Imágenes de páginas

When we are drawing any subject from nature, we are sup- lines upon that side of the building. The same practice mus posed to be standing on an imaginary line which goes off directly be observed for the retiring end of the building: the arm mus on our right hand and on our left, and therefore neither be extended in a parallel direction to it, the point fixed upon advances nor retreats in its direction. Having thus placed and the building measured on the pencil as before, and th ourselves, we must look directly before us; consequently, the distance repeated till it reaches the object the arm pointed at way we are looking, which we will call the direction of sight, (See Fig. 4, where it is repeated once and a half, first at d and will form right angles with this imaginary line upon which we the half at f, the object pointed at.) If we place ourselves are supposed to stand. Now this imaginary line indicates our further away from the building, its measured length would be position, and if we were engaged in tracing a landscape from repeated oftener to reach the VP. For an explanation of this nature upon a piece of glass (which would be the picture plane), see the remarks upon Fig. 39, "Lessons in Drawing," Vol. I., that glass or picture would necessarily be placed parallel to this page 137. Another method, or substitute for holding out the arm imaginary line that marks our position: therefore whatever line to find the VP, is to place the pencil or a long ruler between in nature is found to be perpendicular to the picture plane the eye and upon or coinciding with the retiring lines. Those would be perpendicular to the line of position also; and similarly, lines which are above the eye or HL will incline downwards, any line of the object which formed an angle with the one, those below the eye will incline upwards, all meeting at the would in like manner form an angle with the other. To most same vanishing point. (See "Lessons in Drawing," No. III, of our pupils this will no doubt be sufficiently clear, but as we Vol. I., page 72, explanation of the VP.) Suppose we are about wish to make it evident to all, if possible, we ask them to turn to draw the church (Fig. 5). As we are obliged to sit near to to Figs. 5 and 6, Lesson II. in Geometrical Perspective, Vol. II., it, we are compelled to make the point of sight at a in order page 225, which will illustrate our remarks. It will be seen how to bring the whole subject within the angle of vision, 60°, the picture plane is situated with regard to the eye, E. It is and consequently make it a case of angular perspective. If we parallel with our position when we stand before it and look could have sat further away from it, we might have made it a directly towards it, and when a line from the eye E to the surface case of parallel perspective, and have fixed the point of sight of the picture will form right angles with the picture plane, at the VP of the end of the building. Under the present ciras the line E PS with HL. Well, then, admitting this to be cumstances, if we hold out the arm parallel to the end of the the case, we can understand that if a line in the object is so building, we shall be pointing to the tree as the VP; this placed that each end is equidistant from the picture plane would be the vanishing point also for the parallel retiring lines (that is, parallel with it), we have nothing more to do than of the porch. The ridge of the roof and all lines parallel with draw it across the paper; it has no vanishing point; but it would retire in the other direction, but being at a very small when the line has one end nearer to the eye than the other, angle with the picture plane or with our position, they would it then retires and is at an angle both with our position and meet the horizontal line at some distance out of the picture, so the picture plane: all lines similar to this must have their vanish that it would be impossible to place the vanishing point within ing points. the paper; therefore we must hold up the pencil horizontally between the eye and the roof, like the line b c, by which we ascertain the proportion of the inclination.

After the above remarks, we now come to the object of the present lesson, namely, to give some general directions to our pupils how they are to proceed when they are drawing retiring lines from nature.

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It is a very difficult task to give a written explanation of all that is to be observed when drawing from nature. The broad, practical rules we have laid down we know to be simple in themselves, and we have endeavoured to make our explanations equally so, hoping very few of our pupils will fail to understand them, as we have written under a supposition that the problems in Geometrical Perspective in these pages have been studied, because through a knowledge of them many and great difficulties will be rendered easy and our explanations intelligible. If the eye only is to be depended upon, as some maintain, what need is there for any assistance at all, either from written instructions or from the lips of a master? As we have said before, there is not a line in nature but is subject to some especial rule for its representation; and unless the rule has been the guide for placing it, without fail that rule will become its judge to condemn it.

