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"There is one kind of egotist which is very common in the world. I mean those empty, conceited fellows, who repeat as sayings of their own, or some of their particular friends, several jests which were made before they were born, and which every one who has conversed in the world has heard a hundred times over."-Spectator.

But the glow of morning beamed into the little chamber where their seven children lay in their beds asleep.

Then they gazed at the children one by one, and the mother said, "They are seven in number; alas! it will be hard for us to find them food." Thus sighed the mother, for there was a famine in the land.

"If a pawnbroker receives plate or jewels as a pledge or security for But the father smiled, and said, "See, do they not lie there, all the the repayment of money lent thereon, on a day certain, he has them upon an express contract or condition to restore them, if the pledger performs his part by redeeming them in due time."-Blackstone.

“A just, though terrible, judgment of God upon these play-hunters and prophaners of his holy day."-Prynne.

"Somewhat allied to this (blasphemy), though in an inferior degree, is the offence of profane and common swearing."-Blackstone.

"When one tossed his weaver's beam, and the other carried the gates of Gaza, they performed their prodigious feats by tender filaments, slighter than a cobweb, undiscernible with a microscope."-Search, "Light of Nature.”

Definite and definitive are synonymous, that is, words which come near in meaning to each other; I say near in meaning, for there are few pairs of words that have exactly the same force. Definite and definitive, as coming from finis, an end, agree in that they both put an end to a matter: a definite answer puts an end to your question by speaking so clearly, and so exactly, 33 to leave no room for its repetition; but a definitive answer pats an end to the matter in issue as well as to the question. By a definite answer I leave you in no doubt as to my meaning; and by a definitive answer I put a negative on your proposal. Honest men, and clear-minded men give definite answers; men who have come to a final conclusion pronounce a definitive judgment.

"They never have suffered, and never will suffer, the fixed estate of the church to be converted into a pension, to depend on the treasury, and to be delayed, withheld, or perhaps to be extinguished, by fiscal difficulties.”—Burke, "French Revolution."

“And all their landes, goodes, and possessions were confiscate and seased to ye kynge's vse (use).”—Hall, "Richard III.”

"There are other subterraneous juts and channels, fissures and passages through which many times the waters make their way." Derham, "Physico-Theology."

whence the French? From refutare, says Richardson; and To refuse comes immediately from the French refuser. But certainly refutare, both in good and in middle-aged Latin, primarily signifies to put down, put back, refuse, and only derivatively to prove logically wrong. But this view makes to refuse and to refute the same in origin. Besides, the t and s are not exchangeable. It seems less incorrect to derive refuse from re and fundo (fusus, fusion), which thus means a pouring or handing back. Refuse, the noun, signifying rubbish, comes from the same root, only it takes its special import from a custom which preFailed in some cathedral and collegiate churches, according to which those who held the benefices were required to put together every year into a common treasury, for the common use, some portion of their income. That portion was seldom the best, and hence the refusio, as the Latin name for the common contribution was, refuse in English, came to have a bad character, and to be nearly equivalent to our rubbish. Rubbish, or in an older form of the word, rubbage, is that which was rubbed off (Latin, detritus), as refuse is that which is poured or thrown EXERCISES IN COMPOSITION.


Historical Theme: "The Mission of Moses to Pharaoh."



Compelled to,

Compliance with,

Composed of,

Concede to,
Conceive of,
Concerned at, for,

Concur with, in,

Condemn to,

Condescend to,

Conduce to,

Confer on,

Foreign Representatives.
pello, I drive.
plica, a fold.
compono, I place together.
cedo, I yield.

concipio, I take together.
concerner, to regard.

I run.
damnum, injury.

descendo, I go down.

duco, I lead.

fero, I bear.

seven? And they have all red cheeks, and the beams of the morning stream over them, so that they appear lovelier than ever, like seven blooming roses. Mother, that shows us that He who creates the morning and sends us sleep, is true and unchangeable."

As they stepped from the chamber, they saw at the door fourteen shoes in a row, growing smaller and smaller, two by two, a pair for each child. The mother gazed at them, and when she saw that they were so many, she wept.

