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As tribunal

say "It is enough." The papal Inquisition did not, like Jonah's gourd, grow up in one night. It was the fruit of a long course of gradual usurpation on the part of the clergy, and of encroachments on the christian liberties of the church. If tribunals should now be erected among us, with all the power which has been proposed, let it not be imagined, that this will satisfy the cravings of those, who are not contented with the arrangements made by the Head of the church. If the first demand should be granted, this grant will be a stepping stone to higher power; and thus gradual advances will probably be made, until the tribunal shall be felt as a curse to community, a terror to every honest mind, and a shield for subservient and abandoned hypocrites. We do not believe that this is now intended, but it may be expected as the natural result, should the plan be a

efit of his power for the suppression
of free inquiry. Nor can we doubt,
that there are clergymen in this land,
who have as good a right, as his Ho-
liness, to interpret the scriptures for
others, and to set up their own inter-
pretations as infallible, requiring all
their brethren to submit to their de
cisions. Why then should we won-
der if men, thus qualified, associate or
consociate, and exercise their power
for the "preservation of their faith,
and the extirpation of heresies?"
there is not in every circle
already formed, why is it thought
strange, that those who are conscious
of their own infallibility, should wish
to have new tribunals organized? If
the Pope had a right to organize the
tribunal of Inquisition, others, equally
infallible, may be supposed to have
equal rights. If the Nuncio, in the
exercise of his "christian liberty,"
could plead for the continuance of a
tribunal, which destroyed the chris-dopted.
tian liberty of ten millions of people,
let it not be thought extraordinary if
some in this land, in the exercise of
their "christian liberty," make efforts
for tribunals, which shall put an end
to the "christian liberty" of all, who
dissent from their opinions. As the
papal Inquisitions are likely to be all
set aside, this may be urged as a rea-
son, why protestant Inquisitions should
be multiplied. It will not be unpre-
cedented if such tribunals are urged,
"as necessary and beneficial to the
church," or if the want of them be
considered as "detrimental to reli-
gion itself." Nor let any be surprised,
if the pleas in favor of such tribunals
should be accompanied with expres-
sions of great zeal and concern for the
interests of religion; or if the advo-
cates for them should, "in the great-
est bitterness of their hearts," pro-
test against any attempts, to prevent
the existence of tribunals, so necessa-
ry to the support of their opinions.
The Nuncio's protest is a model of
excellency in that kind of writing;
we would recommend it to the notice
of all who wish for terrific tribunals
in the church of Christ.

But let it be remembered, that ambition is among the things which never

In our opinion, it was not an oversight in the Lord Jesus, that he neglected to institute the wished-for tribunals. He knew too well "what was in man" to delegate to any individual, or any class of men, dominion over the faith of others. The man who is not satisfied with the arrangements made by the Lord of glory, and who, like Absalom, is sighing out, "O that I were made judge in the land," is not, we believe, fit to be trusted with any more power, than is given him by the gospel. Those, who would be the best qualified for judges in such a tribunal, have so much sense of their own fallibility, that they would sooner suffer the pains of death, than accept such an office. The judges, therefore, would of course be men so ignorant, as not to be sensible of their own liability to err, and so puffed up with imagined self-sufficiency, as to be unworthy of confidence.

It will probably be pleaded, that no one in favor of new tribunals has any wish, that they may have power to burn people alive for erroneous opinions. This is probably true; but are they not in favor of penalties or punishments, as really injurious and unjust? If at this time their eyes are so

blinded by prejudice, and their hearts so steeled by thirst for dominion, that they think it would be doing God service, to take from an unoffending brother his office, his character, and his means of living, because on some points he happens to know a little less or a little more than themselves; the time may soon arrive, when they will think that they may do still greater service for God, by adopting the penalties of the Spanish Inquisition. We are however "persuaded better things" of the clergy in general, "and things which accompany salvation, though we thus speak." The number in favor of new protestant Inquisitions, is we believe, so small, that the project must be suspended for a more convenient season; and if these few observations may be an occasion of its being forever postponed, our labor will not be in vain. We assure our readers, however, that we are both grieved and ashamed, that we have had any occasion to say a word on this subject, as applying to our own country. But as efforts have been boldly made, for erecting tribunals, as really inconsistent with christian liberty, and the rights of conscience, as the Spanish Inquisition; silence in us at this time might be viewed as evidence of a shameful timidity, or a shameless acquiescence.

