Imágenes de páginas

"Sir,' says I, 'if a blind man can write like this,' pulling your note out of my pocket and showing it to him-'if a blind man can write such a fair round hand as that, then Mr. Crawford is blind.' Bless your heart, I wish you could have seen how he looked-so blank and chap-fallen. Yes, yes, I know he would have been glad enough could I have told him you were blind.”

"Ha, ha, ha," echoed Mr. C. to the barber's chuckling laugh-"Why so I am blind, Dickson, as far as concerns writing. I could not see to write a line-my daughter wrote that note."

The barber in his turn looked chap-fallen and glanced at the two strangers, and then at the Secretary, as much as to say, "but why need you let these spies kaow as much?"

But Mr. C. would as freely have let the whole world know; for in no matter, great or little, would he consent to deceive or mislead public opinion.

more happy and light-hearted. He seemed very indif- | barber I hear—so, of course, you must know the truth. ferent about political concerns, and much more anxious They tell me he is blind: now, my good man, do for to obtain victory in a game of chess, than in the game God's sake tell me if it is so—speak the truth, and you of president. No one would have supposed who saw shall be well rewarded.' him on such occasions, that he was the head of a great political party, anxiously and eagerly contending with a strong opposition for the great prize of the presidency. He betrayed no solicitude on the subject, and was even reproached with being too careless and indifferent as to the result of the contest that was going on. Many of his visiters were the agents of his political adversaries, who came to spy out the nakedness of the land, or, in plain words, to examine his looks, his words and actions, and to report the condition of his mental and bodily health; for, such were the exaggerated rumors afloat concerning this important point, that it was almost impossible either for friends or enemies to ascertain the truth; but although Mr. Crawford knew these facts, he never, by word, look, or action, attempted to influence any opinion they might form. If he felt languid or drowsy, he yielded to his feelings, whoever might be present, indifferent as to what report should be made. His wife and some of his attached domestic friends tried to persuade him to exchange his large easy-chair for a sofa, on which he would look less like an invalid. After great and often repeated persuasion, he allowed the sofa to be substituted for the old chair. It was placed on the side of the room in which were the win-Mr. Crawford what had given rise to such an uncomdows, that the light fell on his back, and his face remained in shadow-what was still worse, the curtains were of green silk, and gave his complexion a ghastly hue. He looked at such times really ill, almost corpselike, and that at the very time when his health was greatly improved, and his natural color almost restored. He was urged by his wife and some intimate friends to allow the green curtains to be exchanged for crimson: he laughed heartily at what he called female artifices, and said he could not consent to play the coquette even to win the favor of his mistress-the public. So that, through all this eventful winter, he looked in much worse health than he really was, and even some of his most zealous partisans began to fear he was incapacitated by disease for the presidency.

Before we dismiss our barber, there are two other anecdotes worth relating perhaps, though one occurred long before, and the other after this time.

Surprised at the enthusiastic regard this man in so many instances evinced for Mr. C., a friend inquired of

mon attachment. "That is more than I can tell," said he-" but of my own liking for the good natured fellow, it occurred oddly enough. I had lost my horse, and was looking out for another: one day, as I was riding along Pennsylvania avenue, I met Dickson mounted on precisely such a horse as I wanted. I stopped, and calling to him, inquired whether he would part with it, and at what price. To you, sir,' replied he, at no price.' 'How so, friend?' said I-'why not to me? Have I ever done you any harm?' 'No, sir,' he answered, 'you have never done me any harm; but you have done your country great harm by the vote you yesterday gave in the Senate, and if you were to lay down your whole fortune, you should not have my horse.' "Well done, my brave fellow,' said I, holding out

you, and happy, thrice happy would our country be.' From that day I employed him as my barber, and we have ever since been as good friends as honest freemen can be."