But the father said, "Mother, why dost thou weep? Have not all the seven received sound and active feet? Why, then, should we be anxious about that which covers them? If the children have confidence in us, should we not have confidence in Him who can do more than we can comprehend?

work with a cheerful countenance."
"See, his sun rises! Come, then, like it let us begin our day's

Thus they spoke and toiled at their labours, and God blessed the work of their hands, and they had enough and to spare, they and their seven children; for faith gives strength and courage, and love elevates the soul.

LESSONS IN BOTANY.-XXIX. SECTION LXVI.—HAMAMELIDACEÆ, OR WITCH-HAZELS. Characteristics: Calyx tubular, adherent to the ovary; limb four to five partite; petals absent or inserted upon the calyx, and alternating with its divisions; stamens indefinite in the apetalous genera, in the petaliferous genera double the number of the petals, some sterile, and opposite to the petals, others fertile and alternate; anthers square or semi-circular; ovary half inferior, two-celled, uni- or multi-ovulate; ovules pendent, reflexed; two styles, two stigmata, both distinct; capsule septicidal, having one-seeded cells.

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The members of this natural order are trees or shrubs, ordi

disposed in panicles, capitula, or spikes.
narily covered with hair arranged in the form of stars. Leaves
alternate, petiolate, simple, bi-stipulate. Flowers almost sessile,

The few species composing this natural order are dispersed over North America, Japan, China, India, Madagascar, and the Cape. The Virginian hamamelis (Hamamelis Virginica) is a shrub having yellow fasciculated flowers, the ovary of which does not ripen until the second year. It is cultivated in gardens for the sake of its oily farinaceous seeds; the decoction of its bark and leaves is charged with tannic bitter principles and a peculiar volatile oil. The alder-leaved fothergillia (Fothergillia alnifolia) is a shrub, a native of Carolina, but cultivated in Europe. Its inflorescence is a spike composed of white and odoriferous flowers. Its fruits discharge their seeds with a considerable noise. The Rhodoleia Championi (Fig. 218) is a small tree dis covered in China by Captain Champion, in the forests which surround Canton. It is cultivated with facility in the open air of European countries. The leaves of this tree are persistent, its flowers grouped in five, surrounded with roseate bracts, which might be almost taken for a petaloid floral envelope.

SECTION LXVII-PHILADELPHACEÆ, OR SYRINGAS. Characteristics: Calyx adherent to the ovary, valvate in æstivation; petals in number equal to the divisions of the calyx, with contorted æstivation; stamens, a multiple number of that of the petals; ovary, three or many celled; placenta central, multi-ovalate; ovules ascendant or pendent, imbricate, reflexed; capsule many-seeded; seeds enveloped in a loose testa; embryo dicotyledonous, straight, in the axis of a fleshy albumen, the length of which it equals. The members of this natural order are erect trees, having simple opposite leaves without stipules. Their flowers are complete, regular, white, odoriferous, disposed either in cyme or panicle.

The Philadelphus coronarius, or garland syringa (Fig. 220), is indigenous to Central Europe, and a frequent garden ornament. Its flowers are very odorous, and were formerly held in esteem as a

Study and endeavour to reproduce the following gem from medicine. They contain a volatile oil sometimes employed as an the German of Krummacher :


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agent for the adulteration of oil of jasmine. The Deutzia scabra, or rough-leaved deutzia, is a native of Japan, now cultivated in botanic gardens. The Japanese employ the inner bark of this tree as a plaster; its leaves are employed to impart a polish to wood.


The genus Cephalotus, which Labillardiere placed amongst the Rosacea, and which other authors have annexed to the Saxifrages, is considered by Dr. Lindley as being likely to be ultimately classed by botanists as a sub-family of the natural order Ranunculacea, or Crowfoots.

