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"Let out the coach instantly, for I have an order to that effect." "Oh, sir, 'tis well that you have the keys of the Port and must answer for it," replied the soldier, and pulled back the ponderous gate in the arch between the towers. The moment the coach passed out, a Highlander sprang in, and in the twilight, grasped the sentinel, and wrested his musket from him. It was the chieftain of Lochiel; and immediately the whole Clan Cameron, 900 strong, with swords drawn and banners displayed, all clad in their native tartan, marched up the High-street with twelve pipers before them, making the lofty houses ring, and awakening the terrified citizens with the stirring air of"We'll awa to Shirramuir,

And haud the Whigs in order."

About mid-day, the main body of the Highland army, making a circuit by the ancient Tower of Merchiston, marched west by the Grange Loan, a narrow road, between old walls and aged trees, and thus avoiding the castle guns, arrived in the King's Park, where the young Prince-arrayed in the national garb, which displayed to advan. tage his tall and handsome figure, and wearing on his left breast the Order of the Thistle-was received with acclamation by the people. Surrounded by his Highland guard-all veterans of Sheriffmuir and Glenshiel, men verging on eighty years of age, and distinguished by snow-white beards and Lochaber axes-the Prince approached the great gate of the palace, and there he paused; for, at that moment, a twenty-four pound shot, fired from the castle, struck the front wall of James V.'s Tower, near the window that lights the state apartments of Queen Mary. It dislodged several stones, and they fell together into the court. In this incident there was something so peculiarly insulting to the descendant of the Stuarts when standing on the very threshold of their desolate palace, that a simultaneous groan burst from the spectators; a shout of acclamation followed, and the Prince again approached the gate, but again paused, and looked round him irresolutely, for there was no Lord Keeper, no Earl Marischal, no Great Chamberlain, no Master of the Household, to usher him into ancient Holyrood, till a gentleman sprang from the crowd, raised his hat, and drawing his dress-sword, led the way to the state apartments, while another shout of applause burst from the people. In absence of his father, the Prince was proclaimed Regent of Britain by the heralds, at the cross, around which Lochiel, with his Camerons, and several ladies on horseback with drawn swords, acted as guard; the first for safety, the last for honour and enthusiasm. The Highlanders stayed within their camp, or, when in the city, behaved themselves with the utmost order and decorum; no outrages were committed, and no brawls of any kind ensued.-Memorials of the Castle of Edinburgh, pp. 225-228.


SECTION XC.-LINACEÆ, OR FLAXWORTS. Characteristics: Sepals five or four, either free or joined at the base, persistent; petals five or four, hypogynous, contorted in æstivation, caduceous; stamens slightly monadelphous, five or four, frequently ten, of which the five external ones are fertile, the remainder barren; ovary four, five, or three-celled, bi-ovulate, each divided into two cells; ovules pendent, reflexed; styles three to five, filiform; stigmas capitular; capsule septicidal; seed dicotyledonous, exalbuminous; stem herbaceous or subligneous; leaves simple without stipules; flowers regular.

This small family, composed of two genera, is dispersed over the temperate regions of the entire world. The common flax (Linum usitatissimum, Fig. 247) is indigenous to Southern Europe and Northern Africa. In France and Ireland vast tracts are devoted to its cultivation. The testa contains an abundant mucilage, which confers on the seed its emollient properties. The use of linseed meal as a poultice material is very familiar. These seeds contain a fixed oil, obtainable by expression, and employed in a great variety of useful operations; it is especially useful as a vehicle for mixing paint. It is naturally a drying oil, and its drying property is further augmented by boiling

with oxide of lead.

SECTION XCI.-ZYGOPHYLLACEE, OR BEAN CAPERS. Characteristics: Calyx free, five or four-partite; petals hypogynous, free, equal in number to the divisions of the calyx; imbricated in æstivation; stamens equal in number to the petals; ovary pluri-locular; ovule reflexed; capsule loculicidal or separating into shells; seed dicotyledonous, exalbuminous; embryo embedded in a cartilaginous albumen; stem herbaceous or woody; leaves opposite, pinnate, furnished with stipules.

The principal member of this natural family is the guaiacum (Guaiacum officinale, Fig. 248). It is a large West Indian tree, the wood of which is exceedingly hard, and known by the commercial name of lignum vitæ.

