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of any change being made in the Liturgy, unless very evident improvements; and do not consider the changes that have been made to be such improvements.


The new issue of "The Future Life" is now ready, and may be obtained of Mr. C. Alvey, or Mr. Pitman, at 9d. a copy, or 6d. in lots of ten and upwards.



Tübingen, June 4th, 1863.

To the Editor.

My dear Sir,-Since I wrote you, I have again had occasion to experience that the Lord, who is Himself his doctrine, continues constantly to work miracles, and especially to resuscitate from the dead. For instance, some weeks ago I received an interesting letter from a noble and distinguished lady, the head of an institution for young ladies, by which this truth is confirmed. In answer to a request that she would communicate to me some account of her life and experiences, she says

"Earnest by nature,-inclined to the sciences, devoted in spirit and heart to mental (moral) philosophy and poesy, adoring God as Spirit, as first Being, as Providence, and as Father, confiding in Him and loving Him, I nevertheless could not arrive at any knowledge of Him, as the questionWho is Christ, and for what end did He come into the world?' remained to me an unsolved enigma. I felt that neither in rationalism nor in Schleiermacher's Essays on Mediation, nor in the doctrines of the Friends of Light, -although gleams of light may be seen in them,-nor amongst the new Protestants [new Lutherans], is the truth to be found. Hegel satisfied me more, but neither did his views produce any life in me. On the other hand, the doctrine of the Pietists on the Atonement raised in me an invincible aversion. During this internal discordance, I founded, four years ago, an institution for young ladies, and abstained, indeed, from all religious instruction, but felt, nevertheless, on many occasions, the necessity of touching the young soul by religion, whilst, however, I had no firm views of it, no peace of mind in God.


"At this time, a year and a half ago, came accidentally, as we say, into my hand, a little book-Swedenborg, the Good Seer.' This excited in me a wish to be acquainted with Swedenborg's writings. I purchased the 'Arcana Cœlestia,' 'The True Christian Religion,' the 'Angelic Wisdom,' and some other books. With a strong desire I imbibed light, charity, peace, and joy. strength so gained soon found an occasion in which to ascertain and glorify itself in heavy internal struggles. It did so, for which I thank God, and am quiet. Since I know what is happiness, earthly fortune seems to me of little concern, earthly success not wanted; and on the other hand, every trifle, every moment in the earthly life, acquires the highest value, because in everyone we can improve in the way of salvation, whilst every false step removes us from the Lord and from His glorious designs in regard to us. I had never believed that such happiness could exist for me; for that everyone can only be saved according to his quality, this I had ever understood. Now I know also that I shall find happiness; and for this knowledge, for this unspeakable consolation, I am indebted to Swedenborg. With Dr. K., the only adherent of Swedenborg known to me in the neighbourhood, I had, at the beginning of my conversion, a conversation on the situation of Swedenborg's adherents vis-à-vis to the dominant church, and have seen therefrom, as well as from my own experience, that unfortunately we must be very circumspect in every expression, and that many otherwise pious and sincere Christians consider Swedenborg as a fanatic, and reject him without knowing him. This is painful respecting my pupils, but nevertheless I will request the writings for children of the New Church," &c.

At about the same time a student of theology brought me a very kind and tender letter from a young scholar, who some years ago came often to my house, and resided afterwards for some time in London, where, as he tells me, he was often much edified in one of your churches, and highly delighted with the beautiful hymns. He is now a teacher of theology in one of our first universities, where, as the student told me, he shews very clearly in his lectures that the Jewish law, as contained in the


Bible, has everywhere a deeper sense of religious and eternal value. The student, too, received favourably what I said to him on the essential truths and their connection with philosophy and science, except, as I found afterwards, the doctrine on the Atonement, &c.

