Imágenes de páginas

10. Girls must not alone know, but be able to teach others also, how to cut out and make up plain articles of female wearing apparel.

The Male Monitors will be examined, at the end of the fourth year, in the Agricultural Class-Book sanctioned by the Board.


The Managers of National Schools are particularly requested to attend to the following Instructions respecting the payment of Salaries to Teachers, as the Commissioners for Auditing the Public Accounts will not, in future, allow any documents to pass as Vouchers from this Office, which are not in compliance with these Rules:

1. Every receipt should be signed by the Manager and by the Teacher entitled to receive the amount of Salary therein specified.

2. Whenever a Manager pays money in advance to a Teacher, he should always take a receipt for the same on a stamp, if the amount be £5 or upwards, distinguishing the portion granted by the Commissioners of National Education from that which is due from other sources, in order to have a proper Voucher to produce to this office in case the Teacher die or leave the School before the expiration of the regular half year.

3. If a Teacher die leaving a balance of Salary due to him or her, the amount must be paid to the representatives or next of kin of such Teacher, and the receipt of these parties must be taken when payment is made. If such party cannot write, his or her mark will be received as signature when witnessed by a third person.

4. If a Teacher leave a National School, and authorize the Manager or some other person to receive the Salary due from this Board, such authority must be given in writing, or the amount will not be paid. A Manager can always protect himself by attending to Rule No. 2.

5. In cases where it may be necessary for a Manager to retain the receipt given by a Teacher for money advanced, a duplicate receipt should be taken to send to this office; and if a duplicate cannot be obtained, the original receipt must be sent to this office, where a copy of it will be made for the Audit Office in London. The receipt will then be returned to the Manager. No receipt will be taken as a Voucher by us, unless the amount advanced be written in words.

6. As the Commissioners of Audit do not consider a Certificate coming from the person who makes a payment a proper Document upon which to allow such payment, no Manager's certificate can in future be taken as a Voucher.

7. If receipts which are sent from this Office for Signature, be not returned within a month (unless a satisfactory reason be given for delay), the amount of Salary to which they refer will be Cancelled, and remain over until the next half yearly payment becomes due. This rule will in future be strictly adhered to, in consequence of the inconvenience arising from such delays.

8. The Commissioners of National Education do not pay Salary for a broken period of a month, and Managers should be careful not to allow Teachers to leave their Schools except at the beginning or end of a month.

4.-SCALE OF PREMIUMS to the Masters and Mistresses of National Schools who are most distinguished by the Order, Neatness, and Cleanliness observable in themselves, their Pupils, and in the School-houses. Το come into operation from 1st January, 1849.

The sum of £14 10s. to be allocated to each of the School Districts, to be divided into Nine Premiums-

One of £3

Two of £2

Three of £1 10s. each.

Three of £1 each

4 10 0

These premiums are to be awarded annually on the recommendation of the District Inspector, and paid at the end of the year.

No distinction to be made between Vested and Non-vested Schools.
No Teacher eligible for these Premiums for more than two years in sue-


These premiums will be awarded without reference to the Class in which the Teachers may be ranked; but none will be deemed eligible to receive such premiums against whom there may be any well-founded charge of neglect in the performance of their duties, of impropriety in their conduct, or whose Schools are not conducted in a satisfactory manner.

5.-SCALE OF GRATUITIES to Masters and Mistresses of Workhouse Schools in connexion with the Board of National Education.

The Commissioners of National Education have resolved, with the concurrence of the Poor Law Commissioners, to award annual gratuities to a certain number (Twenty Males and Twenty Females) of the Teachers of the Workhouse Schools, in connexion with the National Board, who shall be recommended by the District Inspectors.

The gratuities are divided into two classes :

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The payment will be made Half-yearly, with the usual issue of Salary to Teachers of National Schools, after the 31st March, and 30th September in each Year.

It is to be distinctly understood that such gratuities are given in addition to the Salaries paid to the Teachers of Workhouse Schools under the provision of the Poor Law Act.

No Teacher is precluded from receiving the gratuity two or more years in succession, if recommended by the District Inspector as deserving of it; but a Teacher having once received it, is not thereby entitled to a continuance of it.

[blocks in formation]

XXVII-1. LIST of the WORKS published by the CoMMISSIONERS OF EDUCATION, with the Reduced Prices at which they are sold to National Schools.

[blocks in formation]

List of Works published, &c. continued.

Biographical Sketches of eminent British Poets, chronologically arranged from Chaucer to Burns, with Criticisms on their works, selected from the most distinguished writers, intended for the use of Teachers and the higher classes in Schools, 1 vol.

Selections from the British Poets, in two volumes, chronologically arranged from Chaucer to the present time, and under separate divisions, with Introductions to each, explaining the different species of Poetry. Each volume is complete in itself, and sold separately.

The First Volume contains Sacred, Moral, and Didactic; Descriptive and Pastoral Poetry

The Second Volume contains Selections under the following heads:The Seasons and Months; Morning, Noon, and Night, Portraits of Characters; Natural Phenomena; Natural History, comprising Flowers, Trees, Shrubs, Birds, Insects, and Animals; also, Specimens of Narrative, Pathetic, Elegiac, and Lyric Poetry, &c. &c.

