Common Bench Reports: Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Common Pleas ... 1845[-1856]., Volumen11


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Página 47 - ... of the seas, men of war, fire, enemies, pirates, rovers, thieves, jettisons, letters of mart and counter-mart, surprisals, takings at sea, arrests, restraints, and detainments of all kings, princes, and people, of what nation, condition, or quality soever, barratry of the master and mariners, and of all other perils, losses, and misfortunes that have or shall come to the hurt, detriment, or damage of the said goods and merchandises and ship, &c., or any part thereof.
Página 758 - That all actions and proceedings which before the passing of this act might have been brought in any of her Majesty's superior Courts of record where the plaintiff dwells more than twenty miles from the defendant, or where the cause of action did not arise wholly or in some material point within the jurisdiction of the Court within which the defendant dwells or carries on his business at the time of the action brought...
Página 152 - ... and unless the promoters of the undertaking be willing to pay the amount of compensation so claimed, and enter into a written agreement for that purpose, they shall, within twentyone days after the receipt of such notice, issue their warrant to the sheriff to summon a jury for settling the same in the manner herein provided...
Página 47 - And in case of any loss or misfortune, it shall be lawful to the assured, their factors, servants, and assigns, to sue, labour, and travel for, in and about the defence, safeguard, and recovery of the said goods and merchandises, and ship, &c., or any part thereof, without prejudice to this insurance; to the charges whereof we the assurers will contribute each one according to the rate and quantity of his sum herein assured.
Página 370 - ... his knowledge or belief shall claim to be his creditors, together with the nature and amount of such debts and claims respectively, distinguishing such as shall be admitted from such as shall be disputed by such prisoner...
Página 68 - Touching the adventures and perils which we the assurers are contented to bear and do take upon us in this voyage: they are of the seas...
Página 694 - Time; and that all Bonds, Contracts, and Assurances whatsoever, made after the Time aforesaid, for Payment of any Principal or Money to be lent or covenanted to be performed upon or for any Usury, whereupon or whereby there shall be reserved or taken above the rate of Five Pounds in the Hundred, as aforesaid, shall be utterly void...
Página 140 - ... proprietor, or other common carrier for hire from liability to answer for loss or injury to any goods or articles whatsoever arising from the felonious acts of any coachman, guard, book-keeper, porter, or other servant in his or their employ, nor to protect any such coachman, guard, book-keeper, or other servant from liability for any loss or injury occasioned by his or their own personal neglect or misconduct.
Página 325 - Years from thence next following to be fully complete and ended DURING which Term the said Apprentice his Master faithfully shall serve his secrets keep his lawful commands everywhere gladly do...
Página 105 - This case has been argued before us by counsel : we have considered it, and are of opinion...

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