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1699. Boat was hoifted out, which was done with great Speed, and we took him in; but the Doctor was drowned before the Boat came. The Seaman that fat upon the Boat faw him fink, but could not help him. This was the greatest Exercise that we met with in all our Voyage; and much the more fo, as the Doctor was of an evil Life and Converfation, and much given to Excefs of Drinking. When he got on board the aforefaid Ship, the Mafter fent for a Can of Wine, and faid, Doctor, will you drink? He replied, Yes, with all my Heart, for I've drank no Wine a great while. Upon which he drank a hearty Draught, that made him merry (as he faid in his Dream; *) and notwithftanding the Admonition which was fo clearly manifefted to him but three Days before, and the many Promifes he had made to Almighty God, fome of which I was a Witnefs of, when ftrong Convictions were upon him, yet now he was unhappily overcome, and in Drink when he was drowned. This is, I think, a lively Representation of the tender Mercy, and juft Judgment of the Almighty to poor Mortals and I thought it was worthy to be recorded to Pofterity, as a Warning to all great Lovers of Wine and strong Liquors. This Exercife was fo great to me, that I could not for feveral Days get over it; and one Day while I was muling in my Mind on thofe Things relating to the Doctor, it was opened to me, that God and his Servants were clear, and his Blood was on his own Head; for he had been faithfully warned of his evil Ways.

We were obliged by contrary Winds to put into Plymouth Harbour, and from Plymouth I went by Coach to London, where I was gladly received by my Relations

N. B. This Relation about the Doctor's Dream, when I was at Barbadoes, I had Occafion to write about it to a Friend in Ireland, which he got printed, and is the fame with this in Subftance, only that is fomewhat fuller and larger; And may be had of the Printer hereof.

Relations and Friends. In this Journey I travelled 1699. about 2000 Miles by Land, and 6000 by Water. I got to the Yearly Meeting of Friends in London, in London.; the Year 1699 (which was large) and was at divers publick Meetings for the Worship of Almighty God. I may truly say, the holy Ghost was amongst us, bleffed be God our Saviour for evermore.

In this Year I thought it my Place to enter into a married State, and I acquainted my Father of my Defign, and that I inclin'd to make Choice of Martha Betterton, a religious young Woman, whom I entirely loved for that Piety, Virtue, and Modefty, which I beheld in her; (I was in the twenty-fourth Year of my Age, and he in her twenty-first.), I likewise acquainted her Father and Mother with my Intentions, to which both our Parents confented; her Father faying (when I fpoke to him) Go together, and the Lord bless you together. And my Father faid, If I was worth my Weight in Gold, fhe deferved me. The Heartiness of both our. Fathers in this Matter, was more to me than a Portion of Silver or Gold, of which we had but very little; but our Love to each other was very great, and being well and honourably grounded, it was not easily fhaken. So after Confent of Parents, we propofed our Intentions of Marriage to the Monthly Meetings unto which we belonged; and because I had been travelling in America, I had Certificates from my Brethren there (not only) of my Industry and Labour in the Miniftry, with the good Effects thereof, but also of my Clearnefs in Relation to Marriage; and after having twice published our Intentions, we had Liberty of the faid Meeting to proceed to the Solemnization of our Marriage, which was accomplished at Devonshire-boufe, in London (at a Meeting appointed for that End) on the 28th Day of the feventh Month, in the aforefaid Year, in the Prefence of many hundreds of People, and many worthy Brethren and Elders. A Day of Days it was to my Soul!

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1699. wherein I was made fenfible of the Love and Goodnefs of God in a particular Manner, which to me was an Earneft of our future well-doing. My dear Wife was one who truly loved and feared God, and had an excellent Gift of the Ministry given unto her, and was ferviceable therein. [A Paper coming to my Hands of her own Hand-writing and compofing, I tranfcribe it here. She calls it An Account of the Exercife of Martha Betterton, viz. "As I was walking in the City of London, with a Concern on my Mind, in beholding "the abominable Pride of the People; it opened upon દ my Mind in this wife: Wo, Wo! to the Crown of "Pride! And then I was deeply bowed in my Spirit before the Lord, and it was faid to me, I will yet Spare a little longer; I have Sheep which I will ther Home to me, and there fhall be one Shepherd and one Sheepfold. Then I faid in my Heart, Ob "Lord! Shall I be one of thy Sheep belonging to thy. Sheepfold of eternal Reft. And again it was anfwer"ed me, My Sheep hear my Voice, and they follow


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me. Then a Cry was raifed in me, Caufe me to "hear thy Voice; and not only fo, but enable me to obey the fame. And then this Charge was returned "to me, Be thou faithful."]