SECTION XCII.-RUTACEE, OR RUEWORTS. Characteristics: Calyx four or five-partite; petals equal in number to the divisions of the calyx, inserted upon a hypogynous or almost perigynous disc, ordinarily free; stamens equal in number to the petals, sometimes double the number; ovaries free or coherent to a variable extent; ordinarily bi-ovulate; styles distinct at their base, coherent at their summit; capsule many-valved, having a smooth cartilaginous endocarp opening by its own elasticity into two lobes; seed dicotyledonous; stem ordinarily ligneous; leaves without stipules, or provided with two glands at the base of each petiole.

This order has been divided into two sub-orders, the Rutea and the Diosmeæ. In the former the seeds contain albumen, while the fruit has the sarcocarp and endocarp combined; but in the latter the seeds are exalbuminous, and when the fruit is ripe the sarcocarp is separate from the endocarp. The Rutacea are found in all parts of the world, the Ruter being chiefly found in the south part of the north temperate zone, while the Diosmea are for the most part natives of South Africa and Australia. Their properties are dependent on the presence of a resin and a volatile oil, occasionally mingled with a peculiar bitter principle: this is especially the case as regards the Galipea trifoliata, a tree which grows in vast forests on the banks of the Orinoco, and whose bark is known in commerce under the name of Angostura bark. The leaves of the Barosma crenata, and other natives of the Cape of Good Hope, are employed as a valuable medicine: they are known in commerce as buchu leaves. Many species of Diosma are now cultivated in Europe, among which the Lemonia spectabilis, a native of Cuba, and the dittany, or Dictamnus fraxinella (Fig. 251), are the most remarkable. The latter is indigenous to Germany, and is noticeable for the large amount of inflammable gas which it secretes, so that if in the evening of a hot day a flame be caused to approach a mass of these plants, the combustible atmosphere around them takes fire, the plants themselves remaining uninjured.


Characteristics: Calyx free; petals hypogynous, equal in number to that of the divisions of the calyx; convolute or imbricated in æstivation; caduceous, rarely absent; stamens equal in number to the petals, or double the latter; carpels elevated on a stipes, free or coherent at their base, or sometimes completely aggregated into a many-celled ovary, each containing two or four reflex ovules; fruit various; seed dicotyledonous; embryo embedded in the axis of a fleshy albumen; radicle superior.

The Xanthoxylace are inhabitants of the tropical and subtropical regions of America and Asia. They are all characterised by pungent and aromatic properties. The fruit of the Xanthoxylon piperitum, or pepper-like xanthoxylon, a native of Japan, is used by the Japanese instead of pepper. It is supposed to be an antidote against many poisons. SECTION XCIV.-MENISPERMACEÆ, OR MENISPERMADS. twelve, hypogynous, usually free, sometimes absent; stamens Characteristics: Sepals free, caduceous; petals three, six, or equal in number to the sepals, rarely more; filaments free, ovules curved; fruit bacciform or coriaceous; seed straight or sometimes monadelphous; ovaries many, free, uni-ovulate; curved; embryo very large, slightly albuminous, or albumen totally absent; the stems of members of this natural order are flowers ordinarily diclinal. flexible, climbing; leaves alternate, simple, without stipules;

of Asia and Africa. The colombo, or root of the hand-leaved The Menispermacea chiefly inhabit the intertropical regions cocculus (Cocculus palmatus), a member of this natural order, a native of Eastern Africa, is much employed in medical prac tice as a tonic, as is also the Pareira Brava root (Cissampelos Pareira), a native of the West Indies. The Cocculus Indicus of the druggists' shops is the fruit of the Anamirta paniculata, a native of tropical Asia, where it is much used as an agent for stupefying fish. To eat the fish thus stupefied is, however, not altogether free from danger. The active principle of Cocculus Indicus is picrotorine, a crystalline alkaloid body scarcely less dangerous than strychnine. Many species of Menispermacea are now cultivated in European gardens, amongst which the Canadian moonseed, or Menispermum Canadense (Fig. 252), is most prominent.