This controversy about the sofa and green silk cur-my hand to him; 'I wish every man was as honest as tain, took place in his city residence the ensuing winter, and here, is as much out of time, as the sofa and silk curtain would be out of place in the rustic dwelling he now inhabited, where his old chair was more in keeping with the rest of the furniture. But an incident did A day or two before Mr. Crawford's final departure occur at this time, which evinces, even more plainly, from Washington, as he was sitting with his family, Mr. Crawford's aversion to every disguise or conceal- the servant said, "Mr. Dickison was in the hall, and ment. As he did not desire the daily attendance of his wished to know if he might come in." "Certainly," hair-dresser, when wanted, he was sent for. One morn-replied Mr. C. He was accordingly shown in. He was ing when he came, two strange gentlemen were with dressed in his Sunday clothes, and evidently came to Mr. Crawford, who, as they had neither acquaintance or business with the Secretary, it was presumed came on a visit of observation. Dickson was a good humored talkative man, who, having for more than twenty years been chief barber to the whole of Congress, was quite a privileged sort of person, and for the sake of his amusing gossip, had been indulged by his emlpoyers in more than usual communicativeness and familiarity. "What do you think, sir?" said he to Mr. Crawford. "Yesterday a strange gentleman from New York came to me-'Dickson,' says he, 'you are Mr. Crawford's

pay a visit, and not on business. He did not approach, but stood at the door, twirling his hat in his hand, not embarrassed so much as he was agitated, and quite at a loss to speak-a rare thing with our facetious barber. "Take a chair, take a chair," said Mr. Crawford, pointing to one near him. The good fellow obeyed, looked up with eyes full of tears, but for some moments could not speak; at last he said, "They tell me, sir, we are soon to lose you." "It is true," said Mr. C. “I am going home." Another pause. "I am heartily sorry to hear it," said Dickson, at last; "every one that

of amusement, and at home they were secure from vicious habits, or vicious examples. On such principles did he live with his family, and never was father blest with fonder children. The eldest was his confidential friend, his most agreeable companion while in health, his able assistant and devoted nurse during his long

knows you is heartily sorry. It's a long while, sir, I was absolute enjoyment; and never would he allow, since you've been home, and so, sir, I was thinking that unrestricted liberty, made spoiled children, but on your garden might be out o' sorts, and as you love the contrary maintained that the best characters-the gardening so much, it is a pity it should be so. Your best tempers, were thus formed. Where the parent's people at home may not have saved you good seeds; presence produced no restraint, there was no temptaand you know, sir, I am extraordinary particular in tion for falsehood, dishonesty, disguise. Where a pasaving the best seed in my garden. I have put up a rent's presence promoted sport and gladness, there was parcel of the finest sorts, and if you will not be affront-no inducement for children to go from home in search ed, should like to leave them with you. Will you accept them, sir?" Willingly, and thank you too, Dickson," replied Mr. Crawford. On this the honest barber's face brightened, and he handed the parcel to Mr. C. saying, "would to the Lord I had as many votes to give; they should all have been given as freely for you, sir." Then turning to Mrs. Crawford, and look-protracted sickness and confinement. Foreign courts ing at the children, he continued, "and with your good leave, ma'am, I should like to cut the young gentlemen's hair once again before they go." After his wish was complied with, and he had nothing more to do by which he might lengthen his visit and evince his grateful feelings, he turned, and looked first at one, then at another, then at Mr. Crawford, with great emotion, and eyes full of tears, and seemed to be studying for some other mode of expressing his affection, but could find none; so, slowly rising from his chair, and ap-inquired for the Secretary. "I am he," replied the approaching Mr. Crawford, who held out his hand to him, he seized it, and while he held it pressed between both his, he exclaimed, “God bless you, sir-God bless you!" and, unable to say more, he turned, and shook hands with the rest of the family, and wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, bowed low and hurried out of the room.

"What warm hearts the Irish have," said Mr. Crawford, as he twinkled away the tear which had started to his eye.

and public life had not in the slightest degree changed the simplicity of his manners or habits. A stranger, one afternoon, in going to visit him, was directed by the servants to an adjoining field; (the house in which he resided in Washington, at that time, was on the skirts of the city, and surrounded by fields) thither he went, and seeing a tall, robust man, with a handkerchief tied round his head, and an apron round his waist, in which he carried the oats he was sowing, he approached and

parent farmer; and perceiving the surprised look of the stranger, he added, "I was born a ploughman, sir."


On his return from France, his country neighbors for many miles round collected at the county court in greater numbers than usual, to see the minister as they called him, and were calculating on the changes which his residence with kings, and queens, and emperors, and nobles, must have produced. "Depend on it," said one, "he will be dressed in all his furbelows." "Oh yes," said another, "he'll certainly show off that embroidered velvet coat we heard he wore." need never expect to see him the same plain honest man he left us. He will hold his head too high to look at us," added another. While they were thus discussing the matter, the one-horse-chaise, or sulky as it was called, turned the corner of the building, and out jumped Mr. Crawford, in his old straw hat and homespun suit of clothes. Cordially did he greet his neighbors, who, if the truth must be told, were a little disappointed; and their pride would have been more gratified, though they could not have been as well pleased, had he come to them in his ministerial splendor.

