Reports of Cases in Chancery, Argued and Determined in the Rolls Court During the Time of Lord Langdale, Master of the Rolls. [1838-1866], Volumen26


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Página 307 - If the appointment is not made within seven clear days after the service of the notice, the court or a judge may, on application by the party who gave the notice, appoint an arbitrator, umpire, or third arbitrator, who shall have the like power to act in the reference and make an award as if he had been appointed by consent of all parties.
Página 400 - Ireland, made on the petition of the party who would have been entitled to the rents and profits of the lands in respect of which such money shall have been deposited...
Página 96 - Sophia living at his decease, or born afterwards, who, being a son or sons, should live to attain the age of twenty-one years, or, being a daughter or daughters, should live to attain that age, or be married with the consent of the trustees.
Página 228 - Mote, as far as the rules of law and equity would admit, by the person or persons who, for the time being...
Página 307 - ... in every such instance any party may serve the remaining parties or the arbitrators, as the case may be, with a written notice to appoint an arbitrator, umpire, or third arbitrator respectively; and if within seven clear days after such notice shall have been served no arbitrator, umpire, or third arbitrator be appointed, it shall be lawful for any judge of any of the superior courts of law or equity at Westminster...
Página 134 - Mary to the proviso hereinbefore contained) who being a son or sons shall have attained or shall attain the age of twenty-one years or being a daughter or daughters shall have attained or shall attain that age or be previously married, in equal shares if more than one.
Página 90 - Beckford lawfully to be begotten equally to be divided between or amongst them if more than one Share and Share alike as Tenants in Common...
Página 85 - ... if any such order of protection be made, the wife shall during the continuance thereof be and be deemed to have been, during such desertion of her, in the like position in all respect with regard to property and contracts, and suing and being sued as she would be under this Act if she obtained a decree of judicial separation.
Página 535 - Act), without any preference by reason of the priority of date of any such securities, or any other account whatsoever...
Página 399 - Clauses Consolidation Act (8 & 9 Viet. c. 18, s.

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