Lest our views and feelings should be misapprehended, we add; that we do not consider all who may be in favor of inquisitorial tribunals, as destitute of piety and goodness. Some

good men in this country, as well as in Rome or Spain, may be so prepossessed, as to really think the establishment of such tribunals "necessary and beneficial to the church." It is the principle, not the patrons, that we reprobate. The principle is this, that some christians have a right to exercise dominion over the faith of others, or to make their own interpretations of scripture the standard of faith for other people, and to punish such as dissent from their creed. Such we, believe, is the principle, on which the proposed tribunals must be formed, if formed at all. Such was the principle, on which the papal In

quisitions were formed, and from which all their horrid executions have resulted. From a similar principle have proceeded all the persecutions and martyrdoms since the crucifixion of the Messiah. And, in our view, this principle is not only the basis, but the very worst part of popery, and has done more mischief in the world than atheism itself. Since it was adopted by the council of Nice, it has not only slaughtered millions of the human family, but it has divided the church into numberless parties-excited the most bitter alienations be tween different sects-produced thousands of vindictive anathemas of one sect against another-impeded in an awful degree the progress of light and truth, even among protestants-bound the papal church in adamantine chains of darkness and superstition-and occasioned the pages of ecclesiastical history to be filled with narratives, which shock the feelings of the humble christian, and afford matter of derision and triumph, to hardened unbelievers. A principle, which has done so much mischief, which has so long been the bane and disgrace of the christian world, which encourages one man, or one class of men, to invade the essential rights of others, and in the most flagrant manner to violate the goiden rule, by actually doing unto others, as they would not that others should do unto them, deserves the abhorrence of every human being. When this domineering principle, root and branch, shall be exterminated from the hearts and minds of men, truth will have free course, will run and, be glorified; and the real friends of our exalted Saviour will be distinguished from the world, not by erecting intolerant tribunals, but by love one to another. No more will the door of admission to christian privileges be barred by human creeds; no more will christians of one sect say to those of another, stand by yourselves, for we are holier than you; no more will associations, or consociations, assume a popish dominion over the faith of their brethren in the ministry; and no more will reviling denunciation be substituted for preaching the gospel.


To the Editor of the Christian Disciple.

THE following lines have little poetical merit, but they were written immediately after reading this passage in one of the odes of Frederick the Third of Prussia, to Marshal Keith:

"Après ma mort, quand toutes mes parties
Par la corruption seront anèanties,

Par un méme destin, il ne pensera plus."*

ARE these the dictates of eternal


These the glad news your boasted reason brings?

Can these restrain the daring fire of youth,

The craft of statesmen and the pride of kings?

Whence is the throb that swells my rising breast?

What lofty hopes my beating heart inspire?

Why do I proudly spurn inglorious rest,

The pomp of wealth, the tumult of desire?

Is it to swell the brazen trump of


To bind the laurel round an aching


To hear for once a people's loud acclaim,

Then lie forever with the nameless dead?

Oh no-far nobler hopes my life control,

Presenting scenes of splendor-yet to be

Great God! thy word directs the lof ty soul

To live for glory-not from menbut Thee.


Note to the Report of the Trustees to the Evangelical Missionary Society, which appeared in the last number.

Note. To the above sum in the hands of the Treasurer being may be added monies, received since that account was closed,

making in the whole

1176 79

282 55

$1459 34

Of this sum $300 have already been appropriated to the payment of the missionary services performed the last year in the District of Maine. The remainder is for future appropriation.

It may be satisfactory to the public to learn, that since the institution of the Society, in the year 1807, exclusive of the stated annual subscription of members, the following liberal donations have been received, viz.

From different Churches and Congregations in the Counties of Middlesex and Worcester

From Cent Societies of young ladies in four different towns
Collections at annual meetings of the Society

Donations from individuals

435 64

178 90

352 29

247 33

Amount $1214 16


Since the formation of the Society, there has been expended for the sup port of Missionaries and Schoolmasters in the District of Maine

• When after death my body yields to corruption, the same destiny also awaits my powers of thought.



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£4,562 12 4

3,614 14 6 6,422 6 9

14,599 13 1 The whole of this sum, excepting about £1,600, was expended in for. warding the various objects of the society. In less than two years 2,319 new members had been admitted into the society.