Introduction to the Art of Reading

English Grammar

Key to do.

First Book of Arithmetic

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Map of the World

Map of the Ancient World, Europe, Asia, Africa, America, England,
Scotland, Ireland, and Palestine, each,

Thirty-hour German Clock, each

Do. American do., in case

Copy Books, large, each

Do small

Quills (not less than 100), per 100
Slates, large, each

Do. small ruled (not less than 4), each
Slate Pencils (not less than 200), per 100
Slate Pencil Holders (not less than 100)
Ink Stands (not less than 6), per dozen

Ink Powders, do. do.

Books not published, but sanctioned by the Commissioners of Education, and sold to National Schools only at the reduced Prices affixed.

Professor M'GAULEY'S Lectures on Natural Philosophy

Professor SULLIVAN'S English Dictionary

20 0 11

List of Books not published, but sanctioned, &c.--continued.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Dower's Atlas, 12 Maps, coloured, half-bound


Kirkwood's Atlas, 12 Maps, coloured, stitched in wrapper

Dawes' Suggestive Hints towards improved Secular Instruction, in


tended as a Text Book for Teachers


[blocks in formation]

PATTERSON'S First Steps to Zoology, Part I. (Invertebrate Animals)


[ocr errors]

Sheet of Illustrations to do., No. I.


[ocr errors]

First Steps to Zoology, Part II. (Vertebrate Animals)


[ocr errors]

Sheet of Illustrations to do., No. II.


[ocr errors]

Zoology for Schools, Part I. (Invertebrate Animals)


Zoology for Schools, Part II. (Vertebrate Animals)


Dr. THOMSON'S Treatise on Arithmetic

Elements of Euclid, Part I.



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1. Managers of National Schools, requiring to purchase Books and Requisites at reduced prices, should send their application addressed to the Secretaries, enclosing a Money Order for the amount, in favour of MAURICE CROSS, Esq., or JAMES KELLY, Esq., when a cheque will be transmitted to the Manager on the Inspector of the District, authorizing him to deliver Parcels AT HIS DEPOT at stated periods.

2. Grants of Free Stock may be had carriage free, to the Local Depot, if instructions be sent to this Office immediately on receiving the advice of the Grant; but when any other mode of conveyance is pointed out, either for Free Stock or Requisites purchased at Reduced prices, the expense of transmission is to be paid by the Correspondent.

3. When the amount of the Money Order is under TEN SHILLINGS, the Postmaster's charge must be paid by the person applying for the Order; if the sum exceeds Ten Shillings, it is to be handed to the Postmaster, who will deduct his charge, and the Order will be received for the full amount paid.

4. The Correspondent is not to sign any Application for Books and Requisites without first ascertaining that they are actually wanted for the School, on behalf of which the Application is made. The Inspectors are required to report to the Secretaries whenever it appears that an undue quantity of Books or Stationery has been ordered for a National School.

5. Books and Requisites ordered for delivery at this Office, are to be called for between the hours of 10 and 4 o'clock, and not sooner than two days after the receipt of the money. The carriers must produce the order of the Manager.

6. All applications for Books and requisites, at reduced prices, or for grants of Free Stock, are to be prepaid by the Managers, or the amount of postage will be deducted from the grant.

7. When there are separate ROLL NUMBERS for Male and Female National Schools, the application should state for which of them the Books, &c., are required; and if for both, two forms should be used.

2. LIST of the WORKS published by the COMMISSIONERS of EDUCATION, with the Reduced Prices at which they are sold to Poor Schools not in connexion with the Board.*

First Book of Lessons

Second do.

Sequel to the Second Book
Third Book of Lessons

Fourth do.

Supplement to the Fourth Book
Fifth Book of Lessons (Boys')
Reading Book for Girls' School

Biographical Sketches of Eminent British Poets, chronologically arranged from Chaucer to Burns, with Criticisms on their Works, selected from the most distinguished writers, intended for the use of Teachers, and the higher classes in Schools, 1 vol.

Selections from the British Poets, in two volumes, chronologically arranged from Chaucer to the present time, and under separate divisions, with Introductions to each, explaining the different species of Poetry. Each volume is complete in itself, and sold separately.

The first Volume contains Sacred, Moral, and Didactic; Descriptive and Pastoral Poetry

The Second Volume contains Selections under the following heads: The Seasons and Months; Morning, Noon, and Night; Portraits of Characters; Natural Phenomena; Natural History, comprising Flowers, Trees, Shrubs, Birds, Insects, and Animals; also, Specimens of Narrative, Pathetic, Elegiac, and Lyric Poetry,

&c. &c.

Introduction to the Art of Reading

s. d.






0 11

0 11

0 10

0 11

0 11

0 11


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Copy Lines, 6 sheets,


Map of the World, 6 ft. 8 in. by 3 ft. 6 in., cloth and roller
Maps of the Ancient World, Europe, Asia, and Africa, 6 ft. 8 in. by
3 ft. 6 in., cloth and rollers, each

Maps of America, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Palestine, 5 ft.
8 in. by 4 ft. 4 in., cloth and rollers, each-


* No other Books or Requisites than those contained in this list are sold by the Commissioners to Schools not "National;" they cannot be obtained at these prices except through the Office in Dublin.

12 0


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