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along with it! But, let this preparation arise from its own judgment, and not from mere obstinacy, like that of the Christians, that you may die considerately, with a venerable composure, so as even to persuade others into a like disposition, and without noise and ostentation."

In the year 311, Galerius published the following edict:

"The Emperor Cæsar Galerius Valerius Maximian, invincible, august high priest, to the people of the provinces. Among other things, which we have ordered, with a view to the benefit and prosperity of the public, we did, indeed, formerly strive to correct all things, according to the ancient laws and established constitution of the Romans; and, among other things, that the Christians, who had forsaken the religion of their ancestors, should return to a right mind: forasmuch, as by some means, such an obstinacy had seized them, and such was their folly, that they followed not the institutions of the ancients, which, possibly, some of their own ancestors had appointed; but, according to their own fancy, and just as they pleased, they made laws for themselves, to be observed and followed by them, and, in many places, they drew over multitudes of people to follow their customs. Wherefore, when, after we had published our edict, that they should return to the institutions of the ancients, many have been exposed to danger, and many have been greatly afflicted, and have undergone various kinds of deaths; and, forasmuch as great multitudes yet persist in their opinions, and we have perceived, that they give not due worship and reverence to the immor tal Gods, nor yet worship the God of the Christians; we, duly considering our accustomed mildness and humanity, with which we are wont to dispense pardon to all men, have thought proper readily to hold forth to them this indulgence; that they may, at length, be Christians, and that they may rebuild the houses, in which they have been used to assemble, provided they do nothing contra

36 Who published an edict, in 311, respecting Christians ?-37 To what previous edicts does he allude ?-38 What had disposed him to adopt a course of toleration towards them?

ry to good government. By another letter, we shall make known our pleasure to the judges, for the direction of their conduct; wherefore, agreeably to this our indulgence, they ought to pray to their God for our welfare, and for that of the public, and for their own, that, on all sides, the public may be preserved in peace and safety, and they may live securely in their own habitations."-Lardner, c. xl.

Eusebius has, also, preserved the following official letter of Sabinus, at that time prefect of the prætorium, to the governors of the provinces:

"The majesty of our most sacred lords the emperors, influenced by the pious and devout principle, with which their minds are filled, have long since designed to bring all men to the right and true way of living; and, that they, who have embraced different usages from the Romans, should be induced to give due reverence to the immortal Gods. But, such is the obstinacy and perverseness of some men, that neither the justice of the imperial edicts, nor the imminent danger of punishment, could prevail upon them. Forasmuch, therefore, as by this means, it has happened, that many have brought themselves into great dangers, our most sacred and powerful lords the emperors, agreeably to their innate piety and clemency, considering it to be far from their intention, that, upon this account, many should be exposed to danger, have commanded us to write this letter to you, and to direct you, that, if any of the Christians should be found prac tising the worship of their sect, you should not bring him into any danger, nor give him any trouble, nor appoint any punishment to him upon that account. Forasmuch as it has been manifestly found, by the experience of a long course of time, that they cannot, by any means whatever, be induced to depart from this obstinacy of disposition, you are, therefore, to write to the curators, and other magistrates, and to the governors of the villages of every city, that they are no longer to concern themselves in this affair." -Lardner, c. xl.

39 What letter is introduced, relating to the same subject ?-40 Of what does he accuse the Christians ?-41 On what account does the letter state, that a lenient course of policy is to be pursued towards them?

Maria. These documents are certainly sufficient, to establish the fact of the sufferings of the primitive Christians, on behalf of their faith.

Mr. B. You will find some other documents equally interesting in Lardner; but, I must now turn to the second class of authors, who have given us information as to the state of Christianity, prior to the downfall of Paganism; viz. professed antagonists.

Edward. Their accounts, if faithfully preserved, will hardly have less weight, than those of the last class.

Mr. B. Unfortunately, we have only got these works in fragments, owing, partly, to the indiscreet zeal of the early Christians, and, partly, to the neglect into which they fell after the establishment of Christianity.

Maria. But, this is a most serious loss, and reflects heavily upon those who destroyed them. Some of them, possibly, contained a full vindication of those eminent men, among the Pagans, who rejected Christianity.

