Imágenes de páginas

Δακρυόεν γελάοισα.

Vidi ego te flentem, lacrimis umentia vidi
Lumina caeruleo splendidiora polo:
Blanditias mirans tristes, Sic mane, putavi,
Lucenti violae rore micare solent.

Vidi iterum risus: coram ridente subacti
Sapphiri radios deposuere suos.

Non locus est gemmis, oculos ubi gloria talis
Implet, et ingenuo vivit in ore decor.

Nam velut Hesperius vario nitet aethere Phoebus,
Nec propria nubes luce rubere facit,

Qvae vel adhuc servant roseae vestigia flammae,
Cum tenebras pulso nox trahit atra die:
Sic hilari fulgens risu tu pectora donas
Laetitiae qvamvis tristia parte tuae.
Risus abit: menti superest ridentis imago,
Irradiatqve alma corda fovetqve face.

Surge age.

W. E. E.

Si vel adhuc, virgo, frueris dulcedine somni,
Erige te lecto, nec mora, pande fores:
Aspicis? Aurorae nova lux rubet: en age mecum
Per iuga, per campos prataqve carpe viam.

Nec curae tibi sit suris aptare cothurnos,

Sed mihi vel nudum crede, puella, pedem. Per fluvios latos iter est qvaqve aestuat unda, Per qvae mane novo gramina rore micant.

F. T. C.


Menti cur neqveat se mens ostendere qvaeris?
Qvod, cum nos loqvimur, desinit illa loqvi.



Come down, O maid, from yonder mountain height;
For Love is of the valley; come thou down,
And find him; by the happy threshold, he,
Or hand in hand with Plenty in the maize,
Or red with spurted purple of the vats,
Or fox-like in the vine; nor cares to walk
With Death and Morning on the silver horns;
Nor wilt thou snare him in the white ravine,
Nor find him dropt upon the firths of ice,
That huddling slant in furrow-cloven falls
To roll the torrent out of dusky doors.
But follow: let the torrent dance thee down
To find him in the valley; let the wild
Lean-headed eagles yelp alone, and leave
The monstrous ledges there to slope, and spill
Their thousand wreaths of dangling water-smoke,
That, like a broken purpose, waste in air:
So waste not thou, but come; for all the vales
Await thee; azure pillars of the hearth
Arise to thee; the children call; and I
Thy shepherd pipe, and sweet is every sound,-
Sweeter thy voice, but every sound is sweet:
Myriads of rivulets hurrying through the lawn,
The moan of doves in immemorial elms,
And murmuring of innumerable bees.

On a Ventriloquist.

The stomach is a thrifty thing:
So Juvenal of old did sing:

I deemed his saying was not sooth;
But now experience proves its truth:
For here is one whose stomach's feats
Procure the food his stomach eats.


S. A.

Huc ades.

Λῆς, φίλα, ὧδ ̓ ἐνθῆν, ἕδος ὤρεος αἰπὺ λιποῖσα; χῶρον ̓́Ερως φιλέει θεὸς ἥμενον· ἔνθ ̓ ἐπ ̓ ̓́Ερωτα. ὀλβίω ή μάλα τῆνον ἐπὶ προθύροιο τὺ λαψῇ, ἢν σταχύεσσι καλᾷ συνεπισπόμενον μετ ̓ Οπώρᾳ· ἔντι δ ̓ ὅχ ̓ ὠντὸς ἐβαπτίσθη τρυγὶ πορφυροέσσα, ἔνθ ̓ ὅκ ̓ ἀλωάων κέεται μέσος ἠύτ ̓ ἀλώπηξ· ἀλλά οἱ οὐ κορυφαὶ κατὰ τὸν νόον ἀργικέρωτες ἔνθ ̓ ἀως νάρκαις μετ ̓ ἀνιαραῖσι πολεῖται, οὐδ ̓ αὐλῶνι θεὸς θηράσιμος ἐν νιφόεντι, οὐδὲ γυᾶν ἔπι κεκλιμένος χειμῶνι παγεισᾶν, ταί τε φέροντι κάτω (φαίη κέ τις ἔργον αρότρω) ἐκ δὲ καταχὲς ὕδωρ σκιερᾶν πέμποντι θυράων. αἰετὸν οἷον ἔα λεπτόστομον ὠρύσασθαι,

ὑψόθε δ' αἴκα λῆς μετὰ νάματα ποσσὶ χορεῦσαι, τως καταβᾶθι θεὸν διζημένα· ἄγκεα πάντα


ἐλπίδ ̓ ἔχοντι τεοῦς, βωστρεῖ τυ τὰ παιδία ̇ καπνῶ κίονες ὠράνιαι κατὰ πᾶν στέγος ἑστήκαντι χω σὸς ἐγὼ ποιμὰν τυρίσδω, πάντα τ ̓ ἀείδει, γλῶσσα μὲν ὦν κλήσδει σέθεν ἅδιον, ἀδὺ δὲ πάντα ἀδὺ κατειβομένοις κελαρύσδει νάμασι λειμών, τρυγόνες ἀρχαίαισιν ἐπὶ πτελέαις στενάχοντι, βομβεῖ δ' ἐν κάποισιν ἀνάριθμα φῦλα μελισσᾶν.