LESSONS IN GERMAN.-XLI. SECTION LXXXIII.-IDIOMATIC PHRASES (continued). Berenken tragen (to bear or have hesitation) may be rendered "to hesitate, to doubt;" as:-3ch trage Bedenken, es zu thun, I hesi tate to do it. Er trug Bedenken, es mir anzuvertrauen, he hesitated to entrust it to me.

The rule in Geometrical Perspective for finding a vanishing point is, Draw a line from the station point parallel to the ground plan as far as the picture plane." When drawing from nature, our practice must be founded upon this regulation when we desire to determine the vanishing points for the retiring lines of buildings or other regular objects at whatever angle they may appear before us; all of which can very easily be done without the necessity of making a plan of the subject, even were that possible. We recommend the practice of a few very simple problems in Geometrical Perspective; for we can testify how much this branch of art prepares the mind of the student of nature to perceive facts which might otherwise be lost to him. It gives him confidence in placing his lines, and the proportions of the whole and parts of objects, so that when, a doubt arises he has a means at hand to dispel it; therefore we urge those of our pupils whose only desire is to draw from nature without having any intention to pursue any branch of art in which geometrical drawing is indispensable, not to neglect the advantages a little geometrical knowledge affords, as we know from long experience how it imparts a readiness and certainty in drawing lines which in thousands of hands would run wild without its guidance. Upon the same principle we should, in Geometrical Perspective, "draw a line from the station point parallel with the ground plan:" so in like manner the student, when standing before his subject, should hold up his arm horizontally and parallel with the retiring side of the building he is about to draw, and if he then looks in the direction of his arm he will find he is pointing to the vanishing point, which probably may be marked by some conspicuous object in the distance, perhaps a particular tree or cottage, which he must fix as a vanishing point. He must then hold up his pencil at arm's length, and horizontally between his eye and the building, and measure its length on the pencil, then see how many of these lengths will be repeated between the end of the building and the object which had been previously marked as the vanishing point. We will suppose it is repeated twice: he must then commence by drawing the horizontal line, and then decide upon the size of the building, or the space he intends it to occupy in his drawing; say from a to b (Fig. 4). Repeat that Aeußerung, f. at- | Anspruch, m. requisi- | Billard, n. billiards. space twice on the HL, first to c and then to e, which will be the vanishing point for all the parallel and horizontal retiring


1. Ber compounded with verbs commonly expresses the idea of away, a loss, wrong, etc. (§ 97, 3. 4.); as :-Treiben, to drive; vertreiben, to drive away. Erielen, to play; verspielen, to lose at play. Leiten, to guide; verleiten, to misguide (to guide wrong); -Wie schnell verfließt eine frohe, glückliche Stunte, how quickly a joyful, happy hour passes away. Ich habe mich verhört, I have heard wrong (misunderstood), etc. Certain uses, however, of this and many others of the same class (§ 95, etc.) are best illus trated by examples; thus, sehen signifies to see, and verjeben, to provide. Legen, to lay; and verlegen, to mislay: also, figuratively, to furnish, and hence to publish (a book), that is, to furnish the necessary means for producing the book, etc. 2. Vor frequently answers to our "on;" as :-Was geht hier vor? what is going on here?




tion, claim, de- Blasen, to blow,


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Ich habe meine Schlüssel verlegt'. Der junge Mann könnte bei dieser Frage in Verle'genheit kommen. Tier Herr will Kegel mit ihm spie. len; allein er hat größere Lust, eine Partie Billard zu machen.

Mein Bruter spielt das Fortepia'no, Blast (frielt) die Flöte, und versteht rie Trommel zu schlagen (rühren).

Spielt Ihr Fräulein Schwester ir. gent ein Instrument'?

Sie frielte einmal auf der Guitar're, jest aber spielt sie nicht mehr tarauf.

Der Herr bläßt das Waldhorn sehr shen.

Ich ernieth' den Augenblick, was ihn jo auser Fassung gebracht' hatte.

Spieler, m. player. Stimmung, f. disposition, frame of mind, humour. Un'bekannt, unknown. Verlags buchhandlung,f. publishing-firm. Verle'gen. (See above, R. 1.) Weßwe'gen, wherefore, for what reason.

The ambassador hesitated to confide in all the words of the minister.

This bookseller has published the collected works Goethe.


