Imágenes de páginas

about 800,000,000, and its Christian population to only 200,000,000: viz. in Asia, 2,000,000; Africa, 2,000,000; Europe, 177,000,000; America, 18,000,000; the Greek and Eastern Churches, 30,000,000: the Papists, 100,000,000; the Protestants, 70,000,000. The Pagans are estimated at 461,00,000; the Mahometans, at 130,000,000; the Jews, at 9,000,000. If a generation last 30 years, then in that space, 800,000,000 will be born and die; consequently, 73,059 suffer death every day, 3,044 every hour, 51 every minute, and, awful to reflect, nearly one every moment.-New Times.

There is more meant by this paragraph, than at first meets the eye. Why is it `headed—" number of Christians." As sure as I am in Dorchester Gaol, towards the end of a sixth year's imprisonment, for blaspheming this Christian Religion, Dr. Stoddart has been taught to see the importance and necessity of joining me in my blasphemy, and that promptly! What he has published against Christianity, to be sure is but a matter of fact, visible to all who will look and count; but such, also, have been the whole of my publishings against Christianity.

Here is a system called Christianity, invented, say Christians, and set a going, by an omnipotent and omniscient god, after many thousand years of labour, cogi. tation and scheming, for the benefit of mankind So important was the subject deemed, that, say they, this very god, to begin it, assumed the human form and character, and suffered himself to be deprived of life, as a criminal, that the race, or generations of the race to come, should be told, that he had suffered enough to expiate, all human offences, past and future, if each human being would but ask, him for a share of that expiation. They say, also, that this knowlege is to spread all over the earth. The Doctor has helped us to a statement of its progress, after eighteen hundred years of real hard labour on the part of this God and his followers! He tells us, that, after the countless millions of human beings that have suffered pain indescribable to propagate, or for propagating, or for opposing, this system; after more wealth has been wasted upon it, than the earth has now on its surface; after all the exertions of a God, who made the universe in six days, and all the materials to begin with; after all that the Bible Societies, Tract Societies and Missionary Socicties hare done and are doing to help this omnipotent god, he has now, after eighteen centuries, but one in six of all the inhabitants on the face of the earth, that know or respect his new soul saving scheme! What can be a more damning fact against Christianity, its God, or religion of any kind? Of these two hundred million christians, which, by the bye, is beyond the fact, as to number, we may safely calculate, that one hundred millions are as ignorant as the cattle of the field, and would precede or follow their driver (priest) any where; and that about fifty millions are so far enlightened, have knowledge enough, to scout the Christian Religion as an absurdity, though passing among a multitude as Christians. The remaining fifty millions, we may divide into fifty inveterate sects, damning and cursing each other, each proclaiming that the members of one sect can alone claim a share in the criminal and deicidal expiation! Such, then, is Christianity, as seen by your blasphemous exposition, O Dr. Stoddart! This exposition fairly considered and calculated speaks far more powerfully than Paine's "Age of Reason." This Age of Reason" will pass for a Christian Book, before its author has been dead half a century. O! how I rejoice, even at my six years of imprisonment, for hav. ing assaulted this damned absurdity; now, even, damned as an absurdity by you; Dr. Stoddart!

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There is, another fact, which tells a strange story against the Christian Almighty :' that Christianity was at its zenith in the seventh century, and that it has been on the decline ever since Mahommet opposed it with his new system! And now, there is not a Christian alive, priest or layman, who will fairly stand forth and defend his religion before me! My very gaolers skulk before me like frightened dogs, upon this subject.

The Doctor, by his conclusion, means to shew us another fact, when he says, that a human being dies every moment. It is laughable, as well as awful, when we consider the Christian doctrine, that the bulk of these beings are to be crammed into a lake of fire called hell! The numbers dying, at one a minute, runs thus: 60 in an hour; 1,440 in a day; 10,080 in a week; 40,320 in a month; 525,600 in a

year; and since the Christian era, 959,220,000! If we include the full period of a year, or the additional odd hours and minutes, or one day in four years, we shall approach to the round sum of a thousand millions. So that putting aside all that died before Christianity began, there must be already, in heaven and hell, more, according to Dr. Stoddart's calculation, of fifty one a minute than fifty one thousand millions of human being, or their souls, if any one can tell what a soul is! Again, according to another version of the fable, these and so many more, perhaps are to come up some day for judgment! What an assize!

After seeing such a data as the above, can any thing be more certain than the system of materialism, that scouts every notion of intelligent spirits, and that contends, that the human race is but one of many species of animals, all living and dying to one end, merely to furnish matter for new generations.