I had also a visit from a Russian Counsellor of College (Felicianus Tustanowski, from Archangel, but a Pole by birth), who is a receiver, and intends to stay some time in London. He wished me to take notice of the facts of spiritualism, because only New Churchmen have the true criteria to judge of it. During a residence of eight days at Baden-Baden, he was desirous of seeing Dr. Dj., the Catholic prelate, but in vain, as he was thought to be dying; afterwards he could converse but a little with him, because he was still very weak. Before this the prelate himself had written me that a rich Russian reader of Swedenborg's works had published, at his own expense, the treatise on "Heaven and Hell," and censured in his preface my views on spiritism, as well as those of M. Le Boys des Guays and of the New Church Societies. We have, however, never denied that there is something providential in this phenomenon, as its facts have value for science, and because they contain instances against materialism and atheism, and can bring millions of men, who, perhaps, otherwise would have remained unbelievers, to a conviction of the immortality of the soul, and of our connection with the other world. But on the other side, I found it very dangerous, in more than one respect, and especially in those effects which already were proved as pernicious by Swedenborg, who shewed that, in general, intercourse with spirits is the direct way to the madhouse (remember what he said to Mr. Robsam, when departing for London). Accordingly we have seen that, by a kind of psychography, mediums lost their independence, became more and more possessed by bad spirits, and lastly went into bedlam. He shewed, too, that the spirits are too often fanatics, who believe themselves to be God, come into their natural state, and confirm those men with whom they have intercourse in their perversities and false views. Accordingly many facts prove this. False doctrines were taught by deceased persons of great authority and supposed piety and illu


mination; for instance, an absolute dualism of the good and the evil principle, scandalous doctrines concerning the Lord's nativity, erroneous views concerning the origin of the angels, whilst other spirits ascertained repeatedly that all angels and devils were at first men; whereby, however, they shewed that pretended revelation is in contradiction with true revelation, makes all revelation doubtful, and tends directly to unbelief.

Copies of the Biblical Concordance of the Spiritual Sense (Index Biblicus), vol. iii., must already have reached the Swedenborg Society's House, and the copies of the Latin reprint of the work De Cœlo et Inferno, ordered by letter of May 19th, will also soon reach it, if not yet arrived. The third volume of the Apocalypsis Explicata is now much desired, and I have the confidence that, notwithstanding the war in America, which has a very unfavourable influence on my undertakings, the Lord will enable me to complete this work, as well as the others, without interruption. The present crisis in theology, in which the divinity and inspiration of the Word are denied and refuted by so specious reasonings, wherefore even candid minds are more and more exposed to unbelief, requires imperiously such means given by the Lord just for that purpose, to make diaphanous the whole Scripture, and to bear testimony to the divinity and practical tendency of every passage and word in it.

With kindest regards to all brethren and friends, most affectionately yours, EMANUEL TAFEL.


Hoügsünd per Drammen, Norway,
April 23rd, 1863.

Dear Sir,-Regarding the affairs of the church, we have this year suffered a disappointment. To this session of our House of Representatives the Government had sent a project of law, by which the Government officers (the theologians, of course, excepted) should have the right to belong to whatever Christian denomination they pleased. Among the advocates of the measure were almost all the members of the intelligent classes, and amongst the most earnest, the representatives of the clergy, except one or two. Had the project

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required only a majority, it would have become law; but as the constitution requires for such measures the votes of two-thirds of the members, it failed for want of a few voices, the peasantry being chiefly against it. But of its future success we have reason to entertain good hopes; for though life moves slowly with us, the attentive eye sees it progressing spiritually as well as naturally.

One of the most remarkable appearances of our time is the change going on with the clergy of the Established Church. Their Protestantism consisted chiefly in opposing everything new; but this is much altered. Besides the part they took in the House of Representatives, they have come forward and warmly supported, through the press, the cause of religious liberty. Ten or fifteen years ago we heard from the pulpits almost nothing but faith; and those who did not agree with them were made to feel their displeasure. Now, many of them confess that the Word is given as a means of acquiring goodness, or love to the Lord and the neighbour, to which faith is a means. That something in the doctrines of the church is wrong, is more and more felt amongst them. "We are groping in a thick wood; but we dare hope that the Holy Spirit will lead us to the truth," said a clergyman to me. In a conversation with a theologian, I presented the views of the New Church concerning the Sacraments. After quietly listening to me, he said "Something of that kind has really been foreshadowed in my mind;" and another clergyman admitted the correspondences between natural and spiritual things. May we not herein see the increased influence of the spiritual world, as its numbers are increased for the church? But it is also gratify. ing to perceive how even those who know not the genuine truth must work for the fulfilment of the Lord's merciful ends. As such I think that two celebrated Danes, though in very different respects, have a prominent place. The one is a yet living gifted clergyman and poet, Severin Gründtoig. As a man of strong intellect, he cannot be satisfied with anything in which he does not find some real spiritual life; and for want of the key given us by Swedenborg, he has fallen into the error of undervaluing the letter of the Old Testament, together

with other essential parts of the Word; he has therefore vigorously assailed the literal thraldom of the church. Admired as a great genius and an eloquent minister, and venerated as a pious Christian, it may not appear strange to us that he has gained a respectable party amongst the laity and clergy both in Denmark and here, among whom are many gifted men proclaiming with youthful enthusiasm the spirituality of the Bible, without, however, having the key to unlock its hidden treasures. Still, though on a wrong track, we cannot overlook the good to which this movement may lead, as it opens the eyes of the people to the necessity of a spiritual sense of the Word, and another key to it than the vague notions of men.