I have mislaid my keys. The young man may get into difficulty by this question. This gentleman wishes to play ten-pins with him, but he has (a) greater desire to take a game of billiards. My brother plays the piano, blows (plays) the flute, and understands beating (striking) the drum.

Does your sister play any instrument?

She played upon the guitar

once, but now she plays upon

it no more.

This gentleman blows the bugle horn very well.

I divined in an instant what had brought him thus out of (his) self-possession.



1. Gr trug Bedenken, dem Fremden die goldene Uhr anzuvertrauen. Der Vater trug Verenken, Alles zu glauben, was ihm sein Schn erzählte. 3. Wer zu viel Bedenken trägt, gewinnt wenig. 4. Sie hielten ihn für einen ordentlichen Menschen. 5. Ich hielt ihn für den Bürgermeister dieser Statt. 6. Wir hielten ihn für etwas ganz Anteres. 7. Der junge Babinler hat ein neues Werk verlegt 8. Ist die neue Grammatik tes Heirn N. schen verlegt worden? 9. Sie ist so eben in der Verlagsbuch. bantlang tes Herrn N. erschienen. 10. Ich bin sehr in Verlegenheit, was tin tiefer Sache thun soll. 11. Die Mutter ist in Verlegenheit, weil sie ten Namen ter Straße vergessen hat. 12. Er ist in Verlegenheit, weher er tie thm fehlenten zwanzig Thaler nehmen soll. 13. Sie ist in Verlegen heit über das plötzliche Erscheinen eines Unbekannten. 14. Wollen wir e Bartie Schach over Billard spielen? 15. Ich nehme lieber eine Partie Each an, ba bei diesem Spiele mehr der Verstant, als die Geschicklichkeit Anspruch genommen wird. 16. Spielen Sie Schach gern (Sect. XLIII. 1) 17. D, ja; nur habe ich zu wenig Gelegenheit, es zu frielen, wes. ween ich bei guten Svielern sehr oft schachmatt werde. E ein Instrument? 19. Ja, ich spiele Klavier, und habe seit einigen Tagen angefangen, Geige zu spielen. 20. Svielen Sie Geige lieber, als Slater? 21. Nein, ich spiele das eine Instrument so gern, wie tas antere. 22. Blasen Sie die Flöte? 23. Nein, aber ich habe vor, tas Horn blasen zu lernen. 24. Wie lange blafen Sie Flöte? 25. Seit ungefähr Monate. 26. Ich habe jene Papiere verlegt; ich weiß nicht, wo sie zu finden sind. 27. Die Schwester hat ihre Hantschube unt ihr Buch ver28. Den sonst so ruhigen Mann brachte ein solches Betragen ganz auer Fassung, und seine kurzen Antworten und die Röthe seiner Wangen Siren errathen, was in seinem Innern verging. 29. Ich errieth augen. badlich die Ursache, die diese Stimmung in tem Gendthe meines Freuntes berergerufen hatte, und ließ es auch jenen errathen, damit er vorsichtiger in feinen Aeußerungen sein möchte.



18. Spielen


1. He hesitated to entrust his attorney with the affair. The mother hesitated to believe everything that her daughter told her. 3. I have mislaid your book, and am therefore in 4. The child deceived its teacher, and he there

much trouble.

fore hesitated to believe him again. 5. He played at billiards,

and lost all his money. 6. Will you play a game at chess with me? 7. No, I prefer a game at billiards, for I do not know much about chess. 8. Do you play any instrument ? 9. Yes, I play the harpsichord, and I think of learning the violin. 10. Is your sister skilful at the piano? 11. No, but she is excellent at the harp. 12. At that question he lost all self-command, and knew not how to answer. 13. Mr. C. in London will publish the history of the kings of England shortly.

SECTION LXXXIV.-IDIOMATIC PHRASES (continued). Recht (right) and linf (left) are often used with zur; as:-3urRechten, zur Linken, for zu der rechten Hand, to the right hand; zu der· linken Hand, to the left hand.

