Imágenes de páginas

bodies around us are so small, that the distance between | mind: 'moral and religious impressions may be conthose which are nearest is infinitely great compared | veyed, and lessons of humanity taught, to many a cruel with their own size? We may, perhaps, make him heart.' If the men of science who accompany the exlearn, that a gnat when flying, beats the air with its pedition, have but moral culture and benevolent feelings wing a hundred times in a second; but what will he commensurate with their physical learning,—and if the say, when we tell him that a wave of red light trem-officers and crews of the squadron be animated by the bles 482 millions of millions of times in a second, or a wave of violet light 707 millions of millions of times in a second. Yet these are things of which he may satisfy himself; and surely to cultivate these pursuits, will tend to make him not only a wiser, but a better


spirit which should distinguish men bound upon an errand so great as theirs,-the effect of their intercourse with the rude people of Polynesia and Australia, will be unmixedly good-will be to soften, to humanize; to win over from brutality and utter prostration, to a becoming sense of man's dignity, and a just regard for Finally, therefore, let me urge the pursuit of these his rights. Let them exemplify the beautiful and just objects upon you; there is no mystery around them remark of the Edinburg Review, in speaking of Capt. but then there is no royal road to them. From the ex-Back's northern journey: that “every line of march, perience of a few short years, I can recommend them traced by a civilized being through a savage land, is a to you as a pleasure in prosperity-a comfort in afflic-rocket or light, which, however rapid its course, still tion. You owe to the future a debt-prepare to pay leaves a few of its sparks behind." Let the progress it. Cultivate the intellect heaven has lent you, remem-of our countrymen through southern wilds be marked bering it is also the property of posterity. Know-by a light not transient or baleful; but steady, cheerledge offers you wealth and power. Choose then whe-ing, beneficent.-4. Our own commercial interests in ther you will accept them.

[The prize of the class was then declared to have been gained by Mr. William H. Goode, of Powhatan county, and was accordingly presented to him.]



It is known to our readers, that, for a year or more, the United States' Government has been preparing to send out several ships upon a voyage of survey and observation, if not discovery, in the South Pacific and South Atlantic Oceans. The squadron, consisting of the frigate Macedonian, the brigs Pioneer and Consort, and the storeship Relief, has now sailed from Hampton Roads to New York, there to take on board its last item of equipment—an apparatus for warming the ships, in the far southern latitudes, to which they are destined: and "in all the month of November," as the commander, Commodore Jones, says in a letter now before us, he and his brother adventurers "will bid a long, long adieu, to their homes and their friends."

those seas, will be promoted by the exhibition there of our naval strength. For years past, our traders in the East Indies, and the crews of our whale-ships in the South Pacific, have been subject to outrages undreamt of by their quiet countrymen at home. In many of the far southern islands-especially the smaller ones— the crews of our wrecked or captured vessels have repeatedly been murdered, or retained as bondsmen, by the savage inhabitants: at this moment, many of our seamen, if yet living, actually groan in a cruel captivity. In the East Indies,―on the island of Sumatra— all must remember the massacre of two missionaries from the United States, but three years ago; and the more extensive, though less horrible outrage, which had previously called down the signal chastisement inflicted on the natives by Captain Downes. It is but very recently--within the present or the last year--that a rajah of that island, in revenge of a wrong, real or supposed, done him by the master of a vessel from Salem, Massachusetts,-seized another master, an unoffending man, imprisoned him, with numerous and horrid circumstances of barbarity, and extorted from him a large indemnity for the wrong imputed to his countryman! It cannot be doubted, that the cruise of an imposing force among those lawless people, will impress them with a wholesome respect for our name— procure the restoration of many a captive to his family--prevent the repetition of outrage-and obtain us unnumbered advantages in all our future intercourse.