Now, Doctor; now, Theadore Hook; now, Shackell; now, John Bull; now, Palladium; what do you think of the picture of your god in my window? Is it not a correct one? Now, Eldon; now, Peel; now, Christians all; what do you think of my six years imprisonment, for having attacked this "damned absurdity” called the Christian Religion?

From the foregoing data alone, I infer, and proclaim, that all religion is false and vicious, and that, there is no such a god in existence as any man has preached or taught; no god, no intelligent being superior to man; no intelligent being that can for a moment, affect the motion of the smallest planet. And shewing this, I shew you O man, that the whole duty of man is morality towards his species and all other animals; and that, to seek his own in the general happiness of animal life, is the proper and only moral business of human life.

Dorchester Gaol, Sunday Morning, August 28.-The

best sermon that will be preached this day.


P. S. The following article has been going the round of the papers, in conjunction with the Doctor's number of Christians. It is a suitable and luminous postscript to the foregoing article. I have before noticed the historcial fact, in The Re-publican, or in one of the defences before the Court; but not having Gibbon's Decline and Fall by me, I did not then illustrate it, as it is here illustrated. At the time of this battle, the Saracens were masters of all the Peninsula, of. all Italy, nearly all the Islands in the Mediterranean Sea, and of a great part of France, with the whole cost of Africa from Tangiers to Egypt. The extinction of Christianity at that time entirely depended upon the turn of the battle.

SCOPE FOR THE IMAGINATION.' July 22, 732.-Victory of Charles Martel over Abderamus.-The king of the Saracens having crossed the Pyrenees, and advanced as far as Tours, at the head of four hundred thousand Saracens, Charles Martel, with a very inferior army, by the exercise of great prudence and valour, gained a complete victory over Abderamus. Scarcely more than twenty-five thousand of the Saracens got back.-It is to Charles Martel that Europe owes its deliverance; for if this valiant man had not stemmed the impetuous torrent, it is probable that there would now be as many turbans in Europe as in Asia; even we might now but for this victory be good Mussulmen, wearing beards, sitting cross-legged, smoking and drinking sherbet, having four wives under lock and key, and female beauty always concealed, excepting from the possessors. Conceive, instead of a virtuous and moderate-minded King, that we had a Grand Seignor, with four Sultans and seven hundred wives in a seraglio, where Carlton Palace now stands; Lord Palmerston the Aga of the Janizaries; Lord Eldon the chief of the Mufti; St. Paul's the chief mosque, and the Bishop of London the chief Iman! The bow-string would then stop any difference of opinion, with the breaths of those who presumed to reason; and the heads of innovating men, such as Mr. Brougham or others, wouln occasionally grace the gates of the seraglio, especially if they questioned the conduct of the Grand Seignor, if it should please him to have a wife sown up in a sack and thrown into the Thames. To be sure, we might gain in the administration of Justice, for their would be no chancery delays to complain of.'-Iris.




Sheffield, August 23, 1825. I AM waiting in expectation of a message from Mr. Parker, as this is Justice day at Sheffield. The paragraph from the "Palladium" was copied on Saturday into the Sheffield Mercury and it has raised the ire of our fanatics to a desperate pitch. On Saturday, a gentleman asked me " if I would sell that abominable thing?" A. "It is put there to sell."


Q. "Are you not afraid of being trounced for it?"

A.." Not in the least it is an exact scriptural representation of the Deity."

૨. "What is the price? I have a good mind to buy one and send to Mr. Parker."

A. "I have not the least objection: you shall have it for a shilling."

Feeling his pocket, he said, "I will have that removed," and tripped off, without buying it; the Dandy's pocket being low. A great number came that day to view their God. Yesterday, some person came in a great hurry and bought one. Last night, I being out, a person called, and asked my wife, "What is the price of that thing?"

A. "One shilling only."


Q. "Let me see it (throwing down the Shilling.). twisting it up, and tearing it to pieces."

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A. "Oh no, Sir, you shall have some more, for the same purpose, if you will pay for them; but if I were a Christian, I should be afraid to tear my God to pieces. You know, it is a true description.”

Q. “Well it may now let me advise you, do not put such a thing in any more."

A. "We never allow any person to dictate to us what to put in our window." Q. Now how many more of them have you: I know where they come from." A." We may have one, or we may have a dozen, and where they came from we can get more.

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Q. I expect so, good evening."