1. Gefallen, literally, to fall, or happen (acceptably), that is, to be pleasing, or agreeable; as:-Dieses Buch gefällt mir, this book pleases me. Gefallen lassen to submit to, "to put up with; as-Ich kann mir diese Behandlung nicht gefallen lassen, I cannot submit to this treatment—that is, cannot let this treatment please me.

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VOCABULARY. Gei'genspiel, n. violinmusic. Guitar're, f. guitar. Lieb, n. song, air. Link, adj. (See above.) Lints, adv. to the left.

Feu'erglocke, f. fire- Mozart, Mozart. Natürlich, natural, naturally. Recht, adj. above.) RÉSUMÉ OF EXAMPLES.


s ist Schade, daß bei vielen Men. schen die guten Anlagen und Talen'te nicht besser aus'gebildet


Es ist Schade, daß er nicht da war.

Das ist mir ganz recht.

Dem frommen Tobi'as war Alles

recht, was Gott über ihn verhäng'te.

Ein Verleumter muß es sich ge.

fallen lassen, von seinen Ne'benmenschen verach'tet zu werden.


Rechts, adv. to the right.


Still schweigen, to be silent, to one's peace. Untersu'chung, f. examination. Unterwerfen, to subject, submit. Verwunderung, f. astonishment, prise.


It is (a) pity that with manymen (the) good endowments and talents are not better developed.

It is (a) pity that he was not there.

That just suits me (is just as

I'd have it). That serves me right.

To the devout Tobias all was

right that God ordained concerning him.

A calumniator must submit to be despised by his fellow


In dem Stübchen tiefer armen al. In the little room of this poor

ten Frau saß zur Rechten die Noth, und zur Linken das Glend.

Rechts sieht man die Schafe auf der

Wiese weiten, und links die Ziegen an tem Berge klettern.

Morgen über acht Tage reisen wir

von hier ab.

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old woman sat distress at the right hand, and wretchedness at the left.

At the right are seen the sheep pasturing in the meadow, and at the left the goats clambering upon the mountain. week from to-morrow we de part (hence) from here. He accompanied his song with


the harp.

The accompaniment of this

piece is by the celebrated Charles Maria von Weber.

Under such circumstances the promise was of course broken


Macht es, wie ihr wollt, mix ist Alles recht. 1. Es ist Schade, daß Sie nicht eine Stunde früher gekommen sind. 2. die Versammlung beschlossen hat. 3. Mir ist Alles recht, was 4. Er mußte sich diese Beleidigung still schweigend gefallen lassen. 5. Er mußte sich Bieles gefallen lassen, was er sich unter andern Verhältnissen nicht hätte gefallen lassen. 6. Sie mußte es sich gefallen lassen, verleumret worten z sein. 7. Zur Rechten hatten wir tas Gebirge, und zur Linken ten Fluß. 8. Rechts und links waren feintliche Truppen aufgestellt. 9. Ihr dürft weder zur Rechten, noch zur Linken von tiefem Wege abweichen. 10. Wer ist Schuld (Sect. LIX. 11. Unser Nachbar ist Schuld daran. 12. Der Schüler ist Schuld daran, daß er bestraft wird. 13. Wir selbst sind.

2) an diesem Unglücke ?

Schuld daran gewesen. 14. Morgen über acht Tage kommt ein Dampfschiff von New York an. 15. Morgen über vierzehn Tage wird es ein Jahr, daß ich ihn gesehen habe. 16. Gestern vor acht Tagen ist sein Vater gestorben. 17. Das junge Mädchen begleitete ihren Gesang mit der Guitarre. 18. Der Freund begleitete mit dem Fortepiano das Geigenspiel des Italieners. 19. Die Begleitung dieser Lieder ist von Mozart. 20. Vieles würde uns natürlich erscheinen, wenn wir es einer gehörigen Unter suchung unterwerfen wollten. 21. Wir fanden es sehr natürlich, daß er gestern nicht kam. 22. Ein natürliches Ereigniß erregt keine Verwun derung. 23. Haben Sie heute Morgen die Feuerglocken gehört? 24. Natürlich (Sect. LXXXII.), denn ich war selbst bei rem Feuer. 25. G8 ist natürlich, daß wir sterben müssen. 26. Ich begleite meine jungen Freunde nach Hause. EXERCISE 163.