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pendent; berries capitulous or on a spike; seed dicotyledonous; | corolla absent; stamens monadelphous; ovary single, unilocular; embryo straight, small, at the base of a fleshy albumen; stem ovules one or two erect, reflexed; berry capsular, one-celled, biligneous, twig-like; leaves alternate, simple, ex-stipulate. valved; seed solitary, enveloped by a fleshy arillus. The members of this small family are natives of Japan and The Myristicaceae are trecs or shrubs growing in tropical North America. They contain a mucilaginous juice, devoid regions; their leaves are alternate, simple, entire. both of aroma and of acridity. A specimen of the scarletflowered schizandra (Schizandra coccinea) was to be seen for

The true nutmeg (Myristica moschata, Fig. 254) is the most celebrated member of this family; it is indigenous to the Mo

luccas or Spice Islands, but now extensively cultivated in the Er arbeitet mit großem Fleiße (sehr He labours with great industry tropical parts of America.

SECTION XCVII.—ANONACEE, OR ANONADS. Characteristics: Sepals three; petals hypogynous, six biserial; valvate in æstivation; stamens ordinarily indefinite, multi-serial; carpels numerous, free, or almost free, composed of one or more erect or ascendant ovules; fruit capsular or bacciform; embryo small, at the base of a ruminated albumen; stem ligneous; leaves alternate, simple, entire, without stipules.

The Anonaceae inhabit almost every part of the torrid zone; their bark is aromatic and stimulant, sometimes acrid or nauseous. The flowers have for the most part an agreeable


Th nonas produce delicious fruits. The Anona Cherimolia, a nati. of Peru, is the most celebrated. The sour sop, or Anona muricata, and the sweet sop, or Anona squamosa, (Fig. 255), natives of South America and the West Indies, also are good fruit-bearers; the fruits not merely gratifying the senses of taste and smell, but pleasing the eye also on account of their elegant shape.


SECTION LXXXIX.-IDIOMATIC PHRASES (continued). THE phrase, "a friend of mine, a friend of his," etc., is rendered in German by ein Fieunt von mir," a friend of me, or, einer meiner Freunte, one of my friends, etc. (§ 123. 8. d.); as:-Ein Freunt von ibm segelte gestern nach Galifornien, a friend of his sailed yesterday for California. Einer meiner Freunte verheirathete sich vor einem Vierteljahre in Amerika, a friend of mine got married three months ago in America.

1. Auftragen, with the accusative, signifies "to put on" (as colours), or serve up" (as food); as:-Man hat vie Surre aufge tragen, they have served up (the soup). With the dative, it means "to commission, enjoin, instruct," etc.; as:-Gr hat mir aufge tragen, Ihnen zu sagen, daß er Sie morgen erwartet, he has instructed me to say that he awaits or expects you to-morrow.

2. Anrichten (literally, "to make right, or ready for") signifies "to get in readiness, to prepare" (as victuals); so, Unheil an richten, to prepare, produce, do mischief; as :-Nachrem die Köchin die Speisen angerichtet hatte, trug sie dieselben auf, after the cook had prepared the food, she served it up. Der Geiz hat schon viel Unheil angerichtet, avarice has already produced much mischief.

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3. Hinreichen, when transitive, signifies "to hand, to pass; a3:-Er reichte tem Freunte das Buch bin, he handed (reached) his friend the book; when intransitive, it means "to suffice, to be sufficient;" as-Schr wenig reicht bin, einen klugen Menschen glücklich zu machen, very little is sufficient to make a wise man happy.

An'richten. (See R. 2, above.) Auftragen. (See R. 1, above.) Bestreben, to endeavour, strive, exert one's self. Desre'tisch, despotic, despotical.

VOCABULARY. Donau, f. Danube. Ertulten, to suffer, endure, bear. Grtrin fen, to drown. Grüßen, to greet, salute. Sin'reichen. 3, above.)

(See R.


Giner seiner Freunde wurte in Baten cricboss'en.

Man hat mir die Untersuchung tiefer

Sache auf getragen.

Man trug auf, was Küche und Keller


Der Zern richtet nur Böses an. Es ist in Deutschland wohlfeiler leben, als in Amerika. Es genügt mir nicht, ihn zu sehen, ich will ihn auch sprechen.

3h will es ihm hinreichen.

Gelt reichte nicht hin.

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A friend of his was shot in Baden.

They have enjoined on me the investigation of this matter. They served up what kitchen

and cellar afforded. Anger produces only mischief. It is cheaper living in Germany

than in America.

It does not satisfy (suffice) me to see him; I wish to speak to him also.