Yet, plain and simple as he was on some occasions, when he did enter a drawing-room, no one would have suspected-such was the ease and dignity of his manner-that he had not been born and bred in courts. He was not then the tall robust farmer, but the lofty and imposing gentleman.

The autumn this year, bright and glorious as it ever is, seemed to Mr. Crawford, as he once observed, when sitting in his piazza, more so than he had known it for many, many years he felt, though he did not designate the reason. Instead of being shut up in his office, and annoyed by the turmoil and labor attending his station, he was tranquilly enjoying the beauty and quietude of nature, with unceremonious visitants, sufficient to amuse and vary his simple domestic life. He lived in the very bosom of affection. His only weakness was too unbounded an indulgence of his children. He was their companion-their playmate-their instructor. It had always been his habit to rise with the sun; and when the season allowed, to work for an hour or two in his garden, then return to the house, and until breakfast time, or for an hour afterwards, to give lessons to his children. Again, in the afternoons of summer the pleasing task was renewed, and when the heat of day was over, to sally forth with his whole flock of It was during this fine autumn weather, late in Octoyounglings to the garden. Each of the boys had a ber I believe, that Lafayette arrived in Washingtonseparate plot, which they tended under his direction. an event of the most stirring and lively interest, in What emulation, what anxiety to excel the produce of which every class of our citizens, even the slaves, partheir father's garden, to show finer radishes or pepper ticipated; bond and free, high and low, eagerly crowdgrass, believing as they did, it was their skill and noting to catch a glimpse of the friend of America—of the their father's, by which they were produced. Mrs. hero who had fought for her liberties. Mr. Crawford, Crawford and her daughters often joined the merry group, and lent their assistance. To see Mr. Crawford thus occupied, was to see him in his happiest mood. The mischievous tricks, activity, and boisterous mirthette by the President. which would have annoyed even most parents, to him

though still an invalid, and for more than a year an absentee from drawing-rooms, joined the other members of the cabinet in the public reception given Lafay

[To be Concluded in our next.]

VOL. III.-34


Or, "Diner à L'Etranger."


