| Euclid, Isaac Barrow - 1714 - 536 páginas
...when all the angles of that figure which is infcribed do touch the circumference of the circle. IV. ^ right-lined figure is faid to be defcribed about a circle, when all the fides of the figure which is eircumCeribed touch the periphery of the circle. V. After the like manner a circle is faid to be infcribed... | |
 | Euclid, Isaac Barrow - 1732 - 436 páginas
...circle, vvhen all the angles of that figure which is infcribed do touch the circumference of the circle. IV A right-lined figure is faid to be defcribed about...is circumfcribed touch the periphery of the circle V. After the like manner acircle isfaid-to be infcribed in a right-lined figure, when the periphery... | |
 | John Keill - 1733 - 446 páginas
...every one of the Angles of that Figure which is inferibed, touches the Circumference of the Circle. IV. A Right-lined Figure is faid to be defcribed about a Circle, when every one of the Sides of the , circumferibed Figure, touches the Circumference of the Circle. , So... | |
 | Thomas Simpson - 1760 - 296 páginas
...figure, when the periphery of the circle pafies through all the angles of that figure. 15. Aright-lined figure is faid to be defcribed about a circle, when all the fides thereof touch the circle, 16. A E i 6, A circle is faid to be infcribcd in a rightlined figure, when... | |
 | John Keill - 1782 - 472 páginas
...every one of the Angles of that Figure, which is infcribed, touches the Circumference of the Circle. IV. A Right-lined Figure is faid to be defcribed about a Circle, when every one of the Sides tf the tir cumfcribed Figure touches the Circumference of the Circle. V. So... | |
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