It is constituted by certain perennial plants of Australia, having a short subterraneous stem and leaves united in a tuft, and offering two distinct forms; one form plane, oval oblong, the other situated a little below the preceding, composed of a petiole dilated into a pair of labiate expansions, the lower one being large, hollowed out like a cup, the upper one smaller, flat, and serving as a cover. The stem is pseudo-cauline, on the extremity of which the flowers expand. The flowers are white and small; the calyx is free, six-partite, petaloid, valvate in æstivation, corolla absent. The twelve stamens are inserted upon the border of the tube of the calyx. The six ovaries are sessile upon a plane receptacle alternate with the sepals, unilocular, uni- or bi-ovulate. Ovules erect, reflexed. Fruit com

arid soils, and remain fresh by reason of the humidity they absorb from the air as well as the soil. Nearly all the moisture thus absorbed is retained, because the surface of these plants suffer but little transudation, very few stomata or evaporating pores existing in their structure. All the Crassu lacea abound in a slightly saline aqueous juice containing malic acid. On account of these constituents, the Crassulaceae have acquired some celebrity as medicinal agents. A few species are edible. The purple stonecrop (Sedum telephium), the white stonecrop (Sedum album), and the yellow stonecrop (Sedum reflexum), as well as the house-leek (Sedum sempervivum), are frequently employed for stimulating wounds; the Mediterranean Crassula possess similar qualities. The acrid stonecrop (Sedum acre), a plant which grows in sundry places in Europe, contains an acrid principle, in virtue of which it is rubefacient, or causes a redness of the skin when externally applied, purgative and emetic when administered internally. The root of the rosescented stonecrop (Sedum rhodiola), so called from the circumstance of its diffusing an odour similar to that of a rose, was

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posed of six achania, which open circularly at their base. Cotyledon small, straight, at the base of a fleshy albumen. One species, the Cephalotus follicularis, or New Holland pitcher plant (Fig. 225), has been some years introduced into European gardens.

SECTION LXIX-CRASSULACEAE, OR HOUSE-LEEKS. Characteristics: Calyx free; petals inserted upon the base of the calyx, in number equal to the divisions of the latter, free or coherent at the base; imbricated in æstivation; stamens inserted with the petals and ordinarily adherent to them; their number equal to that of the petals, or double; free or attached to an axis, each furnished with a scale at its base, and pluriovulate; ovules horizontal or pendent; follicules ordinarily free; dehiscence ventral, sometimes attached to the capsule, in which case the dehiscence is dorsal; seed dicotyledonous, straight, exalbuminous, occupying the axis of a small fleshy albumen.

The Crassulaceae are in some cases subligneous herbs, more or less charged with juicy matter; leaves ordinarily simple, deprived of stipules; flowers terminal, corymbous, or in cymes, or agglomerated, occasionally solitary (Fig. 221, 224).

The Crassulaceae grow in the warmer parts of the temperate regions of the Eastern Hemisphere. They thrive in the most


formerly used by medical practitioners and herbalists as a sedative. The Greenlanders boil this vegetable, and eat it as a pot-herb.

The leaves of Bryophyllum calycinum, a species of house-leek, a native of the East Indies, present a very curious physiological phenomenon, the germs of this plant growing at the extremity of the leaf-nerves. A single leaf laid on a damp surface will throw out young plants all round its margin.

SECTION LXX.-MESEMBRYACEE, OR FICOIDS. Characteristics: Tubular calyx consolidated with the ovary petals indefinite, inserted on the calyx; ovary many-celled, pla centa applied to the midrib of the carpels, and occupying th lower part of the cell; ovules numerous, curved; stigmas ses sile; capsule multi-valvular; seed dicotyledonous; embryo su rounding a farinaceous albumen.

The members of this natural order are herbs or small shrub and are all natives of the Cape of Good Hope. Their leaves a fleshy, their flowers axillary or terminal, solitary, or disposed the form of a cymous corymb. Capsule at first fleshy, th almost woody; its cells opening centrifugally. Epicarp thi and coriaceous, separated from the endocarp, which latter

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vesicles, which causes it to appear, when shining in the sun's | rays, as if covered with a crest of hoar-frost. The inhabitants of the Canary Islands burn this plant for the purpose of extracting soda from its ashes. The fruit of the Hottentot figmarigold (Mesembryanthemum edule) is eaten as food by the Hottentots. Mesembryanthemum fulgidum is a favourite object of culture on account of the extreme beauty of its deep purple flowers (Fig. 222).

