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of two glorious persons, and a ray of light came from them on the book in my hand, in which I was enabled to discover something which quite delighted me, and I cried out,-O had I known this before, I should have made the whole house ring with shouts of praise! I then saw all around my bed a beautiful garden filled with evergreens, and on each tree, and on the ground, lay something like a light frost. I wondered at that, till these words came to my mind, "The dew shall lie all night upon thy branches!" I then cried out, O what a delightful scene! What a lovely prospect! Here shall I for ever rest! I then threw my soul with such a divine confidence on the Lord Jesus, as I think I never did before, and in that act I awaked. I could not recollect what the delightful discovery in the Bible was ;-but a fuller sense of God than ever before has rested on my soul.

January 11, 1781. Many mercies have I seen within these three or four days. Nothing is so good to me, as to meet every thing in the will and order of God; abandoning myself, soul, body, and family, into His hands, believing he will order all right. I find many convictions about my household. I am not a faithful head. I neither lead them by example, instruction, or reproof, as I ought. Lord, teach me how to go in and out before this people! I seem to have an impression that I shall not long remain with them. I seem to see another place, and another people which I am called to ;-and outward things confirm the impression. One thing I have been very faulty in during the last year, I have not risen early with any degree of constancy; and that is a general loss, both to my own soul and my family. O Lord! when shall I be "all glorious within, and my clothing of wrought gold?"

January 13. I have been to-day a good deal drawn out in prayer. My exercises as to outward things are very great. I have a most narrow path to walk in! I am called to live by faith indeed. As I was at prayer this

morning, I was led to ask of the Lord, that He would bring me out of all my difficulties in His own way. Certainly the whole earth is the Lord's, and I asked of him such a situation in life, as will most glorify Himself. It was brought before me, Perhaps that will be by bringing you to entire poverty. I asked my heart, Am I willing on that condition to be made holy? And I felt I could say, "Yes, Lord, yes." Again, the thought was suggested, -but perhaps to a parish-house, while your income goes each year for your debts? I answered, Thy will be done! It was then represented, as if I was on a common side, dying, destitute of every human help or comfort.-In that I felt great sweetness. But the sorest stroke was still behind; What if you should die in debt, and leave nothing to pay? and so through you the Gospel be reproached? This came the nearest of all; but it was clearly shown me,-That the fear of the Gospel being blamed, often arose from our fear of personal reproach; --for as to the truths of God, He would take care of them ;-and if I was really wrong, it would be for the glory of God to have it made manifest: and if he was but glorified my soul was content.-Certainly, thought I, if it was in my power to break off my expenses, it would be right so to do ;--and I do right in contriving every way I can towards it. But as all my endeavours are always frustrated, I see no way but to cast myself on the will of God, and embrace, as His will, poverty and deep reproach ;--and still continue to believe in the promises, till I see, even by the time of my death, that there has not been an accomplishment of them. Perhaps after all I am right. Perhaps the day will come (impossible as it now appears,) when I shall have plenty of silver, and then the light shall indeed shine on my way.

Next June, I shall be fourteen years from Laytonstone, and the September following, I shall be forty-two years old. It may be that soon after that time, deliverance may appear.-The words rested on my mind, " By

the way that thou wentest, by that way shalt thou return." Lord, thou knowest what they mean ;-but I see all sorts of crucifixions are needful for me.-O! my hard heart! what need hath it had of breaking!

to me.

February 15. When I was at Leeds sometime since, I had much proof of the goodness of God in many ways. On the whole it was a journey for good. I heard a dream of a good woman while there, which was made a blessing She thought she was dying, and felt her soul leave the body.-Immediately she found herself standing in the presence of God! Jesus appeared to her as seated on a white throne! He beckoned to her with his hand, and said, Come up hither. When she was by his side, she saw many of the saints, with the angels.—Among them was William Bramah; he shone very bright. Some others she knew also.-Our Lord then pointed to the crowns of some saints still on earth,-and she understood by the appearance of some of those crowns, that the persons were in great temptation. Our Lord and the glorious company seemed to sympathize greatly with them, and when by faith they conquered, a jewel was added to the crown, and the whole shone brighter! But every time they gave way to any corruption, a gem dropped out, and the whole crown turned dark! Sometimes there seemed joy in Heaven over them; sometimes a kind of mourning. She sat sometimes in sweet delight, and then awaking, found with amazement she was still in the body!

I am going to It is a fine opportunity for speaking to a number of the most lively souls, out of various societies, and they begin to inquire all around when I will come. O my God, how these things break me to pieces! What an unworthy worm! If they knew me, how would they be astonished, that the Lord should work by such a one as me! But thou canst do whatever seemeth Thee good!

March 20. I have been poorly lately with a complaint in my eyes;-I can write little. The cold this winter has been very severe, and I have felt it much. But O how am I indulged! A good house, a bed fit for a king, plenty of fire, food, &c.! While many of my Father's children know almost the want of all things! I was much affected the other day when the Preacher left our house. I thought, if I had in this snow and wind to ride over the moors, and through deep lanes as he has, I could not sit on my horse. Truly I count it a great honour to be permitted to contribute in the least to their necessities! O let me ever wash the feet of the servants of my Lord!

I feel my soul does come forward. Constancy in early rising is a great blessing to me, both as a Christian, and as a mistress. The other morning I was waked with that word, "Ye have need of patience, that after ye have done the will of God, ye may receive the promises." At night as I was at prayer, that word also came with power, “Thou hast kept the word of my patience; I also will keep thee in the hour of temptation!" Amen, Lord Jesus, Amen! Give me to " keep the word of thy patience faithful unto the end!"

April. My soul, wait thou still upon God, for of him cometh thy salvation.—More crosses, more disappointments; but last night I had a ray of faith which revived me. I have of late had a very clear view of the absolute necessity of keeping the mind always stayed on God, from those words," Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." Indeed he is a chained dog, and can go no farther than man's consent will suffer him. His works are chiefly carried on in the chambers of the imagination. These are indeed the chambers of imagery! He fixes his first hold in the imagination, which is the antichamber of the heart.-Afterward he passes on to the passions and affections. These form the passage through which all passes to the heart, both good and evil. If the

mind then is engrossed by Satan, and he be suffered to rule there, the benign influence of the Holy Spirit is prevented, and the soul is filled with all evil. ThusTo be carnally-minded is death; but to be spirituallyminded is life and peace."

April 25. I have had some remarkable answers to prayer of late, and some directions by lot, which I shall lay up in my heart till I see the way of the Lord. O my God, give me just such a situation in every respect as will be most for thy glory! Many blessings also I have of late received in visiting the sick, and strength has been given me above that which is common. I long for a closer walk with my God! O that I may live to God every moment, with every power!

May 6, Sunday. I had liberty this day to entreat the Lord, to show me the surest and shortest way to holiness -Many things were showed me, which I hope to put in practice; but above all, it was impressed on my mind, Live by faith.


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