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THUS I have fet before you, fome of the chief qualifications which belong to that fober mind, that virtuous and religious character, which the apoftle in my Text recommends to youth; piety, modefty, truth, benevolence, temperance, and industry. Whether your future course is destined to be long or short, after this manner it should commence; and, if it continue to be thus conducted, its conclufion, at what time foever it arrives, will not be inglorious or unhappy. For, bonourable age is not that which ftandeth in length of time, or that which is measured by number of years. But wisdom is the gray hair to man, and an unspotted life is old age.

LET me finish the subject, with recalling your attention to that dependence on the bleffing of Heaven, which, amidst all your endeavours after improvement, you ought continually to preferve. It is too common with the young, even when they refolve to tread the path of virtue and


honour, to fet out with prefumptuous confidence in themselves. Trufting to their own abilities for carrying them fuccessfully through life, they are careless of applying to God, or of deriving any affiftance from what they are apt to reckon the gloomy difcipline of religion. Alas! how little do they know the dangers which await them? Neither human wifdom, nor human virtue, unfupported by religion, are equal for the trying fituations which often occur in life. By the fhock of temptation, how frequently have the most virtuous intentions been overthrown? Under the preffure of difafter, how often has the greatest constancy funk? Every good and every perfect gift is from above. Wif dom and virtue, as well as riches, and honour, come from God. Deftitute of his favour, you are in no better fituation, with all your boasted abilities, than orphans left to wander in a tracklefs defert, without any guide to conduct them, or any shelter to cover them from the gathering ftorm. Correct, then, this ill-founded arrogance.


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SERM. rogance. Expect not, that your happiness can be independent of him who made youth. By faith and repentance, apply to the Redeemer of the world. By piety and prayer, feek the protection of the God of heaven. I conclude with the folemn words, in which a great Prince delivered his dying charge to his fon; words, which every young perfon ought to confider as addressed to himself, and to engrave deeply on his heart. Thou, Solomon, my fon, know thou the God of thy fathers; and ferve him with a perfect heart, and with a willing mind. For the Lord fearcheth all hearts, and underftandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts. If thou feek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou forfake him, he will caft thee off for ever

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PROV. xvi. 31.

The boary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.

To fear God and to keep his command- SERM.

ments, is the rule of our duty, in every period of life. But as the light which guides our steps, varies with the progress of the day, fo the rule of religious conduct is diversified in its application, by the different stages of our prefent existence. To every age, there belongs a diftinct propriety of behaviour. There arifes from it, a feries of duties peculiar to itself.




Of those which are incumbent on youth, I have treated in the preceding difcourfe. As we advance from youth to middle age, a new field of action opens, and a different character is required. The flow of gay and impetuous fpirits begins to fubfide. Life gradually affumes a graver caft; the mind a more fedate and thoughtful turn. The attention is now transferred from pleasure to intereft; that is, to pleasure diffufed over a wider extent, and measured by a larger fcale. Formerly the enjoyment of the prefent moment occupied the whole attention. Now, no action terminates ultimately in itself, but, refers to fome more diftant aim. Wealth and power, the inftruments of lasting gratification, are now coveted more than any fingle pleasure. Prudence and forefight lay their plans.

Industry carries on its patient efforts. Activity pushes forward; addrefs winds around. Here, an enemy is to be overcome; there, a rival to be displaced. Competitions warm; and the ftrife of the world thickens on every

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