But more positively in the service of truth has Sören Kierkegaard worked. I feel my inability to give a correct idea of the rich authorship of this champion of Christianity, who has found a better conductor to the truth than the philosophers of our time. Having long lost sight of his writings, it is with distrust I attempt to give a sketch of them. The intelligent classes in Denmark and Norway having long and painfully felt the deficiency of the established religion to satisfy their spiritual wants, they were looking in vain for a word that would solve the problems of life. Then sounded a voice through Europe-" The spirit of the times rules the world," and "To think is to be." "Yes, this must be the truth," was reëchoed from thou. sands of hearts; "the great Hegel has said it." All rejoiced: "Broken for ever is the chain of the church-the schools of science are the right churches, the thought is the true Messias. That man who dares contradict this, has no right to be called a man, he is only a brute." Even from the pulpits these new dogmas were taught and explained, and the Word interpreted according to them. But they were not long to remain in the uninterrupted enjoyment of this. While all appeared glad and happy, at once a flood of writings fell on the public


Either, or," "Fear and Tremor,""The Reiteration," -"The Idea of Dread,"-"The Proviso,"-" Philosophic Crumbs," "States of Life," "Postscript to Philosophic Crumbs," and some others. With great erudition, psychological acuteness, remarkable dialectical and logical power,-with almost un


equalled command of language, together with a great amount of Christian experience, they uncover the dark recesses of the human heart, and throw light therein from the Holy Word. Following the philosophers of our time, step by step, they show the psychological consequences of the new doctrines; and after having, in this way, shown what Christianity is not, in his book, entitled "Works of Love," he explains what it really is. And the man who had the courage to step forward in this way was candidate in Theology and Magi Philosophia, Söven Kper-Reyaord. But at the same time that he directed a powerful blow against the philosophers, he did not forget the deficiencies of the church, having in a multitude of sermons laid them open to view. On account of this, we thought to have found in him a New Church brother; but a thorough perusal of his writings has altered our opinions. Being a light, he has, however, had, and still more will in future have, a beneficial influence upon his countrymen, having taught them what the essentials of Christianity are; and in this way prepared a new era in the church, an opinion even entertained amongst the clergy themselves. Speaking once with a gifted clergyman about him, he remarked-"He has commenced a new epoch in the church, but in what direction it tends we don't understand, the future only can solve this problem." This from their point of view is perfectly true, having shown what Christianity is, without rectifying the wrong ideas concerning the Lord and his Atonement. Kierkegaard necessarily comes in contradiction with himself; and this weak side his opponents have not overlooked. Thus, notwithstanding there is too much of real life in his works to be wholly overlooked, earnest Christians regard him as John the Baptist was looked upon as a precursor of a greater light. In these facts I account for the tolerance prevalent among the clergy in these times. Doubts, painful to the earnest, have seized all classes of intelligent minds. For years we have been accustomed to devour all kinds of German theology having the stamp of orthodox Lutheranism; now they stand almost unsold on the shelves of the booksellers, the people having become disgusted with them; and in their place


we now find, in increasing numbers, translations of English_sermons-for instance, of the Baptist, Prescott. The first time my eye fell upon that name, my heart beat for joy, thinking the work to be from the pen of a New Church minister that had found its way here; but I was soon convinced of my mistake. In hopes of better times, my brother Capt. C. Boyesen, has translated a good many sermons of Prescott Hiller's, and I some of Noble's and Dr. Bayley's; but we have not been able to get them published, for want of the necessary means. But for these sermons to do much good, we need, first of all, the writings of Swedenborg translated in our language, and, if possible, in our country. We trust in the Lord that this may be granted us. For many years we have been longing for a man who, with the necessary qualifications, would sacrifice himself for the truth's sake. This hope now appears to be gratified: our brother H. Boyesen having for more than ten years diligently studied the writings of the church, is now expected home, after a stay of four years in America, England, and France, in order to profit by intercourse with prominent men of the church. May his future use be in proportion to his personal sacrifices and devotedness to our cause!

