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New York.

1737. ward to New-York; where I had alfo religious Ser vice, and a Meeting; and from New-York I took my Newport Paffage in Robert Browne's Sloop for Newport, on in Rhode Rhode-Iland, was two Days and Nights on the WaMand. ter, and on my Arrival at Rhode-Island, the Brethren lovingly received me, and we were joyful to fee each other.

After having had divers good Meetings on RhodeIland, I went to Dartmouth, where we had a large, Dartmouth, ferviceable Meeting, at a Place called Ponyganfet; ma Ponyganfet. ny Hundreds being added to the Church fince I first vifited those Parts. From this Place I went to Holder Slocum's, and he lent us his Shallop to go over to Nantucket, but the Wind not favouring, we had a fatisfactory Meeting at a large Farm of his on an Inland bearing his own Name, and after Meeting fet fail for Nantucket, had feveral large Meetings there, and I rejoiced to fee the Growth and Increase of Friends on this Island; where God hath greatly multiplied his People, and made them honourable; Glory to his Name for ever.



The Priests who have Money for preaching; the Lawyers, who have it for pleading, and the Phyficians, who have Money for giving Receipts for Health; are poor Trades here on this Ifland.

At Nantucket I had been about 39 Years before, at which Time there were only two Men and one Woman who joined with our Friends in Profeffion, and now it was computed there were above 1000 who went to our Meetings, they being a fober, religious People; and there is a great Increase of Friends in divers other Places in New-England: And whereas formerly we were greatly perfecuted for our Religion, now we are treated with more Civility and Refpect in those Parts.

From Nantucket, Nathaniel Starbuck and Elijah Collins went with me, with feveral other Friends, to the Yearly-meeting at Rhode-Ifland; which was fo


very large, that it was difficult to fpeak fo as to be 1737, heard all over the Meeting; but the laft Day of the Meeting, our Friend John Fothergill, who had a high Voice, being attended with the divine Power, gave good Satisfaction to the Meeting, and it ended well. After this Meeting was over, I went with Benjamin Bagnal to Bofton, and from thence to Lynn and Boston. Salem, had feveral fatisfactory Meetings, which tend- Lyun. ed to the uniting our Hearts together in the Love of Chrift, and the Fellowship of his Gofpel. From Salem I went with Zaccheus Collins and his Wife to their House, and lodged there three Nights, and was lovingly entertained, as I was also at many other Friends Houfes. From Lynn, Zaccheus Collins accompanied me to Boston, where we had a Meeting on a Fourth-day of Boston. the Week, and the next Day there was a very large Meeting (the greatest Gathering of People which had been seen there at Friends Meeting-house for a long Time) occafioned by the Marriage of John Mifflin, of Philadelphia, to Benjamin Bagnal's eldest Danghter.

From Boston I returned to Rhode Island, and had Rhode divers Meetings at Newport and Portsmouth, wherein and. our Hearts were made glad in Chrift, and we were ftrengthened in our Faith in him; bleffed be his holy Name for ever.


From Rhode-Inland, I went to Conanicut, and from thence over to Kingston in the Narraganset Country, and had Meetings, and then back to Rhode-Island a- Kingston. gain, and thence by Water in Company with divers Friends to Greenwich, where I was at two large Meetings: At this Place they fhewed me the Trees, under which about forty Years fince I had a Meeting; but now they have a pleasant Meeting-house.

The next First-day, I was at a large, folid, edifying Meeting in a new Meeting house at Tiverton. From thence I went to visit Jofeph Wanton's Wife, who had been long fick; and in her Chamber (with several of her Friendsand Relations) I had divers religious Seasons, with





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Now fer fra Maangs or Ent-Har I ack my Billage or Lay-Many e ceviri; and after a sodants Piläge, me seng er Ngis on the Water, I got well again to my oving Friend