In a short time, this youth came back and said: "I have returned to tell you, madam, that if you put any more of those plates in the window, I shall adopt other means to prevent it.' My wife said, I thank you, Sir, for your information, to show how much I am afraid, you may see I have already replaced the one you destroyed, good evening, Sir.

Yours respectfully,


P. S. Wednesday morning 5 o'clock.

I escaped yesterday, so I am safe till Friday. I wish they would attempt to prosecute that plate, every person who has delineated any part of Bible History would be equally liable. We have only erred on this occasion, as we do on all when we touch the Bible, it is too near the truth.

If you had made Jehovah a pretty Gentleman, with a good coat on his back, and a starched collar, no person would have said a word against him. But as you have shown him exactly as he is—a monster; the fanatics cannot conceal their ire.

Printed and Published by R. CARLILE, 135, Fleet Street-All Correspordences for "The Republican" to be left at the place of publication.

No. 10, VOL. 12.] LONDON, Friday, Sept. 9, 1825. [PRICE 6d.



Concluded from page 283.


BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ELECT OF NINE. THIS lodge represents the cabinet of Solomon. It is lighted with nine lights. Two armed chairs are placed in the east. the lodge is called the council of nine, it cannot be held unless that number of brethren be present. Two kings are supposed to be included and are seated in the chairs. A child of three or four years old is placed in the centre, and the other members of the lodge surround the infant. One of the Kings has a dagger in his hand; the other a sceptre. Emblems of morality are displayed on the clothing, and the words conquer or die, are conspicuous round the room. The names by which the kings are distinguished, is, Solomon, the most wise, and Hiram, the most powerful,

Form of opening.

M. W. Most powerful king, what is your motive in assisting at our present council.

M. P. Most wise king, I attend your deliberations to demand justice. A murder has been committed and the injury has been unredressed. Punishment must follow, and vengeance will be satisfied.

M. W. Most powerful king, you shall be witness to the enquiry which shall be instituted in order to detect the assassin, and it will remain for you, if we are successful, to determine the punishment. Placing the sceptre on the head of a brother, he says, I appoint you, most respectable brother, Intimate Secretary. You are to watch for the safety of the council; assure yourself of the qualifications of the members present.

Printed and Published by R. Carlile, 135, Fleet Street.

The Intimate Secretary salutes the kings, and having taken the sign, token and word from the others, reports that all present are faithful subjects.

M. W. My brethren, whom the creator as enlightened, whom equity directs and truth guides, I pronounce that the council is resumed. Intimate Secretary, the profane are excluded, and, under this name, we comprehend Masons, who are honoured with the title of Master Elect. Place a guard without the door, let the avenues be searched, and return quickly with your report.

I. S. Most wise king, all is covered. The guards environ the door of the palace, and our mysteries are secure from the penetration of the world.

The master strikes seven equal knocks and two quick, saying N-N-M, which signifies vengeance.

M. W. Brethren, you have witnessed the grief I experienced on a lamentable occasion. In vain, have I dietated steps to be taken, as a prelude to a discovery. Each of us is interested to revenge our loss. My royal brother is come hither to demand it. To him, therefore, I will refer you. He will inspire you with sentiments worthy of the cause which he undertakes, and you will now attend to his recital.-After a silence, the most powerful king draws his dagger, and, pointing it towards the infant, thus addresses the lodge.

The pledge is before us, which this great man has left. This will soften and stimulate you to virtuous deeds. If his memory be dear to you, the cries of this child, his tears and his prayers, will move your compassion. He asks vengeance for the loss of his parent, who was your companion and your friend. Unite, therefore, your efforts to discover the inhuman wretch that he may meet his reward.

The lodge exclaims M-n-m.

The master, in collecting these votes, is interrupted by a noise at the door, and says, Intimate Brother, who occasions this, and how are my orders obeyed?

The brother retires and immediately returns to report, that the council is betrayed. The lodge unanimously reports N--n--m, The master adds:-The sceptre is raised, our indignation must yield to the necessity of hearing the particulars of the report. Tell us, Intimate Secretary, who has caused this interruption, and who has had the audacity to penetrate to the august council.

I. S. I behold with surprise, that a brother has clandestinely entered the adjacent apartment, and I am apprehensive that he has heard the secrets of the council. It is with horror, I relate, that he appears to be guilty of murder. His hands and his sword are stained with blood. Every particular testifies against him, and all unite to excite my suspicion.

M. W. He shall be satisfied.

The other king deliberates and says:-My brother, attend to

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