Examination Questions-continued. QUESTIONS FOR EXAMINATION. 2. Raise 03 to the fourth power, 3. D, E, F, are in partnership; their stocks are equal, and the sum of their gains is £120; D's stock was in trade 12 months; E's, 15 months; and F's, 18 months; what are their several gains ? 4. What is the cube root of 1749-15 to two places of decimals? 5. What is the quotient of ÷ 2-257? 6. £500 will pay a debt of £540 due two years hence, what is the rate per cent.? 7. Compute the rent of 27 acres, 5 roods, and 17 perches, at £2 11s. 104d. per acre, by the shortest process, Mensuration. 1. The side of a rhombus is 216 links, and height 180 links, what is the area in acres ? 2. The hypothenuse of a right-angled triangle is 20, and base 16, required the area, and also the perpendicular from the right angle on the hypothenuse, 3. The area of a circle is an Irish acre, required the radius in statute links, 4. The chord of a lune is 20, and heights of the segments 6 and 9; required the area of the lune, and also of the two circles of which the lune is a portion, Book-keeping. 1. State the form and uses of the Ledger. 2. Upon what principle does the system of Book keeping, by double entry, depend ? 3. How is a trial-balance made? 4. What is meant by closing an account? and state the method of closing Stock, Profit and Loss, and Balance. C 7. Grammar, &c. 1. The instinct of some beasts of prey leads them to hunt by the scent dogs wolves and jackals do this they hunt in packs by which means they have a great advantage over enemies much stronger than themselves,. a. Punctuate and parse this passage. ending with "this," supply the ellipsis. 2. Give the meaning of vein, tax, yew, grate, pale, and of as many words as you can recollect, which are similar in sound with each of these, but differ in spelling, 3. To what rule for spelling are the following words exceptions, quarreller, chiselling, rivalled, mar vellous ? 4. State accurately the distinction between proper nouns, and common nouns, 5. In what three ways is gender distinguished? 6. Conjugate the verb to be,. 7. Mention three ways in which the objective case may enter into a sentence. Illustrate them by examples, 1. Define the terms orbit, equator, equinoxes, solstices, 2. Name the vegetable zones in the order in which they would be likely to occur in ascending a high mountain, 3. Define the expression Isothermal line, 4. Mention the principal rivers that are subject to periodical floods; to what these floods are owing; their effects on the neighbouring lands, Lessons on Money Matters. 1. Mention the disadvantages of a state of society in which each person would have to produce directly all that he might want, 2. Does this apply to the case of a nation which should endeavour to supply directly from its own soil all the wants of its inhabitants? Mention a few instances in support of your opinion 3. In what consists security of property? 4. Under what limitation is a person to be allowed to do as he pleases with his own? Arithmetic. 1. In the rule for performing long division, we are directed to "find the smallest number of digits at the left-hand side of the dividend, which expresses a quantity not less than the divisor." What is the reason of this part of the rule?. 2. What is the cost per ounce, when £32 17s. 8d. has been paid for two chests of tea, each weighing 36 lbs. 10 oz.? 3. The carriage of 1,600 lbs. for 60 miles costs £3 12s. 6d.; required the number of pounds that could be carried 50 miles for the same money, 4. Required the price of 3 hogsheads of sugar, each weighing 18 cwt. 2 qrs. 4 lbs., at £1 17s. 10d. per cwt., 5. What would be the interest of £9,000 for 10 months, at 5 per cent. per annum? 6. Reduce the fraction to its lowest terms, Mensuration. 1. Required in square yards the superficial content of a floor 56 feet 8 inches long by 37 feet 9 inches broad, 2. A horse yoked at a distance of 8 yards from the pivot of a capstan, walks at the rate of 24 miles an hour, how many turns will he have made in 6 hours? 3. If a board be 9 inches broad, what length of it will make 17 square feet? 4. At 10s. 6d. per square, what will be the cost of roofing a house 58 yards 9 inches long, and 35 feet 4 inches broad, allowing 2 feet for the thickness of the walls, and the roof being of a true pitch? 5. At 15d. per square foot, what will the glazing of 5 windows, 7 feet 4 inches by 3 feet 6 inches each, come to? .' • 1. "Beasts of prey would in vain be supplied with claws to seize and teeth to tear if they had not sagacity to direct them how to take their prey this intelligence or sagacity which brutes possess is called instinct," a. Punctuate and parse this passage. b. Explain what meaning is conveyed by the use of the past tense I would. 2. Give the meaning of know, goar, lee, burrow, waist, and of as many words as you can recollect, which are similar in sound with each of these, but differ in spelling, 3. What rule for spelling is exemplified in the following words: acquirement, careful, idleness, apprenticeship? Mention the chief exceptions to the rule, 4. Why may articles be classed with adjectives? What peculiarity, however, distinguishes them from this class of words? 5. Give the plural of the nouns : Knife. Muff. Foot. Alley. Staff. 6. Give instances of four different ways in which the infinitive may enter into the construction of a sentence, Geography. 1. Define the terms pole and axis. 2. Where is Quito situated? To what is its moderate temperature to be attributed? 