The ends to be answered by this expedition, are various and interesting. 1. The physical sciences will be promoted: Geography-Botany-Natural History- Such are some of the benefits to be expected, from Astronomy-Mineralogy-and half a score of others. this long contemplated expedition. May it realize How much remains yet to be done for geography in them all-nay, realize more than the largest hopes those seas, may be conceived from the fact asserted by have conceived!-The auspices under which it sets Commodore Downes,-that in the whole ocean, there out-despite some jarrings, traceable, we are sure, are 500 islands actually visited by whale ships, yet not to the Commodore, as the North American Renot set down upon any chart, or else of doubtful loca- view thinks-the auspices are in the main propitious. tion: besides some, doubtless, never yet visited by The outfit is handsome, and well nigh complete-the white men.-2. Minute and extensive observations attendance of scientific men is ample-the minds of may be made upon language, manners, and character, officers and men are bent eagerly upon the enterprise. so curiously diversified in the vast and strange regions "As a manifestation of the popularity of the expedition to be explored and thus a new and clearer light be with the seamen," says Commodore Jones, in the letter thrown upon several comparatively dark pages in the before alluded to, "upwards of seventy of the best men great book of human nature.-3. Gleams of useful on board the Java Receiving ship for the Norfolk staknowledge may be imparted to many a benighted Ition, volunteered to join us the other day; but we could

find but one, among our number of over five hundred, who | until after our arrival at New York, for which port we shall sail was willing to exchange; consequently the seventy at the close of the present week. volunteers were left behind, as we had already more than we desired."

found true to their country and to their duty, I would say, no disTo the marines, who, like the hardy sailor, have ever been crimination will be made to their prejudice; every indulgence and every extra allowance granted to the seaman will in like

manner be extended to the marine.

Before sailing from Hampton Roads, the Commodore caused the following spirited and animating appeal to be read to the crews, on board each vessel of the squad-deciding on the character of men according to their conduct. ron. It was received, we are told, with the enthusiasm natural to the exciting cause, and to the juncture.


To the Officers, Petty Officers, Seamen, and Marines, composing the Crews of the United States' South Sea Surveying and Exploring Expedition.

After more than twelve months of most anxious suspense, I am at length enabled to announce to you, the pleasing intelligence of the near approach of the day, when we shall take our departure for the distant and unknown regions of the Southern Hemisphere.

In the prosecution of the voyage we are about to undertake, there is everything to excite interest, to arouse patriotism and to gratify ambition. It is not only a national undertaking, in which the hopes and ardent wishes of a great nation are involved, but towards the U. S. Surveying and Exploring Expedition, are turned the eyes of all Europe; and your successful labors, it is fondly anticipated, will not only secure great commercial benefits and enduring honor to your country, but will enlarge the bounds of knowledge and diffuse the blessings of civilization and christianity among nations now unknown.

But the attainment of the objects of our pursuit, will only be the reward of strict discipline, perseverance, patient endurance, and zealous effort in the prosecution of a voyage fraught with difficulty, hardship, toil and suffering. Of this, however, all of you were doubtless aware, before you entered your names and became members of an Expedition, the successful termina. tion of which will assuredly attach high and imperishable honor to the name of each and every individual who shall faithfully discharge the duties of his station.

The only discrimination which I shall tolerate will be that of Were I to say, that discipline is to be relaxed or punishment excluded from the ships and vessels of the squadron, I should lead you into error, and excite expectations which would surely lead you astray. In squadrons, composed of vessels of different rates and descriptions, it is not uncommon for many to feel, or suppose themselves degraded by a transfer from one vessel to another, or from a larger to a smaller vessel. This impres. sion is erroneous, and must not be entertained; the crews of each and every vessel of the South Sea Surveying and Exploring Expedition, are all upon the same footing-all have signed the same articles-all will be fed, clothed and treated alike, and as I before said, the only discrimination will be, the rewarding of merit and the punishment of crime.

