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a sentence of the following Treatises, under the influence of any other principle, than either a sincere conviction of truth, or an earnest desire to find it. If any one shall convict me of error, it is my wish to have my mind kept open to the conviction; for nothing should be so dear to us as the truth, and we should welcome, as an angel of light, whosoever brings it; there being no one thing for which we ought to be more truly grateful, than the displacing from our minds of what is wrong, and the introduc. tion of what is right in its room.

"If any one were required, without premedi tation," says the eloquent author of the Natural History of enthusiasm, "to give a reply to the question, what is the most prominent circumstance in the present state of the Christian church -he would, if sufficiently informed on the sub. ject, almost certainly answer The honour done to the Scriptures.' Among other indi


cations of this favourable characteristic of the present age, he subsequently mentions," the prevalence of an improved method of exposi tion, attended by an increasing disposition to bow to the Bible, as the only arbiter in matters of religion ;"-and in another place, in still stronger terms, he says" Happily, in the age in which we live, if there be not, on all hands, a perfect simplicity of deference to the Bible, there is a nearer approach to it than has perhaps ever existed defusedly through the church since the days of the apostles; and happily,

also, there are strong indications of an increasing deference to the only standard of truth and morals. This, by eminence, is the bright omen of the times." Every true friend of the Bible must hail this "omen of the times" with pleasure, and rejoice in anticipating its future. results. The multitude of controversies at this moment afloat in the Christian community may seem, indeed, at first view, to afford no very inviting or promising exemplification of these results. But the introduction of a principle in itself good, may, for a season, by the operation of other concomitant causes, be productive of consequences such as cannot but be owned pernicious, while ultimately, by the settled sobriety and steadiness of its application, it may work out the most salutary effects. I cannot but cherish the assurance that, however lamentable the temporary evils resulting from controversial discussion, it will ultimately, by the very excitement of thought, and of inquiry, be the means of leading, in many minds, to clearer and more accurate conceptions on various points of divine truth. I would not be considered as having reference to any one disputed point in particular, but in general to the strange, and, in some parts of it, distressing medley of controversy at present existing, when I observe, that even the novelty of the principle may, to a certain extent, naturally account for such temporary evils. Minds that may have long been held in the fetters of human

authority, or have reposed their easy faith on the "velvet cushions" of systems and confessions, are very apt, when roused and emancipated, to use their newly found liberty with too little discretion; to adopt views hastily; to spring rapidly from one thing to another; to be flighty and volatile; as if they had a kind of satisfaction in showing off their conscious free. dom. Such minds, moreover, are in danger of getting self-sufficient, and "wise in their own conceits;" and of this attribute of mind it is the proverbial characteristic to be hasty of decision, and impatient of inquiry-to

Fling at your head conviction in the lump, And gain remote conclusions at a jump."

-But the principle of appealing, on all questions of religious truth, directly to the divine Standard, is, in its own nature, self-evidently good; and, let it but be universally adopted, and, un. der the influence of a growing knowledge, the result of more extensive and mature investigation, a knowledge that humbles as it advances; let it be soberly and steadily applied, in equal freedom from the volatile caprice of novelty and from the intimidating restraints of prejudice; it cannot then fail to be eminently advantageous, both in eliciting truth, and in promoting Christian union. The principles of free trade are admitted to be in themselves good, though, on their first introduction by any country, they can hardly fail to operate prejudicially ;-they want only

universality of adoption, and stable and honourable reciprocation, to evince their sound political wisdom and beneficial teudency. Let us, by all means, have free trade in the discussion of truth, -of truth of all kinds. And, in regard to Christianity, let all restrictions be taken off, whether of political penalty or of the self-imposed bondage of system, and let the simple and untrammelled appeal be universally made to the Holy Scriptures; and there will be a greater likelihood at least of agreement:-let all, instead of drawing from any human cistern, which, although professing to have been supplied from above, may yet contain some mixtures from below, come with their pitchers to the one reservoir, filled from "the sempiternal source of truth divine;" and they will find and carry off the same waters. If the contents of these Essays have not been drawn from this heavenly source, let them be rejected. We disclaim all authority. There is a style of dictatorial loftiness, and of almost inspired decision, which has been adopted by some of the abettors of the doctrines examined in the Essays, and by some too of the modern millenarian "school of the prophets," such as no man has had any title to assume, since the "vision and the prophecy were sealed up" in Patmos ; and which is as offensive to good taste, as it is inconsistent with the humility of a disciple of Jesus. Away with it. It is not of any man now living,-it is of his Apostles and Prophets, who "being dead, yet speak," that

the great Head of the Church has said-" HE


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