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rant, a Monsieur Potier, from Languedoc (or, as he called it, Long-uedoc) now made his appearance in Aladdin's enchanted ring, as the group might be called around the fair lady, and, after inclining his tall figure and grave Socratic head for some time in mute wonder at the brilliant object before him, his shadow falling on "Mon cher ami, je suis ravi de vous voir !" "Well, her like the adumbratio of Saturn on Venus, broke the you may be, my dear Colonel,” replied the Signor Mala- ice in monosyllabic French, thus: "Lovely bracelet, cervella, his friend from Naples-"for I was on the Madame-Cadeau Madame je suppose, envoyé par quelpoint of sending you mes excuses, owing to this mal à que prince ?" "Non Monsieur Poitier-'tis not from la tête, which I assure you, foi d'honnête homme, is al- prince-mais un souvenir, which I had from Monmost insupportable. But you, and your charming lady, sieur le Comte de......." "Que c'est superbe! Magnifi are irresistible-so, Ecco mi! in casa vostra." Thus que!" exclaimed Signor Malacervella, the Italian genpassed on a lively dialogue, purposely couched in bro- tleman with the headache-" Mi ricordo d'un beau chaken Italian, French and English, partly for merriment, teau qu'il y a sur les bords du Seine près du Havre.” and partly as a sort of mutual accommodation to the "C'est precisement ce que vous dites," responded Colonel melange of all nations present, when Madame entered San François-"C'est le même; Monsieur le Comte est in all her glory and dazzling beauty. With winning grand admirateur de ma femme.” “Que c'est beau! que grace and smile she bowed in her loveliest manner, and c'est charmant ce chateau," quickly reiterated Madame, each, in turn, was presented to her; after which she re- hoping vainly to divert the too searching scrutiny of clined, with inexpressible nonchalance, on the cushions gazing eyes and intrusive digits upon the exquisite turof the sofa. "Divine enchantress!" said Mr. Von quoise and chasings of the bracelet-or rather endeaBelsinghammer, a young German, whose natural enthu- voring to transfer this admiration from her own fairy siasm burst out into a flame on looking upon his fair arm and tapering fingers, that gave lustre and value to young country woman-"Thou sweet Bavarian rose set the ornaments, to the splendid castle of the noble donor, in a coronet of pearls! It would be robbing beauty of whose turrets and battlements tower in such beauty her empire, not to decorate ever thus her throne en over the margin of the river mentioned. But these ef shrined upon those raven tresses and that snow-white forts were fruitless, as were those that the erudition of forehead, that "Arretez-vous je vous prie-Je Signor Malacervella superadded, in using every possi vous en prie, Monsieur Belsinghammer,” cried out Ma- ble stratagem to obtain the floor, and draw the attention dame, who often ennuyée with the extravaganza of this of the audience to his rather diffuse display of antiquagentleman, was determined to cut him short, and give rian lore, on the memorable localities of the river Seine, other admirers and older friends a chance. "He could the ruins of Jumieges, the wonders of Rouen, feats of not have exhausted," said the Chevalier d'Avis, a French William the Conqueror, etc. By this time the turquoise gentleman of Portuguese origin, who, not less infatuated and the rich bracelet had been pretty much exhausted than his predecessor, now took up the thread-"He and used up by sundry learned disquisitions and erucould not have exhausted a theme, in itself inexhausti- dite theories and speculations, touching the qualities of ble, even though his praises were lavished more pro- precious gems and of Guinea gold--all of which it was fusely than autumnal leaves that strew the vale in apparent to "a looker-on in Venice," as the Signor said Vallambrosa.' Those gazelle eyes of dark chataigne! to Belsinghammer that he was, was only done to gain those teeth and lips! that bust, and arm, and hand so time, and to find a plausible pretext for prolonging the white-so peerless! and the thousand other indescriba- opportunity of luxuriating in the "incense-breathing" ble charms, which the idol of him, and of us all, pos- atmosphere of the Goddess," at whose altar they were sesses in all unbounded infinity of her incomparable kneeling. "You 'a looker-on in Venice!"" said Belloveliness!" Belsinghammer was completely dum-singhammer gruffly to the Signor-"rather say ‘a founded by this burst of eloquence, and knocked in the back ground-his clatter hushed-his bell-metal cracked-in fact "a gone'coon”—a diving-bell. The Chevalier had decidedly made a good hit-and he was more "au fait" in these matters, as the Moorish blood perhaps he had in him, gave an oriental luxuriousness to his views of the female character. By this time Belsinghammer had made good his retreat, and retired to a remote corner of the room, where, ensconced upon an ottoman, he was discussing with Monsieur le Colonel "San François," as he always called our host, the principles of dragoon tactics, the costume of the lanciers and gens d'armes a la chasse, and the number of tumbrils, howitzers, and caissons, captured at the battle of Borodino-going over in fact with the Colonel, who was a vieux soldat de L'Empire, the whole of Napoleon's cam-wanted, that his giant stature can talk in mute thunder, paigns in Egypt, Italy, and Russia, and interspersing these military reminiscences with divers sapient reflections on civil engineering, the rail-roads from the Danube and Dnieper, etc. A new and imposing aspi

looker-on' upon Venus." "Bravo! I owe you one," said Malacervella. There seemed to be no prospect of a termination to this most deeply interesting inquiry, until the annals of metallurgy, numismatics, and alche my, should be thoroughly ransacked, from the days of Paracelsus to Sir Humphrey Davy. To the delight of all, however, little Sigismond, at this moment, came running up to the sofa, with the welcome sounds of "Mamma! Le diner est tout pres"-when, forthwith, Monsieur Potier's gaunt-like figure slowly unfolded it. self, like the coils of the sea-serpent, and stood erect, soaring above and leaning over the astral and mantel. "How like the tower at Pisa!" quietly murmured Malacervella. "Yes," said Belsinghammer, “it will give those smaller fry ocular demonstration, or more if

though his diplomatic tongue be as silent as the grave; and teach them, moreover, that however latitudinarian may be their visionary hopes, that they can eclipse him by their parade of foreign lingoes, it will be a dangerous

