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1726. and I, in the Love of Chrift, vifited the Meetings a Alloway's Creek, Cobanfy, Pile's Grove, Woodberry, Newton, and Haddonfield, having Meetings every Day in the Week, except the laft, and fometimes riding near twenty Miles after Meeting, the Days being at the shortest, and the Weather very cold; but the Lord was with us, which made fufficient Amends for all the bodily Hardships we met with.

I got Home well, but weary; and was well and joyfully received by my loving Spouse, Children, and Servants; and I was truly thankful to the Moft High for his Prefence and Goodness continued to me; fo that, though I perceived my bodily Strength to decline apace, my Sight, Hearing, and Voice, failing much, I have Occafion to believe, at Times I was helped even beyond Nature in the Work of Chrift, my dear Lord and Master.

The 27th of the Tenth Month, I heard the News of the Death of my dear Friend John Lee (by one Lent to defire my Company at his Burial.) It affected me with Sorrow, he being an old Acquaintance, and inward Friend of mine, with whom I had travelled many Miles: He was a living, serviceable Minifter of the Gofpel of Chrift, and inftrumental to convince divers of that Principle of divine Light and Truth, which we profefs. I could not be at his Burial, be caufe of my Indifpofition, and the Unfeasonablenefs of the Weather; yet I think it my Duty, to fay this concerning him; That our Love and Friendship was conftant and intire unto the End, having been acquainted about thirty-five Years, as near as I can remember.

In the Eleventh Month, as I was meditating in my Clofet, on the Duty and Beauty of that great Virtue of Temperance, it appeared very bright to the View of my Mind, and the great Benefit of it to thofe who loved and lived in it: ft. As to Religion, it tends to keep the Mind in an even Temper, which is a Help to Devotion, and the Practice of religious Duties.

dly. It is a great Prefervative to Health and a good 1726. Conftitution. 3dly. It is a Bleffing to Pofterity, in any Confiderations. Whereas Intemperance destroys he Health, ftains the Reputation, hurts Pofterity, in Refpect to a healthy Conftitution of Body, and ftate) ruins many Families, brings to Poverty and Difgrace, and what is yet worfe of all, is a great Lett o Religion and the true Fear of God, and is a great candal to any who make Profeffion of the Christian Religion.


In this Month I accompanied William Piggot (who ately arrived from London, on a religious Vifit to the Meetings of Friends in America.) From Philadelphia we went to my Houfe at Frankfort, and from thence to North-Wales, and had two large fatisfactory Meetings on the First-day; next Day we were at the Month- North ly-meeting at Abington, the Third-day at Frankfort, Frankfort. and Fourth-day at German-town, Fifth-day I went to Abington, Philadelphia Week-day-meeting, and the faid Friend rown. to Abington General-meeting, and a few Days after we met again at the Quarterly-meeting of Minifters and Elders at Philadelphia.

The 8th of the Twelfth Month was our Youthsmeeting at Frankfort; many dying about this Time, I was concerned in the Meeting to put Friends in mind of their Mortality; and that I had told Friends lately, at their Meetings at Abington and Philadelphia, That as I was riding from my House to Philadelphia, about a Mile from the City, I faw (in the Vifion of Life) the Hand of the Lord ftretched over the City and Province, with a Rod in it, in order to correct the Inhabitants for their Sins and Iniquities; which Sight affected my Mind greatly, and altho' I did not hear any vocal Voice, nor fee any vifible Hand, yet it was as plainly revealed to me as tho' I had: And that notwithstanding I understood fome flighted that Teftimony, yet I obferved to them, that fince that Time, more People were taken away than common, as they O 2



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1727. And it was fhewed me, that the Anger of the Most High would ftill be against us, until there was a greater Reformation in thefe Things. [It is worthy of Commendation, that our Governor, Thomas Lloyd, fometimes in the Evening, before he went to Reft, us'd w go in Perfon to Publick Houfes, and order the People, be found there, to their own Houses, till, at length, he was inftrumental to promote better Order, and did, in a great Meafure, fupprefs Vice and Immorality in the Gity.]