SECTION LXXI.-CACTACEAE, OR INDIAN FIGS. Characteristics: Calyx adherent to the ovary; with pluri-serial, petaloid limb, almost confounded with the corolla; petals numerous, pluri-serial, imbricated in æstivation, inserted upon the summit of a calycinal tube, sometimes free, sometimes coherent


tubercles, the representatives of abortive branches. The leaves are generally absent, or at most indicated by a small cushion-like excrescence lying beneath a bud; sometimes perfect, plane and petiolate, as in the case of the Pereskia, or Barbadoes gooseberry; the buds situated upon the axilla of the abortive leaves are of two orders, the inferior ones are covered with spines, whilst the superior ones are developed in branches or in flowers.

The berries of many of the Cactus tribe are employed in medicine as a remedy for bilious affections. The Opuntia vulgaris, or prickly pear, has long been naturalised in the Mediterranean regions; also the Nopal plant, or Opuntia cochinellifera. Upon these plants thrive the valuable cochineal insect, from which carmine and carmine lake are extracted.



Der Schlag, "the blow, the stroke (commonly connected with rühren), often denotes palsy, apoplexy; as:- -Er ist von dem Schlag gerührt worden, he has been struck with the palsy. Er hatte einen Anfall vom Schlage, he had an apoplectic fit.


1. Abgehen to go away, to leave; as:-Der Zug ist schon abge gangen, the train has already left (started). Es geht gut ab=it sells well; as :-Der Wein geht gut ab, the wine sells well (goes off well).

2. Er läßt sich nichts abgehen he lets nothing (advantageous) go from him, that is, he stints himself in nothing.

3. Je nachdem ever after, or according as; as:- -Je nachdem ich Muße habe, werde ich Sie besuchen, as, or according as I have leisure I will visit you, etc.

4. Einfallen signifies literally, to fall in, or into; hence, to fall down, or to ruin, to decay, etc. With the dative it signifies, to come into the mind, to occur; as:-Es ist mir nie eingefallen, so etwas zu thun, it never occurred to me to do such a thing.

5. So fern, or in so fern in so far as, if, in case; as:- -3 erlaube es dir, in so fern es von mir abhängt, I will permit it, so far as it depends upon me. In so fern es die Zeit erlaubt, if, or in case the time permit, etc.

6. Angehen, used intransitively, signifies, to begin; as:-Der Gottesdienst in Deutschland geht gewöhnlich res Morgens um neun Uhr an, the church-service in Germany generally commences in the morning at nine o'clock. Used transitively, it signifies, "to concern, to be of consequence;" as:-Das geht ihn an, that is his concern, or that concerns him. Das geht mich nichts an, that does not concern me (is of no consequence to me).

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15. Dieses Buch hatte einen starken Abgang. 16. Der junge Kaufmann erzählte mir, daß der Abgang bedeutend zugenommen habe. 17. Je nach dem es mir in den Sinn kommt, reise ich von hier ab. 18. Je nachdem er gelaunt ist, kann er der leidlichste, aber auch der unverträglichste Mensch sein. 19. Je nachdem er es anfängt, wird der Erfolg sein. 20. In so sern ich Dir nüzlich sein kann, will ich es von Herzen gern thun. 21. Er wird mich mit seinem Rath unterstüßen, in so fern es ihm möglich ist. 22. Sein Vater versprach mir die Sache zu befördern, in so fern es in seiner Macht läge. 23. So etwas ist mir nie eingefallen. 24. Das Concert geht um halb fieben an. 25. Mein Freund hatte einen herrlichen Einfall. 26. Es ist bei dem fröh, lichen Deutschen ein Einfall schöner als der andere. 27. Auf die Frage, was ein Einfall wäre, antwortete Einer: wenn ein Haus einfällt.“ EXERCISE 151.