army, who though a most affable companion, and a genteel pattern of a man to the full extent of his dimensions, presented, it is true, a frame somewhat less herculean and expanded than that impersonation of a wind-mill, to wit, the Signor Potier. Nevertheless, the Doctor, like most others of his rather circumscribed periphery, was not to be trampled upon with impunity, by any long-sided asteroid that glided across his orbit, so that all Von Belsinghammer's snarling attempts at wit were returned back to him in full coin and double measure across the table. "Ah!" said Von B. in his broken French-"Misery loves company-Nous y sommes mal-placès Monsieur Senetare-Regardez mon ami— L'Enchantresse a l'autre extremité du ciel-et le Dieu au centre-vaut mieux un Senateur que Cupid." *Et vous à l'Enfer," retorted the Doctor in a double thrust.— "Appunto! Staccato! Bellissimo!" cried out the company with one voice. Whereupon the loquacious countryman of Goethe, with his multitudinous powers of speech, and to give the devil his due, well stored and brilliant mind, again hung up the clapper of his garrulous propensities for another half hour. The truth is, the Signor Malacervella, who was à cote dè Belsinghammer, was at this time seized with an awful spirit of dullness, which came over him like a thunder cloud, passing between the bright star of his admiration and his delighted vision. The mal di testa had augmented to an almost excruciating agony, and his

thing to measure weapons with one of his longitude, | In fact, he exhibited as intense delight as would be unless they possessed courage a little more adapted to produced by an ear of corn upon the eyes of a shadthe taste and spirit of the times than they seem to have." | shaped pig, that had been starving on acorns upon the The truth is, to make a long enordium short, Mon- banks of the Muskingum. The peculiar object of the sieur Potier peremptorily took possession of the "En-young German's bitterness and spite, appeared to be cantadora," as Malacervella called the beautiful Peri his vis-a-vis, Dr. Schenter, as he called him, of the before us-and placing her sans ceremonie under his arm, cavalierly marched off as he turned a savage look behind him, and proceeded on his way to the Salon à Manger with as much assurance and sang froid as Don Whiskerando Fusboton carried off the books and library of poor Don Quixote-and what is more, with the same regular-bred confidence, curvetting his neck up as he went like a proud steed, seated himself down alongside of the bewitching beauty he was guarding at the head of the table, where amidst a profusion of luscious dishes and delicious wines from Dinde aux Truffes and Patés Foie d'oie de Strasbourg to Clos Vaugeot of the finest vintage, shone out the sparkling of wit, the poetry of impassioned love, the sublimity of eloquence, the fire of chivalry, each rendered tenfold more brilliant by the emulation with which each desired to shine, as he hoped to catch a glance or win a smile from the divinity which presided over this delightful re-union. Of course, "the observed of all observers," after the lady herself, were Monsieur Potier and the Chevalier D'Avis, which latter, by some deep laid plan, or collusion with his friend Potier, contrived to obtain the honor of the chair that flanked the left of Madame-and thus these two gentlemen, as it were monopolizing the lady, excited the keenest feelings of envy on the part of the other guests, who by this piece of strategy had been thrown to the immeasurable distance of some three or four feet from the point of all attraction, which seemed to them an abyss more interminable and impassable than the re-disposition naturally none of the most saccharine was gions of illimitable space! The consequence was, that now a little acidulated by the appalling prospect of there was considerable sharp-shooting between the dis- being soon irrevocably doomed to take French leave of appointed and ejected, and Messieurs Potier and D'Avis, a groupe so entirely suited to his taste. So Mr. Von who, as the chosen favorites of the golden prize, were Belsinghammer, when he began to "flare up" again, of course the willing victims of repeated assaults, which tuned his pipes to another pitch, and with a wicked they rebutted with ineffable composure, seasoned at spirit of malignity, more fiend-like than the demons of times, however, with some acerbity of repartee when Faust, let the hammer of his ill-humor fall with terrific goaded rather hard. Their imperturbable stoicism to- vengeance upon the already tormented cranium of the wards their vanquished opponents was, however, as im- poor dejected Signor. "Pauvre Malheureux Signor !” penetrable and immoveable as the sullen resolution of exclaimed, in a tone of touching pathos, the voice of the three-headed Cerberus that guarded the lovely the beautiful lady, descending like delicious music upon Proserpine for the inexorable Pluto, and they cast in- the ear of the persecuted Signor, more soothing than dignantly back the thunderbolts that were hurled upon those celestial warblings, which from Juno's lips awaked them with no less dexterity and precision than Oceola Argus from his dreams. "Mon cher ami-mio bravo and Micanopy repelled the bullets of General Jessup. Signore, qu'est ce donc, que vous afflige? Ah! comme j'ai "All I have to say is, gentlemen," said the chevalier, pitié de vous!" she feelingly said, "Cette douleur atroce! "let those laugh who win." "Oui," muttered Potier. cela vous abime-nous allons étre privè de votre aimable "Not so fast," called out Signor Malacervella. “Je ne societè." “Attendez um moment, Madamē,” said Belsingsuis pas D'Avis de vous," punning upon the chevalier's hammer, "soyey tranquille—n'ayez pas peur—il reprendra name- and as to Monsieur Potier or Portere, I'm glad tout à l'heure—il n'a pas encore mangé des petits Poix." to see the icebergs upon his stereotyped features be- A general murmur of approbation here broke out at ginning to melt and effervesce under the potent beams the expense of the Signor, who, it was familiarly known, of beauty, in whose effulgence he is basking. I never notwithstanding his maccaroni propensities, had an esthought before any thing could cut through the frozen pecial liking to the petits Poix, as imported to us from regions of his philosophy." It must be understood the Paris restaurateurs. "C'est à dire Petits poix Suthat this sentence threw Mynheer Von Belsingham-crès, au cuille on aux perdrix--n'est ce pas vrais mon bon mer into perfect ecstacies, and his flaxen tresses knot-ami!" added Colonel San François, to make the joke ted à la Brutus into ten thousand Medusa ringlets-hit better. “Ouì Monsieur,” (said the Signor) "voi avete for once elongated themselves with inward pleasure ragione--mi piace votre complaisance—mais caro-sicurainto the mould-candle shape of an Esquimaux Indian. mente-Senzaltro--vi prego-soyey convaineu, c'est une