W. G. C.

In Ventriloquum.

Ventre nihil novi frugalius, inqvit Aqvinas;
Huic ego non prorsus credulus ante fui:
Nunc non inficior qvod res mihi nota probavit:
En sibi qvi victum non nisi ventre parit.

I. Ρ.


It little profits that an idle king,

By this still hearth, among these barren crags,
Matched with an aged wife, I mete and dole
Unequal laws unto a savage race,

That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me.
I cannot rest from travel: I will drink

Life to the lees: all times I have enjoyed
Greatly, have suffered greatly, both with those
That loved me, and alone; on shore, and when
Thro' scudding drifts the rainy Hyades
Vext the dim sea: I am become a name;
For always roaming with a hungry heart,
Much have I seen and known; cities of men
And manners.


The Pimpernel.

See'st thou yon pimpernel? An hour is past,
And he was holding dalliance with the sun,
All bared his crimson pride: now closed, downcast,
His blossoms seek their favourite skies to shun.
Young Edwin came, the warning change beheld,
Then hurried to his hinds; and hark! I hear
His loaded wagons creaking from the field;

For storms, he says, and angry hours, are near. Oh! 'mid the flowers life's tortuous path that strew, Is there not one like this? E'en as I speak, Thy bosom-friend's estranged look review,

Remark his icy eye, his smileless cheek:
Adversity is nigh. Speed, counsel how
To soften as thou may'st th' inevitable blow.

R. W. E.

Ἄνδρα μοι ἔννεπε Μοῦσα πολύτροπον. Ω πόποι, οὔ τοι ταῦτα θέμις ἀνεμώλιον αὕτως οἴκῳ ἐν εὐκήλῳ, πέτρῃς ὑπὸ παιπαλοέσσης, γραίης ἀμφ' ἀλόχου βασιλεύεμεν· ἡ ῥα θέμιστας δει με καπηλεύειν γενεῇ τοιῇδε μετ ̓ ἀνδρῶν νηπίῃ, οἵτε πανημέριον μεγάροισι εοῖσιν εὕδουσ ̓ ἢ μεθύουσιν ἀτάσθαλοι, οὐδ ̓ ἔτ ̓ ἐμεῖο μνήσαντ'; ἀλλά μοι ἦτορ ἐνὶ στήθεσσιν ἄνωγεν ἄλγεα πάσχειν πάντα τά κεν δώωσι θεοί περ. πλάγξομ ̓· ἐπεὶ κακὰ πολλὰ πέπονθά τε πολλά τ ̓ ἄρ ̓ ἐσθλὰ

ἀμφ' ἑτάρους ἐριηρας, ἔπειτα δὲ νόσφιν ἁπάντων,
Πληϊάδων ἅμα δυσμῷ, ὅτ' ἠερόεσσα θάλασσα
πνοιῇς τετρήχῃ, κραιπνὴ δ' ἐπιδέδρομε λαῖλαψ
εὐρύ τέ μοι κλέος ἐστὶν ἐν ἀνδράσιν ἀλφηστῇσιν.
αἰεὶ δ ̓ ἐν στήθεσσι λιλαιόμενός περ ὁδοῖο
πολλῶν ἀνθρώπων ἴδον ἄστεα καὶ νόον ἔγνων.

Certis poteris cognoscere signis.

G. O. M.

Istam tune vides anagallida? Non ita pridem
Visa fuit medium solis amare iubar
Purpureo ridens fastu: nunc lumina claudit
Tristia, nec dulcem spectat, ut ante, diem.
Adstabat monitumqve vigil perspexit Amyntas;
Protinus agrestes convocat ipse manus.
Audin, iamiam abeunt agro stridentia plaustra:
En, ait, Auster adest; en furit hora minis.-
Num florum, qvicumqve habitant loca devia vitae,
Huic nullus simili conditione viget?

Dum loqvor, aversi vultum non cernis amici?

Luce carent oculi, risibus ora carent.

Sors adversa venit: tu cessas ? I fuge, tecum,
Qvid ferat infaustis, consule, rebus opem.


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