1. My sister has a cold; she took cold one wet evening. 2. That case does not concern me, and therefore I shall not trouble myself about it. 3. Has the train already left? 4. No, it has 5. Has the train left for Oxford ? not left yet. 6. Two trains have already left this morning for Oxford. 7. Did the debate pass off quietly? 8. No, it was a very stormy one. 9. English goods sell well in every country. 10. This grammar has a great sale. 11. According to your knowledge you will be rewarded. 12. Since he has been struck with the palsy, he has not been able to attend to his business. 13. He was struck with the palsy during our visit to your house. 14. As far as it concerns me, I shall take every precaution. 15. In spite of their poverty, these people stint themselves in nothing. 16. To mankind nothing is better than a good education. 17. I do not know whether he will grant my request.



The obsolete word lei (sort, kind) still remains in combination with the numerals, forming what are called the variatives; thus, Ginerlei, of one kind, the same; Dreierlei, of three kinds (§ 48); as:-Dreierlei bringe ich zu dir, erwähle dir eines, three (sorts of) things I bring (to) thee, choose thee one. Ge ist ihm einerlei or eins, ob er geht, oder bleibt, it is the same to him whether he goes or stays. 1. Gehen, with the preposition über, is often used with the signification "to transcend, to surpass; as:-Zufriedenheit geht über Reichthum, contentment surpasses wealth. VOCABULARY.

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Der Schlag rührte ihn auf der linken The palsy struck him on the Ente, f. duck.

Er stand da wie vom Schlag ge He stood there as if struck with
Wo ging der Streit an?

Was gehn mich keine Freuden an? (Göthe).

Das Dampfschiff geht um vier Uhr


Diese Waare geht gut ab.
Dieser Mann laßt sich nichts abgehen.

Die Unterredung ging ruhig ab.

Je nachdem die Unterhaltung ist, ist
auch die Stimmung.
In so fern Du Recht hast, werde ich
Dir nachgeben.

the palsy. Where did the contest begin? How do thy pleasures concern me?

The steam-boat leaves at four o'clock.

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1. Mein kleiner Vruter hat den Schnupfen; er hat sich auf dem Gise stark erkältet. 2. Wer erhißt ist und sich zu rasch abkühlt, kann sich leicht erkälten. 3. Wir sollen uns nicht um Dinge kümmern, welche uns nichts angehen. 4. In so weit mich diese Sache angeht, habe ich die nöthigen Schritte gethan. 5. Dieses geht Euch nichts an. 6. Bei dieser Kunde stand er wie vom Schlag gerührt. 7. Den alten Mann hat der Schlag gerührt. 8. Der Mann ist vom Schlage gerührt worden. 9. Wie vom Schlag gerührt sank sie nierer. 10. Diese Waare geht gut ab. 11. Wann geht das nächste Dampfschiff ab? 12. Ich sehe nicht, daß sich dieser Mann etwas absehen läßt. 13. Ist die Sigung ruhig abgegangen? 14. Nein, sie ist nicht ruhig abgegangen-die Debatte war sehr stürmisch.



Funkchen, n. sparklet. Gang, m. direction,


nasium, classical
Heilsam, beneficial.
Lügner, m. liar.
Nachtheil, m. disad-

to re- Nuslos, useless.
Men'schengeschlecht', n.
Pfeifchen, n. little pipe.
Rindfleisch, n. beef.
Schat, m. treasure.
Schlafen, to sleep.
Schul'tigkeit, f. obli-
gation, duty.

Gerul dig, patiently. Gefühl', n. touch. Geschäft', n. affair, business.

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bourhood, environs Un befümmert, unconcerned, careless. Universität', f. university. Verhältniß, n. relation,circumstance, situation. Wiltpret, n. venison. Wohlfahrt, f. welfare. Zu'bringen, to pass, spend.