Colonel, you will find the green pea a delicious | tion, which will at once vindicate all contributors, past, present dish, and you will be d'accord and direz avec mois donnez-and future, whose suggestions of words or phrases may abide

the test we shall propose.

We will say then that the English language consists actually of all the words found in our dictionaries, and in all our stan dard authors, and, potentially, of such other words as necessity or convenience may suggest the use of, and in the formation of which certain conditions are observed. It might savor of pedantry to specify these ; and we are not sure that we could specify them all. But a few examples will illustrate our meaning.

moi Des petits Poix! But never, sur aucune consideration, tachez de me convaincre, que Mr. Belsinghammer est un homme de 'grand Poids !" Bravo! Bravo! Bravissimo! rung round the vaulted chamber with the reverberating tones of a cathedral bell. "Ah! mon cher Monseigneur !" sang again the syren voice of Madame, "vous monterez au ciel un autre Phénix, après avoir mangè de petits poix.” The enchanted lips that uttered this repartee redeemed the sarcasm with which it was barbed, and like Hyacinth, when his purple blood flowed out from the wound inflicted by his dearest friend, the enamored enthusiast upon whose devoted head the javelin plunged, had only strength to murmur as he was borne out of the room—“badness," the use of the word would be perfectly proper. "Oui mon ange-je meurs volontiers-Je suis sur que je monterai au ciel, et que je serais changè en Phénix quand j'aurais le bonheur suprème d'être assis à coté de Venus."


The adjective indicates a quality, which it predicates of the noun substantive. Now this quality has, or ought to have, a name. Sometimes that name is made the root of the adjective, and sometimes is derived from it. Now we do not scruple to say that if there be an adjective and no noun expressive of the quality which that adjective predicates of its adjunct noun, it is lawful to make such a one. If we had no such word in any book as


Again, it may happen, that although there is a noun expressive of the generic quality predicated by an adjective derived from it, its appropriate word, it would be quite right to form one from the adjective. Thus, if we had but the word "joy" belonging to the whole family of gladness, the formation of "joy-ous" and "joyous-ness" would be as legitimate as the use of the generic word itself.