With my kindest regards to all friends, I remain, dear Sir, very truly yours, T. F. BOYESEN.


At Grove-place Chapel, Dalton, June 8th, 1863, by the Rev. R. Storry, Mr. R. H. Armitage to Miss M. A. Alsten.


This departed

Departed into the spiritual world, March 9th, aged 62 years, Mr. Thomas Skeel, for upwards of thirty years a member of the New Church in Peterstreet, Manchester. brother had in his youth become impressed with the truth and importance of the doctrines of the New Church, and was greatly esteemed and beloved by all who knew him. For the last twenty years of his life he was afflicted with the effects of a severe bronchitis, which for many years, owing to a violent cough, prevented him from attending his place of worship. He therefore nourished and strengthened his mind

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by frequently reading the Word, and the writings of Swedenborg. The same cause which prevented his attendance at worship, also prevented him from attending to his business, especially during the winter. But whilst his bodily sufferings were great, the mental consolation he derived from his spiritual faith and intelligence was also great, and sustained him in his trust in the Lord's Providence and Mercy, who, he well knew, ordered all things for his eternal good. He has left an amiable and affectionate widow and a circle of friends to lament his departure. J. H. S.


At Nottingham, May 8th, 1863, Mrs. Sarah Palmer, aged 56. The subject of this notice was a very consistent member of the Hedderly-street Society. Greatly appreciating the doctrines of the New Church herself, she felt much delight in hearing them expounded to others. She first became acquainted with the truths of the New Jerusalem by means of the tract distribution. first various difficulties arose in her mind, occasioned by previous confirmations of doctrines from the apparent literal sense of the Divine Word, apart from the spiritual sense "which giveth life." She requested that the minister of the society would call and clear up the difficult points; this being done to her entire satisfaction, she became a constant attendant at all the services, and the pleasure and profit she derived led her to induce several others to attend also. Her departure from the natural to the spiritual world was very sudden. She attended the services on the previous Sabbath, and expressed the delight she felt with the evening discourse, on "The Heavenly World; its Inhabitants, Joys, and Scenery." On the following Wednesday evening she was also present, and said that she had felt as in heaven while hearing of the unchanging love of Jesus as the only God of heaven and earth. On Friday she was seized with apoplexy, and died immediately. The solemn circumstance was improved by a sermon preached by Mr. Ray, from John viii. 51, her family and relatives being present. Two important lessons are impressively taught us by her

removal, viz., the necessity of being constantly prepared to enter the heavenly world, so that "when we fail, they may receive us into everlasting habitations,” and the importance of "working while it is day." W. R.

An aged lady and member of the church has been removed from among us, who deserves at least a brief record in the pages of the Conference Magazine appropriated to obituary notices. Mrs. Elizabeth Williamson, widow of Mr. D. Williamson, of Liverpool, artist, died at Warton, in Lancashire, of bronchitis, on the 26th of May last, in her 85th year. Her family were among the earliest receivers of the heavenly doctrines in this country, and she herself, as she said about a week before her last illness, was one of the oldest members of the church then living. Her parents, both genuine New Church people, were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Litherland, of Liverpool, but previously of Warrington. Mr. Litherland was well known in scientific circles as the original inventor and patentee of the lever watch and of other mechanical improvements.

Previous to 1861, Mrs. Williamson resided in London for many years, but bodily infirmities prevented her regular attendance at the New Church places of worship. She retained, however, to the last the use of her mental faculties, and the perusal of the Writings (of which the Memorable Relations were always a great source of delight to her), and conversations on the doctrines, and respecting the Rev. Mr. Clowes and other New Church worthies with whom she had been acquainted, constituted her chief pleasure. Of late years failing sight obliged her to have recourse to others in the perusal of Swedenborg's works, and a portion of them and of the Divine Word were read to her daily. She was much beloved by all who had the privilege of her acquaintance, for her amiable and affectionate disposition, and great evenness of temper. She has now departed, full of years, to those realms so long the subject of her thoughts and aspirations, and her name and character will be a beacon for good to her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and friends who survive her. S. T.

CAVE & SEVER, Printers by Steam Power, Hunt's Bank, Manchester.

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