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1. Er bringt seine Zeit mit Nichtsthun zu (§ 93. 2). 2. Er brachte den größten Theil seiner Jugend auf den Gymnasien (§ 19) und Universi täten seines Landes zu. 3. Die meiste Zeit bringt er mit nußlosen Be. schäftigungen zu. 4. Viele Menschen bringen ihre Zeit mit Essen, Trinken unt Schlafen zu. 5. Einem jeden Menschen, der nur ein Fünfchen Gefühl hat, geht nichts über sein Vaterland und über die Wohlfahrt desselben. 6. Ge geht nichts über die Nuhe der Seele, und das Bewußtsein, seine Schultigkeit gethan zu haben. 7. Er sagte, seine größte Freude und sein größter Schaß seien seine Kinder, und nichts gehe ihm über dieselben. 8. Gin Matrose sagte, es gehe ihm nichts über ein Pfeifchen. 9. Dem Gleichgültigen ist zwar Vieles einerlei; wer aber sagt, es sei ihm Alles einerlei, ist ein Lügner. 10. Was man versprochen hat, soll man halten, einerlei, ob Nachtheil oder Vortheil daraus entsteht. 11. Dem Soldaten mus im Kriege Alles eins sein. 12. Ein rechter Mann schickt sich geduldig in alle Verhältnisse; es ist ihm Alles eins, was er thut, nicht aber, wie et es thut. 13. Seit dem Lode seiner Kinter ist ihm Alles eins; er ift gleichgültig gegen seine Umgebung, und unbekümmert um den Gang seiner Geschäfte. 14. Ein jeder Mensch hat seinen freien Willen; deß balb geht es mich nichts an, wie er seine Zeit verwendet. 15. Ich reiste über Rotterdam und Lonton nach Amerika. 16. Der Freund ging feeben über die Straße. 17. Der arme Knabe dauerte ihn, deßhalb nahm er ihn zu sich in sein Haus, und ließ ihm eine ordentliche Erziehung geben. 18. Wen vas Vich nicht dauert, und wer unbarmherzig gegen dasselbe ist, den dauert auch ein Mensch nicht.


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1. Dieses Jahr ist das Obst, sowie alle Früchte, wohl gerathen. Dieser Baum trägt jedes Jahr sehr viele früchte. 3. Sind alle Früchte Obft ? 4. Nein, nicht alle, sondern nur solche, die (§ 65. 2) an Bäumen wächsen. 5. Dieser junge Mann verläßt sich zu viel auf seine Verwandten und zu wenig auf seine eigenen Fähigkeiten. 6. Er verläßt sich darauf, daß wir ihn die nächste Woche besuchen. 7. Er verließ sich darauf, daß ihm Gott helfen werde. 8. Wer sich zu viel auf Andere verläßt, kann leicht getäuscht werden. 9. Ich halte (Sect. LXVIII. 2) viel auf meine Freunde. 10. Er hält viel auf ein gemächliches Leben. 11. Dieser Mann hält zu viel von sich und seiner Klugheit, weßhalb er den Rath wohlmeinender Freunde verschmäht. 12. Nur unter dieser Bedingung kann ich dareinwilligen. 13. Ich willige darein, in so fern (Sect. LXXVIII. 5) es keine üblen Folgen hat. 14. Er willigte darein, ohne mit allen Schwierigkeiten bekannt zu sein. 15. 16. Der Matrose Diefes &ind that gerade, als ob es hier zu Hause wäre. stellte sich, als ob er von Sinnen wäre. 17. Er geberdet sich, als ob ihm das größte Unrecht widerfahren wäre. 18. Dieser Mann stellt sich, als ob cr beleidigt wäre. 19. Er stellt sich wie ein Kind von fünf Jahren. 20. Der Nachbar warf den Zudringlichen zur Thüre hinaus. 21. Der Knabe eilte zur Thüre hinaus, als ich dieselbe öffnete. 22. Zur Thüre hinaus, wer fich entzweit! (Göthe.) 23. Es hängt ganz von den Umständen ab, ob ich 24. Es hängt sehr von schon nächstes Jahr nach Amerika reise oder nicht. den Umständen ab, was er thun wird. 25. Ein so abhängiges Leben die Bauern in Deutschland führen, ein eben so unabhängiges führen sie in Ame» 26. Ganz unabhängig vermag kein Mensch auf Erden zu werden. EXERCISE 155.

