons.

7. To have the first four sets contained in the Board's Treatise on Bookkeeping, neatly written out, and to answer explanatory questions thereon.

8. To know the First Book of Geometry with the Exercises thereon, as given in Thomson's Treatise.

9. To be acquainted with the Elementary rules of Algebra.

The Girls will not be required to know Book-keeping, Geometry, or Algebra, and in Arithmetic, their course this year will be limited to Fractions and Interest. 10. To examine the Third Class in Grammar and Geography, as well as reading and in the explanation of Words, and to teach Arithmetic to the junior classes.

11. Girls to exhibit some skill in the finer kinds of knitting and netting. At the end of the Fourth Year they will be required :--

1. To know the chapter on English Etymologies in the Spelling-Book Superseded.

2. To write grammatically, and with correct spelling and punctuation, the substance of a lesson selected from the Third or any previous Book; and to parse any passage in blank or other verse.

3. To be acquainted with the Geography of the British Empire, and of Palestine.*

4. To know the Second Book and the exercises appended thereto.

5. To know the rules for the measurement of Plane Surfaces, and the principles on which these rules depend.

6. To be able to solve questions in Simple Equations.

7. To exhibit acquaintance with the lessons contained in the third, fourth, and fifth sections of the Fifth Book.

8. To be examined on the first eight lessons in the Easy Lessons on Reasoning.

The Girls will not be examined in Algebra, or in the fourth and fifth sections of the Fifth Book; nor in Geometry, Mensuration, or the Lessons on Reasoning; but they will be examined in Mental Arithmetic, and required to exhibit such acquaintance with the Elements of Book-keeping as would enable them to keep, with neatness and correctness, simple Domestic Accounts.

9. To instruct in their respective books, each of the first three classes in any lessons selected by the District Inspector, and to examine them on the various collateral questions arising out of these lessons.

* The geographical examination of the Paid Monitors this year will have a special re. ference to the mutual dependence and intercourse of nations, their natural products, manufactures, &c., and the nature of the commercial relations between them and the

United Kingdom.




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