To you, gentlemen, whose commissions, the reward of long and well tried services, afford such ample guarantee for the faithful discharge of your several trusts in whatever new situa tions you may be placed, I am sorry to say, our Government has not followed the example of those of Europe, which have sent out similar expeditions. To you no additional pay or emolument has yet been offered-but believe not, that your privations will be unrequited or your labors unrewarded. Although I am not authorized to offer the officer any allowance at all commensurate with the extraordinary expenses, which an outfit for this long and arduous voyage must necessarily subject him to; still, I cannot for a moment suffer myself to entertain the most remote supposition, but that, should the results of our voyage only come up to reasonable expectations, a generous people and a liberal Government will bestow upon us all honors and rewards commensurate at least with the hardships we shall have encountered, the toils we shall have endured, and the objects we shall

have attained.

I have said, that in the voyage we are about to undertake, there is everything to excite interest-to arouse patriotism-and to gratify ambition. Such is the universal sentiment. Throughout the world, a new spirit of enterprise seems to be awakened.

England, France, and Russia have each expeditions afloat; and whether the results of the voyages now being made, shall be to enlarge the bounds of knowledge, science, or christianity, or commerce; in every point of view, whether of a moral, po. litical or philanthropic character, the rivalry which has been excited is worthy of all praise; and that nation which wins the prize by pushing her discoveries furthest, by opening the paths by which the benefits of knowledge and the blessings of christianity and civilization may be extended throughout the Isles of the Sea," besides reaping the rich harvests of present and contingent commercial advantages, will acquire the proud distinction of "Benefactors of the Human Race."

To meet and counteract as far as possible, the inconvenience and suffering consequent to a voyage of long duration, in the course of which, we may have to encounter every vicissitude of climate, every precaution has, or will be taken, to secure comfort, and even so to fortify ourselves and our ships, as to be enabled to resist the effects of the extremest cold, should we by accident or choice winter in the Polar Seas. Ample supplies of good and wholesome provisions have been provided; as also will be a most liberal allowance of Hospital Stores, and various kinds of anti-scorbutics,-these will be issued gratuitously, in sufficient quantities, to preserve health and promote cheerfulness, content, and alacrity in every department of the Expedition. Extra warm clothing of superior quality, designed to be used in the highest latitudes, has been provided, and whenever your comfort or necessities require more clothing than would be drawn on an ordinary cruise, these articles will be served out without charge or expense to each individual. In a word, I am authorized to say, that no pains or expense will be spared to supply each and every ship with every description of stores, which can tend to personal comfort and to reward those services upon the zealous and faithful performance of which must depend the success of this our first great national enterprise. The time which has already elapsed since some of you signed articles for the South Sea Expedition, having in a few instances already exceeded one full third part of the contemplated dura-sociate, every stranger ship whether she unfurls the Eagles of tion of the voyage, much inconvenience, inquietude and dissatisfaction would undoubtedly be found in the expirations of your several terms of service in distant seas and remote regions, where you could neither be paid off, nor be sent home for want of suitable conveyances.

'Tis true our competitors in this laudable rivalry, have got the start of us; but let not this discourage, but rather animate to increased exertion. In the wide field of polar discovery, there is ample work for all. It may be, that the squadrons of nations situated at the opposite quarters of the world, may meet in seas now navigated but by the frail canoes of Savage Islanders, or perchance cast their anchors on coasts which as yet the human eye has never rested on, and we shall hail as a friend and as

Russia, the Lion Banner of England, or the Tricolored Flag of France; persuaded as we are, that with equal cordiality will each noble, generous ally, greet the Star Spangled Banner of our own Republic.

In such a cause then as ours, who would be a laggard, or who Under these circumstances, 1 am authorized by the Hon. would not take pride in having his name enrolled among those Secretary of the Navy, to say, that to each and every petty employed in this our first National expedition! I trust none will officer, seaman, ordinary seaman, landsman and boy, who will be found so wanting in enterprise or patriotism; but animated sign new articles to serve the term of three years from the first by one feeling of devotion to our Country, the only rivalry among day of November next ensuing, a bounty equal to three months' us shall be, who will best perform his duty and most promote pay, according to the station which each one may occupy on the honor and glory of the Republic,--and this being done, if we board his respective vessel at the time of signing the new arti- do not win success, we shall have tried to deserve it, and incles, shall be paid to each individual at the time of his signing|dividually at least, will enjoy the sweet reward of an approving the said articles, which, however, will not be offered to you, I conscience.