any modification of that quality were found unprovided with

In the exercise of this privilege we will suggest one rule which is sometimes overlooked, and produces results unpleasant to the classical taste. It is this-that whether the radical which it is We received with gratitude, and published with pleasure and proposed to expand into a new word is of Saxon or of Latin oriapprobation, the article, the name of which is prefixed to this. gin, the increment which is supplied should be chosen in conforWe admired the chaste style, the classic taste and the gentle-mity to the genius of the language from which the word is demanly spirit that characterize it. But we do not assent to all its rived. If this rule be uniformly observed, the innovator may doctrines, nor concur in its criticisms. Yet we gladly surren- rest assured that the new word thus grafted on the old stock of dered, for the time, our chair of office, to a writer so well quali-the language will incorporate with it, and become a part of it. fied to fill it. He has acquitted himself well; but in resuming our function we feel it our duty to mark an error or two in his performance. He will know us to be incapable of departing from the example of candid courtesy which he has set us, and will take our censures in the same spirit in which his own were conceived. His criticisms are addressed first to the style, and then to the matter of his author. We shall take him up in the same order; and in doing this we are happy to say that to his style we have nothing to object. It is clear, simple, chaste and graceful. The author of that review can ask no higher praise than this. It will certainly satisfy all his canons of criticism in regard to mere style. It satisfies ours too. We might say more (though not truly), which might sound like praise to some, but in his, and in our estimation, it would not be praise.

But we feel ourselves bound to throw our Ægis over Mr. Dew; and though in doing this we may leave bare the heel of Achilles, yet we doubt not to screen him securely from any shaft which may be aimed at the head or the heart. We therefore at once avow that there are some inaccuracies of style which we shall not attempt to defend. What these are will be understood by referring to the review. It is needless to specify them. They will be distinguished by not being made the subject of any remarks by us.

Thus, if we suppose that we had no word to express “badness” in any of its modes, we should adopt that word, and also "wickedness," thus adding the Saxon increment "ness" to the adjective. But we should not say "malevolentness,” but “malevolence," according to the Latin formula.


To come nearer to the point in controversy: We maintain that, as a general rule, it is lawful to use most nouns verbally, inaking little and often no change in their form. Hence, if the word "based," which is used as a participle, were not to be found in any book on earth, such use would be perfectly legiti We would say the same of the verb to "ornament." It happens that both these words, which are condemned as barbarisms by the reviewer, are found in Webster; as well as the word "incipiency," which he also condemns. But we lay much less stress on this authority than on the principle we have stated. Why should not such words be used? Can their meaning be mistaken? Is not their formation ip perfect harmony with the rules and genius of the language? Have they not unequivocal marks of legitimacy, whether born yesterday or an hundred years ago?

We would beg the reviewer to task his black-letter lore, and find us in any ancient author the word "leash" used as a verb. What authority had Shakspeare for making it a participle, in that magnificent passage with which all his readers are familiar? Shall we join with Green and his other censors in condemning him too as a licentious innovator? Use was as much the jus and norma loquendi in his day as now. But Shakspeare used a freedom as pardonable, and as much practiced now as thenHane veniam damus petimusque vicissim.*

We entirely agree with the reviewer that the usage of good writers is the only standard by which the English language is to be ascertained. But we perhaps differ from him in the manner of applying this standard. Our language is the subject of continual accretion, and from age to age (indeed from year to year) is enriched by the addition of new words and new idioms. To the authors of these we are certainly deeply indebted, and we shall continue to incur fresh debts, as often as any one shall con- In these remarks it will be seen that it is hardly any part of tribute to our facilities of giving clearness, force, piquancy and our object to vindicate Mr. Dew. Webster has all the words grace to expression of our thoughts. But how can these valua- excepted to but "pervasive." That word is a desideratum. It ble contributions go on, if they who offer them are considered as is a legitimate formation which expresses in a state of rest the forfeiting, by the very act, their place among those good writers quality which "pervading" exhibits in action. If it is not Enwhose compositions are to be taken as standards of language?glish, it deserves to be, and will be. The first use of it by a The effect of this must be to stop all farther improvement. But good writer naturalizes it de facto. does the language admit of none? Say that it does not. What then? There was a time when it did; and the law of language was the same then as now, How happens it then that so much has been added to it, in defiance of this supposed law, and that they who have furnished the additions have been honored and rewarded; while such as, at this day, follow their example, are to be censured?

We were edified and pleased with the reviewer's critique on the quotation from Virgil. His rule is true as a general rule. But he errs in denying any exceptions to his maxim, that the quotation should be used in the exact sense of the original pas

* We remember seeing the use of the word "notice" as a verb severely criticised by Gifford in the Quarterly. Yet he himself

With due submission we will venture a solution of this ques- thus uces the same word in the same work.

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