1. It is a pity that your friend did not arrive half an hour earlier. 2. I must submit to whatever my father resolves on. 3. John's new book pleases me much. 4. One must submit in this life to many things. 5. I would not submit to it, if I were in your place. 6. To the right hand we had the river, and to the left hand the mountainous forest. 7. Right and left we saw nothing but enemies' troops. 8. This day week we go to Berlin. 9. To-morrow fortnight my brother will arrive here. 10. A week ago yesterday a ship sailed for Australia. 11. Three days ago we had unexpectedly great pleasure. 12. It is a pity that the talents of this young artist are not better developed. 13. Your sister accompanied me with the harp, and sang to the piano of my friend. 14. It is quite natural that everybody must die. 15. The accompaniment of this piece is by Handel.

SECTION LXXXV.-DATIVE OF PRONOUNS, ETC. The dative of the personal pronoun of the first and second person (seldom translatable) is often employed in familiar style, to intimate in a wholly indefinite manner a participation or interest on the part of the speaker or the person addressed; as:— Ich lobe mir den Knaben, I praise (for myself) the boy. Gebe mir nicht auf's Eis, do not go upon the ice. In ter blut'gen Schlacht bei Lüßen ritt er Euch unter des Feuers Blißen auf und nieder mit kühlem Blut (Schiller), in the bloody battle of Lützen he rode amid the lightnings of the firing, up and down in cool blood,

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beleidigte nicht nur mich, sondern auch meinen Oheim. 4. Diese Sache hat mir schon viel Verdruß gemacht. 5. Der ungerathene Sohn macht tem Vater viel Vertruß. 6. Es verdrießt den Lehrer, eigensinnige Schüler zu haben. 7. Diese Rede vertroß manche Anwesenden. 8. Der ver drossene Knabe ließ seine Arbeit liegen. 9. Es vertroß den Freunt, taj ich ihm seine Vriese nicht beantwortete. 10. Ich vertanke ihm meine Ret tung. 11. Somit verdanke ich ihm nächst Gett Alles. 12. Wenn et nicht bald anders wirt, so laufe ich davon. 13. Bei solchen Greignißen möchte man davon laufen. 14. Dem Knaben ist sein kleiner Hund daren gelaufen. 15. Dem Richter geziemt es, nach der Ursache dieser Störun zu fragen. 16. Es geziemt mir, über diese Sache zu schweigen. 17. Da Neugierige pflegt sich nach jeter Kleinigkeit umzusehen. 18. Ich ging in tie Stadt, um mich ein wenig darin umzusehen. 19. Mein Freund will sich nach einer andern Wohnung umschen. 20. Ich lobe mir die alten Zeiten. 21. 3ch lobe mir die schönen Zimmer und die freundliche Bewirthung. 22. Die Pferde wurden scheu, und gingen mit uns durch.


1. It does not become a child to contradict its parents. 2. I went to the town for the purpose of looking about. 3. I admire these beautiful apartments and their pleasant situation. 4. The thief ran away with the money before it was possible to overtake him. 5. He ran away for fear they should take him 6. It is a vexatious affair that he has lost my in the act.

money. 7. I perceive that this little present pleases you. 8. I 9. Are you looking perceive that he has not spoken the truth. 10. No, I am looking for my friends. about for your father? 11. I praise these intelligent scholars. 12. Do not fall, little

child. 13. My brother shoots a bird from a tree at eighty paces.



II. Advantages and Conditions of the University Curriculum. i. The course open to students, described in the University statutes as non ascripti, more commonly, known as unattached students. ii. Private halls. iii. Collegiate education.


Of the three conditions under which students can now mairiculate in the University of Oxford, that of "unattached students" is at once the most recent in point of time, and the most popular as regards its requirements. By this it is not intended to be inferred that the majority of the undergraduates of Oxford are

An'merken, to perceive. Neugierig,inquisitive, Störung, f. disturb- unattached students, but that the condition is the most inde

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pendent, and likely to commend itself to those who would seek a university course rather for its educational than for its social advantages. For this reason it is treated of first in the second chapter on the advantages offered by the University of Oxford. Its difference from the hitherto normal mode of passing through the University being only social, and the exercises and examinations required for degrees being the same for all the to all the three classes is given under this head; only that three classes of students, all the information that is common which is peculiar to the other classes being placed under the divisions respectively allotted to them.