Such then, is a brief outline of the course I intend to pursue, | guile the weariness of a night drive, just after leaving in controlling the destinies of those, whom the laws and the con- the village of Jefferson, in Ohio: stituted authorities have placed under me as Commander of the United States South Sea Surveying and Exploring Expedition. Feeling as I do, entire confidence in each individual who has voluntarily embarked in the noble enterprize, and knowing that without harmony and perfect concert of action in every department, all my individual exertions must be unavailing; and that without mutual confidence and hearty co-operation, we must not hope for even partial success, it will be henceforth, and to the end, as it hitherto has been, my anxious care to anticipate your wants and provide for your comforts; and then, to a wise and most merciful Creator, we will commend our country's cause, and commit ourselves individually to His keeping, whose command "the winds and seas obey.”

(On board the Frigate Macedonian, off Craney Island.) (Signed)

Oct. 5th, 1837.

Com'g S. S. S. & E. Erpedition.



At a

'The village once had only two taverns; the landlords of which, after the usual manner of rival landlords, were at deadly feud with each other. A Yankee one day stepped into one of them, and asked if he could be accommodated there, for a few days. He was readily admitted, though without horse, baggage, or other visible property to answer for his score. week's end, Boniface, thinking it high time to ascertain the chances of payment,--but anxious too, to retain the guest if he should prove solvent, for the sake of triumphing over his rival in business,-respectfully inquired, if it was convenient to the customer to pay his week's board? Jonathan paused—At length he owned, he had not a copper!

As soon as Boniface had recovered from the shock of this avowal, he expostulated with his guest upon the impropriety of thus living at free cost upon a poor man like him, and the immorality of swindling in general: but concluded by offering to cancel the claim, if his guest would only go over to the other tavern, and serve Mr. Rubicund just such a trick, by quartering on him a week. Jonathan listened attentively-walked to

The Western Address Directory, with Historical, Topographi-wards the door-but there made a stop.
cal and Statistical Sketches, (for the year 1837,) of the prin-
cipal cities and towns in the Mississippi Valley. Intended as a
guide to travellers. By W. G. Lyford. Baltimore. 1837. pp.


"What!" said Boniface,-"Why do you stop? Won't you pay what you owe me, either one way or another?"

"I can't pay you that way,” said Jonathan, pointing towards Rubicund's. "Why not?"

Jonathan looked sheepish, scratched his head, and answered,--"Because I staid with Mr. Rubicund a week, before I come here; and as I could not pay him, he told me the same as you to come and stay with you a week, and I should be clear-so I have done it !”

Our author gives a useful caution to persons who design voyaging down the Ohio from Pittsburg or Wheeling,--to ascertain, before they mature their plan, that the river is boatable. The navigation is usually impracticable by reason of low water, he says, from about the middle of July to the middle of September. [We should rather fix the period, from the first of August to the first or middle of October.]—It is also closed by ice, from about Christmas until sometime in February. This period, however, is frequently anticipated, by a freezing up in the latter part of November—which lasts commonly a week or ten days.

This book proves, that a work, as regards literary merit, may be far beneath criticism, and yet be well worth buying,-nay, even reading. It contains such blunders as "the speed of boats vary"—" steamboats on the western waters are constructed very different from those on the Atlantic waters"-"data" in the singular number (for datum)-&c. &c. It is also extremely unsatisfactory in some of the information it pretends to give. Yet, to one who either has travelled or who designs to travel, as Mr. Lyford did, from Baltimore, by way of Pittsburg, through Ohio and the other western states or by any other route ;-or to one who has a friend or friends on such a journey--few books will be better worth three or four shillings (Virginia currency) than this is. Besides some amusing and many useful items of Mr. L.'s own experience in such a tour-particulars of personal adventure, calculated to show a stage or steamboat passenger what vexations he must expect, and what he had best do in various emergences by flood and field,--the volume contains historical, The statistics of the four great western cities--great statistical, and topographical sketches of all the conside-in prospect, if not already and in fact—which have rable towns on the Ohio and upper Mississippi, and in sprung up so like exhalations of the morning, though the state of Ohio-lists of the chief merchants, manu- destined apparently to no such transitory existence-facturers, attorneys, and other men of business, in each are very striking: but we can only select a few partown, with copies of their cards-accounts of stage ticulars: routes-an alphabetical list of steamboats on the western waters, with their tonnage, and values-the rates of passage, both in stages and steamboats, &c. &c.