len's Labam't, where I had len ny Horie, and on Con Net, Éhacay had a Meeting at Craneck, where I met with Engah Ceiling, Rofe Tang, and Penance Bartar, we rejording to fee each other, after their long Journey by Land, and mine by Water, they being likewile going for Pemblance. Thele Friends went to Facing Wamry Firft-day Meaning, and I went to Welbury, where was a large Meeting, in which there was a drunken School-mafter who difturbed the Meeting, though at lift it ended quietly, and I hope well ako. The next Fourth-day was at the Monthly-meeting at Webury, where many Friends met from divers Quarters, and it was a folid good Time. We had a Meeting at Thomas Rodman's, who was unwell and had not been at a Meeting for fome Months; he took our Visit kindly, expreffing his Love to us; we had alfo a Meeting at Jeremiah William's to good Satisfaction. Fifth-day we had a large Gathering at Matinicock, and in the Evening a tender broken Meeting at Samuel Underbill's, and Sixth-day a good Meeting at Newton, wherein primitive Chriftianity was opened, and experimentally declared to the People, and in the Evening we had a





good Opportunity to declare the Truth of Chrift at the 1737. Houfe of Richard Hallet, among feveral of his fober Neighbours; next Morning, being the Seventh of the Week, we went to West-Chefter, to a Yearly-meeting, which was much crowded, and the People very unfettled, Weft fo that it was not fo fatisfactory as could have been defired; after Meeting we went over again to Long-Ifland, and then to New-York, where we had a large quiet New York. Meeting in the Evening. At New-York, Third-day in the Morning, divers dear and loving Friends accompanied us to the Water-fide, where we folemnly took Leave of one another in the Love of Chrift, and in the Fellowship of his Gofpel, fome of us not expecting to fee each other any more, and from thence paffing over Long and Staten Islands, to Elizabeth Town, we travelled to Raway, and had a Meeting at Friend-Shotwell's, Raway. on a Fourth-day in the Evening, where many Neighbours came in, and after Meeting a certain Perfon was diffatisfied about Womens publick Speaking in religious Meetings (Rofe Tibbits having publickly exhorted them in this Meeting to be religious, and to fear God, and having pray'd to God for us all, and praifed his holy Name) which faid Perfon defired we would endeavour to fatisfy him about it, inasmuch as the Apostle Paul forbad it, as he apprehended. To which it was answered, that the Apostle Paul, only forbad, or did not permit forward or overbufy Women, to fpeak or afk Questions in the Church; but advised them to afk their Hufbands at home, and that doubtless he never intended to debar fuch godly Women, who had a real Neceffity laid on them, and were concerned, by the Almighty, to fpeak unto, or pray for the People, elfe he would not have fhewed them, how they ought to behave themselves in their Speaking unto, or praying for the People or Church; for if he had any Defign to hinder fuch, whom the Almighty fhould concern, then he must have contradicted himself (where he fhews how they muft behave themselves in their Duty of Speaking or Praying) U 2


1737. and he would likewise thereby have oppofed the Apostle Peter, who faid, Now is fulfilled the Phophecy of the Prophet Joel, that in the latter Days Sons and Daugbters should prophecy. So that it is clear and plain, they who would limit or filence thofe, who have a Gift from God to preach or pray in publick, from the Words of the Apostle Paul, they oppofe him to himself, and to the Apoftle Peter, and alfo to the Prophet Joel.

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From Raway, we went to Woodbridge, where we had a Meeting, and there I parted with my Fellowtravellers, having a Concern (though much in the Cross to my own Will) to go back in the Woods, to a Meeting about eight or nine Miles off; which Meeting was much to mine and their Satisfaction, as divers of them expreffed. From this Place I went to StonyBrook, had a pretty large Meeting, confidering it was rainy, in the Time of the Meetings's gathering. At this Place my Son in Law Ifaac Brown, with feveral Friends, came to meet me, whom I was glad to fee, and went after Meeting with them to Trenton, and next Day to Bristol, it being their Third-day Meeting, which was rankfort large, and after Meeting went home to Frankfort, and there was lovingly received by my Wife and Fa-mily. In this Journey I was from home three Months and nine Days, had fifty five Meetings, and travelled by Land and Water above a thousand Miles; and I may truly fay, that therein I was favoured with the divine Prefence and Grace of God by Chrift in a good Degree, and alfo with the Fellowship of many fincere Believers in him, which in my Return caused my Soul to bless his holy Name, who lives for ever.

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In the 6th Month, after having had divers Meetings at and about home, I went to Derby, Chefter and Newcastle. Newcastle, having Meetings at each Place, which was to the tendering of fome mournful Souls, and to the comforting and ftrengthening them. From Newcastle I ferried over Delaware River to Pennfneck, where I



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