The books sent to the members of the society, from April 4, 1811, to April 9, 1812-Bibles 12,667; New Testaments and Psalters, 21,971; Common prayers, 29,752; other bound books, 38,024; small tracts, 215,175, Gratuitous distribution-Bibles, 1,167; Testaments and Psalters, 2,655; Common prayers, 246; bound books, 499; Tracts 6,655. In future the society is to be relieved from the expense of supplying the navy with Bibles. The lords of the admiralty have, however, made the society their almoners, and 1,5001. sterling has already been advanced to pay for Bibles &c. for the navy.

Bible Society.

A letter from Munich to the British and Foreign Bible Society contains the pleasing account, that a catholic Bible Society at Ratisbon, printed in 1808, 28,000 copies of the New Testament; the whole of which had been disposed of, excepting about 1,000. Director Wittman adds, "I discover an increase of genuine christianity. The minds of many are changed for the better; they pray more earnestly; they boldly renounce the world. A new impression of our Testament is now printing. There yet remains thousands, and tens of thousands, both in towns and in the country, who are entire strangers to this holy book."

A letter from the chief minister of the Zurich Church, dated Sept 12, 1812, announces a new edition of the German version of the scriptures for the use of the poor. This was effected by aid from the British Bible Society.

Extracts of a letter from a catholic professor of divinity at the University of Marburg, to Mr. Steinkopff.

"I HAVE just received the pleasing news of your arrival in Stutgard, and your willingness to purchase 3,000 copies of our New Testament for distribution among our poor. I commenced the translation and printing of my New Testament, in humble reliance on God, and with a sincere wish to benefit his people. The first edition of 11,000 copies was disposed of in a few months. Of the second edition about 7,000, and of the third about 1,500 have been disposed of. How many do I hear, in these heavy times of oppression and distress, declaring the happiness they enjoy in the knowledge of their Bible, in the midst of all their troubles. How often did my heart bleed, to behold mamy coming to me from other parishes, soliciting the gift of a New Testament, representing with tears their poverty to be so great, that they were unable to spare the smallest sum for it; and yet it was not in my power to dispense the bread of life to these hungry souls."

From the bishop of Zealand to Lord Teignmouth.

"MY LORD, when I was informed, that the Society for spreading the knowledge of the Holy Bible had kindly printed the New Testament in the Danish language, to distribute copies to the prisoners of war of my nation, Ihastened to convey to his Grace, the Arch-bishop of Canterbury, the expressions of my lively gratitude for a kindness, of which my heart feels all the obligation. I know not wheth er my wishes have been executed;


but being informed, that it is your Lordship who presides over this worthy association, I do myself the honor of addressing myself directly to you, and of sending you, my Lord, a copy of the letter, which I had the honor of writing to the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. I venture to offer to you the purest and most heart felt thanks, as well for the kindness which I have just mentioned, as for the very recent impression and distribution of the New Testament, in the Icelandic, and Laponese languages."

On the first of August 1812, a society was formed at Columbo, called the Columbo Auxiliary Bible Society. The governor is president, and all the members of his Majesty's Council are vice-presidents.

Progress has been made in forming a Bible Society at Petersburg, his Imperial Majesty having sanctioned the

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Northeast London Auxiliary Bible Society.

THIS was formed March 16, 1813. The Duke of Kent took the chair. 5001. sterling was subscribed. Lord Gambier said, he considered his having been vice-president of the parent institution higher honor than all the titles and distinctions, which the liberality of his country had bestowed on him.

At the last annual meeting of the British and foreign Bible Society Dr. Thorpe stated, that when this society was first instituted, not one third of the inhabitants of Ireland had seen a Bible; that it was not to be sold in more than fifteen places-but a great change had been produced. All the

different denominations of christians were eager to promote the cause; even the Roman catholics unite to promote it, and are eager to receive

and read the Bible.

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DIED, at Boston, Oct. 30, 1813, the Hon. THEOPHILUS PARSONS, Chief Justice of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, aged 64.

While storms assail'd the temple of our rights,

For years he stood a pillar of the state.

To speak his worth demands a tongue like his,

Which we have not;-but when this pillar fell

The temple shook, and awe spread through the land.

Several valuable communications are unavoidably omitted.

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