The population of PITTSBURG in 1800, was 1,565. In 1836 (including the suburbs) it was 30,000! It contains 30 churches.

Instead of being the tiresome farrago, which one In 1800, CINCINNATI contained 750 inhabitants: in might expect such a mass of statistics to be, the author 1836, (according to Mr. Lyford) 30,000: but according has so blended narrative, historical allusion, anecdote, to the estimate of its own citizens, 35,000. Churches, and description, with business details, as to make a 30. The city is divided into ten school Districts, in very readable work. The following story may excite each of which is a large, neat, and commodious twoa smile-as it tells one of the most diverting we have story building, with a cupola-for the public schools. seen, of the many tricks imputed to Yankees. It is Each building has four apartments; each of them contold by a fellow stage-passenger of our author, to be-taining a large school, with its separate instructor. In

these schools are 3,000 children. Cincinnati moreover | and toll at the Louisville and Portland canal—a toll of contains two Colleges-besides a Medical one, and a Theological Seminary.

LOUISVILLE, in 1800, had 600 inhabitants. In 1836, 25,000; and 12 churches. "On the subject of Education," drily remarks Mr. Lyford, "I can say nothing." And sorry are we to agree with him, respecting a town so high in our regard as Louisville, that she has done nothing worth mentioning, to promote education among her people.

The population of ST. LOUIS is not given, at any earlier date than 1831. It was then 6,000. In 1836, it was supposed to be 15,000. There are 8 churches; numerous Primary schools, a Nunnery, and a Female Academy. St. Louis is at present the most rapidly growing of the four cities we have mentioned; and bids fair to surpass them all.

66* cents per ton, at each passage. This, however, expresses hardly half the number of tons weight that a boat will carry: and it is the latter number which is commonly spoken of, as her tonnage. Thus, the Mo| ravian, which is registered as of only 324 tons, actually carries, and is popularly rated at, 800. The Henry Clay and Homer, registered at 424 and 410 tons re|spectively, carry 900 or 1000: and so of others. The boat of the largest measured tonnage is the Mediterranean, of 600 tons. Next is the St. Louis, of 571. The Sultana is of 440; the Persian, 439; the United States, 420; the Ben Franklin, 194. The ill-fated Ben Sherrod was of 393. Others measure as low as 80, 70, or even 50 tons. Let travellers who prize comfort, cleanliness, and civil treatment, avoid all steamboats of less than 100 registered tons; or which are

mon people, to be of less than 175 tons.

The engines used in the steamboats on the western waters, are very different from those on the eastern. The latter are on the low pressure; the former, all on the high pressure, plan. The chief reason is, that the high pressure, being much lighter and less bulky, is better suited to the narrow keels and shallow draught, requisite for stemming the rapid currents, and gliding over the frequent sandbars, of the western rivers: while the low pressure, being far safer from explosion, is preferred in the deep and spacious bays and streams next the Atlantic, where bulk and weight, both, are immaterial.