The statute which provides for the admission to the University of the year 1868, the Rev. Francis Knyvett Leighton, D.D.. independently of any college or hall, was passed in the summer Warden of All Souls College, being Vice-Chancellor at the time. The delegacy appointed under the statute for the special supervision of students of this class consists of the Vice-Chancellor

and Proctors (who are delegates ex officio), and the Rev. G. W. Kitchin, M.A., of Christ Church, and the Rev. G. S. Ward, M.A., of Magdalen Hall, who have been elected by Convocation. Such students keep terms by residing in Oxford, either with their parents or in lodgings which have been duly licensed. Persons who desire to be admitted to the University as unattached students must apply to the delegates for licensing lodging-houses; and the delegates must be satisfied that the candidates are of good character, that they have the consent of their parents or guardians to their living in lodgings, and that they are of sufficient attainments in classics and mathe

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The subjects of the examination are as follow:1. Three books of Homer, or one Greek play.

six weeks is required by the statutes to keep each of the two first named, and three weeks for each of the other terms; but

2. Three books of Virgil's "Eneid," or three books of the these last may also be kept jointly by residing for forty-eight "Odes" of Horace.

3. Translation from English into Latin.

4. The Elements of Greek and Latin Grammar.

5. Arithmetic, including Fractions, Decimals, and Proportion. 6. Euclid, books i. and ii., or Algebra, to Simple Equations, inclusive.

Each candidate must forward to the delegates (under cover to the Rev. G. W. Kitchin, M.A., Christ Church, or to the Rev. G. S. Ward, M.A., Magdalen Hall) at least one week before the Jay appointed for the examination

1. A testimonial of good conduct and character.


Under the statute "De Scholarium Residentia," no student can reside in any lodgings which have not been duly licensed. [It may be well to state in this place that this provision applies to collegiate and aularian as well as to unattached students.] The following means of education are open to unattached students:—

1. All professorial or public lectures. [A list of these lectures is published terminally, and may be seen on a notice-board in the schools' quadrangle.]

2. The University Museum, with the lectures, etc., on Physical

2. A certificate that his parents or guardians consent to his Science. [Information to be had at the Museum.] ving in lodgings.

When a candidate has satisfied the delegates in the examination, he is required by the statutes to have a tutor, whom he may select for himself from a list of graduates who have been approved by the delegates to act in that capacity. Finally, he will be matriculated by the Vice-Chancellor as an unattached student of the University; and he can then at once begin to keep terms.

The following is a list that has been published of graduates who are willing to act in the capacity of tutors, from whom unattached students may make their selection :-

T. Arnold, M.A., Exeter College (Laleham, St. Giles's Road

Rev. T. Chamberlain, M.A., Student of Christ Church.
Rev. D. P. Chase, M.A., Principal of St. Mary Hall.
Rev. R. F. Clarke, M.A., Fellow of St. John's College.
Rev. E. Cooper, M.A., Queen's College (70, High Street).
Rev. H. B. George, M.A., Fellow of New College.
E. M. Geldart, B.A., Balliol College (North Parade).
Rev. E. Hatch, M.A., Vice-Principal of St. Mary Hall.
Rev. C. H. Hoole, M.A., Senior Student of Christ Church
(Museum Villas).

Rev. S. J. Hulme, M.A., Wadham College (Felstead House,
St. Giles's Road East).

Rev. J. D. Jenkins, B.D., Fellow of Jesus College.

3. The Bodleian Library and the Radcliffe Reading Room are open to all undergraduates. [Apply, with recommendation from a M.A., to the Rev. H. O. Coxe, M.A., the librarian.] 4. The Taylorian Library of Foreign Literature, the Taylorian Galleries, and the Art School, are open to all undergraduates, under due restrictions.

In addition to these advantages, which are provided by the larger body of the University, Oriel and Queen's Colleges have opened their lectures on certain conditions, which may be learned on application to the provosts of those societies, and for a very moderate cost, to such unattached students as may be recommended by their tutors for such assistance.