I will reach it (forth) to him.

Ich wollte ihn bezahlen, aber das I was going to pay him, but the money did not hold out (suffice).

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1. Ein Vaterlantsfreund stirbt lieber, als daß (Sect. LX.) er zum Verräther wird. 2. Die ersten Christen ertulteten lieber die härtesten Ver folgungen, als daß sie ihren Glauben verließen. 3. So etwas läßt man sich nicht zweimal sagen. 4. Ginen meiner Brüter habe ich in trei Jahren nicht gesehen. 5. Ein Freund von mir ist vor einigen Jahren bei Wien in der Donau ertrunken. 6. Es ist gut reijen (Sect. XLI. 4), wenn man Geld, und gut leben, wenn man keine Sergen hat. 7. In einem freien gante ist besser leben, als in einem despotischen. 8. In Begleitung munterer Freunde ist es angenehm zu reisen. 9. Nur zu leicht vergif: ter Mensch im Glücke, was er ist. 10. Viele ausgezeichnete unt etle Männer sind vergessen worden. 11. Gs tarf tem Menschen nicht genügen, zu wissen was recht ist, sondern er muß sich auch bestreben, recht zu thun 12. Gs genügt mir, zu wissen, daß Ihr noch alle gesund seit. 13. Wi weniges reicht oft hin, einen Menschen glücklich zu machen. 14. Gr reichte ibm tie Zeitung hin, nachdem er sie selbst gelesen hatte. 15. Dieses reichte hin, ihn zufrieren zu stellen. 16. Der Koch richtet die Speisen an. 17. Er hat diese kleine Verwirrung mit Fleiß angerichtet. 18. Die Köchin foftete (Sect. LXXXVI.) tie Suppe, che sie dieselbe auftrug. 19. Man muß versuchen, ob man ihm nicht noch helfen kann. 20. Versuchen Sie ein mal diesen Wein, ob er süß genug ist. 21. Er trug mir auf, Sie von ihm zu grüßen.


1. I have just seen a brother of yours who has returned from India. 2. A friend of mine got married last week. 3. The teacher has enjoined on me the explanation of this subject. 4. Has my father instructed you to invite your brother to us this evening? 5. No, Sir, but he instructed me to tell my father that he might call on him to-morrow morning. 6. The scholar, upon the request of the teacher, handed the book to him. 7. Riches do not suffice to make a man happy. 8. A true Christian, rather than betray his belief, endures great suffering. 9. Is the dinner already put on the table? 10. No, Sir, it is not served up, it is not yet ready. 11. It is not sufficient for a prudent man to know what is right, but he also acts rightly.

SECTION XC.-IDIOMATIC PHRASES (continued). Genießen, to enjoy, governs, as already seen (Sect. XLVI.), the genitive or accusative. It also signifies "to take nourishment, to eat or drink," in which use it governs the accusative only; as:-Ich habe heute wenig genessen, I have eaten but little to-day.

1. Auf frequently has the force of an adjective; as :-Die Thür ist auf, the door is open, or, tie Thür ist offen. Zu is similarly used; as:-Die Thür ist zu, the door is to (closed). In this use, they are frequently compounded with verbs, especially with machen ; as:-Er bat čas Fenster auf,, und sie hat es zugemacht, he has opened the window, and she has shut it.

2. In ter That (literally, "in the deed") answers to the English indeed, "in reality; as-Ich weiß in der That nicht, was ich tavon denken fell, I really do not know what to think of it. Die Freundschaft scheint mir in ter That besser (Gellert), friendship appears indeed to me better.


3. Zu Stande bringen to bring to a stand or point, that is, "to bring to pass, to accomplish; as:-Guter Wille und Ausdauer vermögen viel zu Stande zu bringen, good-will and perseverance can accomplish much.


4. Langeweile, compounded of lang, long, and Weile, while or time = tediousness, weariness, heaviness; as --Was den Thoren vergnügt, macht dem Weisen gewöhnlich Langeweile, that which delights the fool, generally causes weariness to the wise (man). it langweilen to become weary; as: Die Rere war sehr langweilig bewegen langweilte er sich, the discourse was very wearisome, there fore he became weary. Langweilen to cause tediousness, to bore; as:-Er langweilte uns mit seinem Gespräch, he wearied us with his talk.