We will try to give our readers some further idea of the differences between the two sorts of steam engines:

But the wonder and glory of the Ohio and Missis-proclaimed in their own handbills, or said by the comsippi, are their steamboats. There are 370, navigating the Mississippi and its branches! The names of nearly all these are given by our author, as we have said, alphabetically. Among them, we recognize several with which we are personally acquainted, and which, now that we see them thus mentioned, stir us up like the sight of an old friend after a long separation. Nothing in a western traveller's life is more wonderful than the sort of affection he conceives for the gallant boat--so very "a thing of life"--which has borne him safely and pleasantly, or unpleasantly either, a thousand miles, with a hundred fellow adventurers, each endeared to him by common perils and hardships. We meet, on this list, the hobbling and miserable "Huntress," of 97 tons, on board which we shivered and starved during an icy and stranding voyage of 130 miles in six days: the hospitable though crowded 1. The BOILER of the low pressure engine is one, huge "Gen. De Kalb," which picked us up out of the leaky kettle, rather cubical, though somewhat rounded, in its skiff to which, quitting the Huntress, four of us had shape. Sometimes there are two of these to a single entrusted our persons and baggage on the broad Ohio-engine, placed on opposite sides of the boat; sending when our hands and arms were sore with rowing and bailing, and our gloves stiffened with ice: the "Ben Franklin," in which we twice enjoyed all the luxuries of the best hotel, heightened by rapid motion and agreeable society: the "Moravian," that carried us near 300 miles, during two or three days of rare enjoyment from comfortable quarters and capital company, to land us, at two o'clock in a night of polar cold, upon one of the bleakest and most inhospitable strands of Illinois: the "Henry Clay," the "Homer," the "Sultana," outgoing, ten-fold, all our previous conceptions of steamboat magnificence: and at least a dozen others, that seem familiar as so many of our schoolfellows. A kind, a heartfelt greeting to them all! And if destiny call us to voyage again by steam, may it be in some one of them-except the Huntress! No-not in the Huntress-not in the Huntress, good misses Fate !—

"Prosit mihi vos dixisse puellas!"

The tonnage of steamboats is a worthy subject of curiosity, not unfolded by Mr. Lyford so fully as was desirable. We learned, while on the Ohio lately, the following rule for ascertaining the tonnage by measurement: Multiply the length of keel by the width of beam, then by the depth of the hold: and divide the last product by 96. The quotient is the tonnage. By this, the boat is registered; by this, she pays wharfage,

their steam by iron pipes, into the case, or cylinder, wherein the piston works. The high pressure boiler consists of several cylinders, from 16 to 24 feet long, and two or three feet in diameter, laid horizontally, close beside each other, lengthwise with the boat; and connected by iron tubes, through which the water can flow, as the boat tilts, out of one into the others. These cylinders (or boilers as they are often called), are from two to eight in number, according to the size of the Boat: and are placed upon brickwork, forming the furnaces, which open towards the bow, or forepart of the vessel, showing their fires distinctly, to any beholder in front.

2. The PISTON, with the cylinder in which it works, in a low pressure engine, is upright, or vertical; in the high pressure, is horizontal. These positions are perhaps not essential in the two cases; but they are invariable, within our observation.

3. The high pressure engine, with all its appendages, is fully exposed to view, on the lower deck of the western boats. The low pressure, with its more complicated apparatus, is carefully encased in an apartment whence passengers are in general strictly excluded. This is merely because the latter has so much nice and intricate machinery incident to it, that there would be dan

* Our author mistakenly says, 60 cents.

ger of mischief from heedless or meddlesome curiosity: | different from those on the Atlantic waters. The cy while the former is so simple as to defy that danger.linders are generally in a horizontal position." Something, however, must no doubt be ascribed to the If, in his next edition-should the public demand more daring and reckless characters of the western peo-one-he do not say more, and something more satisple.

4. High-pressure throws off the steam, uncondensed, as fast as it is used-except a portion, sent by a small tube into what is called the heater, to aid in heating water for the boiler. The low pressure, as soon as the steam has done its duty upon the piston, has it condensed by a jet of cold water; and then returns it to the boiler, along with the condensing jet, which, by mixture with the steam, is heated almost to boiling. The condensed steam, and the water thus heated, supply the boiler. This condensation causes the reverse movement of the piston.

5. High pressure blows off the waste steam with a much louder and uglier noise, than low. It is like the regular coughing of a horse; only, twenty times louder. People living on the Ohio or Mississippi, know the cough of a steamboat, with which they are familiar, at the distance of more than a mile. "It is the Elk," we heard a man say; "I know her by her cough." And the Elk it proved to be. Western hunters are said, in like manner to know the sounds of their own and their friends' rifles.