1. Many people pass their time in idleness. 2. He spent the greatest part of his life in foreign countries. 3. Any man who has a touch of honour, renounces no duties which will benefit mankind. 4. He says his greatest treasure was God, and the whole world is as nothing compared to Him. 5. This man said, it were all the same to him whether his undertakings were successful or not. 6. How many sorts of wine have you? 7. I have three sorts, you may choose which you like. 8. I go every day twice over London Bridge. 9. Many go to Germany by way of Ostend. 10. I shall probably spend one month in Bonn. 11. My neighbour has three different kinds of ducks in his pond; they are very beautiful. 12. We have three sorts of roses growing in our garden. 13. When I am hungry, it is the same to me whether I have venison or a piece of beef before me. 14. Herika. bought ribbons of three sorts of colours.



Berlafen, when used reflexively, signifies, " to depend upon, to rely upon;" as:— :-Ich verlasse mich auf Ihr Wert, I depend upon your word (I leave myself upon your word).


1. Abhängen, likewise, signifies, "to depend upon, to be dependent upon; "" 28:- -G8 hängt von Umständen ab, it depends upon Thence is derived the adjective abhängig, dependent; as:-Er führt ein abhängiges Leben, he leads a dependent life. Die Vereinigten Staaten erklärten sich als ein unabhängiges Bolt, the United States declared themselves (as) an independent people. VOCABULARY. Frucht, f. fruit. Geber'ten, to behave. Gemächlich, comfortable, easy. Gera'de, exactly. Gera'then, to turn out,

Ab hängen. (See 1, above.) Abhängig, dependent. Betin'gung, f. condition, stipulation. Latein'willigen, to con

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Kana'rienvogel, m. ca-
Deffnen, to open.
Umstand, m. circum-


Un'abhängig, indepen


Verschmähen, to disdain, despise. Wohl'meinen, to mean well, wish well. Zu'tringlich,obtrusive.

I cannot agree to it. He agreed (consented) to it unhesitatingly. These people act (place themselves) as if they were out of their senses.

There happens to us in our lives (many a) much happiness and many a misfortune.

1. Last year the fruit did not turn out well. 2. This tree yield fruits but seldom. 3. This young gentleman relies too much upon his abilities. 4. No, he does not rely too much upon his abilities, but he knows it is not well to be dependent upon those of others. 5. I rely upon you that you will visit me next week. 6. Do exactly as if you were at home. 7. The 8. This man criminal acted as if he were out of his senses. acts exactly as a child. 9. Where is your canary-bird? It is flown out of the window. 10. How can I assent to a thing which is against my inclination ? 11. Whoever quarrels shall be expelled the house. 12. It depends upon circumstances whether I shall go to my friends. 13. Every man strives to be independent. 14. Depend upon it that I shall not help you again.

EXERCISE 104 (Vol. II., page 155).

1. For this reason I left my fatherland. 2. He had saved nothing 3. Several soldiers lost their lives in the battle. except his bare life. 4. Our troops advanced towards the enemy. 5. Opposite the friend sat the preacher. 6. The confederates came together in the night upon the Rutli, conformably to agreement. 7. After the fall of Carthage, the Roman empire hastened more and more towards its dissolution. 8. Next to the general comes the colonel. 9. I have invited Mr. N. with his children to dinner. 10. We shall visit you, with our friend, the first opportunity. 11. The Indian goes a-hunting with bow and arrow. 12. There have not been similar scenes since the Thirty Years' War. 13. You may ask everything of me. 14. Looking towards heaven, the sick man expired. 15. Next to him stood the king. 16. Against the wish of his father he entered the army. EXERCISE 105 (Vol. II., page 155).

1. Ich fahre fort, gemäß meiner frühern Gewohnheit. 2. Mein Freund ging meinem Feinde entgegen. 3. Mir gegenüber saß meine Mutter, neben meinem Oheim. 4. Ich ritt turch den Park. 5. Er frägt nach meiner Schwester. 6. Seit ich dort war, habe ich nichts mehr von der Sache ge hört. 7. Ich habe ihn seit gestern nicht gesehen. 8. Ich habe den Brief

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