23448.28,20 HARVARD COLLEGE LIBRARY THE DEQUEST OF THEODORE JEWETT EASTMAN 1931 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1867, by BRIDGMAN AND CHILDS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. Cambridge: Stereotyped and Printed by John Wilson and Son. سا PREFACE. S the English editions of "Faber's Hymns" are quite expensive, and contain much that has no interest for any who are not members of his church, I have taken pains to exclude all that is sectarian from these pages, and have only culled that which will be dear to any heart desiring to "grow in the knowledge and love of God." The few hymns by Faber that have already been published in such selections as "Hymns of the Ages" have met with so much favor, that I confidently anticipate an immediate and wide popularity for this selection, which includes all the best Hymns and Poems of the larger and more costly work, which has never been republished in this country. |