Several resident Masters of Arts, among whom are Mr. J. Y. Sargent of Magdalen, the Rev. O. Ogle of Lincoln, the Rev. S. J. Hulme of Wadham, and the Rev. G. W. Kitchin of Christ Church, have expressed their readiness to give lectures in various branches of University study.

At any time the Revs. G. W. Kitchin and G. S. Ward may be consulted in any difficulties which may occur to unattached students, the delegates as a body exercising over students of this class the same authority which is exercised by the heads of colleges and halls over their students.

The chief information now required is a brief view (1) of such further fees as the bulk of those who go through a course are liable to be called on to pay; and (2) of the principal subjects

Rev. J. R. King, M.A., Merton College (Backworth, St. Giles's for examination. Road East).

Rev. O. Ogle, M.A., Lincoln College (20, Park Crescent, Park Town).

Rev. J. Rumsey, M. A., Pembroke College.

J. Y. Sargent, M.A., Tutor of Magdalen College (Headington Hill).

S. B. Smith, B.A., Mathematical Lecturer, St. Alban Hall. F. W. O. Ward, B.A., Charsley's Hall (7, Museum Terrace). The tutor is required to watch over the conduct and character of the pupil, and to satisfy himself that he is receiving instruction in the studies of the University, and if a member of the Church of England, especially in matters of faith. For these services the tutor will receive a remuneration from the

University; but this remuneration does not provide for in


The fees and dues to be paid by unattached students are, upon matriculation, £5, and subsequently £3 10s. per annum. These payments entitle them to the advice and supervision of their tutors, and to all the University advantages which are the privilege of undergraduates.

The following fees are also charged, viz.:—

On entering the name for Responsions

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Before admission to the status of S.C.L. or S.M., £7 10s.; degree of B.A., £7 10s.; ditto, if previously S.C.L. or S.M., £2; degree of Mus. Bac., £5; degree of M.A., £12; degree of B.C.L. or B.M., £6 10s.; degree of B.D., £14; degree of D.C.L., M.D., or D.D., £40; degree of Mus. Doc., £10.

The sum of £1 per annum is also to be paid for University dues by all persons of the degree of M.A. who wish to remain on the Register of Convocation, and to retain membership of the University and the right of voting. This annual payment can be compounded for by a single payment fixed by a scale according to the age of the compounder.

[It may be mentioned in this place, in order not to have to recur to fiscal matters, that a further annual payment is required from all persons who retain their names on the books of any college or hall, to be made to the bursar or other official of such society. This payment varies slightly in the different colleges and halls.]

Exercises and Examinations for Degrees.

Students in the University of Oxford are required to pass £ s. d. three distinct examinations, viz. :-(1) Responsions, before the Masters of the Schools (commonly known as the "Little-go"); 1 1 0 (2) the First Public Examination before Moderators (commonly known as "Moderations"); and (3) the Second Public Examination, before the Public Examiners (commonly known as the "Great-go").

1 1 0
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It is practically found that the expenses of unattached students for board and lodging average about £1 158. per week while in residence.

Twelve terms must be kept in residence by every student before he can take the degree of B.A.; and twenty-six-for none of which (after the B.A. degree) any residence is required -for the degree of M.A., which can be taken on the first day of the twenty-seventh term, or on any subsequent degree day.

There are four terms in the academical year- namely, Michaelmas, Lent, Easter, and Trinity Terms. A residence of

1. Responsions.

This examination is held three times in each year, printed notices being circulated of the times at which one of the Proctors will receive the names of candidates, and the list of subjects in which they wish to be examined. Similar notice is given of all approaching examinations. Each candidate for Responsions is required, in order to obtain the Testamur, to satisfy the masters of the schools, partly in writing, partly vivâ voce, of his proficiency in Latin and Greek grammar; the translation of a passage of some English writer into Latin prose (usually an

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Horace. Any three books of the "Odes" (the "Epodes counting as a Book of the "Odes "), and "De Arte Poeticâ;" or the "Satires," with "De Arte Poetica;" or the "Epistles," with "De Arte Poeticâ."