6. A high pressure engine applies a power equal to 100, or 140 pounds, on each square inch of the surface of its piston. A low pressure engine, only about 15 pounds. The immense surface of the piston in the latter, suffices to account for the difference. Its diameter is often 50 or 60 inches; while that of the high pressure engine is only from 15 to 24 inches: so that the aggregate pressure upon the one, is hardly less than upon the other.

A scientific engineer would perceive these explanations to be contemptibly superficial and puerile. We have aimed to make them popular: and in so doing, have, as far as possible, avoided all technicalities. They are such explanations as we should have been glad to receive, in our noviciate on board a steamboat: and we hope they may be acceptable to other novices.

factory, on steam engines,--we shall attribute his silence to the same cause whence the superciliousness of engineers and steamboat captains, generally proceeds— IGNORANCE. And with this warning, we take a friendly leave of him.


VIRGINIA BAPTIST MINISTERS. By James B. Taylor, Pastor Second Baptist Church, Richmond. 1837. pp. 444. small 8vo.

There is one thing in this book, that we like particularly: it is, that it divides among eighty persons, a volume such as we too often see devoted to the biogra phy of a single man, no whit more worthy of commemoration than seventy-nine of these eighty. It is a praiseworthy triumph over the epidemic cacoethes of book-making: and we hereby tender our acknowledg ments to the amiable and pious author, for not having made each of these his deceased brethren, the subject of a separate tome, as large as this which he has constructed to their united memories. May his example be followed by many hereafter, when tempted to palm upon the public their five hundreds of pages, about the single lives of good people, who while they lived were never heard of a day's journey from home, and whose memories are as barren as those of Pope's Parish Clerk, or Johnson's Broomstick.

Several of the men spoken of in these 'short and simple annals,' were known to us, either personally, or by reputation: and we grew nearly to man's estate under the ministry (though not in the church) of one among them. This circumstance, and our liking, fostered by early, and frequent, and kindly intercourse, for many of their persuasion, and for some parts of It may be proper to add, that the high pressure, ex- their worship,-make the present volume rather interclusively, is used for propelling carriages on rail roads: esting to us. Some of the biographies-those of Shufor the same reasons that gain it a preference on the bael Stearns, Robert B. Semple, Abner W. Clopton, western rivers; namely, the less weight and bulk of its Samuel Harris, and Lott Cary, for instance-even inmachinery, and apparatus. Especially, the impractica-dependently of such associations, might interest almost bility of carrying along enough cold water, to condense the steam at every stroke of the piston,-is a paramount objection to the use of low pressure engines in land movements.

any thinking and benevolent mind.

To convey an idea of the matter and manner of the book, we present an abridgment of the first life it contains; with some extracts. There are passages, which fastidious readers may deem of too nasal a tone; and some occurrences are described, in which other readers will perhaps discern a strong affinity to the phenomena of animal magnetism.

It is a great fault in the various works published as "Guides" for travellers, that they do not devote a few pages to the steam engine, so momentous now to every tourist, who needs one of the said "Guides." An account of it, somewhat in the manner of the preceding SHUBAEL STEARNS, whose name (his biographer inexplanations,--only more elementary and accurate forms us) "will be had in everlasting remembrance," illustrated by plates, would be a positive gem to many-and certainly, it is a remarkable name-was born in an inquisitive Johnny Raw (such as we till very lately were), who worries ignorant firemen and supercilious engineers with vain cravings after information. All that Mr. Lyford deigns to say on the subject, is comprised in these two sentences:

"The steamboats on the western waters are all what is termed "high pressure," and are constructed very

Boston, in 1706. His father too was named Shubael;
his mother's maiden name was Larriford. Of his early
life, little or nothing is known. About 1740, an ex-
tensive revival of religion occurred in New England,
through the agency of Whitefield and others, who,
with their followers, were called New Lights, and
'Separates.' These Mr. Stearns joined, 1745. Soon

« AnteriorContinuar »