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1. Der Kranke will nichts genießen, troßtem, es ihm vom Arzte ange rathen worten ist. 2. Er hat nur ganz wenig bei uns genossen. 3. Mein Bruter ist wieder von seiner Krankheit genesen. 4. Die Genesung schreitet bei diesem Kraufen nur langsam fort. 5. Die Kirche geht um balb elf des Morgens an (Sect. LXXVIII. 6), und um halb zwölf ist sie gewöhnlich aus. 6. Er machte ihn zu seinem vertrautesten Freunde, ohne ihn vorher geprüft zu haben, vrer sonst ein Zeugniß über seine Treue und Verschwiegenheit zu haben. 7. Nicht wähle zum Vertrauten einen Jeden tu, tas leere Haus ist offen, das reiche zu; wähl' Einen tr und suche nicht den Andern, bald wirt, was Dreie wissen, zu Allen wantern. 8. Kommen Sie vielleicht diesen Nachmittag ein wenig zu mir? Kommen Sie vielleicht diesen Abend in das Goncert? 10. Er hängt von Niemanten ab (Sect. LXXX. 1), er lebt, wie es ihm gefällig ist. 11. Er ftest res Morgens auf, wann es ihm gefällig ist, das eine Mal früh, und das antere Mat spät. 12. Er spricht und hantelt, wie es ihm gefällt, ohne sich an das Urtheil der Leute zu kehren. 13. Ich habe ihn zufällig zu Hause angetroffen. 14. Zufällig traf ich ihn im Theater. 15. Es ist in der That nicht so leicht, sich in alle Lagen des Lebens gerultig zu schicken. 16. Es ist in der That wahr, was diese Frau gesprochen hat. 17. Was sich Reiner getraute, bat dieser zu Stance gebracht. 18. Er hat die Sache zu Stente gebracht 19. Das Kind schlief aus Müdigkeit ein. 20. Die Ge sellschaft langweilte sich sehr, und ging früh auseinander. 21. Er lang Zelte nicht nur mich, sondern auch meine Freunde.


1. Why have you opened the window? 2. It is so very warm in the room, and I like to enjoy the fresh air. 3. I pray you shut the window and open the door. 4. Shut the door, that the window might be open. 5. Really I do not know what to do with this son of mine; he will not listen to my advice. 6. Most of his auditors fell asleep during his long speech. 7. A good work can only be accomplished through attention. 8. My daughter's recovery proceeds but slowly. She will not eat, notwithstanding she is advised by the physician.

SECTION XCI.-IDIOMATIC PHRASES (continued). Taugen answers to the English phrase, "to be good, or fit for;" as:-Weju taugt tiefes? what is this good for? or, more literally, whereto serves this? Das taugt nichts, that is good for nothing. From this is derived the noun Taugenichts, worthless fellow; as:-Gin langer Schweif von heuchlerischen Taugenichtsen (Wielant), a long train of good-for-nothing fellows.

1. Große Augen machen (literally, "to make big eyes") is a phrase signifying " to appear surprised, or astonished."

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spent. Grstür'men, to take by


Führer, m. leader,


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Sulten, m. florin, Türkisch, Turkish. guilder. | Un billigkeit, f. unreaHärte, f. harshness, sonableness, injusunkindness. tice. i


Es sind ihrer noch einmal so viele als unser.

Ich habe ihm Geld angeboten. Gold taugt nicht zu Schneitewerk zeugen, weil es zu weich ist. Er machte große Augen, als er mich nach langer Trennung wieter er blick ́te.

sume, eat. Vor'segen, to place before, put before. Wirth, m. host, landlord, inn-keeper.

There are twice as many of them as of us.

I have offered him money. Gold is not fit for edge-tools, because it is too soft. He seemed surprised, as he saw me again, after (a) long sepa



