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scribed, not relying on himself to do the works, or on the works done, as his recommendation to favour, but on the grace of God as the principle of strength, and the righteousness of Christ as the ground of acceptance; and let him wait on God, and continue instant in prayer. Thus he may trust that he shall not seek in vain; but shall know, if he follow on to know the Lord. He is to set no time, when God will meet him with the joy of of salvation, but to seek diligently until he find. He is not to indulge the proud and impatient thought, that God is unjust in withholding from him so long that comfort and joy, which others have obtained with less labour and in a shorter time; but wait on God and be of good courage till he shall strengthen his heart. He is to commit himself and all that he does to God, hoping for success, not because he is worthy, but because God is gracious; not because his works are valuable, but because God's mercy is abundant.

There are some, who seek to enter into heaven, and are not able. The reason is, either because they seek too late, and only after the door is shut; or because they seek too faintly and abandon the object too soon; or because they place an undue reliance on their own works, and forget their dependence on the grace of God.

If you are engaged in the work of your salvation, go on; work with diligence; hold out with patience. This is a work, not for a day, but for life. Conversion is but the beginning of the Christian life. It is a turn

ing from sin, that you may for sake it finally; it is a turning to God, that you may serve him forever. That temper of mind which constitutes real conversion, constitutes the Christian character. Whatever is essential to the former is essential to the latter. Conversion is the religious life begun. The religious life is conversion continued and improved. By a patient continuance in well doing seek for glory, honour and immortality, and you will receive eternal life. I am, &c.



STANDING on the threshold of a new year, it may be useful to take a cursory view of recent past events, and of the existing state of things in the world. Such a survey, however brief and imperfect, may help to excite our gratitude to God, and our zeal in his service.

To begin with our own coun try. Though torn, distracted, and weakened by our unhappy divisions, insulted by foreign na tions, and threatened with war, yet, amidst the political earthquakes, which have shaken and desolated other nations, we have been permitted to remain in peace. Though we have neg lected to prepare and array the means of defence, which we pos. sess; and though our national sins and ingratitude have been of the most provoking kind; yet God, in his infinite forbearance and long suffering, has hitherto protected us under the wing of his omnipotence, and prevented our ruin. When all things are

brought into view the situation of Europe, and of those nations particularly, with which we are connected by treaties and commerce, and also the peculiar state of our own country, it is a wonderful instance of the divine goodness, that we have been preserved in so great a degree of tranquillity and national prosperity. Whatever may be the future course of events, and God only knoweth what this may be, let us not forget past mercies. "Hitherto the Lord hath helped us." Praise is therefore due to his great name. And while we prepare to meet him in his righteous judgments, in whatever form he may inflict them, it becomes us still to hope in his mercy, and to trust in his goodness.

Let me next direct your attention to the other continent, on which scenes of vast moment and interest to the happiness of mankind have been and are still act ing. Behold what desolations the Lord hath there made, which, under his governing providence, shall all be made subservient to his praise, and redound to the glory of his great name. And while we are distressed at these tremendous scenes, and weep over the miseries of the millions, who are the actors and sufferers on this bloody theatre; yet in the firm belief that the Lord Jehovah manages all these awful affairs with unerring wisdom and Infinite goodness, we may and must rejoice.

But while God thus "ries upon the" political" whirlwind, wisely directing the storm," he is in other and widely different ways accomplishing his kind designs toward our ruined race. The attention of a number of Christian

philanthropists in Great Britain, for years past, has been turned toward the degraded and much injured Africans. The sufferings and slavery to which many millions of this unhappy people have been subjected, and by nations too, who enjoy the light of the gospel, and boast their civilization and refinement of manners, excited the commiseration of these friends of humanity, and prompted them to devise and prosecute measures to effect, if possible, the abolition of this abominable traffic in human flesh. After struggling for years, with noble fortitude and perseverance, against various and formidable opposition, their efforts have been crowned with success ; and on the 25th of March last, the act, abolishing the British slave trade, received the royal sanction. So important was this event considered by multitudes of the friends of religion and humanity in England, that they appointed a day of thanksgiving, to offer their hearty thanks to God for effecting it. And with a view" to repair, as far as practicable, the wrongs inflicted on Africa," a large number of the most respectable men in England have associated under the name of "The African Institution," for the purposes of diffusing useful knowledge and exciting industry among the inhabitants of this benighted portion of the world. In this work of national justice and humanity, that Christian patriot, the Hon. William Wilberforce, Esq. has taken a leading and most active part. This is an event which calls for our grateful acknowledgments to God. The language of it to us, as a nation, is," Go thou and do

likewise." We have participated largely in the guilt of this vile traffic; and we owe this injured portion of our race, our best efforts to promote their temporal and eternal happiness.

I would next turn your thoughts to the uncommon and increasing exertions, which have been made for years past, and are still making, to diffuse the knowledge of the blessed gospel of Jesus Christ. A rich and vastly extended field here opens to our view and contemplation. Great things have been done in our own country. Societies for the dissemination of religious truth, by various means, by sending out missionaries, dispersing books, and establishing schools, have been wonderfully multiplied and patronised. In consequence, frontier and other portions of our country, long destitute of religious instruction, have been made to rejoice in the light of the gospel; and the gladdening sound of salvation is fast penetrating the wilderness on our borders, and cheering the hearts and civilizing the manners of the wild and roving inhabitants.

The extended, ripened, and promising harvest has occasioned a loud call for more labourers. This has excited to the establishment and liberal endowment of theological seminaries, in the middle states, and lately in our own, for the education of pious and promising youth for the work of the ministry. Prospects in regard to these institutions, and the benign influence they are to shed over the Christian community, are cheering and enrapturing to those pious souls, who have been long praying for the prosperity of Zion.