Juvenal.-The whole, except "Satires " ii., vi., and ix. Cicero. The four "Orations against Catiline," or any other four "Orations;" or two books "De Officiis;" or three books of the "Tuscnlan Disputations;" or "De Amicitiâ " and De Senectute."

2. First Public Examination.


This examination is held twice a year. Every candidate who passes it must have entered his name on the Proctor's list as previously to Responsions, producing at the same time his Testamur for Responsions, and must satisfy the Moderators in Latin and Greek Grammar; in either Logic or Algebra, with (in either case) three books of Euclid; the four Gospels in Greek; and translation from English into Latin prose. These subjects never vary; and the examination, as with Responsions, is partly in writing, partly viva voce. Such students as are not members of the Church of England may substitute for the four Gospels a Greek author equivalent in extent. In addition to the fixed subjects, each candidate must offer a portion of one Latin and one Greek author at least, of which one must be a poct and the other an orator, and neither of which may be the same with either of the two offered for Responsions, unless he now brings in as many as four authors. Candidates, unless offering themselves for the honour examination, must choose their two or three books from a list of poets and orators which is issued every year in Easter Term.

Among the authors usually offered to candidates from which to make their selection, are the following. Portions only of each author are usually required, both in the Pass and Class Schools, which are duly specified:

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Honours are also awarded in Mathematics as well as in Classics, the examination being confined to Pure Mathematics; but no honours, either classical or mathematical, can be awarded later in the University course than the end of the tenth term from matriculation. Subject to this condition, candidates may offer themselves for mathematical honours in a different term from that in which they have been examined in classics. A Testamur, similar to that given at Responsions, is awarded to all who satisfy the Moderators, the names of the successful candidates for honours being divided into three classes (both in the Classical and Mathematical Schools), the names in each class being arranged alphabetically. The names of those who satisfy the Moderators in the Pass Schools are also printed in alphabetical order.

3. Second Public Examination.

This examination is held twice in every year, notice being given of the approach of the time in a similar manner to that adopted previously to the other examinations, and students enter their names before the Proctor as before, producing their Testamur for the First Public Examination. The examination embraces four schools, or sets of subjects-namely, Classics, or Litera Humaniores; Mathematics; Law and Modern History ; and Natural Science-and, as before, is conducted partly in writing, partly vivâ voce; and pass-men, as a rule, must satisfy the public examiners in two schools. If, however, a candidate has previously passed in not less than three books in the First Public Examination, and obtains a place in at least the third class in any one of the four schools, and has also satisfied the examiners in Divinity (or its substitute, if not a member of the Church of England, a provision being made in this examination also similar to that which has been mentioned in connection with the First Public Examination), nothing further is required of him.

In the Classical School, or Litera Humaniores, every candidate, to obtain the Testamur, must satisfy the public examiners in Divinity (or its substitute), and in at least one Greek and one Latin author. The term "Divinity" comprises the four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles in Greek, the whole range of Bible History, the Thirty-nine Articles, and the Evidences of Religion. of the two authors, one must be a philosopher, the other an historian, and neither may be the same with either of the two which the candidate brought in for Responsions, unless he now offers as many as four authors. Candidates, unless offering themselves for the honour examination, must choose their two books from a list of philosophers and historians which is issued every year in Easter Term.

Among the authors usually offered to candidates from which to make their selection, are the following. As before, only specified portions are required :-—-

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Bacon's "Novum Organon."

Bishop Butler's "Sermons" or "Analogy."
Some one or more of the Apostolical Epistles.
Ecclesiastical History.

Candidates for honours may make up their lists from either or both of the above lists. Logic, also, is indispensable for either the first or second class in the honour list. The examination in Ancient History includes Chronology, Geography, and Antiquities; and Latin and Greek Composition is also within its range.

In the Mathematical School every candidate, to obtain the Testamur, must satisfy the examiners in the first six books of Euclid, or in the first part of Algebra. The examination for honours comprises the whole range of Mixed as well as Pure Mathematics;. Mechanics, including Dynamics of Material Systems, Hydro-mechanics, Optics, and Astronomy, being usually offered by candidates for the highest honours.

In the School of Law and Modern History, the pass-subjects consist of either English History to the end of the reign of Henry VII., and that part of English Law which relates to

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