For fome Days after we were at Sea, the Weather was pleasant, and we had our Health, for which my Heart was truly thankful. I exhorted the Sailors against Swearing; and tho' they had been much us'd to it, they left it off, fo that it was rare to hear any of them fwear; for which Reformation, fo far, I wa glad. I lent and gave them feveral good Books, which they read, and fhewed much Refpect to me: But foon after the Wind was contrary (for fome Days) and some in the Veffel were quarrelfome. I afk'd them what they thought of the Saying of Chrift, viz. If a Man fmite thee on the Cheek, turn to him the other alfo? At which they were filent and better conditioned to one another afterwards, and we had fome Reformation both from Fighting and Swearing. This Voyage was not fo Sea-fick as I formerly had been (though I had, before I left Home, fome uneafy Thoughts about my ufually being Sea-fick) which I took as a peculiar Favour from Heaven. About the Latitude of 20 Degrees North, we met with Calms and contrary Winds, which was very hard for fome in the Veffel to bear, they putting themselves much out of Temper about it; as for my own Part, I had been us'd to Difappointments, and therefore did not fo much mind it. I spent pretty much of my Time in reading and writing, and God being gracious, it was, in the main, a comfortable Time to me; and I enjoyed my Health as well as ever I did at Sea in my Life, for which I often breathed forth inward

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Thanks to the Almighty. On the 5th of the Third 1727. Month we arrived at Barbadoes, and I was lovingly Barbaders received by our Friends, but came to a very low

Market for my Goods.


I visited Friends Meetings on the Inland, and had feveral open Meetings at Bridge-Town, and Speight's Bridge. Town, and likewife at Pumpkin-Hill, and the Spring. Speight's On the Day of Fentecoft (fo called) we had a Meet- Town, &c. ing at Bridge-Town, in which was fhewn, the Work and Operation of God's Spirit on the Old World, and under the Law; and the everlafting Duration and Operation of the fame holy Spirit under the Gospel Difpenfation, which, Chrift faid, should abide for ever. At the Quarterly-meeting at Speight's Town, was Judge Allen, and the Captain of the Man of War ftationed there, with several others, not of our Society. I was much drawn forth in this Meeting to fpeak of the Power of the Father, Son, and the Spirit, opening to the People how we had been mifreprefented, in respect to our Belief in the Trinity, or the holy Three which bear Record in Heaven, the Father, Word, and Spirit, which Three are One; for that it was clear and plain, that we are more orthodox in the Belief in the Deity, than thofe who do not believe in the Operation of the holy Ghoft; as alfo that none could be true Chriftians without it. It was queried, How could they be clear in their Beljef in the holy Trinity, or the Three that bear Record in Heaven, who believe the holy Spirit is ceafed in his Operations, Gifts, or immediate Revelations, and, if ceased, when, and where, to whom, and how? The People were very fober and attentive, and ftaid all the Time, and after the Meeting was done fome Time, divers expreffed their Satisfaction with what was faid. My good Friend Peter Sharp, of Maryland, was with me at this Meeting, on whose Account fome of the People came. He had good Service in the Meeting, and I was glad of his Company in this land, where we joyfully met and parted in

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1727. the Love of Chrift. At this Meeting we had each of us a Certificate from Friends, fignifying their Unity with our Converfations and Services. The laft Meeting I had at Barbadoes, was at Speight's-Town, on a Firstday; it was a folid, good Meeting, in which I took my Leave of Friends there, and exhorted them to believe in and hear Chrift, he being a Teacher that could not be removed from them, as Men often were; and, though they were but few, they were defired to meet in Chrift's Name; and I had to fhew them the Difference between us and other Chriftian Profeffors, who hold no publick Worship, if there be no outward Teacher: Whereas, if but Two or Three meet in the Name of Chrift, he has promised to be in the midst of them; and he is the beft Teacher we can have.

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On the 14th of the Fourth Month we fet Sail from this Ifland, and, for the most Part, had fair Weather and fair Winds, and faw feveral Ships, but fpoke with


I was one Evening leaning over the Side of the Velfel, as being very lonesome (having little Conversation with any in the Veffel, for divers Reafons) I turned from all outward Things to the Lord, and was glad to feel his Prefence and Goodnefs, which was a Comfort to me in my lonesome State; and as my Travels and Concerns had called and caufed me to be much on the Seas, it alfo pleafed my good and gracious God, to fupport me thereon many Times, in divers Trials, Temptations, and Exercifes; for all which, I bow in awful Reverence before him, and return Thanksgiving and Praise to his great Name.

The 1ft of the Fifth Month, about Noon, we came to the Capes of Delaware, and failed up the Bay; but, in a little Time, we touch'd the Ground with our Veffel feveral Times; there being little Wind, we got no Harm; but two Hours after, or thereabouts, a Guft, or Storm of Wind, took us, which, if it had met with us on the Shoals where we ftruck, in all Likelihood

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