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things, and more rapid fuccefs, than the S ER M. man of moderation and virtue. But, at the same time, he incurs greater risques and dangers. No calculation of probabilities can ensure safety to him who is acting a deceitful part. Amidft the unforeseen viciffitudes of the world, he has to dread, not only disappointment to his plans, but the miseries also which detected fallacies may bring on his head. He walks on the edge of precipices, where a fingle false step may be fatal. He follows a wandering light, which, if it fail of guiding him by a short path to the Palace of ambition, lands him in the pit, or the lake. Whereas he who follows the guidance of integrity, walks in the high road on which the light of the fun shines. He fees before him the Habitation of peace to which his steps are directed; and if he be longer of arriving at it, he is fure of neither wandering far aftray, nor of meeting on his road with any forms of unufual terror.

-Let it be always remembered that the principle of integrity which X 2



SER M. directs a good man, is far from excluding prudence in the conduct of life. It implies no improvident or thoughtless fimplicity. On the contrary, it is closely connected with true wisdom. A man of enlarged capacity, and extenfive views, is always upright. Craft is merely the fupplement of inferior abilities. It characterizes a narrow comprehenfion, and a little mind. As the path of integrity is on the whole the safest path of conduct; fo,

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In the fecond place, it is unquestionably the most honourable. Integrity is the foundation of all that is high in character among mankind. Other qualities may add to its fplendor; but if this effential requifite be wanting, all their luftre fades. Were I drawing the cha→ racter of one who claimed the admiration of the world; and after I had afcribed to him eloquence, valour, and every endowment that is moft fhining and captivating, did I add, that he was a man of too much art to be trusted, I ap



peal to every one, whether, by this fingle SER M. ftroke, the whole character would not be funk and degraded; An interested and crafty man may perhaps rise into influence and high station; he may be a rich and a powerful, but will never be a great man. He may be feared, and externally honoured and courted; but in the fecret thoughts of men he finds no respect. We all feel, that magnanimous fentiments cannot dwell in the fame breast with selfishness and deceit.

He who refts upon an internal principle of virtue and honour, will act with a dignity and a boldness, of which they are incapable who are wholly guided by intereft. He is above thofe timid fufpicions, and cautious restraints, which fetter and embarrass their conduct. That firmness which the consciousness of rectitude infpires, gives vigour and force to his exertions on every great occafion. It adds double weight to all the abilities of which he is poffeft. It even fupplies the place of those abilities in which he is defective. They


SERM. who oppose him are obliged to honour XV. him. They look up to him with a

fecret awe, as to one who moves above them in a superior sphere; regardless of their good or ill opinion, of their promises or their threatenings; like one of thofe celeftial luminaries which holds its course through its orbit, without being affected by any commotions among the

elements below. Such a man is trusted, and relied upon, as well as esteemed, because all know where to find him, and upon what fyftem he acts. He attaches friends and followers to himself, without courting them; and though his progress towards fame fhould be flow, and interrupted at firft by crooked arts, it is nevertheless certain and fure. The public may be mifled for a while, in judging of real merit; but it is feldom unjuft at the last. As perfons continue to come forward to view, and to act their part in trying circumstances, their characters are at length fully afcertained; and, almost always, rated as they deferve. How corrupt foever the world may be, they can



not with-hold approbation from him, S E R M. whose conduct is marked by uniform integrity and honour. Enemies he will have; but the public favours him the multitude of men with him fuccefs; and destine him, in their thoughts, to every step of his preferment, before he arrives

at it.

In the third place, the plan of conduct, on which the man of integrity proceeds is the most comfortable; that is, attended with the greatest fatisfaction in a man's own mind. Amidft the various and perplexing events of life, it is of fingular advantage to be kept free from doubt, as to the part moft proper to be chofen. He who confults nothing but worldly intereft muft, upon every turn of fortune, undergo much painful fufpence. He is obliged to listen with anxious ear to every whisper of report; and upon every new afpect which the face of affairs affumes, muft ftudy how to place himself in a new posture of defence. But the man of principle is a stranger to

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