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jority of the governors then present, shall

. think fit.

3. He is to pay no bills, unless they be first figned by three of the committee.


1. The general courts confist of at least ten goThe prefident, or vice-prefident,


the treasurer, or chairman prefiding, is to explain the business of the affembly; to put questions, and, if required, to put such queftions to the vote, by ballot; and in case of an equality, fuch perfon prefiding fhall have a cafting-vote.

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2. The general courts are held quarterly, viz. on the last Wednesday in June, the laft Wednesday in September, the first Wednesday in January, and the first Wednesday in March every year.

3. The fecretary is to give notice in writing to the prefident, vice-prefidents, treasurer, and governors, when the quarterly and annual general courts are held; and the fame is alfo advertifed in the Ledger and Gazetteer, on the Saturday and Tuesday preceding.

4. The annual general court is held the firft Wednefday in March, at which time the officers are chofen.

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5. At every general court is laid before the governors, the general state of the house, refpecting the year's receipts and disbursements, cash in band, &c. the number of women admitted into the faid houfe fince the last general meeting; the number of those provided for in the course of the last quarter, and in what manner, and the time they continued in the house. An abftract of the account is also published after every quarterly court, in fuch manner as the governors deem most fatisfactory to the public.

6. Prayers are read by the chaplain before the general court begins on business.


1. It confifts of twenty-one, five of whom conftitute a quorum, and the president, vice-prefidents, and treasurer are always of this general committee, one of whom is chairman; but if none of them are prefent, then the faid committee may chufe their chairman. 2. They meet once a week, or oftener, if neceffary.

3. No member of this committee fhall be inte refted in a pecuniary way, directly or indirectly, in any business, matter, or thing, in the department of the faid committee.

4. When

4. When there is any particular business, the fame is to be expreffed in the fummons, and first entered upon and determined, before any other bufine fs is propofed.


5. The committee have power to admit fuch titioners as they fhall approve, and difmifs any who are already admitted; contract for, and infpect the cloathing, furniture, and provifions, in order that they may be all good of their kind.

6. They give orders concerning the manner in which the perfons admitted fhall be employed most properly, for the advantage of the charity:

7. They examine into the conduct of all the officers and fervants, and give them fuch orders as occafion may require; they have power to fufpend any of them upon mifbehaviour; to discharge any of the menial fervants, and to appoint others in their room.

8. The rough minutes of the committee are read and figned by the chairman before he leaves the chair, The fair minutes are also read at the next meeting.

9. A fub-committee of three fhall be appointed, who, if neceffary, are jointly to visit the wards, in order to make their report.

10. The Gentlemen of the committee attend by turns every Sunday, and prefide in the Chapel.

11. Every

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11. Every gentleman of the committee is entitled to one ticket, to admit four persons to the chapel on Sunday evenings, and the rest are to be difpofed of, as the treasurer thinks fit. The gentleman prefiding on the Sunday to have a ticket or tickets for eight perfons.

12. They have power to make fuch honorary governors as they think fit.

Of GOVERNORS in general.

1. A fubfcription of twenty guineas is a qualification for a governor for life.

2. An annual fubfcription of five guineas is a qualification of a governor for that year ; ; which fubfcription, when it fhall amount to twenty five guineas, is a qualification for a governor for life. Every fuch fubfcriber is entitled to one vote only.

3. If any annual fubfcriber fhall be more than

two years in arrear, his power, as a governor,

ceases, till fuch arrears are paid.

4. No gentleman is admitted to vote by proxy; but every lady, fubfcribing as above, is entitled to vote perfonally, or by proxy, provided that proxy be brought by a governor.


No governor shall be poffeffed of more than one proxy.

6. Any five governors have power to require a general Meeting, provided they addrefs them

felves to the prefident, one of the vice presidents, or treasurer, by letter, fetting forth the bufinefs for which fuch meeting is required, and figned by them respectively.

7. All elections are made by holding up of hands, unless a ballot be required; and if there be an equality of votes, the chairman has the cafting


Of the Duties of the respective Offi cers to be employed in this Charity.


1. He attends all committees, and makes report of what he thinks neceffary for the good conduct and benefit of the undertaking. 2. He reads prayers morning and evening, at a regular time appointed, and prays and preaches twice every Sunday, at fuch fixed hours as are judged moft convenient: he adminifters the facrament on the great festivals, and once every month,

3- He attends the fick and illiterate, and takes care to instruct them according to the principles and duties of the protestant religion.

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1. To enlarge on their business is needlefs; application and skill are ever required, and a more humane and prudent conduct than perhaps is neceffary in any other eftablishment.

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