Mr. B. The loss is, indeed, great, as it is from their writings, we draw some of the strongest arguments in favour of Christianity; but, we have sufficient remains to show, of what nature were the arguments, by which Paganism was defended, and there is every reason to believe, that the statement of Chrysostom, respecting them, is correct, when he says:

"The books, written against Christianity, were so contemptible, that they had been all, in a manner, lost long ago. Many of them perished almost as soon as they appeared. But, if they are still to be found, any where, it is among the Christians."

Edward. Is there reason to believe, that any treatises, written by very superior men, have been wholly lost?

Mr. B. There is not: the greater part of the treatises, which appear to have excited attention, on acccout of the learning and ability displayed in them, viz. those of Cel

42 What does Maria say of these documents?-43 Where else may other documents be found, equally interesting?-44 In what condition have the writings of professed enemies to Christianity come down to us? 45 On what account, is the loss of these writings to be lamented ?-46 What does Chrysostom say of them ?-47 Edward asks, if any treatises, written by very superior men, have been wholly lost-what is the reply

sus, Porphyry, and the emperor Julian, are preserved to us in the replies respectively made to them. Of others, as Hierocles, and Fronto, we have only a few passages referred to by Tertullian, Lactantius, and other Christian advocates.

Maria. At what time did these authors write?

Mr. B. Celsus is supposed to have written his work against the Christians, entitled "The True Word," about the year 176; Porphyry wrote nearly one hundred years subsequently; and Julian, about the year 361: so, that sufficient time elapsed for the arguments of each to have their weight with the public.

Maria. Does it appear, from the remains of these authors, that they were men of sufficient acuteness to be regarded as able opponents of Christianity?

Mr. B. They have generally been considered as such. The arguments they make use of, are of the kind, that reasonably might be expected, from persons situated as they were. There can be no doubt, that they were most anxious to overthrow the Christian religion; and, if the arguments they adduced, be not sufficient so to do, we have far more reason to impute their failure to the weakness of the cause, than to the folly or negligence of its advocates.

Edward. The talents of the emperor Julian, are so well known, that it seems only reasonable to infer, that nothing more could be adduced against Christianity, in his days, than what he himself brought forward.

Mr. B. Porphyry also appears to have been a man of no common talents or attainments. Of Celsus, we know little; but, from his work, cannot think meanly of his abilities.

Maria. And, what is the sum of the information derived from their works respecting Christianity?

Mr. B. Celsus informs us, that the Christians were at first few in number, but had increased greatly, and

48 At what time did the authors named, write ?-49 What is said of the ability, with which they wrote ?-50 What does Edward say, of the talents of Julian?-51 What does Mr. B. say, of Porphyry and Celsus, as men of talents ?-52 What account does Celsus give of Christians?

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divided into parties among themselves; that they were in a state of persecution-their assemblies being forbidden, and the punishment of death hanging over them; yet they continued performing and teaching those things agreeably to their sentiments privately, and that they even died for Christ's sake, for which he derides them. He also fully establishes many of the leading events of the life of Christ. Porphyry speaks of the Christian religion as "Barbarian temerity," as "contrary to the laws; and in a work of his on Abstinence, we find him alluding to " some mean people, who, having embraced rules different from their former way of life, will endure to be torn limb from limb, rather than return to their old course; who abstained from some animals, which they once eat greedily, with more care than from human flesh;" meaning the Christians, who abstained from things offered in sacrifice to idols. Julian speaks of Jesus as the Founder of Christianity; as having been born in the reign of Augustus, at the time alleged by the Christians, and in many other important particulars confirms the truth of the Christian statements.

Edward. We may therefore certainly conclude, that, in the main, the Christian account of the origin of this religion is correct; for it cannot be conceived, that so many acute adversaries would all pass over a false statement on this point, and even confirm it.

Maria. And though the Christians suffered persecution, in consequence of their attachment to this religion, yet it prevailed over all opposition.

Mr. B. As we shall have occasion to return to the testimony of these authors again, I shall hasten to give you some specimens of the third class of writers who have given us information on the subject of Christianity.

Spartian, who wrote at the commencement of the fourth century, says, that " Septimus Severus forbade, under a severe penalty, that any should become Jews. A like edict was published by him against the Christians."-Lardner, c. xxiii.

53 How does Porphyry speak upon these subjects?-54 What does Julian say upon them?-55 What inference does Edward draw from these accounts?-56 What does Spartian say?

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