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I. Mynde Sc.


The whole

compendiously Demonstrated:


ARCHIMEDES's Theorems of the

Sphere and Cylinder, Investigated by the Method of Indivisibles.



and a brief


By ISAAC BARROW, D.D. late Master of Trinity College in Cambridge.

The whole carefully Corrected, and Illustrated with Copper Plates.

To which is now added an



The Nature, Construction, and Application of Logarithms.

By J. BARROW, Author of Navigatio Britannica, &c.

LONDON: Printed for W. and J. MOUNT, and T. PAGE on Tower-Hill; and C. HITCH and L. HAWES in Pater-nefterRow; R. MANBY and S. Cox on Ludgate-Hill; E. COMYNS under the Royal-Exchange; J. and J. RIVINGTON in St. Paul's Church Yard; and J. WARD in Cornhill, opposite the RoyalExchange, 1751.


Hist faci. To the READER.

F you are defirous, Courteous Reader, to knoги what I have performed in this Edition of the ELEMENTS of EUCLIDE, I shall here explain it to

you in short, according to the Nature of the Work. I have endeavoured to attain two Ends chiefly; the first, to be very perspicuous, and at the same time fo very brief, that the Book may not swell to fuch a Bulk, as may be troublesome to carry about one, in both which I think I have succeeded. Some of a brighter Genius, and endued with greater Skill, might have demonstrated most of these Propositions with more nicety, but perhaps none with more fuccinctness than I have; especially fince I alter'd nothing in the Number and Order - of the Author's Propofitions; nor presum'd either to. take the Liberty of rejecting, as less necessary, any of them, or of reducing some of the easier fort into the Rank of Axioms, as several have done; and among others, that most expert Geometrician A. Tacquetus C. (whom I the more willingly name, because I think it is but civil to acknowledge that I have imitated him in Some Points) after whose most accurate Edition I had no Thoughts of attempting any thing of this Nature, 'till I confidered that this most learned Man thought fit to publish only Eight of EUCLIDE's Books, which he took the pains to explain and embellish, having in a manner rejected and undervalued the other Seven, as less appertaining to the Elements of Geometry. But my Province was originally quite different, not that of writing the Elements of Geometry after what method foever I pleas'd, but of demonstrating, in as few Words as possible I could, the whole Works of EUCLIDE. As

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