1. Die Räuber feßten sich um ein großes Feuer, welches sie in der Mitte tes Waltes angezündet hatten. 2. Er sezte sich an den Tisch. 3. Er fezte sich auf sein Pfert, unt sprengte zur Stadt hinaus. 4. Die Dragener faßen alle zu Pierce, und warteten nur noch auf ihren Führer, um den Angriff zu beginnen. 5. Er saß auf seinem Throne so finster und so bleich (Uhlane). 6. Wir trafen ihn unter einem Baume sizend. 7. Der Gast fragte den antern (Sect. XXXII. 8) Morgen den Wirth, was er schultig sei (Sect. XLIII. 6). 8. Er hatte für das, was er verzehrt hatte, einen preußischen Thaler, oder einen Gulten fünf und vierzig Kreuzer zu bezahlen. 9. Dieser Mann ist mir hundert Thaler schultig. 10. Nachtem er all sein Geld in der Fremte verzehrt hatte, kam er arm und entblößt in seine Heimath zurück. 11. Der Soltat verzehrte die ihm vorgeseßten Sveisen mit dem größten Appetit. 12. Sind es ihrer viele, die die Festung ver theitigen? 13. Ja, es sind teren viele, aber es mögen ihrer noch so viele sein, so fürchten wir uns doch nicht. 14. Es waren ihrer etw. hundert, die unter Anführung eines noch jungen Soldaten die Batterie erstürmten. 15. Ein verweichlichter Mensch taugt zu keiner Arbeit. 16. Dieser Beweis taugt nichts. 17. Der ungarische General bot freiwillig dem türkischen Kaiser seine Dienste an. 18. Der Bauer bot dem erschöpften Reisenten einige Aerfel an. 19. Man lieft oft in den Zeitungen, es biete sich eine gute Gelegenheit dar, sein Glück zu machen. 20. Er beklagt sich über Unbilligkeit und Härte. 21. Du versagst mir die Freiheit, mich bei dir beklagen zu dürfen. 22. Er wußte nicht recht, wie ihm geschah, und machte bei diesem Greignisse große Augen. 23. Er machte große Augen, als er den Freund eintreten sab, ten er in beinahe zehn Jahren nicht gesehen hatte.


1. This knife is good for nothing; give me another. 2. What you have done is good for nothing. 3. What is a dishonest man good for? 4. These poor people ate the food that was offered them with the greatest appetite. 5. We read in every paper that Australia offers a good opportunity to make one's fortune. 6. We were astonished to see our friend, who we believed was in Germany. 7. This man owes me more than 8. I will pay twenty pounds, but he says he has paid me. you, but you cannot prove that I owe you anything. 9. Have you seen your brother to-day? 10. Yes, I saw him sitting under a tree in our garden. 11. The soldiers mounted their

horses, and waited for the signal of their commander to begin

the attack.

EXERCISE 129 (Vol. II., page 341).

1. Väterchen, willst du mir das Lämmchen kaufen? 2. Nein, mein Techterchen, aber ich werte bir tas Gänschen und die Fischchen kaufen. 3. Haben Sie jenes nierliche Häuschen gesehen? 4. Nein, ich bewunderte jenes schöne Gärtchen. 5. Marie spielt mit dem Käychen, und ihr Brüterchen mit dem Fischchen. 6. Sehen Sie, was für ein schönes Kästchen das ist. 7. Die Menschen sollten zu jezer Zeit ihre Geranken auf Gott richten. 8. Richten Sie es so ein, daß ich Sie morgen zu Hause finte. 9. Ich hoffe, Sie werden es so einzichten, daß Sie Montag Morgen ankommen können 10. Was ist dieser Garten werth? 11. Er ist mehr werth als Sie glauben. 12. Was waren diese Bücher vor zehn Jahren werth? 13. Wie hoch willst du gegen tiefes Piert wetten? 14. Es gilt fünf Pfund.

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Learn properly to understand and to love life, if you would rightly lern proprli nn drstand lov lif if wad ritli understand and love eternity. A true Christian must already be tru kristian must olred

Dn drstand

lov etrniti

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People seldom improve, when they set up no other model than happy here on earth that is the problem of life which every one pipl seldom impruv cen de set up no var modl dan

themselves to copy after.

demselvs kopi aftr

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hapi HiR on erf

problem lif

evri коп

of us must endeavour with all our might to solve; that difficult

Ds most endevr

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problem whose solution so few have achieved, and which has
problem h(dot) wz solm for so fu

We gain as much in avoiding the failings of others, as we do in cost the multitude so much conflict. Yet the more and the wi gen mvc avoid ŋ (dot) feLins v års

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To love, and not to do good when opportunity serves, is not to not du gud wen oportuniti servs not


love, but only to fancy that one loves: it is but as the phantom of


OnLi fansi

won lovs it

a thought, which vanishes into nothing.

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vanifes inta natin


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