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But ours is the day of small things, compared with what has been done and is still doing on the other side of the Atlantic. Amidst all the din, expense, and desolations of wars, wonderful in their extent and effects, millions on millions of money have been contributed by the pious and wealthy for the propagation of the gospel. The secret, combined and formidable efforts, which, for the last half century, were made to "crush" the Redeemer and his cause, have alarmed and awakened his friends to make corresponding exertions for their support; and the effects produced have confounded the enemies of the cross, comforted and animated the hearts of its friends, and astonished the world. The heralds of the meek and lowly Jesus are now proclaiming his gospel on the islands of the Western Ocean, in South America, in the heart of Africa, on the islands in the Indian Ocean, among the populous nations of India, in China, in Tartary, and along the northern regions of Europe and North America. Yet a little while, in the present course of events, and the gospel shall literally be preached to every creature under heaven.


In aid of this wonderful spread of the gospel, a great number of learned and pious men,* supported and assisted by missionary and other religious societies, and the liberal contributions of individuals, in our own as well, as in other Christian countries, are now actually, and very successfully employed in translating and publishing the holy scriptures. in the languages of many of the,

Particularly the celebrated Mr. Carey and others at Calcutta.

most populous heathen nations, embracing nearly two thirds of the human race, who hitherto have remained in gross ignorance of the book of life. These nations are, we trust, speedily to read and hear the glad news of salvation, "each in his own tongue."

In this noble work of disseminating the Bible in different languages, much has been done by "The British and Foreign Bible Society," established in England, in 1804. Already has this very respectable society expended more than 60001. sterling, in the purchase and transmission of the Bible in various languages, among the Mohawks in our own country, among the inhabitants of Iceland, of Tartary, in New South Wales, at the Cape of Good Hope, and South America, in France, and various other European nations, and among their colonists in various parts of the world abroad; and among their prisoners of war, and the various classes of poor in their own country. They have also effected great good, indirectly, by their example, in exciting to the establishment of similar societies in other parts of Europe; and in aiding their infant exertions from their own funds.

In all these schemes and exertions for extending the knowledge and influence of the gospel, the Jews, the ancient Israel of God, a people once near to him, but long since forsaken of him, dispersed and degraded, have not been forgotten. To them the gospel has been preached, and by numbers has been embraced.

But the time would fail me to bring into view all the plans, which have been adopted, and

are now in successful operation, in almost all parts of the Christian world, for spreading the say vour of divine truth. It is indeed a day of God's power. He is working wonders on the earth. He is causing the hearts of his people to tremble and rejoice. The prophecies seem to be rapidly fulfilling. And the indications are fast multiplying and brightening, that "the set time to favour Zion" is at hand; and the happy period near, "when the Jews shall be brought in, with the fulness of the Gentile nations," and when all nations shall see and rejoice in the salvation of God. The good Lord hasten it in his own way and time. OBSERVATOR.

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SINCE the apostasy of man no object has been, or can be, equally important and interesting to every thoughtful mind, with that which brought the Sox of GOD from heaven. The gospel is indeed tidings of great joy to all people. It is the foundation of our hopes, the charter of our privileges; and to every person, duly convinced of his sin and misery, welcome as the light of heaven. But this conviction implies knowledge of the truth, excellence, and importance of the gospel; and this necessarily presupposes instruction. The divine Author of our salvation accordingly appointed an order of men, to maintain the truth, explain the doctrines, and enforce the duties of his religion, who in the

first age of Christianity were endued with powers to control the elements, heal the sick, and raise the dead. By these powers they gave sensible, irresistible evidence of the truth, and thus com

pelled belief. But since the apostolic age the defence and propagation of the gospel have been committed to men, destitute of miraculous power and uninspired, whose qualifications for this work are to be derived from deep study, superior science and literature, sanctified by divine grace, and consecrated to this service. But when we hear the great apostle of the Gentiles, though educated by Gamaliel, and endued with power from on high, under the weight of his labours and difficulties exclaiming, "Who is sufficient for these things!" we are more than convinced, that every possible advantage ought to be furnished to those, who in succeeding ages are called, without the aid of inspiration or miracles, to defend and propagate the same gospel, in opposition to the passions of men and the powers of darkness. Or, if we reflect on the immediate object of the ministry, the reconciliation of sinners to God, the same conviction forces itself upon us. For where is the man of adamant, who would deny to the ambassador of Christ any

advantage necessary to save even one immortal soul from endless perdition? But the eternal state, not of one only, but of millions of our fellow beings, may, and probably does, in a very serious sense, depend upon the qualifications as well, as fidelity of the ministers of Christ. It is therefore easy

to see that the present and future generations are deeply interested in the preparatory education of candidates for the gospel ministry.

In serious minds therefore this question naturally arises, do candidates for the ministry enjoy those advantages for being thoroughly furnished for their great work, which the difficulties, duties and responsibility of the sacred function require, and which the flourishing state of our country might easily supply? Every pious, well informed Christian is doubtless ready to admit, as a melancholy fact, pregnant with evils inconceivable, that the advantages, commonly enjoyed by students in divinity, are inadequate to the great object of furnishing that knowledge of things human and divine, which is desirable, if not necessary, for the edification of believers, and for the conviction of infidels, and which would render their office respectable, as it ought to be, among friends and foes, and their public instructions in the highest degree useful. If, in addition to a college education, three years study under the direction of some able lawyer or physician is found necessary to qualify a young man to defend the property or heal the bodies of men, can it be thought, that less time and inferior advantages will suffice to qualify a student in the ology to preach the gospel of the Son of God, and to take the charge of immortal souls? A transient view of this subject would satisfy every one, that less mental furniture will not qualify a man for the desk, than for a sick room, or for the bar. To à knowledge of the arts and sci

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