Soon after I was married, I had a Concern to visit Friends in the Counties of Surry, Suffex, and Kent, which I performed in about two Weeks Time, and came Home and followed my Calling, and was induftrious therein; and when I had gotten fomething to bear my Expences, and fettle my Wife in fome little Bufinefs, I found an Exercife on my Spirit to go over to Ireland, to vifit our Friends and Brethren on that Ifland, in which William Townshend accompanied me, and Friends in that Nation were generally fatisfied with our Service among them. When we had been from Home about ten Weeks, and had vifited most Parts of that Nation, having had many Meetings among Friends, and others, we found Freedom in


our Minds to return Home, which we did, being 1699. comforted in our Service, and bleffed the Name of the Lord.

After some few Months I acquainted my Wife and my Father, with her Father and Mother, that I thought it my Duty to go over and live in America. To which Propofal, my Father confented, tho' with Tenderness of Heart, confidering that I must be fo far separated from him. I alfo laid it before the Monthly-meeting of Friends at Horfly-down, in Southwark (of which Meeting I was a Member) who confented to it (tho' fomewhat unwilling to part with us) and gave us their Certificate, to let our Brethren know that we were in Love and Unity with them, and walked according to our Profeffion. And when we were ready, and in order for going, we agreed for the Freight of our Goods and Servants, with John Snowden, and fhipped them on board the Jofiah, bound for Maryland. When the Ship was at Gravef- Gravesend, end, and ready to fail, feveral of our dear Relations and Friends accompanied us to the Ship, on board of which we had a good Meeting, and took our folemn Leave of one another, as never expecting to fee each other any more in this World. It was a folemn Time indeed! We prayed for one another, and so parted, our Ship failing that Evening, and we got to Margate-Road, where we anchor'd, and the Wind A great fprung up very frefh, and blew tempeftuoufly, fo Margate that we broke our Cable, and loft our beft Bower- Road. Anchor, and drove violently towards the Goodwin Sands. We let go our Sheet-Anchor, and three more, which were all we had, but they did not ftop her; upon which the Mafter ordered the Carpenters to stand by the Main-maft, with their Axes upon their Shoulders, and when he gave the Word, then they were to cut the Maft. The People in the Ship (there being divers Paffengers) were in a great Confternation, expecting nothing but Death: But for my Part, being exceedingly

Storm in


1699. exceedingly Sea-fick, and having been in many Storms, I was not fo much furprized with this, the Sailors fometimes making a great Noife when there is but little Danger; but there was more Danger than I was aware of, as appeared afterwards. One of the Paffengers came weeping, and faid, Our Cafe was very bad. The Doctor alfo came in the fame Manner; and cry'd, Ob! Mr. Chalkley, we are all dead Men! Then I thought with myfelf, I would go out on Deck, and fee what the Matter was; and when on Deck, I went to the Pilot, who had the Lead in his Hand, and he founded, and cry'd out, Lord have Mercy upon us! he is gone, she is gone, She is gone! by which I perceiv'd that we were very near the Goodwin Sands, on which many Ships have been loft with all their Crews. In this Senfe of Danger I fent for the Paffengers into the Cabbin, and told them that I thought it would be well for us to fit ftill together, and look unto, and wait upon God, to fee what he would please to do for us; that, if Death came, we might meet him in as good a Frame of Mind as we could, and that we might not be furprized beyond Measure: And as we were thus compofed in our Minds, a Concern came upon my dear Wife, and she prayed to God, the Father, in the living Power and Senfe of his Son; and he heard from his holy Habitation, and answered the Prayer; for immediately after the Wind abated, and our Anchors held us. This was a great Deliverance, which is not to be forgotten. When we faw the long'd-for Morning, we were very near the Sands, and the Sea ran prodigioufly high, and broke upon them mightily, fo that we were forced to leave our Cables and Anchors, and make the best of our Way to Deal, as well as we could. One of the Owners being on Shore, and feeing us in Diftrefs, fent off a Cable and Anchor to us; and we anchored before Deal with our new Cable and Anchor, and fent a Boat for our other Anchors and



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