3. What effects have large bodies of water on the temperature of places in their vicinity? Why? 4. On what, in general, depends the character of a river? 5. Draw an outline map of Ulster, and give a brief description of this province, Lessons on Money Matters. 1. Why is it that a bank note is not really money? 2. A bank note is sometimes called paper money: what led to this mistake? 3. Under what two heads may the people of a country be ranked? Which of these is the more numerous?. 4. What two conditions are necessary in any country for the existence of a class of persons who are not obliged to labour for their subsistence?. Arithmetic. 1. State the rule for multiplication of whole numbers when both the multiplicand and multiplier exceed 12, Examination Questions-continued. QUESTIONS FOR EXAMINATION. 2. A ditch could be made in 12 days by 26 men: required the time in which it would be made, if 30 men were employed, • 8. A spire throws a shadow of 367 feet, and a pole throws one of 7 feet 5 inches: required the height of the spire, that of the pole being 9 feet 10 inches, 4. Required the price of 159 barrels 12 stone of oats, at £2 3s. 8d. per barrel, 5. What would the interest of £680 19s. 6d. for 2 years and 8 months come to, at 45 per cent. per annum? 6. Add the following fractions,,,, Mensuration. 1. Required the area of a rectangular field, whose length is 27 chains 7 links, and breadth 19 chains 69 links, 2. The circumference of the cylinder of a steamengine is 11 feet 9 inches; required the area of the piston, 3. A plank is 21 feet long, 3 feet broad at one end, and 5 feet 3 inches at the other; required its value at 7d. per square foot, 4. At £4 10s. per square, what would be the cost of flooring a room 48 feet 3 inches by 30 feet 7 inches? 5. What will be the expense of paving a rectangular court-yard, 62 feet 9 inches long, and 44 feet 7 inches broad, at 2s. 9d. per square yard? There is in the centre a square pond, whose side is 3 yards, C 9. Grammar, &c. 1. Punctuate and parse the following passage :She (the hen) mistakes a piece of chalk for an egg and will sit upon it in the same manner she is insensible of any increase or diminution in the number of eggs she lays she does not distinguish between her own young ones and those of another species but will cherish a stranger for her own. 2. Give the meaning of the words sees, rows, wreck, bald, leek, and of as many words as you can recollect which are similar in sound with each of these, but differ in spelling, 3. What rule for spelling is adhered to in the fol lowing words, sensible, stony, convincing, arrival? 4. Mention the words beginning with silent h, before which an is used, 5. What class of nouns have no plural? 6. How do adjectives qualify nouns ? 7. Decline the personal pronouns of the second person, and also of the third person feminine gender, 8. Mention the five different ways in which the nominative case may enter into a sentence. Give examples of each, Geography. 1. State the proof of the earth's sphericity, as derived from the appearances of the heavens, Examination Questions-continued. QUESTIONS FOR EXAMINATION. Total Number of Number of Imperfect Answers Returned. 2. How is the oblate figure of the earth accounted for? How may this be illustrated? 3. What are the five zones? Give their boundaries, 4. Mention the mountains whose names appear to have been derived from the snow which covers their summits, 5. Give a brief description of the province of Munster, Lessons on Money Matters. 1. When a man parts with any thing entirely to another, what is the transaction called? 2. When for a time only, what is it called? 3. What in this last case are the different terms employed to designate the transaction according to the varying nature of the object transferred, 4. Does the rich man, who, instead of spending five or six thousand pounds a-year on gardening and building, and articles of luxury, saves that sum every year, by pursuing such a course, lessen the field of employment and lower wages? Arithmetic. 1. Find the difference between four hundred and three thousand and two, and forty millions three hundred thousand and twenty-one. Show from this example that, although by the ordinary process of borrowing and carrying the minuend and the subtrahend are altered, the remainder is the same, 2. A ship was provisioned for a crew of 80 men for 100 days; by how many men should the crew be reduced in order that the provisions last 155 days? 3. How much would a person spend in the year, whose expenses amount to £3 17s. 6d. per week? 4. Required the rent of 156 acres three roods, at £1 12s. 8d. per acre, 5. Find the interest of £2,247 12s. 8d. for 1 year and 5 months at 3 per cent. per annum, 6. Required the difference between the two fractions, and 45, Mensuration. 1. Required in square inches the superficial content of a rectangular plank, whose length is 14 feet 5 inches, and breadth three feet ten inches, 2. The diameter of the piston of a steam-engine is 171⁄2 inches, required its area, 3. At 5d. per square foot, find the value of a board whose length is 15 feet, and the breadth at one end 4 feet 5 inches, and at the other two feet three inches, 4. What would be the cost of a partition measuring 48 feet 8 inches in length, and 18 feet 10 inches in height, at £4 4s. 4d. per square? 5. At 5s. 4d. per square yard, what will be the cost of paving a walk fifteen feet broad along the sides of a square yard a quarter of an acre in extent, |